Haryana Government Gazette EXTRAORDINARY Published by Authority © Govt. of Haryana No. 24-2020/Ext.] CHANDIGARH, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2020 (MAGHA 26, 1941 SAKA) HARYANA VIDHAN SABHA SECRETARIAT Notification The 15th February, 2020 No. 01-HLA of 2020/13/3025.— The Haryana Private Universities (Amendment) Bill, 2020, is hereby published for general information under proviso to Rule 128 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Haryana Legislative Assembly :- Bill No. 01- HLA of 2020 THE HARYANA PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2020 A BILL further to amend the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in the Seventy-first Year of the Republic of India as follows:- 1. This Act may be called the Haryana Private Universities (Amendment) Act, 2020. Short title. 2. In section 6 of the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006 (hereinafter called the principal Amendment of Act),- section 6 of Haryana Act 32 (i) for the sign “.” existing at the end, the sign “:” shall be substituted; and of 2006. (ii) the following provisos shall be added, namely:- “Provided that the Government may, on the request of the sponsoring body, change the name of the University on remittance of a fee of five lakh rupees by the sponsoring body: Provided further that the Government may, in view of the special status given by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India for declaring a private university as an Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University under the UGC (Institutions of Eminence Deemed to be Universities) Regulations, 2017, or any other special status given by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India or the Universities Grants Commission Act, 1956 (Central Act 3 of 1956), as the case may be, withdraw the status of such University under this Act by omitting its name in the Schedule. However, the provisions of this Act shall continue to apply to such University until the date of notification under Section 3 of the Universities Grants Commission Act, 1956 (Central Act 3 of 1956).”. (175) 176 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), FEB. 15, 2020 (MAGH. 26, 1941 SAKA) Amendment of 3. In the Schedule to the principal Act,- Schedule to Haryana Act 32 (i) serial number 1 and entries thereagainst shall be omitted; of 2006. (ii) for serial number 9 and entries thereagainst, the following serial number and entries thereagainst shall be substituted, namely:- “9. The Sushant University District Gurugram”; (iii) after serial number 23 and entries thereagainst, the following serial number and entries thereagainst shall be added, namely:- “24. Rishihood University District Sonepat”. HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), FEB. 15, 2020 (MAGH. 26, 1941 SAKA) 177 STATEMENT OF OBJECTS AND REASONS O. P. Jindal Global University is a private University established under the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006. O.P. Jindal Global University has submitted application before the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India under the Universities Grants Commission (Institutions of Eminence Deemed to be Universities) Regulations, 20l7 to declare it as an Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University. Under Clause 6.1 (x) of the Regulations in case any State Private University is recommended for selection as an Institution of Eminence, it has to submit an undertaking from the respective State Government that the State Government will introduce an appropriate