![Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 111 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 156 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2010 No. 132 House of Representatives The House met at 10:30 a.m. and was secutive elections for the next 17 years. ficking, money laundering, and other called to order by the Speaker pro tem- But in 2009, the FMLN opposition party crimes are stymied. But the Funes ad- pore (Mr. YARMUTH). won the presidency. It was a watershed ministration is taking courageous and f moment for El Salvador. positive steps to confront these chal- Sadly, many things did not change lenges. These include naming an In- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO over these years. The ability of the spector General for the National Civil- TEMPORE courts and justice system to hold ian Police, Zaira Navas, who is serious The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- elites, government officials, and mem- about ensuring that an honest, hard- bers of the security forces accountable fore the House the following commu- working police force is not sullied by for crimes, including human rights nication from the Speaker: corrupt cops. crimes, continued to fail, reinforcing a WASHINGTON, DC, September 28, 2010. culture of impunity. The newly created This month, Inspector General Navas I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN A. police, although light years ahead of suspended from duty over 150 police of- YARMUTH to act as Speaker pro tempore on the old security forces, was infiltrated ficers. These ‘‘bad apples’’ are under in- this day. by criminal elements and human rights vestigation for corruption and links to NANCY PELOSI, abusers who blocked investigations and criminal and drug organizations. Rath- Speaker of the House of Representatives. collaborated with criminal groups. The er than embracing this effort to clean f poor did not benefit from trade and in- up the police, intransigent forces chose vestment, and international aid dimin- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE instead to create a new commission in- ished, including U.S. aid. And the mi- side the National Assembly to inves- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- gration of Salvadorans to the U.S. is as tigate the Inspector General. This ac- ant to the order of the House of Janu- great or greater as it was during the tion has been accompanied by renewed ary 6, 2009, the Chair will now recog- civil war. And some things got worse. death threats against her life. nize Members from lists submitted by Little could I have imagined the vio- the majority and minority leaders for lence in El Salvador becoming worse Last December, Senator LEAHY morning-hour debate. after the war, but it has. Criminal net- praised the hard work of PCN Inspector The Chair will alternate recognition works invaded the country and use it General Navas and the importance of between the parties, with each party to traffic drugs, guns, human beings, strengthening the rule of law in El Sal- limited to 30 minutes and each Mem- and other contraband throughout the vador. I agree. I believe Inspector Gen- ber, other than the majority and mi- hemisphere. Youth gangs are exploited; eral Navas is taking courageous action, nority leaders and the minority whip, poor neighborhoods are terrorized; se- and I encourage the State Department limited to 5 minutes. curity and judicial authorities are cor- and the U.S. Embassy to support her in f rupted; and crime, violence, and mur- these efforts. President Funes is ex- der have exploded. ploring the possibility of establishing MANY CHALLENGES FACING EL This is the reality inherited by an independent commission, similar to SALVADOR: PRESIDENT FUNES Mauricio Funes when he became presi- the one created in Guatemala, under DESERVES U.S. SUPPORT dent 18 months ago. I have had the the auspices of the United Nations, to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The privilege of meeting President Funes. I investigate drug and criminal networks Chair recognizes the gentleman from find his administration to be prag- and key human rights crimes. This Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN) for 5 matic, committed to improving the would ensure an independent investiga- minutes. lives of the majority poor, and address- tion into many of the criminal cases Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, in ing the crime and corruption that are and charges of official corruption that 1992, when the historic Peace Accords robbing the country of its much- have languished in the Fiscalia for were signed ending El Salvador’s 12 longed-for peace. However, there are years. It could open new paths to end- years of civil war, many of us antici- longstanding institutional problems ing impunity. pated a new and prosperous era for that that remain obstacles to reform, the country. In the following years, polit- pursuit of justice, and even the consoli- President Funes is also working with ical competition flourished and elec- dation of democracy. Among them, in Mexican President Calderon, the toral processes matured. The ruling my opinion, is the Attorney General’s Obama administration, and his Central ARENA party maintained its power, Office—the Fiscalia—where countless American neighbors to confront the es- base, and organization, winning con- cases of murder, corruption, drug traf- calating penetration of the region by b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6997 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:01 Sep 29, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28SE7.000 H28SEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with HOUSE H6998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 28, 2010 major drug cartels and criminal net- time moved on, the gangs became killers for ‘fresh eyes’ to the war effort in Afghan- works. He is seeking coordinated strat- hire. Now the situation is that the gangs istan. egies and action, increased aid and as- have become part of the whole thing. They ‘‘The group would be comprised of sistance, stronger laws and policies, control territory and they are disputing ter- ritory with the drug traffickers. Why? Be- nationally known and respected indi- and more effective social investment. cause they need to finance their way of life: viduals who love their country more El Salvador has experienced several basically, getting arms. than their political party and would tragic episodes of violence carried out HAVE STATE INSTITUTIONS BEEN INFILTRATED? serve to provide much-needed clarity by drug members, and public revulsion I am convinced that the army is not infil- to a policy that increasingly appears at gang crimes is at an all-time high. trated by the cartels. The grenades and the adrift. President Funes is seeking to respond arms that these people have, they have not ‘‘Candidly, after reading yesterday’s decisively to this terrible situation, gotten them through the army. That does Washington Post piece adapted from while not repeating the mistaken poli- not mean that there are not other institu- Bob Woodward’s Obama’s Wars, I have cies that sounded tough but failed to tions that are infiltrated. Since my govern- serious concerns that the needed clar- reduce crime or keep young people out ment started, we have dismissed more than ity about our aim in Afghanistan ever of gangs. He has also established an ad- 150 police officers, out of a total of slightly existed within the administration. visory commission on gangs and gang- more than 20,000, because of suspicions they were involved with organized crime. I have Woodward writes, ‘Even at the end of related violence. One program that my suspicions that the judicial system is the process, the President’s team wres- might be a model is the Center for For- also infiltrated by organized crime. tled with the most basic questions mation and Orientation at St. Francis Yes, organized crime has penetrated cer- about the war, then entering its ninth of Assisi Parish in Mejicanos. It has tain institutions, but these institutions have year: What is the mission? What are we had success working with young people not collapsed. We are talking about rotten trying to do? What will work?’ on rejecting gang life and providing apples, and we still have the opportunity and ‘‘These are sobering questions—but the time to get rid of them. those who want to leave the gangs with they are questions that must be an- advice, education, and training. Its HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT CIVILIAN INSTITU- swered, and the Afghanistan-Pakistan TIONS REMAIN STRONGER IN EL SALVADOR pastor, Father Antonio Rodriguez, has Study Group is just the means to ar- THAN IN GUATEMALA OR MEXICO? made important contributions to the rive at these answers in a way that The 1992 peace accords [which ended the discussions about how to address the honors our men and women in uniform. youth violence. civil war] allowed for a sort of re-foundation of the Salvadoran state. Through that proc- ‘‘In the halls of Congress or the Mr. Speaker, it is in the best interest ess, it was possible to cleanse the army and White House, at Foggy Bottom or the of the U.S. to support the Funes ad- security forces that were linked to gross vio- Pentagon, public discussions can at ministration as it seeks to strengthen lations of human rights. And now we have a times be detached from the actual lives the rule of law, clean up institutional professional armed force. If that cleansing of that are most directly impacted by the corruption and crime, and help lead the the armed forces had not taken place, we decisions being made.
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