1 H i g h t s t o W N ( j a z e t t e . VOLUME LXXXIX HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1937 N U M B E R 3 2 A GAZETTE READER AUCTION MARKET ABC Agents Raid FOR 67 YEARS ANNUAL MEETING Liquor Places to Still On Farm in Charles W. McMorran, former The 'rri-County Cooperative Auction C lose At Usual Hightstown resident, an international hmppY NEW Market Association, Inc,, will hold its world traveled newspaper writer, who is annual meeting on Saturday, January MonroeTownship now residing at Hotel Sutter, San Fran­ 8, at the Grange Hall, at 2:00 P. M. Hour Friday Night cisco, Calif., writes to The Gazette: This meeting is open to their entire Elaborate Signal Syatem With Lookout Local Ordinance Does Not Provide for “Here’s my advance remittance for membership consisting of produce, egg, l-Qwer — Two Mon Eacape Through year Longer Period On Ne-w Year's Eve. the good old home town newspaper— and poultry members. Council Adjourned Sine Die. Tunnel. THE GAZETTE, which I have read An interesting report of the past A 2,000-gallon alcohol still, protected the past 67 years. Would like you to year’s business has been prepared. At the stroke of the town clock Tues­ by an elaborate signaling system, was tell me have you, today, anyone who 4 1 to ALL! Package dividends will be distributed, day midnight the Common Council ad­ found by police and state ABC agents has been a Gazette reader any longer. and election of three directors will be journed sine die after an unusually busy in a raid Wednesday night of last week It’s my joy and delight to get it every held. There will be an entertainment session devoted to the closing of the on the farm of Joseph Sulasko in the Monday A, M." program. Also, refreshments will be Borough business for the year. Tracy Station section of Monroe served. In accordance with the ordinance Township. Building and Loan regulating the hours for the sale of al­ The raiding party saw two men es­ Johnny Pastore coholic beverages in the Borough, the cape through a 75-foot tunnel leading Financial Report liquor establishments will close at the to a wooded section, shortly after they Matched to Fight usual time, midnight, New Year's Eve. discovered the still in a large barn. George W. Ford and Benjamin Salman- To Stockholders owitz appeared before Council with re­ Signal wires were strung through Terry At Arena Quest for information and ruling on the the barn, and a bell was still ringing Thirly-SeventJi Annual Statement question. They said they had been in­ when the police and agents crashed in­ Skorwa 32d Series Maturing With Ten-Round Bout Carded for January formed that an additional two hours to the illicit alcohol plant. A six-foot Value of Over $39,000. Tentih. — W inner Promiced Eariy had been granted. The Question was lookout tower was found in back of a Match With PauUe Walker. discussed with Council concluding that nearby chicken-coop. Preparatory for the annual meeting under the provisions of the ordinance of the Citizens Building and Loan As­ m Young Terry, the Trenton Buzz-saw, Police Chief Phillip Magrino and I'l will stake his reputation as well as the liQuor places are reQuired to close Patrolman Anthony Belluscio, of Mon­ sociation, the 37th annual report of the » i at midnight. In some localities the local organization is being distributed to the his comeback hopes in a ten-round roe Township, joined the state ABC windup against Johnny Pastor, of ordinance provides for additional hours agents in making the raid. shareholders. The meeting will be held during the early morning of New Year's at the Allen & Stults building Wednes­ Hightstown, at the Trenton Arena on Suspicious cars seen in the vicinity Monday night, January 10th. Day. This clause is not incorporated led to the raid, it was learned. The day evening, January 26, when direc­ in the Hightstown ordinance. No au­ tors will be elected. Following the Promoter Sammy Perro has promised thority is vested in Council to allow ad­ farm is in an isolated section, and the the winner an early bout with Paulie vehicles were seen traveling along the stockholders meeting the directors will ditional hours except by ordinance. choose officers. Walker if the margin of victory is de­ road leading to the property. > cisive. Council authorized the collector to According to the report, published in remit certain taxes deemed uncollecti­ Sulasko was not at home, police re­ Pastor, noted for his pulverizing ported. this issue of The Gazette, the total ble. The remitted taxes amount to assets amount to $817,837.25. The loans punch, will be aiming for a knockout $242.98 for the