legislation in the State Legislature for withdrawal of Private University status before declaring them as Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University. Further, an undertaking was given by the Haryana State Government that it would introduce appropriate legislation in the State Legislature withdrawing the status of O.P. Jindal Global University as a Private University, under the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006. It is also provided in the proposed Amendment Act that this amendment would come into force only from the date of publication of the notification declaring O.P. Jindal Global University as an Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University by the Central Government in the Official Gazette under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956. As per the provision envisaged in the present Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006 there is no scope for the change of name of an established Private University under the Act. Therefore, to insert a clause for change of name is also required and therefore an amendment for insertion of such clause in the principal Act has also been introduced. Further, there is a need for creation and expansion of educational institutions for improving opportunities of higher education for the youth of the State. In order to accommodate the growth of students in higher education, and also to cross the target of 30% gross enrolment ratio (GER), we need to roughly double the number of institutions at all levels. The Government intervention would not be adequate to meet this benchmark in higher education. We need to enlist the participation of private sector in a major way. Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006 has been brought essentially to rope in private sector to supplement the initiative of Government in expanding the capacity in higher education and upscaling its standards. To achieve the objectives enshrined in the Act, proposal has been also formulated for setting up of Rishihood University, Sonipat. Hence, this Bill. KANWAR PAL, Education Minister, Haryana. __________ Chandigarh: R. K. NANDAL, The 15th February, 2020. Secretary. 178 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), FEB. 15, 2020 (MAGH. 26, 1941 SAKA) [izkf/kd`r vuqokn] 2020 dk fo/ks;d la[;k 01-,på,yå,å gfj;k.kk futh fo’ofo|ky; ¼la’kks/ku½ fo/ks;d] 2020 gfj;k.kk futh fo’ofo|ky; vf/kfu;e] 2006 dks vkxs la’kksf/kr djus ds fy, fo/ks;d Hkkjr x.kjkT; ds bdgRrjosa o"kZ esa gfj;k.kk jkT; fo/kkue.My }kjk fuEufyf[kr :i esa ;g vf/kfu;fer gks %& Lakf{kIr uke A 1- ;g vf/kfu;e gfj;k.kk futh fo’ofo|ky; ¼la’kks/ku½ vf/kfu;e] 2020] dgk tk ldrk gSA 2006 dk 2- gfj;k.kk futh fo'ofo|ky; vf/kfu;e] 2006 ¼ftls] blesa] blds ckn] ewy vf/kfu;e dgk x;k gfj;k.kk gS½ dh /kkjk 6 esa] & vf/kfu;e 32 dh /kkjk 6 dk ¼i½ var esa fo|eku^^A^^ fpg~~u ds LFkku ij] ^^%^^ izfrLFkkfir fd;k tk,xk( rFkk la’kks/kuA ¼ii½ fuEufyf[kr ijUrqd tksM+k tk,xk] vFkkZr~%& ^^ijUrq ljdkj izk;kstd fudk; ds vuqjks/k ij] izk;kstd fudk; }kjk ik¡p yk[k dh Qhl ds Hkqxrku ij fo’ofo|ky; dk uke ifjofrZr dj ldrh gS% ijUrq ;g vkSj fd ljdkj] ;w- th- lh- ¼leor fo’ofo|ky; Js"B laLFkku½ fofu;e] 2017 ds v/khu leor fo’ofo|ky; Js"B laLFkku ds :Ik esa futh fo’ofo|ky; ?kksf"kr djus ds fy, ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk fn, x, fo’ks"k LVsVl ;k ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ;k fo’ofo|ky; vuqnku vk;ksx vf/kfu;e] 1956 ¼1956 dk dsanzh; vf/kfu;e 3½] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] }kjk fn, x, fdlh vU; fo’ks"k LVsVl ds n``f"Vxr