Union College Union | Digital Works The oncC ordiensis 1902 The oncC ordiensis 1900-1909 5-16-1902 The oncorC diensis, Volume 25, Number 26 John D. Guthrie Union College - Schenectady, NY Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1902 Recommended Citation Guthrie, John D., "The oncC ordiensis, Volume 25, Number 26" (1902). The Concordiensis 1902. 17. https://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1902/17 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The oncC ordiensis 1900-1909 at Union | Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oncC ordiensis 1902 by an authorized administrator of Union | Digital Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Concordiensis. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE STUDENTS OF UNION COLLECE, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. VOL. XXV. MAY 16, 1902. No. 26it -----ADVERTISEMENTS.--- Union University. ,F. G. KRUBGER & CO. I. AIDRIW V. Y. RAYMOND, D. D., LL. D., President. THE UP-TO-DATE UNION COLLEGE, GROCERY HOUSE i SCHE1VECTADY, N. :y:· '' •• 1. Cours(~ Leading to the Degree of A. B.-The usual Classical Course, including French and German. After Sopho­ FULL AND COriiPL,ETE LINE o·F more year the work is largely elective. 2. Cou1·se Leading to the Degree of B. S.-The modern languages are substituted for the ancient, and the amount of GROGE.RIES AND PROVI·S:JONS. Mathematics and English studies is increased. .After the Sophomore year a large list of electives is offered. 3. Course Lem.ding to the Degree of Ph. B.-This differs from the A. B. course chiefly in the omission of Greek and the •• substitution therefor of additional work in modern languages and science. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES 4:. General Course Leading to the Degree of B. E.­ This course is intended to give the basis of an engineering edu­ IN THEIR SEASON ... I cation, including the fundamental principles of all special branches of the profession, a knowledge of both French and German, and a full course in English. 5. Sanitary Course Leading to tl1e Degree of B. E.­ This differs from course 4 in substituting special work in Sani­ tary Engineering for some of the General Engineering studies. 6. Electrical Course Leading tG the Degree of B. E.­ This differs from course 4 in substituting special work in Elec­ ·142 &144 STATE ST. tricity and its applications, in place of some of the General .... 7VF r=rr Engineering studies. This course is offered in co-operation - with the Edison General Electric Conpany. 7. Graduate Course in Engineering Leading to the Degree of c. E.-A course of one year offered to graduates of courses 4:, 5 or 6. There are al;:;o special courses in Analytial· Chemistry, Metallurgy and Natural History. For catalogues or for special information, address ·. --------EUROPEAN-------- BENJAThHN H. RIPTON, Dean of the College, Schenectady, N.Y. Iill~T~l A~ A ~I1!~T ~~fitRlrNIT9 Broadway and nfaiden Lane, DEPARTiVIENT OF MEDICINE. .ALBANY, N.Y. Albany Medical College.-Hegular Term beg-ins Septem­ (!ENTLEMEN ONLY. 250 ROOMS. er 24, 1901, and closes May 6, 1902. Instruction by Lectures, \ Recitations, Clinics, Laboratory \Vork, and Practical Opera- . LADIES' H.ESTAURA.NT ATTACHED. tions. Hospital and Laboratory advantages excellent. Catalogues and circulars, containing full information, sent WILLIAM H. l{EELER, PROP. on application to • WILLIS G. TUCKER, M.D., Registrar, Albany, N.Y. ANNEX-507 & 509 BROADWAY. DEPARTMENT OF LAW. For Hats, Caps, Furs, Trunks, Bags, Albany Law School.