Article Random Worms: Evidence of Random and Nonrandom Processes in the Chromosomal Structure of Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryotes Random Worms: Evidence of Random and Nonrandom Processes in the Chromosomal Structure of Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryotes Glenn R. Morton and Gordon Simons One of the central debates in Christian apologetics concerns the role of chance and randomness within living systems and the presumed incompatibility of chance with complex organisms containing high informational content. In order to address this issue, the chromosomal organization of genes for ten different species of varying levels of complexity was examined for evidence of randomness in the gene structure. The results show an interplay of random and nonrandom processes with the more complex eukaryotes evidencing more randomness in their genetic structure than is found in the simpler prokaryotic organisms: bacteria and archaea. While almost all anti-evolutionary views reject any role for chance or randomness in biology, we find that the Bible supports a much more compatible perspective. Glenn Morton Biology and chance it clear that the amino acids from which One of the philosophical issues about which life arises cannot have been formed Christians have debated over the past cen- by chance. The cell, which supposedly tury concerns the role of chance in the emerged by chance under primitive biological realm. Many Christians have and uncontrolled terrestrial conditions rejected any role for chance. The conserva- according to evolutionists, still cannot tive creationist Henry Morris states: “Chance be synthesized even in the most and design are antithetical concepts.”1 sophisticated, high-tech laboratories of 4 It is not only Christians opposed to evo- the 20th century. lution who reject chance in the biological A major objective of the Intelligent Gordon Simons realm. Rejection of chance in the biological Design movement has been to show that realm is a common trait across religious and chance cannot work. Dembski states: “Now theological boundaries. The Jewish anti- a little reflection makes clear that a pattern evolutionist, Lee Spetner writes: “The infor- need not be given prior to an event to elimi- mation required for large-scale evolution nate chance and implicate design.”5 cannot come from random variations.”2 (While noting that this second quote uses the Glenn Morton, an ASA member, has a B.S. in Physics from Oklahoma University word random rather than chance, we will not and works as a geophysicist in the oil industry. He has been an independent attempt to infer whether the author meant to consultant and served as manager of geophysical training, as chief geophysicist convey a distinction. A discussion of termi- for China, and as the geophysical manager for the U.S. Offshore. He currently is nology appears later.) serving as geophysical manager of the North Sea. Besides publishing articles on geophysics, Glenn has published over fifty articles in the area of creation and A member of the Reunification Church, evolution along with four books on the topic. He and Debi have three grown sons. Jonathan Wells wrote: “Furthermore, the Correspondence may be sent to him at: [email protected]. integrated complexity of developmental Gordon Simons is a faculty member at the University of North Carolina in Chapel programs cannot plausibly be attributed to Hill, where he is a professor of statistics, and has twice served as the chairman of chance.”3 the Department of Statistics. He earned his Ph.D. in statistics at the University And even Islamic anti-evolutionists take of Minnesota in 1966. Gordon has published numerous papers concerned with the same position: probability and statistics, mostly of a theoretical nature. While he has been interested in the relationship between science and Christianity, and a member of Laboratory experiments and probabil- ASA for many years, this is his first professional effort of this kind. He and his istic calculations have definitely made wife, Karen, have three grown daughters. Volume 55, Number 3, September 2003 175 Article Random Worms: Evidence of Random and Nonrandom Processes in the Chromosomal Structure of Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryotes There are many other Christians of vary- that God did not foreknow that Jonah would ing theological persuasions who reject the be picked, that God did not foreknow that role of chance in biology.6 Indeed, if this Achan was the one who would be chosen or position is not the majority position in con- that Matthias would step into the apostolic servative Protestant theology, then it is very line. This is a position which basically says close to it. that God is not omnipotent or omniscient. If God can use chance in his dealings with Finally, we observe that Christians appear Israel and the early church, then why do we much more troubled by assertions of chance say he has no ability to use chance in biol- in biology than by chance in the nonlife ogy? God can, has, and does control the sciences, for instance, in physics with the stochastic process even if we do not under- God ordered or decay of nuclei. stand how it happens. allowed the use One thing Christians must keep in mind The Bible and Chance is that our perspective on chance is not One of the difficulties raised by the rejection God’s. Humans are not always able to dis- of chance in nature lies in the fact that God of [chance] at tinguish between appearance of chance and ordered or allowed the use of such systems the actuality of chance. But we cannot say at critical places in the biblical history. If critical places that God is equally so limited. The molecules God is incompatible with chance in his deal- in a gas move according to deterministic ings with this world, it seems odd that he in the biblical laws, but the Maxwellian distribution of allowed and commanded the use of such their velocities gives the appearance of systems. The Urim and Thrummim which the chance. On the other hand, quantum phe- history. If God priest carried is widely believed to have nomena appear to be the actuality of chance. been a tool for casting lots before the Lord.7 But that might not be the view from God’s is incompatible The Hebrews believed what Prov. 16:33 says: perspective given the biblical references “The lot is cast into the lap, but every deci- above. In biology, we see the fertilization of sion is from the Lord.” Proverbs 18:18 would with chance in an egg as the result of a random or nearly indicate that the Jews thought God was the random event. A single sperm may have true decision maker when chance was his dealings only a one in fifty billion chance of being the involved. That verse says: “Casting the lot “lucky” winner of the race to the egg. Yet settles disputes and keeps strong opponents God proclaims through Jeremiah: “Before I with this apart.” In 1 Chron. 24:1–5, 1 Chron. 24:31, formed you in the womb I knew you, before and 1 Chron 25:8, David cast lots to deter- you were born I set you apart” (1:5, NIV). world, it seems mine the order of the service for the sanctu- If God were unable to control chance, why ary officials. God used the chance lots of the would he make such a statement? odd that he sailors to identify Jonah as the source of their troubles (Jon. 1:7). In Lev. 16:8, God told the allowed and Israelites to cast lots for the sacrificial goat. Biological Evidence for God told Joshua to cast lots in order to Chance? commanded the identify Achan, the guilty keeper of the Canaanite booty. In Josh. 18:8, we see Joshua In the past, it has been difficult to actually casting lots for the assignment of land to the test the chance hypothesis in biological sys- use of such various tribes. In Acts 1:24–26, the disciples tems. The discussion has revolved too often used chance, the casting of lots, to determine around debatable probability arguments. systems. who should take over the apostolic ministry The standard argument says that there are of Judas. Because of the biblically wide- too many possible combinations in proteins, spread use of chance to determine God’s or too many possible combinations in DNA/ will, it is truly amazing that many modern RNA for working sequences to be found by Christians reject chance in biology as being random mutation. These arguments are based totally incompatible with God’s control. on the assumption that very few sequences out of the entire ensemble of possibilities If God cannot control chance, how can he would be capable of performing the sought control the lots above? God predetermined for task. Examples are legion but Gange pro- the result yet used a tool of chance. If God vides a good one. He says: cannot use chance, then one must logically Hemoglobin contains two trains total- conclude that God did not foreknow how ing 574 cars—each selected from among the land would be divided among the tribes, twenty kinds of amino acids. The num- 176 Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith Glenn R. Morton and Gordon Simons ber of ways we can assemble these hemoglobin trains melanogaster; and the six chromosomes of the nematode, is so vast that it is a trillion trillion (repeat twenty Caenorabditusus elegans. We also examined but rejected as times more) times the entire number of stars in the too incomplete at this time, the human genome. The results universe, despite this, only one combination known of our study show some interesting features of genetic to man carries oxygen most efficiently in your blood.8 organization relating to the central philosophical question of this article—What is the role of chance in biology? The weakness of this argument is that Gange cannot prove the last phrase.
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