years of 1932, 1935, 1936 About 60,000 gallons of mash in large on bond and mortgage, $667,535, and Monroe Township John Deere Program when he steps into the ring against and 1937. vats, a power unit, molasses, coke, etc., Terry. The Buzz-saw, who had two loans on shares, $29,330. The cash in A series of motions and resolutions were confiscated, together with 50 or 60 banks, $1,158.87. Squabbles Over Police; At Scheidelers cracks at the world’s middleweight title gallons of finished product. when he was in his prime, is counting dealing with transfers and bookkeeping During the year there was received items were passed. The still had apparently been in The Monroe Township Committee is| “Friendly Valley,’’ an all-Hollywood on a two-fisted body attack to wear for dues, $92,800; mortgage loans re­ scheduled to umpire the battle raging; picture, will be the main feature of the down his Hightstown opponent. The Library operation when the raiding party ar­ paid, $146,935; share loans repaid, $11,- rived on the farm. A signal was evi­ in the district over the police depart- i Ifavid L. Scheideler EQuipment Com­ The preliminary card is one of the For a number of years the Council 290; real estate sold, $2,786.50; taxes and ment. The organization session is pany’s John Deere Day Show which has included in the budget an item dently given and the two men, be­ insurance repaid, ^,755.48; interest,' best Perro has arranged since he be­ lieved to have been operating the plant, scheduled for Monday when petitions will be held at Hamilton SQuare on came Trenton’s boxing promoter. of $1,(XX) for the library. This amount $42,271.54; rents, $4,234. for and against the department will be Monday, January 3. was paid in two payments of $500 each fled through the tunnel. Stacks of corn­ Series 32, with 125 shares, matures Larry Mangine, Trenton Italian, will stalks concealed the entrance of the presented for consideration. This___ ___ new ____all-talking. „ .picture is packed to the treasurer of the library. The with a withdrawal value of $^1.06 'per meet Johnny Duca, of Paulsboro, in the library accounts were audited by the tunnel outside the barn. Henry Reed, a member of the Mon- \ with human interest, good music, danc- eight-round semi-windup, share. On each share in this series roe Township Board of Education, W. | ing and homely philosophy. In the cast Borough auditor. Under recent rulings $168 was paid in and the profits per Six-rounders - will pit Ralph Ivins, of the State Auditor, Council will be TWO PERSONS INJURED A. Tracey, a WPA foreman, and Adam j of Hollywood entertainers are Frank share was $73.06. The 46th series is Ball, president of the Polish-American j Darien, Edward Keane, Paul Barrett, Jamesburg heavyweight, against Freddy reQuired to have a different set-up in WHEN CAR OVERTURNS now open. There are 1174 shares in Citizens Club of Monroe Township, j Lenita Lane and Louise Keaton, Rogers, of Jersey City, and Arthur 1938. The new plan will call for all the 4Sth series opened last January. who are circulating the petition to aboj- j Three other pictures will be shown^ Robert Kelly, Trenton Negro, against bills to be presented to Council for Two persons were treated at St. Fran­ Larry Scalone, of Elizabeth. An open­ cis hospital Sunday morning for in­ The officers of the association are: ish the police department for “economic j in addition to the feature presentaUon." payment. Another feature will be that John G. Scheible, president; Dr, Wil- reasons,” will have to disprove figures;The John Deere program will include ing four-rounder pairs Dulford Reed, all receipts must be turned over to juries received when the car in which iiam L, Wilbur, vice president; C. Stan­ ex-Mercer County amateur welter­ they were riding overturned on the by­ that Police Chief Phillip Magrino will' talks and demonstrations. The program the Borough. A conference with the ley Stults, secretary; Edwin T. Gordon, weight champion, with Lou Tomsa, of library board will probably be held in pass bridge near here. Miss Nan Nen- present to the comrifittee, showing that i \vill begin at 10:30 A. M. Lunch will treasurer; Theodore Backes, solicitor. the police department of Monroe | be served at 12:30. Danville, order to reach an agreement as to the sel, 29, of 121 North Broad Street, The directors are: Forman A. Updike, handling of library funds. Woodbury, suffered a broken ankle, and f XT • M," u Township is self-supporting and has not Scheideler is planning to make Tlie first bout will start at 8:30. John Knox, of 56th and Chestnut James C.
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