ANNUAL PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT DATASET Southend-on-Sea Produced November 2007 Page 1 of 274 APA dataset guidance notes Revisions in the APA 2007 dataset. The following revisions have been made to data presented in the first (August) version of the dataset. 1002HC In the data definition section, the sub-heading read ‘Commentary on Bristol values:’ for all local authorities, so has been revised to ‘Commentary:’. The data and traffic lights were referring to the correct local authorities so are unchanged. 1044HC The second part of this indicator relates to 'Under 18s on adult wards that are 16 or 17'. This text was missing from the description for some local authorities but has now been added. 1043SC The bandings for some councils were previously increased by one band colour. They are now accurately coloured for all councils. The data is unchanged. 2022SC The bandings for all councils have now been uprated for 2006-07. The data is unchanged. 2037SC The denominator data has been revised to use section 47 data rather than conference data. The data may be revised downwards as a result. 2054SC The denominator data has been revised to exclude all the children listed in the definition. The data may be revised upwards very slightly as a result. 2066SC The denominator data has been revised to omit the unborn. The data may be revised upwards very slightly as a result. 3035OF The statistical neighbours traffic lights for authorised and unauthorised absences were incorrectly based on the ‘old’ Ofsted statistical neighbours. They are now correctly based on the ‘new’ NFER statistical neighbours. The local authority and statistical neighbour data itself is unchanged. 3073SC The numerator data has been revised to include data provided to CSCI up to 2005-06. 3092DE The national traffic lights for 2005 and 2006 had not been applied so showed as white/'in line' for all local authorities. They have now been applied so will now be coloured for some local authorities. The data itself is unchanged. 5022SC The graph title now matches the performance indicator title. The data is unchanged. 5041DE} 5042DE} 5043DE} Data was incorrectly labelled as 03-04, 04-05 and 05-06, and has now been revised to 04-05, 05- 5044DE} 06, 06-07. The data itself is unchanged. 5045DE} 5046DE} 6003SC The numerator data has been revised so that all councils have their correct data. Data for some councils will have changed as a result. 6005SC The numerator data has been revised so that all councils have their correct data. Data for some councils will have changed as a result. 6024SC Councils are now all in their correct ACA groups and are correctly banded. 6049DE The statistical neighbours data were based on the old Ofsted groupings and have now been amended to the new NFER groupings. Page 2 of 274 Statistical Neighbours Statistical neighbour groups help to benchmark local authorities’ performance, and provide an initial guide as to whether it is above or below the level that might be expected. Some of the statistical neighbour groups used in this year's datasets have altered from those used in last years’ APA and in JAR toolkits prior to block 16. The NFER's Children's Services statistical neighbour groups were published in February 2007 and are designed to be used across all children's services data. They replace the old Ofsted and CIPFA groups for education and social care indicators. The new NFER groups are used on the majority of indicators in this dataset; key exceptions being indicators from the Healthcare Commission, Youth Justice Board and HMI Probation, where data may not be at local authority level. Please refer to appendices 1, 2 and 3. Traffic Lights and bandings On a number of indicators, traffic lights are used to highlight strong or poor performance. For data on educational attainment and absences the traffic lights show differences between the authority and its statistical neighbours, as well as between the authority and the national figure. For this reason the shading is applied to the neighbours’ and national figures rather than the figures for the authority itself. On social care Performance Assessment Framework indicators, shading is applied to the local authority, neighbours and national figures, as the bandings are based on cut-off points, not relative position. Please refer to individual indicators and contact the relevant inspectorate for further information if required. Social care data Some of the social care data in this year's APA datasets may differ to that in previous years’ APA datasets. This is because the majority of data is now sourced from central data collections run by the Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) and The Information Centre for health and social care (IC); rather than from CSCI's data collection. The national and statistical neighbour figures are produced by summing the numerators and denominators for each authority to produce the indicator score. This brings the methodology into line with that used in most Ofsted, DCSF