WEATHER Min. Mlax. Freclp. <*\ny, Nov. 29 24 8« Trace my. Nov. 30 28 0.«0 QUOTE , Dec. 1 IS 0.19 ay. Dan. 2 .'IB 0.00 . ."ifastinot preceded wisdom." ', Doc. 3 -'24 Trace y, Dec. 4 .21 0.20 —George liillo. .y, Dec. 5 24 0.01 By H.K.I* '] HUNDRED-THIRD YEAR—No. 25 14 Pages This Week CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1972 15c per copy SUBSCRIPTION: ¢4.00 PER YEAR Grass Lake Youth Slated Sunday Murdered in His Home iy CHS Choirs By Prison Parolee The concert is open to the pub­ >i>e Choirs of Chelsea High It began with~>an ,o{fer of assis­ "It's getting to thek point where >I will piesent a winter con- lic with no admission charge and tance and ended with" Howard TR„ director, DiAnn L'Roy invited ev­ we're going to .have to go l>ack to * Sunday, Dec 10 at 4 p.m., in Stoker, Jr., dead in his patents', the old days and start- wearing 'ligh School auditorium. eryone to the program to spend home. •• : s Girls Glee Club will open an enjoyable hour with new and 1?? guns on our hips." another .re­ irograis -with a rnixture of the old music .Grass Lake grieves. "It's too portedly said. •'. and traditional seleGtlofls^ m- horrible' to be true,';, "It-ttouldii't' Howard had earned distinction tng "Rainy Days and . Moif ihappen,here."r "We're numb." -Dis­ as a gndder. He was to be named •••-" and "Jmgle Bell Rock." belief is understandable The com­ to the fir^t-string All-State team :"->e. Madrigal Singers will pre- Bloodmobile munity has lost one of its finest by the Detroit Free Press Sunday. songs in the traditional chor- sons to a violence bred elsewhere. He was also a member of the All tyle, including seasonal npra- Sign-Up Dritej Others have lost sons, and recent­ Conference team of Lenawee. •This group is composed of ly but the loss suffered by the A tn-captain of the Grass Lake •tudents and sings at varied Howard Stoker family is neither gndders, Howard was considering -munity events in addition to framed py the philosophies of war, attending one of several colleges Going Well / / non explained by the follies of who had expressed interest in his i ;r>J performance'; - Pie Concert Choir will close the The Jaycee BloOdmobile ' sign-up youth The only "wrong" Howard football prowess. He also had an .:ram with a highly varied pro- drive is going "pretty well, accord­ committed was to offer help to a interest in farming, which he had couple whose Car was stuck in a nutured while working for framers •m ranging from spintudls, to ing to my optomistic goals," said LNMAM IILUilIl. MJ.IL Lu-l-r aJJ„ ^\ IIILL, J1 »l>> urtu, howLVur. Although Dexter men., 1 •itional -Christmas songs, to Norman Colbry, "-and very well toy era! inches to his 5'H" with a perfect jump shot. were shorter tha^i Chelsea's cagers, they managed' ditch outside his home "' ; in the area . tronic tape.' For the first time, other standards.." While his Dexter opponent is stretched out, Marvin to take the victory home. Bruce Guster and Ron* Howard, who was at home with The Stoker family has lived in their country home for five years chqir will be singing -"In Jthe These were the reflections of has extension to spare. Dexter had some, similar Kiel (center) are busy with the back-up work. his mother, brother, sister, and an­ ., :nnmg of Creation," a compos- the blood drive chairman, as he other girl, a family friend, Friday They have owned the expanse of night, .reportedly went out into the . HOWARD STOKER, JR. land, which commands a view of - for choir and electronic tape viewed the 106 names that had 1 :en by the American compos- been placed on posters around snowy evening'to help,a couple son's death until he arrived home, the rolling hills m the area, for Daniel Flhfchdm. -Student town th last two weeks. wjio'se car was, stuck outside, their Saturday afternoon 14 years. Their trailer perched on Mr Hope Rd. home. it before the house was completed. :her,T)an Stevens, has worked Several Jaycees were out Sat­ Six Chelsea Homes Included The police (will not identify 'According tq police, they wpre Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stoker for­ tcially with the choir in the urday, personally campaigning to Jones' female companion, and the ; art along of this new media. called at 9.35 p.m., after Howard's Stokers know nothing about her. merly lived in Chelsea, next to add more names to the lists. As 9 offer to help was refused The po­ the telephone office, and for a Colbry, DaVid Rowe, and Neil They say that all the