
BORNEO RESEARCH BULLETIN VOL. 24 low PAGE NOTES FROM THE EDITOR .......................... 2 MEMORIAL - Hedda Morrison ~n Borneo ................. 3 RESEARCH NOTES The Preh~storyof Borneo, Peter Bellwood .................. 7 Sh~fhIn Language Allegiance in Borneo: The Belait Community of Brune~Darussalam, Peter Martin ..................... 16 Between Trad~tionand Change. A Re-Examination of Some Fundamental Assumptions about the Ibans, Jayum A. Jawan .................................. 24 Sketches of Our Life at Sarawak by Harriette McDougall R. H. W. Reece and A. J. M. Saint .................... 33 Education in Sarawak - From Brooke Rule to Colonial Office Admmishat~on,Ooi Keat-Gin ....................... 62 Ulu'Banua, A Longhouse of the Taman-Daya, Henry Arts ..... 68 Errors In Borneo Ethnography: Part I1 G. N Appell .................................... 79 An Update on the Penan of Brunei Peter W. Martin and Peter G. Sercombe ................ 86 ban Oral L~terature Tun Jugah Foundation ........... Outline for A Collector's Ouestion- List for Bornean Oral Literature and Verbal Tradition Stephanie Morgan ................................112 Notes on the Punan of the Upper Balayan Chris Obidzinski ................................. 139 MEMOIR Stephen Morris NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ...................... 151 Opening Address to the 2nd Biennial Conference of the Borneo Research Council, G. N. Appell ........... 152 Recent Activities of the Borneo Research Council, G. N. Appell ............................. 157 Borneo Research Council, Inc., Executive Director's Report ......................................... 165 BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS .......................... 185 BORNEO NEWS ....................................185 The Borneo Research Bulleli,t is published by the Borneo Research Council Please address all inquiries and contributions for publication to Vinson H. Sutlive, Jr., Editor, Borneo Research Btrlletin, Department of Anthropology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 23185, USA. Single issues are available at US$5.00. 3 NOTES FROM THE EDITOR MEMORIAL This issue of the Bcllletin is indicative of the breadth and depth of interests MEMORIAL I of Borneo scholars. "Research Notes" include an overview of Borneo prehistory, language change, ethnography, and guides to the study of oral traditions. HEDDA MOPU7ISON IN BORNEO I Prov~dmga forum for the publlcat~onof current research results IS a I Hedda was already an experlenced photographer of the Aslan scene when prmary purpose for wh~chthe Bz~lletlnwas established, and we encourage all she arr~vedm Sarawak In November 1947 She had spent the years 1933 to 1946 persons engaged in any sc~entlf~cresearch to share results of then work with m Pekmg For the f~rstf~ve years m Chma she managed a German photo readers In future Issues, we plan overviews of research m other dlsclplmes, busmess After refuslng to return lo Germany m 1948 she worked with an I sunllar to Professor Bellwood's art~cle. Engllsh lady nterested m adapting Ch~nesecraft work for European art~cles- mostly costumc jewellery and cnlb~otdery When her employer left Peklng m This year, 1992, was marked by the extremely successful Second B1ennlal 1940 she eked out a modest 11v)ngas a freelance photographer In 1946 she Internatlonal Confelence of the Councll m Kota Kmabalu Despite a number of worked for the American Red Cross dauntmg challenges, the staff of the Yayasan Sabah provlded a venue and unexcelled hospitality fol part~c~pantsWe plan Lo meet m Pontlanak m 1994 and Nelther Hedda nor I knew anyth~ngabout Borneo when I was appomted to m Brune~m 1996 Please plan to attend and ~artlcl~ateThe o~~ortunltlesto the Colonla1 Servlce m Sarawak but she came out fully prepared for photographic meet persons who for years have been only "~en-pals"Is particularly rewardmg work The equ~prnentmcluded a l~ttleportable enlarger whlch could be operated on batter~csTh~s was invaluable because for my hrst two tours of duty we never The Directors plan an Annual Fund Cam~algnm which we write to all had mams electrlc~ty We were also dependent on ram water Members and Fellows to provide an opportun~tyto contribute to the work of the Councll Much of th~swork has been borne by a few mdividuals and, as w~ththe Our f~rststat~on was Sar~ke~m the Lower Rejang Here I was the Cadet future dlrectlon of the Councll, the tlme has come for all res~onslbllltlesto be work~ngw~th an experlenced Dlstrlct Off~cerBob Snelus Hedda lost no t~meIn shared more wldely When you recave Your letter for the Cam~algnfwe urge start~ngto take photos Some of her earllest stud~eswere of a ploneer pepper you to glve generously planter Mr Ngu Ee K~ngand hls famlly and of a small commun~tyof Bug~s p~neapplegrowers Commencmg wlth thls Issue, we shall