-This department of the llniversity is Suit Cases, Etc., go to located at Albany, near the State Capitol. It occupies a build­ ing wholly devoted to its use. The course leading to the degree of LL.B., is two years, each year is divided into two semesters. L. T. CLUTE'S, 227 STATE ST. Expenses.-Matriculation fee, $10; tuition fee, $100. For catalogues or other information, address Headquarters for Stetson and Knox Hats. ALBANY LAW SCHOO~ J. Nl.CWTON FIERO, Dean. .ALBANY, N.Y. WILSON D.A. VIS, ALBANY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. Exercises held in Albany Medical College Building. Twenty. Merchant Tailor. first annual sel5sion opened Monday, October 7, 1901. For cata­ ogue and information address THEODORE J. BRADLE.Y, Ph. G., Secretary, A.LlU.KY N. Y. ~ 237 State St. SCHEIECTA.:DY, ft. T. --ADVERTISEMENTS.. - .............. 3 0... :S:ESZOCI-. PALAC.E MARKET. • • DEALER IN FIRST QUALITY OF •• BEEF, PORK, LAMB, HAM AND VEAL. Home Dres·sed Poultry Always on Hand. Canned Goods and Vegetables. FISH AND OYSTERS IN SEASON. Tel. 276-M. 519 State Street. THE TEN EYGK, Headquarters for Novelty Suitings. ALBANY, N. Y. POSITIVEJ.J Y FIRE-PROOF. Special attention always given to students by COETZ, TAILO'f, American and European Plan. Most Attractive c. Hotel in New York State. Near STATE CAPITAL 3 Central Arcade. SCHENECTADY', N.Y. and other places of interest. Restaurant and Grill Special Features. Orchestra Music during even­ ing dinner. Long Distance Telephone in every room. H. J. Rockwell k Soa. DRAWING PAPER OF ALL KINDS, TRACING CLOTH, T SQ.UARES, TRIANGLES, PENCILS, INK AND ALL KINDS OF SUPPLIES AT • • • <§HE • • • BURROWS' STATIONERY STORE 414 STATE ST., SCHENECTADY. Edison -s- Rotell, 8CHENEGTADY, N.Y. Tlte Largest and Best Appointed Hotel JDr. St. 18lmo Gcet3t in the City. m. Headquarters for Sons and Friends of Old Union, ••• lDenttat •.• Tourists and Commercial Travelers. (tor. State an~ 1afa}1ette Sta• .. MUSICAL HEADQUARTERS .. 240 STATE STREET, GEO. A. CASSIDY & CO. WILL REMOVE MAY 1sT Pianos Rented. Sheet MufSic a.n.<l Muaical Merchandise. TO STANFORD BUILDING. GLENN ::SBO':t'HEBS., FIRST CLAST PHOTOGQA.PHE~ BU&OrBAH IOTEL ANn SADDLE &D.CI OTSTE& BOUSB, BRANCHES.. • • • Cor. South Centre & Liberty Sts., Schenectady, N.Y. ALL Branch at 355 Broadway, Rensselaer, N.Y. Meals $4:.()0 a Week. Boom8 for Gentkmefi OnZtf. 229 STATE ST., SCHENECTADY, N.Y. Orders cooked and served in all styles. Open untill.A.. x. --ADVERTISEMENTS.·-- \tbar[es $. Sbanl~st lJ. G. STUDENTS •.. mercbant ~at lor .. YOU CAN FIND A FULL LINE OF 23 N. Pearl 51. 2d Floor. Albany, N. Y. · UP~TO~DATE PigKFORD BRO~., " Union Market.'' FURNISHING GOODS Dealers i!Il All FrBsh Meats and Poultry. AT THE NEW STORE TELKPHONE 38-F. 602 UNION, COR. BARRETT ST. T. H. ~agill, 235 ~~a~e ~n. AGENCY APEX AND CORSICAN LARGE. UNION PINS DI(KELMANN'S, BICYCLES JEWELER, Repairing of All Kinds. 255 STATE ST. All customers receive a Storage Check that en­ . ... PRICE, 76 CENTS ... titles them to store a bicycle free fr01n close of riding season till spring of 1903. G. N~ ROGERs,· ROBSON & ADEE, Bookmen, 112 CLINTON STREET. Between Railroad & Bridge. