..r MOKDAT, MARCH 10,1047 page t w e l v * jHanrtfPBtpr Stirnino lifralZi Averag* Delly CIrcalatioii The Weather For th* Meath al Pshraar*. 1S4T Foreeaet of U. S. Weather Serena The daughter bom Mareh 7. at In c o n * T b s lU t iin i* ITnoanal Twtat la fkan Building Unit 9^58 dtarlag tealght, W’edaeaday Holy Name Hoapltal, Taanaek. N. Farmers Plau la Housiaf Sitaatlon partly rhmdyi aeasoaai tempera- About Town J., to Mr. and Mr*. Gary Hohl. baa tares. been named Nancy Ann. Formerly Saturday at midnight la th* HALE'S SELF SERVE Thera sppeara to b* an un­ of thla town Mr. and Mr*. Hohl deadline for fliing Income tax Same Acreage Meets Tonight The Original In Ntw England! Mrs. Ann* King of l* returns for 1M0 e a m l^ . Th* usual twist In th* fortune* of Manchetter-~^A City of ViUofie Charm live at IM Selvage avenue, Went those local people who Uv* in gtrM t vr»«l<lent of the Englewood. N. J. The grandpar­ Internal Revenue office In Hartford ha* assigned three houaca in the Sliver Lane Ctarp* Loague AuxUUry h«* called ent* are Mr. and Mr*. John M. See No Decrease in Action of Town's Voters aa Pag* IS) a meeting at her home for men to Manchester to assist In Home* tract and Orford Vil­ AND HEALTH MARKET YOL. tXVI., NO. ISS MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, MARCH 11. 1947 (POURTEBN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS Hohl of 43 Princeton atreet and making out the returns. They lage. While nothing definite Wednaaday erening, to dlacuM Mr. and Mr*. Paul Uirenc of Kant Planting Despit^ the Puts School Commit­ huatneM important to the organi* are at their office In the Se­ seems to b* Impending In W’lndaor. lectmen’s Hearing room In the Fertilizer Shortage either ease, there la a chance tee in CMd Position aatlon. Municipal btilldlng each day that resident* in the ” tempo- Slain in Providence Gun Battle Solons Await ■ Center Hose No. 2 will meet to­ from 9 o’clock In the morning Although a severe shortage In rary” Silver Lane project may The Building committee named TUESDAY SPECIALS! Th# Bducatlonal Club adll hold night at the Hoae House for the until 4:30 In the afternoon un­ enjoy unchanged their present Labor Secretary fertiliser has been forcast for this Ha iprlng meeting Tucaday regular monthly meeting. til Friday. On 8a.turday they housing arrangements longer by the Selectmen to arrange for noon; MM«h 18 at 8i45 In the Bar­ Proposal to Discuss win be at the office from nine epring’s planting, surrounding than those In the “permanent” plans and specifications and to Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! Truman Plan nard adiool. A tea and a mualcal Mr and Mrs. I.«veren c.Rte* of o’clock In the morning until 8:30 farmer* appear to be planning Orford Village. supervise the erection of schools arogram will precede the bualncea In the evening to assist those nearly a* large acreages of crops Avery atreet returned Sntunlny This la due to the fact that in Manchester will meet tonlghL Raps Recognizing Maalon. 1 ^1* work of the children ■ from Chlc.ago where Mr. Oates at­ who arc late In filing. as last year, a spot check to<lay the time seSma to be nearing The action of the town meeting Velveeta On Greek Aid Manual Art* Club will be exhibited. tended a cop,-er.tlon of the Pnper disclosed. There appears to be no when houses in Orford will be In turning 4)own the recommenda­ M ^ers ttnion. lack of seeds, although prices have up for disposal, while the Sil­ tion of 835,000 for plana and specl- Cheese 2 Lb. Box 99c China Blocked; Must The asaing club of Uidy Robert* Norman Smith, a master at Increased, ver Lane area will be car­ ficatlona has left the committee Vandenberg Says United Lodge Daughter* of St. George. I Mancheater Lodge of .Mason* lyximls School. Windsor, will be Commercial fertiliser production ried by th* government aa long somewhat In doubt as to what jCommunist Party e r tn W t with Mr*. Fred Parker of win hold a SUted Coinmiinlcatlon the guest speaker at the Y. W. C. still is not at normal, but in most as a hotising shortage exists. action they should noW pursue. Seamaid States Mav Shoulder • a SO Academy atreet. Wedneaday at ^ tomorrow evening at 7:30. The A. public affair* luncheem tomor- local cases, farmers have been In short, the designations Without plans and speclfieatlona World-Wide Obliga­ 1:30. I meeting will be devoted entirely to rtiw at 12:15 at the Community Y. making Increasing use of barnyard “ temporary” and “ permanent" they cannot well proceed further Lge. Pkg. Mr. Smith who Is a member of the fertilisers and while the demand apply only to the projects and In securing bids, and without the 