follow the simple and clean style for c~tat~onsof the Ainerzcan Anthropolog~st Authors are referred to "Info~matlon She dld v~21tone or two longhouses as well as Paloh and Mayu on the coast for Authors and the quest~onarose as to whether she could accompany me on Dayak tours whlch formed such an Important part of an adm~n~stratlveoff~cer's work I Please note thatontheaccomPanYmg statement, we ask Persons Pay sought approvol to enable her to do th~sThe Idea was a novel one m Sarawak thelr fees to the Midland Bank or our offices m Kuchmgor Jakarta, to please send but approval was eventually glven The flnal decls~onhad to be referred all the a copy of the~rstatement to us for our records way up to the Governor, Slr Charles Arden Clarke We are grateful to the follow~ngpersons for then fmancial contribut~ons After a year In Sar~kelI was transferred to Bmatang a l~ttleway uprlver for support of the work of the Council: Laura P A~~ell-WarrrenfRalph Arbus! from Sarlke~and here and always thereafter Hedda came wlth me It never J~YB cram, ale Dlxon, John Elllot, kchard C Fldlerj Harmony Frazler-Taylorf caused problems In fact the people vls~tedalways seemed very glad to see her ~mda~lmball, ~ohn L Landgraf, Michael B Lelght Allen R. Maxwell( And slnce I loved travell~ngth~s meant that she saw a great deal of Sarawak Potter, Ann Schlller, Wllllam Schnelder, and Le~ghR Wr~ght. (1f we have omltted your name, please forglve our oversight and send us a note so we can I was only In Bmatang for SIX months but thls mcluded a memorable and J the B1l1lefln the make proper acknowledgement m the next Issue very llquld ~OUIof the area of Pengliulu Nylpa It was 11qu1dbecause not only meant~me,please accept our slncere thanks ) was the~ean abundance of good tuak after an excellent harvest but leavmg the last house I fell m the r~vcrto the great del~ghtof the hosts We also took I I I 1 I I 1 - --' 1 4 5 1 advantage of a local leave to vlslt Kap~tand Belaga, then up the Balul and over This was no great hardship and by the tlme we left 18 months later I had to Bmtulu and Nlah vls~ted,at least brlefly, all 296 houses m the then Dlstrlct It was later enlarged 1 i to take ~n the Ulu Julau Hedda accompan~edme on all my tours though her From Blnatang I was transferred to Lawas, one of the most charmmg and total was lower slnce I often left her In one house whlle I called on others nearby mterestlng Districts In Sarawak It IS a beautiful place where the mountams of These tours gave Hedda good opportun~tles for photography And the the ~nterlorcome down much closer to the coast than elsewhere Tw~cewe configuration of the Dlstr~ctallowed some mterestmg travel up the Ngemah and walked up to Bah Kelalan and so came to know the Lun Daya people Travellmg over to the Mu~ok,up the Mujok and over to the POI, always trymg to avoid was very d~fferentto that m ban areas because ~t was all on foot and the people havlng to return by the same route we had followed on the outward journey were devout Chrlstlans and teetotallers Once we met the DO Mukah Ian Urquhart just over the border of hls dlstrlct and I Hedda accompan~edh~m down to the coast Hedda had to overcome serlous problems In her travels As a small ch~ld she contracted pollo whlch left her wlth a shortened and malformed left leg and In 1952 I was allowed to take local leave to vlslt the Second Dlv~slon foot In Chma she had undergone serlous mternal surgery But she walked well, overland, the leave to commence when we left the Ulu Entaba~ We travelled though slowly, and never allowed her physical hand~capsto restrlct her activltles across to the Shrang and Slmanggang On the way we cllrnbed Bullt Sadok, the stronghold of the famous rebel Rentap We went on to Lubok Antu but I was On our second tour to the Ulu Trusan we came back vla the Ulu Llmbang then ~mmedlatelyrecall to Kanow~t There had been a penynmzrn scare - one of whlch mvolved a long walk through deep jungle Here we met a little group of the per~odlcrumours of ghostly headhunters - and our bungalow was qu~te Penans Lawas was a wonderful D~str~ctOddly enough In the Rajah's day ~t falsely reported to have been attacked by armed and masked men was a punishment stat~onto whlch off~cerswho had misbehaved or who had upset the Ranee were consigned Inevitably m such a Dlstrlct you form a particular attachment to one or more places In our case lt was the valley of the Ngemah Hedda returned there a Lawas adjo~nsSabah and we took the opportuntty to see something of that number of tlmes to the house of Mandal Garu Many of the photos m Life In n State F~rstof all Hedda went there by herself She went to Tenom and then Longhotlse were taken there followed the brldle tracks to Ranau and Kota Belud Later we both went, partly to enable me to assess whether brldle tracks
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