The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan nyLwh 1),oA to Ga 43 (1)i 75-82, March 1992 Notes on the genus Lobesia (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) from Korea, with description of a new species Yang-Seop BAEr) and Kyu-Tek PARK2) ")Entomological Laboratory, College of Agriculture, University ef Osaka Prefecture, Sakai, Osaka, 591 Japan2)College of Agriculture, Kttngweon National University, Chunchcon, 200-701 Korea Abstract The Korean species of the genus Lobesia Guenee, 1845, are revised. One new species, L. PyiZft)rinis n. sp., is described ancl three species, L. viTulenta Bae & Komai, L. .vasetclai Bae & Kornai and L. aeogopa Meyrick. are newly recorded from Korea. Key words Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, Olethreutinae, Lobesia, Korea, taxonomy. "Microlepidoptera In the of Korea", Park (1983a) recorded two species of the genus Lobesia, i.e., L, coccophcrga Falkovitsh and L.pernzixlana Htibner (=reliqzftzna Hifbner) from Korea, Recently, Bae and Komai (1991) revised Japanese species of this genus and arranged them in two subgenera, i,e., Lobesia Guenee and Nbolobesia Bae & Komai. Generally・, the wing patterns of Lobesia are uniform and genitalic characters are requisite for reliable identification. In the male genitalia (Figs, 7-10), the number of the spine clusters of sacculus (Spci and Spc2), the shape of the cucullus and the aedeagus provide stable characters for identification. In the female genitalia (Figs,11-13), the structure of the sterigma is an important diagnostic character. Secondary sexual organs are well developed in male : a pair of ventral pouches on the 2nd abdominal sternite and the hair-pencil on the hind tibia. In the present paper we are going to record six species of the genus frorn Korea; one is new to science and three are newly recorded from Korea. External appearance and genitalia are figured if necessary, a short diagnosis and brief remarks are given on morphological differentia, biology and distribution, All the specimens recorded here, including type specimens, will be preserved in Center for Insect Systematics, Kangweon National University, Korea. Lobesia (ZLobesia) reliquana (IIubner) (Fig. 1) Asthenia retiqt{ana HUbner, 1825, Vei2. bek, Schmett. : 381, Lobesia Permixtana : Park, 1983a, insecta Koreana 3: 42, pl, 1, fig.4i l'ark, 1983b, ftlust. Flom & Fkeblna, Kovaa 27: 715, fig. 379, pl,46, fig, 811. Lobesia (Lobesia) reliqua".a: Bae and Komai, 1991, [I),O Ga 42i 123, figs. 1, 2, 20, 21, 27, 35, 39, (For other synonyms and literature data, see Bae and Komai, 1991) "Vng ejtPanse. dl 14mm, Genitalia, di and \ referred to Bae and Komai (1991). Mtiterial examined. GanguTeun Prov.: 1 cii, Chuncheon, 16. V. 1989 <K.T.Park & B,K, Byun);2 cii, Mt. Odae, 22, V. 1989 (K. T. Park). Distribution. Korea (Gangweon Prov.), Japan, Primorsk, China, Siberia, Europe, Asia Minor and northern Iran. `Soliclagt), Hbst Plants. Korea: Prunus sp. (Park, 1983a, b). Europe: Anchttsa aOicinalis NII-Electronic LibraryMbrary Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 76 Yang-Seop BAE and Kyu-Tek PARK `fC?ztercus, Linn., Betula, Ftzgus" (Hannernann, 1979); fleunus spinosa Linn., juniperzas" (Bradley et ag., 1979). The larvae feed in the terminal shoots or spun leaves of the hosts (Bradley et al., 1979), Remaxles. Minor variation occurs in the coloration and markings of the wings. Park (1983b) illustrated