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. Telephone, 6-.A. DR. LORD, @ EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. § , VANGDRLER 230 STATE STREET. I OPERA HOUSE. I c. H. BENEDICT, I TELEPHONE NO. Manager. 335. lDr. Wilbur $. 1Roset . .• lDcnttat .•. .. COMING ATTRACTIONS .. 9 to 12 A. ~~,~~:o=to s P.M. 437 State Street. ••• ALL NEXT WEEK THE SCHENECTADY CJjOTHING CO., GI'BSON, WALTON & HAGADORN, Hel--bert Stock Company -THE LEADING- ONE-PRICE CASH CLOTHIERS, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, HATTERS AND GENTS' FURf'ii~HERS. "The Butterflies." Rdbon Hotel Building. 315 State Street. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "Camille." ~I:)W~N F>OSSe)~'S Matinees, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday TONSORIAL PARLOR, and Saturday. OPPOSITE VAN CURLER, Baths. Jay Street. *************** The ConcordieJl sis VoL. XXV. UNION COLLEGE, MAY 16, 1902. No. 26. .. Vander Veer prize for best reports of clinics, THE MEDICAL COMMENCEMENT. Frank M. Sulzman, M. J. Mandelbaum. Merrill prize for· best report of the eye and Held on Tuesday, May 6. ear clinics, Frank M. Sulzman. Bond prize for best examination in obstetrics, At three o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, May La Salle Archambault. 6, th~ Seventy-first Commencement of tbe Biglow prize, Frank M. Sudzman. Albany Medical College was held at Odd Nellis prize for senior passing best final Fellows' Hall. Seated on the platforn1 were examination, La Salle Archarn bault. Chancellor Andrew V. V. Raymond of Union Powell prize for junior passing best final University, Dr. Albert Vander Veer, Dean of exan1ination, G. Howard Branan. the Medical College, Judge Williatn Law Daggett Anatomical prizes, Willis E. Merri­ Learned and Hon. Simon W. Rosendale of the man, Jr., and Junius P. Talmadge. Board of Trustees, Drs. 'Villis G. Tucker, Blumer prize for sophomore making best Samuel B. Ward, Samuel R. Morrow, Hermon record in pathological laboratory work, Chester C. Gordineer, Frederick C. Curtis, Arthur G. T. Cobb. Root, Howard Van Rensselaer, Cbarles K. Townsend Physiological prize for freshmen, Moore, Joseph D. Craig, George L. Blnmer, Charles Clark Sweet. Cletnent F. Theisen, Cyrus S. Merrill, Arthur Huested prize fot fresh1nan passing best final W. Elting, H. Judson Lipes, Charles B. examinations, Charles Clark Sweet. Herrick and Theodore J. Bradley. HOSPITAL APPOINTMENTS. THE ORDER OF EXERCISES. Albany hospital, Willis E. Merrimaa, Jr., Overture, "The New Yorkers;" prayer, Rev. John H. Gutman and Moses J. Mandelbaum, Archibald L. Love, D. D.; music, selection, all of Albany. '" ~faid Marian;,; essay, La Salle Archam­ Ellis hospital in Schenectady, Frederick R. bault; music, caprice, "Fanchonette ; " con­ Reed. ferring of degrees, Andrew Van Vtanken Ray­ Rochester hospital, John B. ,Congdon. mond, D. D., LL.D., Chancf$ilor of the Uni­ Troy hospital, Frank M. Sulzman. versity; music, Intermezzo, "Scent of the Hemps ted, Long Island, hospital, Jua ius P. Roses ; " address to the graduating class, Hon. Tahnadge. Nathan L. Miller, state comptroller; music, Samaritan hospital of Cohoes, Charl-es P. 'cello solo, ''Romance and Rondo," Mr. Wagner. Arnold R. Janser; valedictory, Frank Malcolm At 10 A.M. Tuesday, May 6th, occurred the St1 Izm an. ·' ....mu~t· e c, vaI se, ''. .L 0·1'· n·· d·.-u · p··· ays ·"' alumni re-union and the meeting of the alumni report on prizes and appointmerUs, Dr.
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