A Bibliography of thethe History of Inland Waterways, Railways andand Road Transport inin thethe BritishBritish Isles,Isles, 19921992 This eighth annual bibliographybibliography follows thethe usualusual format.format. 'Ott.xxxx'`Ott.xxxx' indicates a cross-reference toto anan entry in George Ottley, A bibliographybibliography of British railwayrailway historyhistory (1966) or its Supplement (1988). jt indicatesindicates thatthat aa copycopy ofof thethe bookbook has not beenbeen seenseen and, therefore,therefore, thethe bibliographicalbibliographical details may not be accurate. +1 The continuingcontinuing support ofof the regular contributorscontributors (listed in the introduction to the 1991 Bibliography), whowho searchsearch outout the rarer books and comb through somesome 300300 periodical titles, is gratefully acknowledged.acknowledged. ThanksThanks areare again due to the Ian AllanAllan Bookshop atat Waterloo,Waterloo, the World of Transport Bookshop at Twickenham, and the Inland Waterways Association bookshop for their kind indulgence.indulgence. SECTION GG GENERALGENERAL GB TRANSPORTTRANSPORT AT AT PARTICULAR PARTICULAR PERIODS GB1GBl PrehistoryPrehistory and and RomanRoman ANDERSON, JAMES D.D. RomanRoman militarymilitary supplysupply inin north-eastnorth·east England:England: anan analysisanalysis of and an alternativealternative to the PiereebridgcPiercebridge Formula. Oxford: TemposTempus Reparaturn,Reparatum, 1992.1992. pp.v,196. 2222 p1.,65pI. ,65 figs.figs. [B.[B.A.R. A.R. BritishBritish series, series, no.224.]no.224.) Based on Ph.D. thesis, Univ.of Newcastle upon Tyne. Examines transport by road & natural river, rejectingrejecting as 'unlikely''unlikely' thethe improvedimproved riverriver systemsystem suggestedsuggested inin Raymond Selkirk,Selkirk, The PiercebridgePiercebridge Formula (1983).(1983). GC TRANSPORTTRANSPORT IN IN PARTICULAR PARTICULAR REGIONS REGIONS OF THE BRITISH ISLESISLES GCGClb lb England—SouthEngland-South West West region 2 PERKINS, KEITH S.S. OpeningOpening up up south south Devon: Devon: thethe HopkinsHopkins connection.connection. Devon Historian no.45 (Oct.1992)(Oct.l992) pp.9-17. Plymouth & Dartmoor Rly, roadroad improvementsimprovements && bridgebridge schemesschemes inin thethe 1820s/30s;1820s/30s; particularlyparticularly thethe involvementinvolvement of engineers Roger Hopkins and JJames ames Meadows Rendel. GC1cGClc England—SouthEngland-South EastEast regionregion 3 BERGESS, WYN. Kent mapsmaps andand plansplans inin thethe librarieslibraries ofof KentKent andand thethe adjoiningadjoining LondonLondon boroughs:boroughs: aa findingfinding list.list. London: Libra?),Library Assocn,Assocn, London & HomeHome CountiesCounties Branch,Branch, 1992. pp.[xi],386. 4 DURANT, DAVID. 100100 years of transport in Southend. Leigh-on-Sea..Leigh·on·Sea: Apollo Design, 1992. pp.92. Many photos.photos. Outline history of rly, steamer, pier rly, tram, bus,bus, trolleybus,trolleybus, && airair services.services. 5 MILLS, JOHN. AA guideguide toto thethe industrialindustrial historyhistory of Runnymede. Guildford:GuiltIford: Surrey lndl Ad( Hist.Hist.Grp, Grp, 1991.1991. pp.32. 