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I also review the record of proceedingsin each Tribunal for legal sufficiency in accordancewith standards prescribed in the CombatantStatus ReviewTribunal establishment order and implementing directive. 2. I hereby certify that the documentsattached hereto constitute a true and accurate copy of the portions of the record of proceedings before the CombatantStatus ReviewTribunal related to petitioner SalmanYahya Hassan Mohammed Rabeii that are suitable for public release. The portions of the record that amclassified or considered law enforcementsensitive are not 2527 attached hereto. I have redacted any information that wouldpersonally identify certain U.S. Governmentpersonnel in order to protect the personal security of those individuals. I have also redacted internee serial numbersbecause certain combinationsof internee serial numberswith other information becomeclassified under applicable classification guidance. I declare underpenalty of perjury that the foregoingis true and correct. Dated: ~ ~-~0--"}-(~c~ 2528 Department of Defense Director, Combatant Status Review Tribunals 3 October 2004 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY From: Director, CombatantStatus ReviewTribanal Subj: REVIEW OF CO1V£BATANT STATUS REVIEW TRIBUNAL FOR DETAINEE ISN #~ Ref: (a) DeputySecretary of DefenseOrder of 7 July 2004 (b~ Secretary of the NavyOrder of 29 July 2004 1. I concur ~ the decision of the CombatantSlams ReviewTribunal that Detainee ISN Q meets the criteria for desi~maationas an EnemyCombatant, in accordancewith references (a) and 2. This case is nowconsidered final, attd the detainee will be scheduledfor an AdmJ.aistrafive Review Board. J. M. McGAR_RAH RADM, CEC, USN Distribution: NSC(Mr. Jolm BelISager) DoS (Ambassador Prosper) DASD-DA JCS SOUTttCOM(COS) COMJTFOTMO OARDECffwd) CITFFt Belvoir FOR OFFICLAL USE ONLY 2529 UNCLASSIFIED 2 Oct 04 From: Legal Advisor To: Director, Combatant Status Review Tribunal Subj: LEGAL SUFFICIENCY REVIEW OF COMBATANTSTATUS REVIEW TRIBUNAL FOR DETAINEE ISN # ~ Ref: (a) DeputySecretary of Defense Order of 7 July 2004 (b) Secretary of the NavyImplementation Directive of 29 July 2004 Enci: (1) AppointingOrder for Tribunal #6 of 13 September2004 (2) Recordof Tribunal Proceedings 1. A legal sufficiency review has been completedon the subject CombatantStatus ReviewTribunal in accordancewith references (a) and (b). After reviewingthe record of the Tribunal, I ~Sndthat: m The detainee was properly notified of the Tribunal process and voluntarily elected not to eparticipate in the Tribunal proceedings..Atthe Tribunal, the detainee’s Personal Representativ madean unswomstatement on the detainee’s behalf and at his request. b. The Tribunal was properly convenedand constituted by enclosure (1). c. The Tribunal compliedwith the provisions of references (a) and (b). Note that information in exhibits R-3 and R-4 was redacted. The FBI properly certified in exhibit R-2 that the redacted informationwould not support a determinationthat the detainee is not an enemy combatant. d. The detainee madeno requests for Mtnessesor other evidence. e. Th Tribunal s decmlonthat detainee #t~is classified as an enemy combatant Was unallmlous. f. The dgtainee’s Personal Representative was given the opportunity to review the record of proceedings and declined to submit commentsto the Tribunal. 2. Theproceedings and decision of the Tribunal are legally sufficient and no corrective action is required. 3. I recommend that the decision of the Trip__be consideredfinal. CDR, JAGC, USN UNCLASSIFIED 2530 Departmentof Defense Director,Combatant Status KeviewTribunals 13 Sep 04 From: Director, CombatantStatus ReviewTribunals Subj: APPOINTMENTOF COMBATANTSTATUS REVIEW TRIBUNAL #6 Ref: (a) ConveningAuthority AppointmentLetter of 9 July 2004 By the authority given to mein reference (a), a CombatantStatus ReviewTribunal established by "Implementationof CombatautStatus ReviewTribunal Procedures for EnemyCombatants Detained at GuantanamoBay Naval Base, Cuba" dated 29 July 2004 is herebyconvened. It shall hear such cases as shall be broughtbefore it withoutfurther action of refen’al or otherwise. The following commissionedofficers shall serve as membersof the Tribunal: Colonel, U.S. Army;President ~ Commander, SAC.d2, U.S. Navy;, M~nbcr (SAG) U.S, Marine. Corp~; Member L M. McGARRAH Pear Admiral Civil EngineerCorps United States Naval Reserve 2531 HEADQUARTERS, OARDEC FORWARD GUANTANAMOBAY, CUBA APOAE 09360 MEMORANDUMFOR DIRECTOR, CSRT 29 September 2004 FROM: OARDEC FORWARDCommander SUBJECT: CSRT Record of Proceedings ICO ISN#~ 1. Pursuant to Enclosure (1), paragraph (1)(5) of hnplementation of Combatant Stat us Review Tribunal Procedures for EnemyCombatants Detained at GuantanamoBay Naval Base, Cuba dated 29 July 2004, I am forwarding the CombatantStares ReviewTribunal Decision Report for the above mentionedISN for review and action. 