
OF PI BETA PDI . SPllING 19.')6 FROM A LETTER DATED MAY 5, 1955 "One never knows of course, but the probability is I'll not be around for the 1967 PI Ph, Centennial ce lebration or If I am I mistrust there will be surplus pennies to contribute to the fund-so to make sure of addln~ my bit I am enclosinR a check on which Interest will perhaps mcrease a bit before it IS put to use I wonder what the projection will be-somethlng worth while I am sure, and the ARROW will tell what is decided on. PI Phi did add much to Ide's satisfactions." 1 hlls did Augusta Kelley Meigs, Vermon, Alpha 18 9~, respond to the appeal of the Centennial Fund Committee that appeared in the Spring 19~~ ISsue of the ARROW . Each Y<..:Jc the Fund honors a specific Founder. ThiS year the thousands of us who a8r~ with Mrs. Meigs that PI Beta Phi adds much to life's satisfactions, may make our donations to the Centennial Fund in honor of Margaret Campbell. whose love for our country and our people was ever her outstanding (haraeteristic. It was Margaret Campbell, who once explained that our frater"'t)' was founded for fun. and also because the glfis wished to help a needy Monmouth famdy, and felt the) could do much better If th<y w<r< organized So, In our past we find the tradition of good times and "dOing unto others" which is the heClta,ge It IS our pClviiep:e to carryon. May our Centennial Fund be a means to this end. ALICE WEBER MANSFJELD, Grand Vlce·PreJ/dem, Club and (hapter trelsurers make checks payable to "Treasurer of the Centennial Fund" Jnd send to the Pro\ince Vice·President. PI B('t3 Phis not afhltJted with any alumna-: club make checks payable to "Treasurer of the Ctntennial Fund" dnd send to MISS ELIZABETH JOHNSON 'i64~ VI\TII DEL MONTE V ,'\N N(·ys, (' ALIFORNIA THEApow OF PI BETA PHI VOLUME 72 SPRING, 1956 NUMBER 3 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PI BETA PHI FRATERNITY 1867 Offic,o/ PJlbli(aJio1l: 410 Standard Office Bldg., Decatur, II I. STAFF Fraternity Directory .. ~ ......... , .... 138 Come to Convention ...........• . •... 146 Arrow Edilor: ADELE TAYLOR ALFORD (Mrs. T. N.), 930 Olive Ave., Coronado, Calif. Editorials .. ....................... 147 Alllmllte C/llb Edilor: VIRGINIA SHERMAN Convention .. .............. 148 KOZAK (Mrs. Andrew].). R.D. t, K.irlc~ ville. N.Y. !53 Chapl" Ull., &iilor.' MARJORIE BRINK. 4008 Pi Phis Work (or a Good Start in Life .. 1)6 N. Pennsylvania, Indianapolis '. Ind. Pi Phi Personalities ........... 117 N.WJ from VIII, PigIOR: loUISE WHEELOCK DOBLER (Mrs. Oare R.), 3n3 Federal Ave., Everett, Wash. News from Little Pigeon ... 1)8 Exchang,s IIna ColI,g, Not,s: RUTH W ILSON First Foreign Craft Study Tour 160 CoGSHALL (Mrs. W. B.), 2001 Emerson, louisville, Ky. We Point with Pride .. 162 Prom Pi Phi P,,,s: MARY EuzABeTH lAsHER Scholarship Winners ........ • ....... 170 BAJlNBTTB (Mrs. Kenneth A.), 8 Cloister a., Tonawanda., N.Y. Chapter Letters ..............•..•... 172 Arrow Pil,: Pi Beta Phi Central Office. 410 In Memoriam .............••... ... 188 Standard Office Bldg., Decatur, III. Official Calendars ........ .. 