27c Eehwellenbach Prptests Have Representation 1 the tranaactlon of b\ialnrs* and a for these has Increased, the supply not to tenancy which might appropriation asked for to pay this Decision Hints tions in Giving Help The Red Men'* Social Club will taoclal hour, there being no degree Connecticut United Nations rom- Against Its Right to j work scheduled nilttee, will take for hi* subject:. srAiis suffleient. Chicken and cow prove the reverse of the con­ cost, they are at a loss what to da S. S. Pletc* Salad Psk reaume It* aetback tournament manure with a mixing of necessary Washington, March 11—<ff5—An Wadneaday evening at o’clock at •The function of the Educations!, struction types. Some of the members feel that Elect Public Offi­ United States, France 8 minerals Is planned as s land feed- New Law Only assertion by Senator Vandenberg the club. Pinochle end rrtbbagc Boy Scouts of Muiiclicster DIs- Scientific and flultural Organlrs- their services are no longer needed Tomatoes No. 2Vt Can 35c cials; Committee Told trlct'wiU hold a First Aid contest tion of the UNESCO.” e * by most gardener*. while others feel that the meeting (R-Michr, that the United States Russian Press Hails And Britain Argue wU alao be reanmed. been bolstered, but the oversupply at Celter church hmise WeUnes<lay There seem* to be some doubt that tumd down the appropriation Purge of Union Lead­ may shotilder world-wide obliga­ that as large a potato acreage will conditions In the egg market re­ was not a representative one and Recourse Now Against Proposal Be­ evening at 7:30, op«‘n to all regla- The Board of ReWew. B4>y tions by helping Greece sharpen­ Scouts. Manchester DlMiict. will he planted this year aa last, due corded In some places has not are In favor of another special CHILDREN OF AU . AGES tereil Scout*, Judges will be Dr. J. No. 2 Can ership Not Enough ed congreaeional attention today ing Placed on Mos* meet Krldny evening at 7:30 In the to the present market glut, effects developed here to any large extent. town meeting to ask that the ac> Diced Carrots 10c Molotovas Proposal PfMyrOORAniEO A. Dolce. N. H. Osborne and A. A. on Preslden Tniman’a promised re­ Municipal building. Scoutmasters of which 4)n the farmers have been Tobacco acreage may be in­ tion of the lost town meeting held IN THE HOME Hall. The program will consist of Three Choices Presented port on the Mediterranean diplo­ cow Agenda; Nothing who have scouts reiuly to pims staved off by government support. creased, due to high prices offered a week ago be rescinded and aak BaUetin! ' Namerona proof*—a* oMlgaH«n oral queatlona. conducted by Dr. matic crisis. tests for merit budge* are asked Egg pro<luction has similarly for this product. that the appropriation be granted. On Controversy Over Soviet Union Appears To Be Done Without aatfl Snal work anbmltted. Dolce. Practical work, bandnging Washington, March 11.— The president goes before a joint to forward all nf>pl'*:atlons at once Tangerine and so on by Mr. Hall, and stretch­ (/P) Secretary of Labor Unionization of Men session of the Houae and Senate Displaced Put Nation Having Repre? JOSCni ADAMS er routine by Mr. Osborne to Leo Stiles, 138 Hollister street Intent on Plitcing Talepkaa* t-1SS1 SchwcDcnbach today advocat­ W ho Act as Bosses at 1 p.m.. (* at), tomorrow for a sciitative at Meetings Mrs. Martha Mansfield an­ Juice ed outlawing the Communist policy atatement which members United States on Spttt There were but eeven new esses High on List nounced today that the scheduled party in the United States seem certain to weigh word by For Its Role in China l of measles reported today to the Hy-Om Washington, March 11—VP)— ^The word'before they reach any decis­ Moscow, March 11.— Board of Health, against over 200 card party of the Marine Corps and Representative Hartley League at the home of Mr*. Wst- Supreme court left a broad hint ion to pump American dollars and The United States, Franq* case* reported last week. (R., N. J.), promised to intro- prestige Into Greece and Turkey. Moscow, March 11.— — O f Problems I f You Contemplate son Blow tomorrow evening ha* i with Oongreas today that If It and Britain today blocked, at been cancelled. Dog Food ddcc legi^tion to that end. Form Maj’ U p Scale* The Soviet Union appeared Manchester Orange’s chonis wdll | wants foreman excluded from un­ There wfre strong Indications least temporarily, Sovitt Rus- Selling Youp PpopeHy Hartley, chairman of the intent today upon placing the meet for rehearsal tonight at 8 j ions It wUl have to write a -new that the form in which Mr.
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