particulars lice received another call, five mip- surrounding the case are confiden­ while on Lincoln St. Mr. Stoker Ernst canvassed Mam St, they col­ On 'Holiday Homes Tour f u es later, which reported that t£e tial. They have yet to be notified has been with the Chelsea Milling ( ongregational lected the signatures of 40 moie man m the car had a gun Short]y Co sinfce J954. ^ individuals who are willing to de­ Getting ready for Christmas of the trial date. can be an exhausting and mind' ly thereafter, a tnird call came Young Howard was to have cele­ They buried theif son Tuesday vote 'a little of their time and blood through, saying that Howard had morning The family requests that (liurch. Finds to the cause, Saturday, Dec. 7. boggling experience, or so it brated his 18th birthday Saturday, been shot. ' and a surprise party had been memorial contributions go to the All those who have signed up seems to the six area hostesses who are having to ready their The police said that the woman planned in his honor. The three- Grass Lake Warriors Athletic Club. to come to the Red Cross Blood from the car came up the dnye year Ietterman on the Grass Lake Jones was paroled from Southern Burglary mobile, which will be parked in homes for an especially early 1 holiday deadlme, Dec 17. to the Stoker home to say that football team was well-liked, not Michigan Prison last Oct 26, after he Congregational church of front of the Fair Grounds Service It is on that Sunday, between her companion had a gun, and was only by his comtemporanes, but serving a term for attempted lar­ " Isea was victimized by an ap- Building, will 'be donating their - ja*v.^ going to shoot somebody. The wo­ by the adults in the community ceny from a building. He had be­ pint by appointment. This will G and 9pm, that participants : • •-.: antly persistent burgler last man ran into the hbuse, and How­ A group of unidentified Grass gun his sentence Jan. 14 -••k. eliminate waitmg lines in the "Holiday Homes" tour will be able to admire the handi­ ard ushered everyone into the Lake citizens, gathered at the The Stokers have lost their son, lief George Meranuck received The Jaycees have arranged for basement Grass Lake has lost a fine citi­ (Continued on page eight) work. At this time, designated Ramble Inn to discuss the tragedy, implaint Saturday morning that areas of each of the six homes The police said that the gunman told a Jackson Citizen Patriot re­ zen and the entire area has lost a Li! church had been broken into. will be on view, featuring highly somehow forced the door, shot How­ porter, "There wasn't a better kid bit of its innocence The violence At the scene, the investigation re- . fediyJ^juM^njl^ ard in the face with a handgun, hi town If we'd Been there ahead elsewhere, in Viet Nam, in Detroit, -. - ii.ed that the culprit had'gained Santa Clause sions of fchnstm andiled on*-fopt„.He was tracked df~rthe^p0MceV *J^*-neyei^r*QuI4 even m Ann Arbor, bas come hor­ i.-trance to the church building by by a State Police dog to a plate- •have gotten whoever jsKot jhlm^' ribly closer to home. !••:•'• iking a window, and pressing Chelsea Child Study Club—Is under a barbed wire fence, a mile :i "n on the crash bar. Marks, Schedules Visit sponsoring this event and the and a half south of the Stoker uarently frqm a screwdriver, proceeds will benefit the Chel­ */•' home. He was captured at 10'50 • e found ori the door of the sea Recreation Council Ticket «.j', according to police reports m the ,rch office. The attempt to Here Saturday brochures are available at the Sackrider Hill area. •ak into that .aiea had failed, Chelsea Hardware Store or from -¾ any club member. Held in Jackson County Jail on Cagers Hand He's been making a list, and •'ever. • Nothing was reported THREE FOIL ANGELS delight Tylcne Greenleaf, 3½. This a charge of murder is • James Le- sing from the building. checking it twice, but just to make Hospitality torches- will light roy Jones, 42, of 1410 Atkinson) be The next day, however, someone sure he doesn't miss anyone, Santa the way, and bid you welcome to display is one of the hand-made decorations which "Holiday Homes" tour visitors will see Sunday, December 17, at the home of troit, a parolee from Southern -; more successful Patrolman has decided to talk with the Chil­ each of these homes. Michigan Prison. State troopers (Continued on page six) dren m person. Mr. and Mrs.
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