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Houston, June 25— Mrs. Edith^the hope that the convention will r Bolling Wilson, widow of the World be harmonious. VlsLT president, may become the Is Fo? Smith Rome, June' 25.— The situation Joan o f Arc of the Democratic con­ Close friends indicated that she was agreeable to the nomination of Opponents of New York Governor Give Up Hope of De­ of the five remaining members of vention s’hould internal strife threat- success of the party’s poli­ Gov. A1 Smith and might openly- de­ Gen. Umberto Nobile’s exploration; tical warfare. clare for him should the anti-Snlith feating Him as Envoys Arrive in Convention City; party upon an Arctic fioe off Poyne She stood out today in the con­ coalition force a “ bitter-end” fight Island, is serious because the ice vention throngs as an exponent of in the convention. harmony and a united front in the She, too, was said to look with Southern Delegates Swing His Way— Sen. Reed, Gov. has begun to break up, said a ra­ November offensive. disfavor on the candidacy of Sen. diogram from King’s Bay this aft­ Having recited the greatest popu­ James A. Reed, of Missouri, who ernoon. lar acclaim of any incoming notable, fcught the League of Nations cov­ Dan Moody, Sen. George and Dan Roper Only Ones In fact, there are six persons Mrs. Wilson apparently was in posi­ enant which Woodrow Wilson pre­ tion to wield great power over con­ sented to the Senate. marooned upon the ice, as Lteut. tending forces. The popularity of the late Presi­ le ft of Anti-Smith Leaders— Still Battling Over Drv Tornberg, Swedish aviator, be­ The spirt of Woodrow Wilson, al­ dent was personified by his widow, came a refugee himself when his ready in evidence in pre-conven­ was first shown when more than / Plank in Platform. plane was damaged while making tion activities, raced through the 1,000 people waited over three a second landing. convention hordes with her arrival. hours for the arrival of her private After rescuing Gen. Nobile fir.st Displaying reticence when ques­ car. on account of his injuries Torn- tions concerning the presidential Houston, June 25— The desper­ Smith will have a clear majority be^'g fiew back from Hinlopen nomination fight, she did express (Continued on page 2) ately struggling anti-Smlth leaders of votes on the first ballot, and probably two-thirds of the conven­ Strait to pick up Natale Cec- In the Democratic national conven-* cione, motor chief of the Italia. tion on the second or third ballot. Owing to the uneven surfai'e of the tion conducted a new count of noses Figure as they would— and did— ice the plane was capsized in land­ today, 24 hours before the gavel the antl-Sraith people could not get ing, but the aviator escaped in­ TROLLEY STRIKE ORDERS falls and then gave up all hope of around it. jury. stopping the New York governor, Opposition Leaders. Nobile’s Re<iuesl A number of conferences was fol­ Leadership In the final drive Upon returning to Hinlopen Here are some of the women Democrats who are expected to play a part in the convention at Houston: lowed by a morning of figuring, and against Smith seemed to rest today Strait after bis first trip to the (1) Mrs. Woodrow Wilson; (2) Mrs. Peter Oleson, of Minnesota; (3) Mrs. Emily Newel Blair, Missouri, CANCELLED; A NEW VOTE in no direction could the bitter-end­ with Daniel C. Roper, and old refugee camp, the Swedish pilot of retiring vice chairman of Democratic National Committee; (4) Gertrude Atherton, the novelist;. (5) Mrs. ers find any hope of holding off McAdoo lieutenant, who was in­ the Upland said Nobile wanted h’.ni Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York; (6) Mrs. Nellie Ross, former governor of Wyoming; (7) Mrs. Clem Gov. Smith’s nomination beyond ternal revenue commissioner In the to rescue Ceccione first. However, Shaver, wife of the chairman of the Democratic national committee. tho third ballot. He may even go Wilson administration, an ardent in view of the fact that Nobile wa.'