2929 A ifins,map.illns,map. Gazetteer of sites in this district of Surrey. London Transport: worksworks coveringcovering both rail andand roadroad servicesservices 616t BURWOOD, LESLES and BRADY,BRADY, CAROI..CAROL. LondonLondon Transport Transport maps: maps: a a concise concise catalogue.catalogue. 3rd3rd cdn.edn. Winchester. Winchester:- WalnutWalnut Tree Publns, 1992. pp.96. Pocket maps of tr,am,tram, bus && Underground routesroutes issuedissued toto thethe publicpublic sincesince 1911.1911. 7 LONDON TRANSPORT. ThisThis isis LondonLondon Transport. Harrow Weald: Capital Transport,Transport, for LondonLondon Transport,Transport, 1992.1992. pp.40. Many flirts,illns, incl.col.incl.col. An introduction to L.T., itsits history, & its services. 818t TAYLOR,TAYLOR, SHEILA.SHEILA. AA journey throughthrough time:time: LondonLondon TransportTransport photographs,photographs, 1880-1965.1880-1965. [London]:[London}: LaurenceLaurence King, 1992. pp.160. 160160 photos. Photos from the London Transport MuseumMuseum collection.collection. GCldGCId England—WestEngland-West Midlands Midlands regionregion 9 HUFFER, DONALD.DONALD. TheThe communications communications ofof Wolverhampton. Blackcountryman. Pt 1, 1, Trade andand developmentdevelopment of early roads. Vol.25,Vo1.25, tio.4no.4 (Aut.1992)(Aut.l992) pp.43-6. Pt 2, 2, The quest for navigable rivers. Vo1.26,Vol.26, no.1 (Wntr 1993)1993) pp.57-61. 200 GC1hGClh England—NorthEngland-North West West region 101lOt CLARKE,CLARKE, STEPHEN. STEPHEN. Clitheroe Clitheroe in itsin itscoaching coaching and and railway railway days. days. Facsim.reprof Facsim.repr.of 1929 1929 ednedn ofofOtt.6185. Ott.6185. Blackpool.'Blackpool: Landy, 1989. pp.58,311. 11 REES, PAUL..PAUL. A guideguide toto Merseyside'sMerseyside's industrial past. IllnsIIIns by Duncan Harper. Rev.edn. Liverpool:Liverpool: NorthNorth WesternWestern SonforSoc,]or Ind'Indl Arch.& Arch. & Hist. Hist.!Birkenhead: /Birkenhead.. Countyvise, Countyvise, 1991. pp.[iii],45. 2121 photosphotos && drwgs,2drwgs,2 maps.maps. Gazetteer of sites. GC2 ScotlandScotland 12 HUNTER, D.L.G. D.L.G. Edinburgh's Edinburgh's transport: transport: the the arly early years. years. New New edn edn ofof Ott.1521. Ott. 1521. Edinburgh:Edinburgh: MercatMercat Press, Press, 1992.1992. pp.208. 75 illns. Rlys, busesbuses & trams to c.1914. 13113t WHYTE,WHYTE, IAN IAN and and KATHLEEN. KATHLEEN. The The changing changing Scottish Scottish landscape, landscape, 1500-1800. 1500-1800. London:London: Rotaledge,Routledge, 1991. pp.xiii,251. 6363 inns.illns. [History ofof the the BritishBritish landscape landscape series.] Incl.Incl. chapterchapter on transport.transport. 14 GC3 WalesWales 14 DAVIES, DAVIDDAVID WYN. WYN. The The town town of of a aprince: prince: a a history history ofof Machynlleth.Machynlleth. Machyalleth:Machynlleth: RotaryRotary ClubClub ofof Machynlleth, Machynlleth, 1991.1991. pp.xi,177pp.xi,I77. Ch.3 (pp.68-85), `Transport';'Transport'; brief brief survey survey ofof shipping, shipping, mailmail coaches,coaches, rlys && road transport withinwithin the town prior to 1914. /, GC4 IrelandIreland 15 BARRETT, SEAN SEAN D. D. Transport Transport policy policy in in Ireland Ireland in in the the 1990s. 1990s. Dublin: Gill && Macmillan,Macmillan, 1991. pp.[ix],135. 