AVEBAOB DAILY 01B011LATION for tiM Month of May, IMfi ' W BATREB Feveewt of U. 8. Weathov I Rartforff' 6,153 i, MembernoC tho Andlt ' Bmeen o f Obonlntioan mooh cAoago la H A N C H E S T I » — A C I T Y O F V IL L A G E C H A R M VOL. L V IL , NO. 208 wYagoUIi (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE C3 ITS Divers Search Biscayne Bay for Kidnaped Tot METHODISTS ELECT >*v' YvJ-' JKv S. TO SEND MISSION UNITY DELEGATES ^ ll^ s t e r i a l And Lay Repre BRITAIN TO STUDY HALT IN SPAIirS sentatives To Conference WAR SEEN NOW t df- On Consolidation Named; TRADE UNION ACT Officers Of Lay Confer- AS POSSBIUTY British Law Held As Model ence Are Also Elected. Peruvian Troops Mass Trace Deemed Essential To For Worid; President Dii* Troop Withdrawal; Italy Tonight At Ecuador's Border closes Plan At Confer- 6:00 p. m.—Educational Ban- quet. Rev. Allen E. Clax- Reported, However, As ton, presiding. 8:00 p. m.—Evening service. As Tension Increases ence; Says British Law Rev. J. A. Eklwards, presid- Opposed To An Armistice ing. Sermon, Dr. Elmer T. Misnnderstood In U. S. Clark, Nashville, Tenn. representative of the United Ecuador’s frontier army sharpened Music by the Beethoven Paris, June 3.— (A P )— The non- States Legation and the Peruvian Club. iU defenses today In the wake of a minister were among those confer- intervention committee’s plans to new Incident of violence In toe na- ring at toe foreign office. Washington, June 3.— (AP)' Saturday, June 4 withdraw foreign, volunteers in tion’s 107-year-old territorial dis- 8:30 a. m.—United Session. De- Ecuador and Peru have been at —PresieJent Roosevelt an- Spain was seen today as a possible pute with Peru. votions, Bishop Welch. odds over sovereignty over a vast nounced today that a special Two Ecuadorian soldiers were re- 10:00 a. m.—Order of the Day. wedge to introduce mediation Into area o f Jungle, approximately the ported killed and a lieutenant Presidential commission would 11:00 a. m.—Greetings. Hon. the nearly two-year-old civil war. A sixe of New York State, since Ecua- wounded yesterday in a clash with be sent to England this sum- Wilbur L. Cross, Governor Spanish government spokesman ad- dor established her Independence in three Peruvian gunboats, along too 1881. mer to clear up what he con- of Connecticut. mitted yesterday the “possibility" of rtver Aquarico in the northeastern Few Whites H mt o 12:16 p. m.— Adjournment. sidered to be misinformation in British-French mediation In the portion of a vast Jungle claimed by 12:30 p. m.—Ltmeheon. The territory, sweeping eastward this country about the work- 1:48 p. m.—Joint Session Wom- bloody struggle, a constant threat to both nations. general European peace, if plans to topSSuHJfls™’”*^ “'T" Bay for the missing The ministry of defense at once from the Pacific Andes into toe ings of the British Trade Union an's Home and Foreign kidnaping which drew x ‘^ M « r H o o w hea^ o^ from Princeton. Fla., scene of th ! continent, is inhabited chiefly by withdraw the foreign fighters dreds of volunteers. ^ noover, head of the FBI, to the area and led to search on land by hun- ordered troops to refrain from re- Act. Missionary Societies. proved succesaful. Indiana. There are no roads and few 3:80 to 3:30 p. m.— Radio taliatory aggreaslon, but to "defend It was believed in London and white men have penetrated the This Act has sometimek Broadcast, WDRC. Mrs. tbemaeWes with oU their charac- been held up by business inter- Paris, however, that troop with- teristic valor.” thick forests. Wm. H. Bath, presiding. drawals would be Impossible without ests and others as a model of Address, Dr. James Gor- It was ascertained reliably that Ecuador advanced a baots of set- a halt in the fighting, since a census don Gilkey of Springfield, Peruvian troops were concentrating Uement In 1938, but Peru rejected legislation the United Statsa of the foreign fighters would have to this on May 4, 1937, because it In- Mass. Subject: "Living be taken in order to make propor- STICKS TO PREDICTION SEARCH CONTINUES at Tumbea, near toe frointler and might write in order to define volved loss to Peru of large areas. One’s Daily Life with God." tionate withdrawals from each side. close to toe Ek;uadorean Paclttc the proper activities of unions. 8:30 p. m.—Conference Session. coast. n ie Napo river flows southeast- The Spanish government spokes- 4:00 p. m.—Ministers' Wives’ ward and toe Marano river north- Whether Mr. Roosevelt intends man said mediation efforts would be FOR KIDNAPED BOY The defiinae ministry order charg- Tea. THAT PROSP^Rin’S NEARI ed that Peru, once toe center of eastward to form toe apex of a to apply the findings of hla "logical" since "you can’t expect to triangle within sidea of which lies 8:30 p. m.