190 {II M,morillm No/ius: Send to Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 410 Standard Office Bldg., Decatur, III . Fraternity Supplies ....... {nsid, baci! (O"er ..TNa AllOW js print~d F.II. Wjnt~r. Sprjn~ and Summer by Pi Bd. Phi Fr.trrnity It th~ prtJJ of ~or8e Banta Company Jnc. • '''0 Ahnaip St .• M~n.sh. , Wis. SlIbKriptioll peice iJ '1.50 • ye:.r, 50~ lor .insle: copies, '15.00 for Iif~ subscription. " Send sublCription •• cban&~ 01 address notice, and cOlfespondenc~ of a bwlDtu nature to Pi Beta Phi Central Olfiu. Decatur 16. III. Cl.Corrupond~nc~ of an editbrial D.ture iJ to be .ddressed to th~ editor, M,.. T. N. Alford. 930 0li,e Av~ .• Coronado, Calil. Items for publication should be addressed to tbe editor to arrin not lat~f th.o July 15, October 10, j.nuary 15, M.rch 5. "Member of Plltunity Maaa.z.ines Associat~d. All matten peruininf. to o.tion.1 adnrtiJiol should be dirtcted to Prat~rn ity Ma,lZines Associated. 1618 OtTinston Aft•• E.... n.ton. II . Untered II 1«0nd·c1us m.tkr at th~ ~st offiu .t Decatur. III . aDd M~Il ..ba, Wis., und~r the act of M.rch 3. 1879. Acceptance for mamn, at .peaa) rat~ 01 post'l~ und~r the pro,iston' of $cc. 34-40 Par. (0) pro ... jd~d lor in tb~ act 01 FebrualJ 2'. 19H. Printed in the United Statu of AmerKa THE COVER : Pasadena City Hall, Pasadena, California DIRECTORY FOUNDERS OF THS FRATERNITY Emma Bro_nlee KilJore (I848 - 192~) Rosa Moore (1848-1 924) Marauct Campbell (1846-19J6) lennie Nicol, M.D. (184)-1881) Libbie Brook Gaddis (18)0-1933) Inez Smith Soule (1846-1941) Ada Bruen Grier (1848-1924) FInnic Thomson (1848 -1868) Clara Brownlee Hutchinson (18'0-1931) Jennie Horne Turnbull (1846-1932 ) Fann., Whitenack Libbey (I8~8 - 1~1) Nancy Bilck Wallace ( 184)-1918 ) PRSSIDENT EMSRITUS Ma., L. Keller, Westhampton ColleJe, University of Richmond, Va. HONORARY GRAND PRESIDENT Am, BurnhJ.m Onkeo, Chapin. III. HONORARY GRAND TREASURSR Lo is Franklin Stoolman (Mn. A. W . ), 1001 S. Third St., Champaign, III. GRAND COUNCIL G,.,,,I P",;"'lfl ..... _... .. .... ....... Marianne Reid Wild (Mn. Robert 5. ),2021 Belmont Rd., N .W .• Washington 9, D.C. G,.lft/ V;u·Pm;""11 .. " ' " . " _.. ' .... Alice Weber MansDcld (Mu. William H . ), 8 long Mcadows. St. Louis 22, Mo. G,.If" S,r,#I"" . ... ,. _............... Virainia Voorhees Speaker (Mu. James P. ). 24U Washington Blvd., Kansas City, Kan. C'.If" T"IUII'" ..... , ........ .... ... Olivia Smith Moore (Mn. Henry, Jr. ), 420 Pine St., Tauiuna, Tea:. ARlOW P.t/" D' . .....•.......•.••••..... Adele Taylor Alford (Mu. T , N . ), 930 O live Ave., Coronldo, ulif. D;,,,-tD' DJ Rlllhi", 1111(1 PIli" Y,.;ni", .Helen Anderson I.e,,·is (Mrs. Ben jamin C.) , 240)0 Norwood, Oak Park. Mich. D;,,(lD' 111 ex',nl;D" ................. Ruth W illiams Hansco (Mrs. Paul), 3110 Ea,le Pus Rd ., Louisville 13. Ky . COUNSELOR FOR CHAPTBR HOUSS CORPORATIONS Lolita Snell Prouty (Mrs. Frank H.), 1760 Locust St,. Denver 20, Colo. NATIONAL HISTORIAN Marian KKk Simmons (Mrs. Oliver D.), 641) MorninJ,ide Dr., Kansu City, Mo. NATIONAL SUPERVISOR Of CHAPTSR HISTORIES ROK McCoUocb Dteuler (Mn. B. B. ). 