Serving MSU for 52 years Established 1909 VoL 53, No. 64 East Lnriag, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, August 16.1961 l1 ¿ 9 Pa«MMPaWrages . a«con-i •* cu»tensing. Posmt Mich. 5. tents Power Line Explosion Cuts Campus Electrical Service 4800-VCable , Cause Undete By HOWARD GATEfr State New* Staff Writer ___ Time stood still at the university Thursday afternoon when a complete power"failure cut electrical service to all parts of the campus. * some meats, frozen fruits and At 2:43 p.m. the main vegetables that will be lost if power line which runs be­ we don’t get power by this tween the two campus power time,” he said. ~ plants exploded. WMBS,"scheduled ,1a .go on The explosion lifted -a the air at 6 pm . reported that -heavy covering in front of they had power in lime to warm up their equipment with the Food Stores building into no loss of air time. the air, according to Orlirr In Morrill Hall, passengers Willyoung, foreman of the were stranded between floors university electrical shop. in the building’s elevator for The blast brought a corn- several minutes.' complete halt to all electrical DEPARTMENT of PubH c service and it was not expected Safety officials said that the that'repairs could be made'un­ elevator was brought to the til the early morning hours, ground floor through an un-, Willyoung said. explained momentary surge of The cause had- not as yet pow er. ~ been determined at press time. Safety officials also said that THE- 4,800 VOLT line is one crews had to be dispatched to of two which runs between the dismantle the electrically oper­ power plants. The second line ated parking lot gates so that was immediately thrown into cars in the various lots would service as both plants began not be stranded. a gradual build-up of power. Gerald Bouck, fishery and SUBTERRANEANS — Shortly after the blackout began yesterday crew* were •' Partial service was restored wildlife graduate student, re­ dispatched to locate the difficulty. ¥iually the treublespot was Incsted under­ within an houfbut Willyoung ported that several graduate ground by the university laundry. Because the underground tunnel was too bet, said that several areas of the projects in the Natural Science a pump was hooked up to remove the hot air. campus might be off until re­ Building were only minutes pairs are completed. from being a total loss when Hardest hit was the Food power was finally restored. Stores building which officials “Several of the projects lit said might receive power un­ volve a constant flow of oxy­ National Adult Education Assn. til complete service was re­ gen necessary to sustain th e stored. proper conditions in our work ROBERT F. HERRON, man­ with fish. A few more minutes, Elects Sharer As _ ager of the food stores, said and months of work would that if the building had not re­ have been lost,” he said. Robert E. Sharer, associate president of the Adult Educa* from The Michigan Department ceived power.by 10 p.m. Tues­ BY 4 P.M. power had been professor and assistant to the tion Association of Michigan of Public Instruction, where he day th a t over 1250.000 food­ restored to a major portion pf director of the continuing edu- from 1959 to 19(0. serv ed as state director of adult stuffs-would be lost. the campus, but several build- cation service has been named AEAUS has named Sharer education from 1944 to 1952. “There is a year’s supply of See EXPLOSION, Pg. 12 president-elect of the Adult Ed- its representative to the nation- ucation Association of the al biennial conference of the United States according to an Canadian Association for Adult j announcement made Monday Bus Routes Will Serve Both from AEAUS headquarters in C hicago. " Sharer will be president of the organization for 1962-03. He Brody and South Campus wiH succeed Dr. Ambrose Cali- ver of the U. S. Office of Edu­ the Beal Street entrance. B y LARRY WALKER ~ new equipment for this service cation in Washington, D. C. This route will proceed State News Staff Writer amf will be ready to “shoot the His election to the post* was through campus on Circle determined by mail ballot July works,” the official told Bres­ Routes for the new campus lin. Drive and then exit past thé 15. bus service which will be in Spartan statue and Jenison Sharer’s qualifications for the Service is scheduled to begin effect this fall have been an­ Field House and back to Lan­ position include 17 years active in mid-September with light sing on Kalamazoo Street. service in adult education. nounced by Jack Breslin, sec­ trial runs