the male genitalia. Descriptions of the male and female genitalia of this species should refer to Bae & Komai (1991). Lobesia (ZLobesicij virulenta Bae & Komai (Figs. 2, 7, 11) Lobesia sp. Z: Suzuki and Kornai, 1984, Butg. Hbfeleaido Piorest ExP, Stn 22 ] IOZ, fig. 2, Lobesia CLobes'iof vi,ulenta Bae and Komai, 1991. TyoA Ga 42:127-129, figs.2, 4, 13, 22, 29, 37, 41, Wing pmanse. di 10-12 mm, 9 11.5-13.5 mm. Cenitaha. cin as in Fig.7; \ as in Fig.11. Mdterial eremined. Gangweon Prov.:1di 29, Seomyun, Yangyang, 4-6. VI. 1976 (K.T, Park);1 o, same locality, 25, VII, 1987 (K. T. Park);1 cin, Chuncheon, 22. IV. 1985 (K T, Park);1 4, same locality, 16. V. 1986 (K. T.Park);1 di, same locality, 1, V. 1989 (K. T. Park}; 1 di, same locality, 29. V. 1989 (K, T. Park & B. K. Byun);1 ", same locality, 2. VII. 1989 (K. T.Park & B. K, Byun);1 9,Chunsung, 17. VII. 1985 (K. T. Park);1 di,sarne locality, 20. VII. 1987 (K, T, Park & U. Park) ; 1 o, Exp. Forest, Hongcheon, 5. IX. 1986 (K, T, Park);2 di, same locality, 10. VI. 1988 (K. T.Park);1 o 1 \, Hongcheon, 20. V. 1988 ``pear";1 (KT, Park). Gyunggi Prov,:1 dii,Suweon, 30. V. 1983 (D. J. Im) 4,Gwangrung, 2. VI. 1982 Won) 1 same locality, 17. V. 1988 T. Park). Prov, : 1 (K.J. ; s, (K. Jeonnam di, Mt. Jiri, 14. VII, 1976 (Y. H. Ha). Distribution, Korea (Gangweon Prov., Gyunggi Prov. and Jeonnam Prov.) and Japan, "Ilyrzas Hbst Plants. Korea : sp." (from data label). Japan : Larix leoptlePis (Sieb. & Zucc.) Gordon, llynts serotina Rehder var. culta Rehder, Angetica sp., gall of Cemtovaczana neleoashi (Sasaki) (Aphididae) on Styua j'oponiczts Sieb. & Zucc. (Bae and Kemai, 1991), In Japan, the larvae attack the fruits of the Japanese pear, and also live in the galls of Ceratovacztna nekoashi on Styma 1'oponicvts, feeding in the inner wall of the galls (Bae and Komai, 1991). Remarks. This species is allied to yasztdoi Bae & Komai and Pyrijiormis n. sp. and the diagnostic characters will be given in the remarks for ptrijbrmis n. sp, The markings and coloration of the forewing are also similar to those of aeoloPa Meyrick, but this species can be distinguished from the latter by the genital structure, especially in having the shorter aedeagus and arrowhead-shaped signum. This species is recorded from Korea for the first time, Lobesin C[.obesitO yasudkei Bae & Komai Lobesin CZ.obesicO pasztdai Bae and Komai, 1991, 7),O Ga 42: 129-130, figs.5, 6, 30, 38, 42. Wing empanse. cl 4 12 mm. Cenilalia. cfi and \ referred to Bae and Komai (1991). Mdterial examined. Gangweon Prov.:1cn 1\, Chugok, Chuncheon, 3e. VII. 1986 (K.T. Park);1 9, Mt, Odae, 6. VII. 1989 (K. T. Park);1 dn, Exp. Forest, Hongcheon, 10, VI. 1988 (K. T. Park). Distribution, Korea (Gangweon Prov.) and Japan. Ifost Plants. Korea : Unknown, Japan : Ifydmngea Paniculata Sieb. ; Rosa rzrgosa Thunb., NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocletyLepidopterological Society ofofJapan Japan Korean species of Lobesia 77 llk'tslr'as.ge,eegexeva-.ieeee-esur,kbe'iincasii-ts:um,ee,,s#imx-'iiS.tll・i-:.'lkv,tw':Xi,:ik'X,i,X,i・l・t,'l.l, ・ nd/ ., ,ll: rei rm ew "ag 'ee, m i nm - ' tx Xil/X'g..pe,tis.g- ,,,,,x ,,.,wn./fi/datw,geX,,..'th.re,.:ee,. /llijww2 ../l .:,'ll-.: ::,,./:t,.i,..t...::,/.?l:.,M.. :/ . ,, i 4 /'' ,/' ,' ,:/'t.:..llt;l;:..r .:I/.i.::/.l:/.:."l'.,' .. .tlp t ttt t:t .t.ttt t.ttt tt tt ttt tt: tttt. tt t::t:tt.ttt . ::/./tt tt ttt. tt 5 t tt.ttt t.ttt t.ttttt 6 