5058 THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 11, 1903. Major-General Sir Hugh McCalmont, K.C.B., William Vesey Harrel, Esq., Assistant Com- Commanding 8th Division (Cork District), Illrd missioner of Police, Dublin. Army Corps. Elystan George Crompton Preston, Esq., District Brigadier-General Sir John Grenfell Maxwell, Inspector, Royal Irish Constabulary. K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., Chief . Staff Officer, Illrd Army Corps. To be Members of the Fifth Class: Major-General Sir Gerald de Courcy Morton, Major Benjamin Smyth, Adjutant and Quarter- K.C.I.E., C.B., Commanding 7th Division and master of the Royal Hibernian Military 14th Brigade (Dublin District), Illrd Army School. Corp.?. Lieutenant George Norman Simms, on the Sir James Brown Dougherty, C.B., Assistant occasion of the Presentation of polours by His Under Secretary to His Excellency the Lord Majesty to the 2nd Battalion Royal Munster Lieutenant. Fusiliers. - Sir John Olphert, Gentleman Usher to His Ex- Lieutenant Thomas Basil Staunton Cahill, on the cellency the Lord Lieutenant. occasion of the Presentation of Colours by Major-General Edward Pemberton Leach, C.B., His Majesty to the 2nd Battalion Royal V.C., Commanding 9th Division (Belfast Dis- Munster Fusiliers. trict), Illrd Army Corps. Lieutenant Terrick Charles Fitz-Hugh, on the Rear-Admiral Edmund Samuel Poii, M.V.O., occasion of the Presentation of Colours by Second in Command of the Home Fleet. His Majesty to the 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rear-Admiral Edmund Frederick Jeffreys, Senior Regiment. Officer on the Coast of Ireland. Lieutenant. Philip Urban Vigors, on the occasion Major Gustavus Francis Lambart, Comptroller to of the Presentation of Colours by His Majesty His Excellency the. Lord Lieutenant. to the 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Regiment. George Charles Vincent Holmes, Esq., Chairman Henry Claude Blalie, Esq, Athlone Pursuivant of the Board of Public Works, Ireland. of Arms. To be Members of the Fourth Class : Charles • Stewart. Henry, Viscount Castlereagh, Order of the Bath. Lieutenant and Adjutant, Royal Horse Guards. llth August, 1903. Lieutenant the Honourable Cyril Augustus Ward, The KING has been pleased to give orders Royal Navy, Aide-de-Camp to His Excellency for the following promotions in the Most the Lord Lieutenant. Honourable Order of the Bath:— Commander the Honourable Hubert George To be Ordinary Members of the Civil Division Brand (of His Majesty's Ship " Sylvia "), Com- of the Second Class, or Knights Commanders, manding Escort of Torpedo Boat Destroyers. of the said Most Honourable Order:— Captain the Honourable Hugh Tyrwhitt, Royal Colonel Neville Francis Fitzgerald Chamberlain, Navy,. Private Secretary to the First Lord of C.B., Inspector-General, Royal Irish Con- the Admiralty.. stabulary. Major the Honourable Murrough O'Brien (North- Lieutenant-Colonel John Foster George Ross of umberland Fusiliers), D.S.O., Military Secretary Bladensburg, C.B., Chief Commissioner of to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant. the Dublin Metropolitan Police. HefTernaif Fritz James Joseph John Considine, Esq., C.B*, Deputy Inspector-General, Royal ' .Irish Constabulary. At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 10th Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Herrick Butler Clough, day of August, 1903. C.B., Commanding 2nd Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers, on the occasion of the Presentation PRESENT, . of Colours by His Majesty to the Battalion. The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Captain John Locke Marx, Royal Navy, Com- HERE A3 by section sixteen of the Plurali- manding His Majesty's Ship " Hogue." W ties Act, 1838, as amended by the Plurali- Staff Captain William Way, Commanding His ties Act, 1850, it is, amongst other things,'enacted, Majesty's Ship " Vivid" (Special Service " That whenever it shall appear to the Archbishop Vessel). " of the Province, with respect to his own diocese, Lieutenant-Colonel -Harry Shuldham Shuldham- "and whenever it shall be represented to him by Lye, Commanding 2nd Battalion Royal Irish " the Bishop of aiiy diocese, or by the Bishops of Regiment, on the occasion of the Presentation " any two dioceses, that two or more benefices, or of Colours by His Majesty to the Battalion. " that one or more benefice or benefices, and one Lieutenant-Colonel Rowley Wynyard, Royal " or more spiritual sinecure rectory or rectories, Artillery, Commandant of the Royal Hibernian " vicarage or vicarages, in his or-their diocese or Military School. " dioceses, bring either in the same parish or Captain Charles Edward Madden, Royal Navy, "contiguous to each other, and of which the Flag Captain of His Majesty's Ship "Good "aggregate population shall, not exceed one Hope." *• thousand five hundred persous, may, with Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Norris Con- "advantage to the interests of religion, be united •greve, V.C. (Rifle Brigade), Assistant Military " into one benefice, the said Archbishop of the t^ecretary and Aide-de-Camp to Field-Marshal " Province shall inquire into the circumstances of •••His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught, " the case ; and if on such inquiry it shall appear K.G. " to him that such union may be usefully made, Captain Trevylyan Dacres Willes Napier. Royal ." and will not be of inconvenient extent, and that •• Navy, late of His Majesty? s Yacht "Victoria "the patron or patrons of the said benefices, and Albert." " sinecure rectory or rectories, vicarage or vicar- Commander George Robert Mansell, Royal " ages respectively, is or are consc'iiting thereto. Navy, of His Majesty's Yacht " Victoria and " such consent being signified in writing under Albert." " the hands of such patron or patrons, the said Newton Wynne Apperley, Esq., Private Secre- " Archbishop shall, six weeks before certifying tary to the. Marquess of Londonderry, K,G. ".such inquiry and consent to His Majesty as HerbertFetherstonhaugh, Esq., Assistant.Private "hereinafter directed, cause, with respect to his Secretary to Bjs Excellency the L.or<} Ljeu- "own diocese, a statement in writing of the « fact*, an.4 in after pase^a copy in writing of.
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