vuqlwph esa blds uke dk yksi djrs gq, bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu ,sls fo’ofo|ky; ds LVsVl dks okfil ys ldrh gSA rFkkfi] bl vf/kfu;e ds mica/k ,sls fo’ofo|ky; dks vuqnku vk;ksx vf/kfu;e] 1956 ¼1956 dk dsanzh; vf/kfu;e 3½ dh /kkjk 3 ds v/khu vf/klwpuk dh frfFk rd ykxw jgsaxsA^^A 2006 dk 3- ewy vf/kfu;e dh vuqlwph esa]& gfj;k.kk vf/kfu;e 32 ¼i½ Øe la[;k 1 vkSj mlds lkeus izfof"V;ksa dk yksi dj fn;k tk,xk( dh vuqlwph dk ¼ii½ Øe la[;k 9 vkSj mlds lkeus izfof"V;ksa ds LFkku ij] fuEufyf[kr Øe la[;k vkSj la’kks/kuA mlds lkeus izfof"V;k¡ izfrLFkkfir dh tk,axh] vFkkZr~~%& ^^9- lq’kkar fo’ofo|ky; ftyk xq:xzke^^( ¼iii½ Øe la[;k 23 vkSj blds lkeus izfof"V;ksa ds ckn] fuEufyf[kr Øe la[;k vkSj mlds lkeus izfof"V;k¡ tksM+h tk,axh] vFkkZr~~%& ^^24- _f"kgqM fo’ofo|ky; ftyk lksuhir^^A HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), FEB. 15, 2020 (MAGH. 26, 1941 SAKA) 179 mn~ns';ksa ,oa dkj.kksa dk fooj.k vks0 ih0 ftany Xykscy fo’ofo|ky; gfj;k.kk futh fo’ofo|ky; vf/kfu;e] 2006 ds rgr LFkkfir ,d futh fo’ofo|ky; gSA vks0 ih0 ftany Xykscy fo’ofo|ky; us fo’ofo|ky; vuqnku vk;ksx ds fofu;e 2017 ¼leor fo’ofo|ky; Js"B laLFkku½ ds v/khu ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ds le{k leor fo’ofo|ky; Js"B laLFkku ?kksf"kr djus gsrq vkosnu izLrqr fd;k gSA fofu;eksa ds [kaM 6-1 (X) ds rgr ;fn fdlh jktdh; futh fo’ofo|ky; }kjk ,d leor fo’ofo|ky; Js"B laLFkku ds :i esa p;u ds fy, flQkfj'k dh tkrh gS] rks mls lacaf/kr jkT; ljdkj ls bl lac/ak esa ,d miØe izLrqr djuk gksxk fd jkT; ljdkj jkT; fo/kku e.My esa ml futh fo'ofo|ky; dks leor fo’ofo|ky; Js"B laLFkku ?kksf"kr djus ls iwoZ futh fo'ofo|ky; dk ntkZ NksM+us ds fy, mfpr fo/kku yk,xhA blds vfrfjDr] mijksDr vko';drk dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, gfj;k.kk jkT; ljdkj }kjk miØe i= fn;k x;k Fkk fd og jkT; fo/kkulHkk esa gfj;k.kk futh fo’ofo|ky; vf/kfu;e] 2006 ds rgr vks0 ih0 ftany Xykscy fo’ofo|ky; dks futh fo'ofo|ky; dk ntkZ okfil ysus gsrq mfpr fo/kku yk,xhA blds vfrfjDr çLrkfor la'kks/ku vf/kfu;e esa ;g Hkh izko/kku fd;k x;k gS fd ;g la'kks/ku vks0 ih0 ftany Xykscy fo’ofo|ky; dks leor fo’ofo|ky; Js"B laLFkku ?kksf"kr djus ckjs dsUnz ljdkj }kjk vkf/kdkfjd jkti= esa ;w0th0lh0 vf/kfu;e 1956 dh /kkjk 3 vuqlkj vf/klwpuk ds izdk’ku dh frfFk ls ykxw gksxkA gfj;k.kk futh fo'ofo|ky; vf/kfu;e] 2006 esa fd, x, orZeku çko/kku ds rgr ,d LFkkfir futh fo'ofo|ky; ds uke esa ifjorZu dh dksbZ xqatkb'k ugha gSA blfy,] LFkkfir futh fo'ofo|ky; dk uke cnyus ds fy, eq[; vf/kfu;e esa bl rjg dk ,d [kaM lfEeyu ds fy, ,d la’kks/ku is’k fd;k x;k gSA blds vfrfjDr] jkT; ds ;qokvksa dks mPprj f’k{kk esa csgrj volj iznku djus gsrq 'kS{kf.kd laLFkkvksa dh lajpuk vkSj foLrkj dh vko’;drk gSA mPprj f'k{kk esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh o`f) dks lek;ksftr djus dh O;oLFkk esa vkSj 30% ldy ukekadu vuqikr izkIr djus ds fy, gesa lHkh Lrjksa ij laLFkkvksa dh la[;k esa eksVs rkSj ij nksgjh o`f) djus dh vko';drk gSA mPprj f'k{kk esa bl y{; dks iwjk djus ds fy, ljdkj dk gLr{ksi Ik;kZIr ugha gksxkA ges futh {ks= dh Hkkxhnkjh dks izeq[k :Ik esa 'kkfey djus dh vko';drk gSA mPprj f'k{kk vkSj blds ekudksa ds iSekus dh {kerk dk foLrkj djus esa ljdkj dh igy ds vuqiwjd esa gfj;k.kk futh fo'ofo|ky; vf/kfu;e] 2006 dks vfuok;Zr% yk;k x;k gSA of.kZr mÌs’;ksa dh izkfIr gsrq ftyk lksuhir esa _f"kgqM] fo’ofo|ky; LFkkfir djus ds mÌs’; ls ,d izLrko dk izfriknu fd;k x;k gSA vr% fcy izLrqr gS A daoj iky] f’k{kk eU=h] gfj;k.kkA _____________ p.Mhx<+% vkjå dså ukany] fnukad 15 Qjojh] 2020- lfpoA 8692—H.V.S.—H.G.P.,Pkl.
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