5757 tables.tables. [Basins,,[Business and and economics economics research research series.] Ch.1,Ch. 1 , RegulationRegulation of aviation; 2,2, PortsPorts andand shipping; 3, RoadRoad investment; 4, Regulation of road transport; 5, - Performance ofof publicpublic transport in 1989; 6, Evolution of transport policy. 16916t KILLEN,KILLEN, J.E. J.E. Transport Transport in inDublin: Dublin: past, past, present present and and future.future. InIn AALEN, F.H.A. andand WHELAN, KEVINKEVIN (ed), (ed), Dublin, citycity andand county:county: fromfrom prehistoryprehistory toto present:present: studies in honour ofJ.H.Andrews.of J.H.Andrews. Dublin.Dublin:- GeographyGeography Publns,Pub Ins, 1992.1992. pp.305-26. 17117t O'SULLIVAN,O'SULLIVAN, JOHN JOHN (ed). (ed). Transport Transport in in Dublin: Dublin: policy policy and and practice. practice. Dublin.Dublin: AsAn Mises,Taisce, 1991. pp.98. Papers onon futurefuture public & private transport strategies, particularlyparticularly in relation to new ring road. GC6 Isle of Man 18 QUINT,QUINE, ANTONY. ANTONY. The The Isle Isle of of Man Man 25 25 years years ago.ago. Manx TransportTransport ReviewReview no.62 (Smr 1992)1992) pp.29-35. GE TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ENGINEERING, ENGINEERING GEGEl I BiographiesBiographies of of civil civil engineers engineers 20 SMITH, DENIS. DENIS. The The works works of of William William Tierney Tierney Clark Clark (1783-1852). (1783-1852). NewcomersNewcomen Soc.Soc.Trans. Trans. vol.63 (1991-2) pp.181-207.pp.181-207. IlisHis works works included included completion completion of of the the Thames Thames & & Severn Severn Canal,Canal, aa surveysurvey forfor thethe proposedproposed Alford Canal, Canal, suspension suspension bridges at Hammersmith, Marlow,Marlow, New New Shoreham, Shoreham, Batts Bath andand Budapest,Budapest, andand Gravesend Town Pier. GG TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ADMINISTRATION GG3 Docks and harbours not owned byby inland waterway or railwayrailway companies companies 21 JARVIS, ADRIAN. ADRIAN. Liverpool Liverpool Central Central Docks Docks 1799-1905: 1799-1905: anan illustratedillustrated history.history. Siroud..Stroud: AlanAlan SUlton/NationalSutton/National Museums && Art Galleries Galleries onon Merseyside,Merseyside, 1991. pp.xi,259. 4949 photos,12photos, 12 figs. 22322t MALSTER, ROBERT. ROBERT. Felixstowe: Felixstowe: aa pictorialpictorial history. ChichesterChichester: Phillimore, 1992. pp.128. 171171 dins.illns. 23 NIX, M. M. A Amaritime maritime history history of of the the ports ports of of Bideford Bideford and and Barnstaple, Barnstaple, 1786-1841.1786-1841. Unpubl. Ph.D.Ph.D. ihesis,thesis, Univ.telUniv.of Leice Leicester, 1991. GH TRANSPORTTRANSPORT LIFE LIFE AND AND LABOURLABOUR 24 BURGE, ALAN.ALAN. The The 1926 1926 GeneralGeneral Strike in Cardiff. LlafurLlafur [Soc.for[Soc.for Study of Welsh LabourLabour Hist.]Ilist.] vol.6vol.6 no.1no.l (1992)(1992) pp.42-61. Incl.rlyIncl.rly & & tramwaytramway strikes strikes && volunteers.volunteers. 25/25t COATES,COATES, KEN KEN and and TOPHAM, TOPHAM, TONY. TONY. The Themaking making of the of theTransport Transport and and General General Workers' Workers'
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