2. If there are any questions regardingthis package,point of contact on this matter is the undersigned at DSN660-3088. DAVID L. TAYLOR Colonel, USAF 2532 SECRET/~OFORN//X1 (U) CombatantStatus Review Tribunal Decision Report Cover Sheet (U) This Documentis UNCLASSIFIEDUpon Removalof Enclosures (2) and (U) TRIBUNAL PANEL: (U) ISN#: Ref: (a) (U) ConveningOrder for Tribunal #6 of 13 September2004 (U) (b) (U) CSRTImplementation Directive of 29 July 2004 (U) (c) (U) DEPSECDEFMemo of 7 July 2004 (U) Encl: (1) (U) Unclassified Summaryof Basis For Tribunal Decision (U) (2) (U) Classified Summaryof Basis for Tribunal Decision (S/NF) (3) (U) Statement of Detainee through Personal Representative (U/FOUO) (4)CO)Copies of DocumentaryEvidence Presented (S/NF) (5) (U) Personal Representative’s Record Review(U) 1. (U) This Tribunal was convenedby references (a) and (b) to makea determination to whetherthe detainee meets the criteria to be designated as an enemycombatant as defined in reference (c). 2. (U) On 25 September2004, the Tribunal determined, by a preponderanceof the evidence, that Detainee gis properly designated as an enemycombatant as defined in reference (c). 3. (U) In particular, the Tribunalfinds that this detainee is a memberof, or affiliated with, A1Qaida forces, as morefully discussed in the enclosures. 4. (U) Enclosure(1) provides an unclassified account of the basis for the Tribunal’s decision. A detailed account of the evidence considered by the Tribunal and its findings of fact are containedin enclosures(1) and (2). U.S. Army Tribunal President DERVFM: Multiple Sources SECRET//NOFORN//X1 DECLASS:XI 2533 LrNCLASSI~IED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF BASIS FOR TRIBUNAL DECISION (Enclosure (1) to CombatantStatus ReviewTribunal Decision Report) TRIBUNAL PANEL: #6 ISN #= __.~__. 1. Introduction As the CombatantStatus ReviewTribunal (CSRT)Decision Report indicates, the Tribunal has determinedthat this detainee is properly classified as an enemycombatant and was part of A1 Qaidaforces. In reaching its conclusions, the Tribunal considered both classified and unclassified information. The following is an account of the unclassified evidence considered by the Tribunal and other pertinent information. Classified evidence considered by the Tribunal is discussed in Enclosure (2) to the CSRT Decision Report. 2. Synops~ofProceedings The Tribunal held this hearing on 25 September2004. The Recorder presented Er&ibits R-1 and R-2 during the unclassified portion of the Tribunal. The primary exhibit, the Unclassified Summaryof Evidence(Exhibit R-I), indicates that the detainee: voluntarily traveled from Sanaa, Yemen,to Afghanistan; attended the A1Farouq training campin August 2001; was captured with other membersof.his training squad from the A1 Farouq training camp;and, advised that he should be considereda threat to the United States. The Recorder called no witnesses. The detainee chose not to attend the Tribunal as reflected in the Detainee Election Form (Exhibit D-A); however,he did ask the Personal Representativeto tell the Tribunal that nothing in the Unclassified Summaryof Evidenceis true. During the classified session of the Tribunal, the Recorderpresented Exhibits R-3 through R-18. The Personal Representative presented no classified evidence. Both the Recorder and the Personal Representative commentedon the classified exhibits. 3. Evidence Considered by the Tribunal The Tribunal considered the following evidence in reaching its conclusions: a. Exhibits: R-1 throughR-18 andD-A. b. Testimonyof the following persons: None. UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO ISN~ Enclosure (1) Page 1 of 32534 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO c. UnswomStatement of the detainee (through the Personat Representative): See Enclosure (3)
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