Assault on Praetor Minoris The campaign presented here an attack or the stalwart on the fringe of galactic space allows you and your friends to resilience of defense on your that has changed hands many fight a swift and bloody series own gaming table. times over its existence. Praetor of missions that constitute the Minoris lies as the next prize to struggle for control of a world The campaign shown in this be had in the great game of on the fringe of the galaxy. This book is designed to be used with galactic dominance for the book offers a structured the 6th edition rules of attackers, who are perfectly narrative campaign in which Warhammer 40,000, based in willing to commit forces to you take command of the forces large part on Games Workshop's taking it. vying for control of Praetor Imperial Armour and Horus Minoris, and can be played with Heresy campaign systems. If For their part, the defenders any Warhammer 40,000 army. you have played the Badab War have come to call Praetor There are new missions, rules or The Death of Isstvan III Minoris home and will fight to for scenery, battlefield traits, campaigns there is much you until none of their own draw and a story-driven timeline of will find familiar. breath in order to defend their events that frame the games you world. As players you decide will play. Taken together the Much about the Assault on the outcome of these events and contents of this campaign are a Praetor Minoris campaign's will see, once and for all, who toolbox you can use to story is deliberately left vague. will lay claim this world. experience the bloody edge of The heart of the story is a world How the Praetor Minoris Campaign Works The campaign is played between two sides: one representing the What do you need to run this campaign? force attacking Praetor Minoris and one defending it. The At the most basic level, you need two players with campaign moves through five Warhammer 40,000 armies, but it is adaptable enough to be phases. During each phase the used by large groups of players with little to no modification. two sides play games against It is possible to complete the campaign by playing a single each other, with each side game per campaign phase, so you will need the time to representing the Campaign complete a minimum of five games. Of course if you have Attackers and Campaign more players and more time you can expand the number of Defenders, so called to avoid games played in each campaign phase. confusion between the overall campaign and individual When applied to a larger scale the campaign structure can missions wherein players can comfortable accommodate several players of varying levels of take on the role of attacker or involvement and can be run for several months' worth of defender for that game, games if desired. A large scale campaign will require a larger regardless of which side they're collection of terrain, more gaming space, time, and a greater on. level of player commitment to bring to a satisfying conclusion. At the end of each phase the The larger the campaign, the more it will benefit from having results of the games played one player act as organizer or referee rather than player to help determine which side has won the campaign progress smoothly and record the results of that phase of the campaign. games impartially. The result of such a grand endeavor can be Winning a phase gains that side truly memorable and is one of the most satisfying of gaming an ongoing benefit for the experiences. remainder of the campaign. Victory in the fifth and final phase of the campaign This structure allows the The Armies determines who has won the advantage to swing between the All players in the Praetor campaign as a whole. two sides without victory being Minoris campaign must have a certain until the final phase of Warhammer 40,000 army that Note that because the important the campaign. One side may can be drawn from any codex, crux of this system is that in have considerable advantage supplement and/or expansion. every game one side must take over the other, but both sides You may want to place the part of the Campaign will have everything to lose limitations on how armies are Attackers and the other going into the campaign's selected by players in the Campaign Defenders, with each conclusion. Even if one side campaign. Will players have game's outcome contributing to had been beaten soundly the restricted access to allies, the results of the campaign, the first four phases, they can still fortifications and Lords of War? exact size and number of games snatch victory in the end! Will they have a fixed roster of need not be fixed, and team units from which a list is created games and other modes of play for each game? Be sure to can be included without discuss these and other rules difficulty. with those playing in the campaign before starting. The Phases Each phase also has a single the deadly tunnel fighting that The Praetor Minoris campaign Critical Battle. These represent went on in the tight confines of is divided into five campaign decisive actions that would be cities and orbital stations. Rules phases. Each of these phases taken during a planetary and basic missions for Zone represent the unfolding of a invasion, whether it is the Mortalis games have been story and a distinct strategic attackers committing to total included in this volume for your action likely to be taken during war or the defenders protecting convenience as an appendix, the conquest of a planet. As their vital spaceports. Victory in and you can include Zone such, each phase has a theme a Critical Battle is worth more Mortalis terrain in the battle that carries through the story Campaign Points than any other missions provided for the onto the gaming table and the kind of mission and can be a campaign. phases move forward as games superb climactic battle for the are played or as time in the real end of each phase. Critical Battles world passes. Each Campaign phase also has a Campaign Duration single critical battle listed. The outcome of games played A campaign phase may last a These are special, one-off within a phase grant each side certain number of games played missions which represent a key Campaign Points, or CPs. The or until a set amount of time has pivotal moment in the course of side with the most CPs at the passed. Once either of those a planetary invasion and the end of a phase gain a lasting conditions has been met the story of Praetor Minoris, and are benefit for their side. The side phase ends and Campaign often highly unusual in make- that is victorious at the end of Points are tallied up to up, and quite deliberately biased the fifth and final phase have determine the victor. The next to one or the other side. won the campaign. phase then begins. However the rewards in terms of CP for winning such a battle Campaign Points The conditions for ending a for the 'underdog' outweigh any Games played grant each side phase must be decided before other individual battle in the Campaign Points. The side with starting the campaign and phase! Regardless of how many the most Campaign Points has should remain consistent players you have per side or won that phase. If both sides throughout. The duration and how many games you play in a have the same number of number of games may be set particular phase, you should Campaign Points at the end of however you like. only ever play a phase's unique the phase, then neither side has legendary battle once per gained any advantage over the The Rewards of Victory campaign. other and neither gains the Victory in a campaign phase Rewards of Victory. grants the winning side a benefit If your group has a large that applies to it for the number of players, it's a good The number of Campaign Points remainder of the campaign. idea to nominate a 'champion' to gained depends on which phase, This benefit is listed in the fight the legendary battle (to the scenario and side is played. description of each phase. praise or good natured Some scenarios grant more vilification of them afterward, Campaign Points than others Zone Mortalis depending on the outcome) and and some grant Campaign This is an Imperial Armour change who this is from phase Points to players for meeting expansion for Warhammer to phase. objectives other than clear 40,000 dealing with fighting victory. desperate and bloody battles in Winning the Campaign confined and deadly spaces with Whichever side is victorious All of these variations are listed an attendant range of special overall in the fifth and final in the Campaign Points section terrain and optional rules, and is phase is the winner of the of each phase. used as part of the optional campaign. mission types within the Praetor Minoris campaign, representing Designer's Notes & Other Games Other Battles and Victories Your campaign isn't limited to the games we have presented here. If you and your friends wish to play additional missions of your own devising, or use other Warhammer 40,000 supplements, Battlefleet Gothic, etc, you can do so. The Assault on Praetor Minoris campaign can accommodate any type of game and the themes and events of the campaign are linked closely to missions in this book, but these missions cannot encapsulate every battle, skirmish or event of a campaign that involved hundreds of thousands of combatants spread across an entire planet.
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