- Misunderstanding Over Last over, on the first ballot, although dry and skilled politician. Roper’s in worse physical condition than POLICE SEARCH his managers do not claiih it nor room In a downtown hotel was the the mechanic and because of the particularly desire It. mecca for all the anti-Smith ele­ •# latter’s weight, Tornberg insisted Ballot — Men Thought The cold figures, checked and re­ ments. To it at various times dur­ that Nobile be the first to leave. checked by the opponents of Smith, ing the past 24 hours have gone Upon his second flight after Women To Play Bigger Part FOR JAILBIRDS showed that unless the day of poli­ the Anti-Saloon League people, Ceccione, he left his own mechan­ They Were Voting to Back tical miracles is past, Gov. Smith numerous friends of McAdoo— and ic behind to lighten the seaplane. will have a minimum of 750 votes even Sen. “ Jim” Reedi of Mis­ Up Their Committee. INTHRffiSTATK on the second ballot. His possible souri. who stands next to Smith in SEVERELY INJURED At Houston Than At K. C. maximum is coffsiderably greater delegate strength, and Iq whom Loudon. June 25.— The serious­ because in that figure of ” 50 Smith ness of the injuries of General rests whatever real hope the so-- had been accorded only 42 votes called "allied” have of ultimately Umberto Nobile who was rescued New Haven, June 25.— Trolley- from the so-called solid sbuth, the from his isolation on the ice-fioes Washington, June 25— The Dem­ An; excellent example of Demo­ Blair’s successor as vice chairman, One of Them Assaults Aged stooping Smith. ocrats treat their women better, than cratic feminine independence is the but she will be active at her hea# men of the Connecticut Company Arkansas and Lousiana delegations The aim, the purpose and the north of Spitsbergen by Capt. and four from North Carolina. Tornberg, the Swedish aviator, the Republicans. case of Mrs. Emily Newell Blair. quarters here during the conven­ lines who were to have met tonight goal of the dissenters was express­ There will be something like 150 Mrs. Blair was national committee- tion. She is regarded as the politi­ Woman and Keeps Her To Get Southern 'Votes ed by Roper himself this morning as were described today in an Ex­ to receive orders for conducting a As the great mass of delegates change Telegraph dispatch from women delegates sitting in the woman from Missouri and for sev­ cally best informed woman among strike to enforce.their demands for follows: Democratic national convention at eral years vice chairman of the na­ Democrats and retires after a bril­ poured into Houston today by train, “ The elements of the convention Rome. higher wages, and improved work­ Prisoner in Home for an boat and motor thfere were rumb­ Nobile suffered an incompleie Houston this year and about 260 tional committee. liant administration of her position.* which are convinced of the neces- , women alternates. As was the case When senator Reed wanted the Nearly all the leading women’s ing conditions, will hold a poll, in­ lings tha,t indicated Smith'may get sity of.saving the Democratic party ■fracture of the right shin and his at Kansas City, there are fewer organizatfons will have represent­ a good many scattering^ votes from foot was completely dislocated at Ailssouri delegation it would only stead', to -decide whether they go Entire ^ from nullification of the 18 th women seated than in 1924, a re­ have been smart politics for Mrs. atives before the platform commit­ out on strike. .Meanwhile the strike southern* states that his managers amendnient, and from Tammany the ankle. In addition he Suffered duction. from about 500 to 400 tee to urge their various pet pro­ order, set for midnight tonight, has have regar(ied'as unfriendly terri­ a severe contusion of the right Blair to chime right in. Instead control of the Federal, are in agree­ among spme 2000 delegates and grams. The platform, of course, will been definitely cancelled. tory. Six of Virginia’s 24 votes for thigh which- caused him to lose of that, Mrs. Blair, a good Wilson example, were reported ready to go ment upon the course of procedure alternates. Democrat, led the tight to prevent be dictated by the politicians, with “ Some of the men thought they Bridgeport, June 25.— Police of to be followed In the fight.” much blood. 'The Republicans tiad less tha,n such concessions as seem expedient. were voting to sustain the commit­ to Smith on the first ballot, or his endorsement. Mrs. Blair, of three states have been hunting for whenever the governor’s managers The nature of that “ agreement” His injuries are very painful half as many feminine delegates cour;x.
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