and PAF publications. As CSCI’s APA collection, however, only collected data at indicator level, the national figures used in previous year’s APA datasets were produced by averaging the indicator scores for all the authorities. This change in methodology has affected some national figures, with most changes resulting in lower figures than presented in earlier datasets. The exception to this is the set of nine indicators that Ofsted collected directly from local authorities in June 2007. As the old years’ data for these is taken from the indicator level data collected by CSCI during previous APAs, Ofsted collected the 2006/07 data in the same way. The statistical neighbour and national figures therefore continue to be averages of the authorities’ indicator scores. The 2006/07 child protection data in the second and third versions of the dataset are second cut data from the DCSF’s CPR3 data collection. This data has not altered from the first cut of CPR3 data used in version one of the APA dataset, except for the revisions highlighted at the start of these guidance notes. Statistical neighbour and England comparisons are included in this version. The 2006-07 data on looked after children in this, third, version is from the DCSF’s SSDA903 collection. Again, comparative data are included in this version. The 2006-07 data on finance and staffing is taken from The IC’s PSS EX1 and SSDS001 collections (6050SC only) is included in this version. Comparative data is also included. Please contact the team at [email protected] if you have any queries. Page 3 of 274 Universal Index Page No. Notes Code Supplementary Guidance Note 2 SECTION 1 – BEING HEALTHY BH01 Healthy lifestyle and preventative care data 12 1050HC Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) : Increased Services. 13 1001HC Proportion of expectant mothers smoking during pregnancy. 14 1002HC Percentage of babies with low birth weight. 15 1003HC Proportion of mothers initiating breast feeding. 16 1004HC Immunisation rates by 2nd birthday. 17 1005HC Immunisation rates by 5th birthday. 19 1049HC Emergency Admissions to hospital. 20 1047SC Percentage change in number of conceptions amongst 15-17 year olds (BVPI 197).21 1011HC GP practices providing child health surveillance services. 23 1032OF Percentage of schools participating in the National Healthy Schools Programme (NHSP).24 1051OF Childcare registration and inspection actions on the health, and food and drink national standards; and 25 childcare inspection judgements on the outcome Being Healthy. 1046OF Section 5 school inspection judgements: The extent to which schools enable learners to be healthy 27 (primary, secondary and special schools). 1052HC Children’s accident and emergency facilities opening hours (snapshot September 2005).28 BH02 Physical health data 29 1015HC Infant mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births).30 1016HC Perinatal mortality (number of stillbirths and deaths of infants at ages under 7 days).31 1017HC Deaths of children under age 15. 32 1020HC Oral health in children – number of decayed/ missing/ filled teeth in children aged 5, 12 and 14. 33 1048HC Accident and Emergency Waiting times. Currently unavailable 1053HC Is registered children's nurse cover commensurate with workload in A&E? 34 BH03 Mental health data 35 1029HC Substance misuse related admissions to hospital, ages under 20. 36 1030HC Percentage of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) new cases with length of wait 37 under 4 weeks and under 26 weeks. 1031HC Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) performance indicator for Primary Care Trusts. 38 1043SC PAF CF/A70: Councils’ self assessment of progress on four elements of the implementation of the Child 39 and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) framework. 1044HC Percentage of mental health inpatients aged under 18 on Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service 42 (CAMHS) wards. 1045HC Moving towards a comprehensive Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) (24/7, children 43 and young people with LDD, CAMHS for 16 & 17 year olds) for Primary Care Trusts. 1041YJ The referral of juveniles manifesting mental health difficulties to Child and Adolescent Mental Health 45 Services (CAMHS). 1042YJ Substance Misuse: the proportion of young people with identified substance misuse needs who receive 46 specialist assessment within 5 working days and, following the assessment, access the early intervention and treatment services they require within 10 working days. 1040NT Proportion of those in substance misuse treatment who are aged less than 18. 47 BH04 Looked after children and care leavers data 49 1037SC PAF CF/C19: The average of the percentages of children looked after who had been looked after 50 continuously for at least 12 months, and who had their teeth checked by a dentist during the previous 12 months, and had an annual health assessment during the previous 12 months.
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