— Registration for dra^ men out of the front line Spanish power in South Amertea, commission in any positiv* Young People’s Rally. trenches.” waa "trampling on Ecuador In an most o f the disputed area, which way was not brought out. 6:00 p. m.—Epworth League on present maps comprises most ot Government supporters were un- unjustifiable way.” and Instructed End Misunderstanding Banquet. fenry Ford Says Nothing More G-Men Sent To Florida Ecuador except for a narrow strip able to see how the plan would Major Abelardo Aguirre, chief ef In discussing toe purpoee o f ton 8:00 p. m.— Inspirational Serv- FACnONAl FIGHTS along toe Pacific coast. work, he added, unlesc "the war Is toe military garrison at Rocafuerte: study with reporters at his prem ice Conference Epworth stopped in some of Its phases." Has Happened Recentiy To Work On Cash Case; 'In no case permit any aggression For several years three have been conference he sold simply that it l^cague. Rev. J. Manley Trace Might Be Opportunity by our troops, but if they are at- efforts by atoitration conferences would have nothing to do with to* Shaw, presiding. Address, Sources close to the French for- IN GOP PREDICTED tacked they must defend themselves In Washington to reach some work- Wagner Labor Relations A ct H » Dr. James V. Claypoo). eign office thought if a truce once To Change His Conric- No New CInes Uncovered. with all their characteristic valor,” able agreement, but thus far nons Mplalned that toe purpoae would bu Subject: "Dusting Off the were effected to count the foreign Tension b High has materialized. to end misunderstandings ot toe law Stars." Music by the Cecl- but what these are he did not relate. volunteers it might then be possible There was considerable tension Ecuador proposed that toe dis- Ilan Club. to mediate between the factions and tion; New Tractor Ready. Mr. Roomvelt withheld to* namw Bnl Leaders In Fairfield Princeton, Fla., June 8 — (A P ) — here, and toe Cabinet met three pute be submitted to Prealdent perhaps set up compromise gov- of toe commission members be has a The kidnapers of James Bailey times ireaterday. There were unoffi- Roosevelt for settlement, but Peru ernment In the war-ravaged coun- ^ e ^ y ^ected but a letter writ- Cash, Jr., remained at large today cial reporta toe Ecuadorean minis- rejected tola on Sept. 24, 1937, and Rev. James V. Claypool of East try. Detroit. ■IuBa,X-(Ar>_=JB_mft.. Connty Say I l l s Only ten by John L. Lewla and roleaaed while authorities god.. huadr4da' of ter to Peru had been tnstruoted to as a oounter-propoaal suggested,.__ _______ Providence, R. I., pastor of the Ha- The Spanish government apokes- flist statement on public affaire^ demand an explanation. (There waa toe oonfermtea njan's statement was made shortly volunteer searchers bent every effort that agresmeat bs sought throa^fOUelDaedyuclneed the Commission fog ven church, wras elected delegate since he returned home from a re- not at once any InUmatlon of Peru's after Jose Agruirre, former president Clarence B o a rd ’s Opinion toe permanent court of international Industrial Organisation had been In- to uncover a trail already grown reaction.), from the Southern New England of the Basque republic in northern cent eastern trip that took him to cold. Justice at toe Hague. vited to have representation. District Conference of the Method- Spain, had hinted at mediation de- Washington as a White House visi- I More than five days ago toe flve- Lewis, toe letter dlsclos^ first ist Episcopal Church to the Unifi- velopments within five or six days. tor, Henry Ford said in an Interview New Haven, June 3— (A P )__ year-old youngster was snatched agreed to participation, but ob- cation Conference of the Methodist He left here for Belgium, where today that nothlog has happened in factional struggle within the Repub^ from his bed by abductors who ap- jected atrenuously today after hff recent weeks to change his covlc- church to be held next April, at the In the past, according to reports, Ilcan party waa dragged Into toe parently made few. If any, tell-UIe had read pubUahed reports that ona first business session today. Rev. meetings have occurred between tlon that "we are going to have blunders. purpose of toe study would be to get the greatest era of prosperity and open today by an article In the Con. COPPETO TO SURRENDER Ralph W. Stoody of Fail River, Information to be used in modifying necticut State Journal which ac- Federal Bureau of Investigation Mass., pastor of the Union church, (Onntlaoed on Page Two) happiness we have ever known.” agents headed by their chief, J toe Wagner Labor A ct was elected sltemate.
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