ttt .... ...... ,... ,. .. Figs.1-6. Adults of Lobesia spp. 1. L. (Lobesia> reliauana (HUbner), d-, Mt.Ode; 2. L. (L.) vzrulenta Bae & Komai, di', Gwangrung ; 3. L. (L.) pmrij1)ivnis n, sp.. g,holotype, Gwan- grung; 4. L, (L,) pt'rlprmis n. sp., \,Gwangrung; 5, L, {L.) aeolopa Meyrick, cii, Mt. Hanra; 6. L, (Aieolobesia) coccoPh(rgti Falkovitsh, di, Suweon. Prunus ssiori Fr, Schm. The larvae live amongst spun seeds of Ib'diTzizgea Paniculata or spun leaves of Rosa rngosa (Bae and Komai, 1991). Remazles. This and the preceding species are very similar to each other, and it is impossible to separate them in external characters. But this species can be distinguished frem L. viruienla by the shape of female ductus bursae, e.g.,a broad part near ostium, the part being broader than width of lateral lobe of limen. This species is recorded from Korea for the first time, Lobesia pyrifbrmis n, sp, (Figs. 3, 4, 8, 12) csn (Fig.3). Wing expanse, 11mm. Head light yellowish brown. Labial palpus rather broad, pale yellowish brown ; outer surface of median segment irrorated with deep brown. Antenna light yellowish brown, annulated with deep brown. Thorax and tegula dull yellowish brown, mixed with dark yellowish brown. Legs light yellowish brown, irrorated with grayish brown; tibial hair pencil light yellowish orange, as long as tibia. Abdominal pouches (scent organ) large, elongate ovate, scales dense. NII-Electronic Library Service TheTheLepidopterologicalSociety Lepidopterological Society of Japan 7S Yang-Seop BAE andKyu-Tek PARK 1i //t"/ Figs. 7 10, Male genitalia of Lobesia spp., vcntral view. 7. L. CLobesia)viruienta Bae & Komai, Gwangrung;8. L.(L.)pmmb"nisn,sp,,helotype,Gwangrung; 9. L. {L,) aeogopa Meyrick, Mt.Hanra; 10. L. (Neolobesia) coccophcrga Falkovitsh, Suweon. NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan Korean species of Lobesia 79 Forewing elongate semiovate, narrow; costa slightly curved from base to apex; pterostigma area slightly prominent ; apex pointed ; termen somewhat straight, oblique. Ground color dull yellowish orange, irrorated with grayish fuscous ; markings light brown and fuscous brown. Basal and subbasal fasciae reaching to before 1!3 of wing, posterior edge convex medially, Central fascia narrow, rather oblique, subtriangular; anterior edge slightly concave ; posterior edge serrulate, medially expanding. Pretornal patch well developed, distinct, subtriangular, Terminal patch large, elongate, truncate costally, irrorated with tawny fuscous, Apical spots small, ovate. Cilia sordid ochreous, with a dark fuseous subbasal line. Hindwing subtriangular, light brownish gray ; apex rather pointed ; termen somewhat straight ; dorsum broadly rounded. Cilia light brownish gray, \(Fig,4). Wingexpanse,12mm, Forewingcolorationsimilartothatofmale,costa more curved, Hindwing subtrapezoid, grayish brown, otherwise as in male. Male geniinlia (Fig,8). Tegumen narrow, moderately rounded dorsally; socius of a moderate lobe, with a group of modified scales ; gnathos rather membranous, relatively narrow laterally, Valva moderate in size, broad ; cucullus stout, with a rounded top, much shorter than in vintlenin and yisudoi, Sacculus narrow, sclerotized, long; Spci dense, forming a cluster of spines ef different sizes ; Spc2 consisting of a row of spines ; a series of small spines present between Spci and Spc2.
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