being made, before THE OTHER route will be In 1953-54, S h arer served as retary of the university. - classes begin, Breslin said. referred to as the Married AEAUS vice-president. He was “There will be two different routes, both in service at the THE COST of the service Housing-Shaw Lane route: It same time,” Breslin said. willJbe 10 cents for a ride any­ will begin in Lansing and pro­ Weather These routes will provide where on campus or married ceed to Spartan Village. The housing and 25 cents to L an­ bus will make several stops in Partly cloudy and cooler -service for the Brody group sing. — the village and then continue weather is predicted for today and the new dorms on south There are two proposed to north campus traveling north by the U. S. Weather Bureau, campus as weB as married housing, be added. routes. on Harrison Road. The route with tiie cloud covering clear­ will turn east at Shaw Lane ing late this afternoon. The BUSES will pass each pick­ The Kalamazoo Street-Circle up point every 29 minutes. This Drive route will begin on Kala­ and north again at Farm Lane. high temperature expected is ROBERT SHARER It will continue past the Audi­ 79 degrees. time will be shortened to 10 mazoo Street in Lansing and torium and circle around to re­ The low temperature last Education at Ottawa, Canada, or even five minutes.. Jwtweea move east towards campus. At aight was 56 degrees. in October. He will also be pick-«pa if it is necessary, ac­ Harrison Road the route will turn to Lânsing via the same Indications for Thursday are chairman of the 062 AEAUS cording to an official of Lan­ turn north and pass in front route. ’ . ' These routes are tentative for mostly isirer skies, with national conference to be beld sing Suburban Lines which is of the Brody group. At Michi­ t h e temperature remaining in Detroit. providing the service. gan Ave. it will turn east again and subject to change, Breslin ibout the same. Siarer came to the campus The company wifi be getting and enter the camous through «aid Michigan Stale New«, East Lansing, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, August 1 6 ,1 9 6 1 . rs |J Q 3 □3DK9Q □□□ Crossword Puzz ß |aaa anaaa aaa CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS l i u b o n u i u r u i l i c | 3 a a a a -33 a a a a a Cattle Men A C M II 34. Tit □ 3 J 3 a u a j j u DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Daj Befare PaMkatlaa far Wed. sad 1. Cobbler* ft. final □ Ü 3J U 4a 3 3 iJ □ □ □ □ J 3 3 Q 3 Ü IÍD Meeting " t: F r i SI. Hymn of EiKlaar I. Young gladness □□ □□□□3 SU «•.Short SUI33323U □□□□ Phone ED 2-1511 Extensions 2643 sad 2644 • Exactly suitable 41. Attention 333313 OBGISa Tomorrow 13. Singlo timo 42. Heeds □□□□□□ □□□□ IX. Above 41. Repeated □ □ □ 3 0 a a a i n a u a The 38th Annual Cattle Feed­ AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE 14. Black bird by rote □□a □□□□□ ausi ers Day will be held here 15. OU of 41. Bscchsnsl- BUS 23SQ3 □□□, T hursday. _ _ STRING BASS. Kay. excellent rich ian cry 1954 AUSTIN HEA1.FY MR Road-j imcyg good carrying power. Twefl Registration will begin at 9:30 sie'r. Engine just overheated. R ev Ì zipper cover. C aB IV (-SMI 1«. Public 18. The alder- •eiutien of Yesterday's Punit tire*, new paint, new upholstery, after '538. " tí 18. PortcntouS~ tree: Scot. a.m. at Anthony Hall. The gen­ Wire wheel's, excellent mechanica l , .... ■■ . , 20. Turmoil 51. finished eral program is to begin at condition. *995 ES 2-38«. tí , MEN S ENGLISH BIKE. Raleigh 2. P ila s S T *. Wide-view 21. Hoavy 92. Ascend 10 a.m . sports model; Emerson console TV. WCight m 93. Thing, in 3. Begone 10. Scraps of BU1CK,' 1954 Special. 2-door V-8 ■ Leortag town. Any reasonable price, literatura H. W. Newland, animal hus­ standard, shift, radio and heater, low | Conteat ED 7-2489 or T. N. at ext. 22. Loved law 4. Cylindrical mileage. Exceptionally clean Call 3388. — IS 26. Almanac M.lcetandic 5. Puzzling 11. Sésamo bandry specialist, will discuss, ED 2-8854 after 5 30 pa*. tf 28. Rage literature Question 17. Smell high energy com silage for TRAILERS FOR SALE 20. Succulent 89. Vehicle • Elliptical It. Spring fattening beef heifer calves. 1958 MERCURY, black and white j LIBERTY. «2 x 8. 2 bedroom, one fruit with runner» 22. family of 4-door, whitewall tires, radio, stfle used as study. Can be left on lot 423, ¡21. Ruse _ 7. Allow carnivores Supplementing a com silage, view mirror*. heater, windshield ; DOWN - — ^ a^ 1mile ,T T1— ifrom t w f t u ,campus.
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