7240 Madison. Ka ns ... City 14, Mo. NATIONAL BOARD OF TRUSTSS FUNDS Cb. i,,,,.,, .. Olivia Sm ith Moore (Mrs. Henry, Jr. ), 420 Pioe 51., Texarkana. Ta.: Lolita SocII Prouty (Mu. Frank H . ), 1760 Locust 51 .. Denver 7, Colo.; Amy Burnham Onken, Chapin, Ill.: Muianne Rcid Wild (Mu, Robert 5. ). 2021 Belmont Rd ., N.W .• Wash ins Ion 9, D .C. ; Mary Van Buren (Mrs.), 26n Mandeville Canroo Rd ., Los Angeles ~9 , ulif. NATIONAL SUPERVISOR OF CHAPTSR ACCOUNTING Dorolhe. White FUnt (Mrs. Leroy). 2849 N. Dela..-are St., Indianapolis ), Ind. Chapter Treiuuren send your monthly reporu to 8~y Fraternity Accounting System, 2849 N. Delaware, Indianapoli, 5, Ind. PI BBTA PHI MAGAZINB AGENCY Janet L. Patton, 410 SUndard Office Bldg., Decatur, III, PI IBTA PHI CSNTRAL OFFICB Di,ulo, DI C"",111 O#u·-Janct L. Patton, 410 Standard Office Blda., DecaNr. JlI. NOMINATING COMMITTEES Fo, A(lilr S'IIlD-Cb. i,,,,.,,: Mrs. O rio n J . Binglman, 413) Ell ington Ave. , Western Sprin, s, III .; Miu Shirley Bradsha"·. 363 Mont­ rose 51.. Winnipt'g. Manitoba: KanSIJi A. Ari:l!onl A, Mon tana A. Ffu' AI"",,,.. SrlJ;01I-Ch""",.n : Mrs. Ikn F. Hopkins. J r., 298) Mllnlgomtry Rd., Shaker Heights. Ohio. CONVENTION GUIOI3-Sarab Pawine Wild Gordo o ( Mrs. W ilmot G.). 11 )) S. Oak Knoll Ave .• Pandena ' , utif. HMpitality ~rtru d e Rothe Niblo (Mu. Albert M.) , 1 ~) 51. Albans' Rd .• Sao Maril)() 9 , u lif. R~l i .u.tioD Ch"rmllD-Dorothy White Thomas (Mrs. D"ight D .), lq6 San Marino A,·~ .. San l-hrlD,) \, Calif. 138 THE ARROW OF PI lETA PHI 139 STANDING COMMI'ITBSS Se.ttla_ac School COlII.IDitt--C• .w.....--Vir&ia.ia Blackett GttcD (lin')1 26)0 $uthuWui AYe., lodianapolU" lad. T,.,..,.,ff-Tbctesa Gibsoa Graham (Mn. Tbomas B.), 332. N.W. lllUl St., 0kJab0ma City 7 Okla. S't'r".... ,.-school Libcary. Edoa OlJoa Arc:h.ibaJd (Mn. fred). 830 W. Uainnitr PukW'aJ,lWtimole. Md. Pdlieil" BJiltw" UIII, Pi"" N ....r-Louise W'bedodt Dobler (Mrs. Clue I..). "2~ Pedual An• • BYerett, WulI. SI;~'J _~ FJI • .r-LoiJ Snyder fioJCe (Mtr. Raymond H. ). 606 N . Elm Dr., Beverly HtllI. Calif. Di,wtw., SIIII,.,.1 Sdu•• I-Muioo Mueller (Mr• • ), Pi Beta Pbi SdtlemeDt School, GadioburlbTeno. l'Uu,w, A".v;"~t U"rEtiubdh Waitt Ru. (M... Nelson B.) , Pi Beta Pbi JUrowcn.h S Gp, GltHobur,. Teno. Holt HCKIM COIllUlaiuM-C.__.._Mau:ine PiIatooe Cook (Mrs. c. Ra,), '1.3 Ilichmood Ct., WauwatoSA, Wis. T,.,..,.,.n-lLadae Blliott Pilbu (Ma. Chules lL)~ 3H·19th St.• S.B. Cedu Rapid., Iowa. PiI.,-LoWse R,,:id Campbell (Mrs. Jobo C.), 926 Ii. Pirst Ave~~ Monmoutb, III. Marian Iones Tyte (Mrs. W . H.), 2104 Alban, Rda Luip.ato!'J "",. Bliubcth Postoo CJuk (Mn. Wm. H.). 28" Wall, j opliQ. MO. CoIII.IDiCtN oa Loaa Fuad-Cb,;,,"-J~b iDe McCJenrtJ. 602 'MeitoJe AYe. N . Seattle 2. WulI. Co",,,,ill,, M,...",-Lucille Waite Wall (Mn. Richard). Sweet Spriop, )lo. ; Editb Bacoo VinJOn (Mn. Oweo). P.O. 801: 111. Saota Monica. Calif. ComDliU•• 00 Public Ral.tio~.";''''A.lr-Beaui« Roehm Miller (Mrs. Donald B.), 122) Naoq Jo Place. Glendale 22. Mo. Corruaict.. 00 Scbolanhlp--Cb..;,...-Muie We.t Wn-er (Mrs.
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