- r-r** >* ^ >.■ .-.r ^ I'. ■A: >Y~ ■ WEDNEtO)AY, AtlGl^ST tr, IW p / ' / iP A G E t w e n t y -p o u r iOanrbPBtpr Cvrains AveraTe Daily, Net Preaa Run The Weather For the Week Ended - Forecaat of D. B. Weather Bureau JTime U . 1998 i \ . - - . ltaln,„ looMaalag wiada, mUder A b o u t ■ y 1 2 , 7 0 1 tonight. Low In 69a. Friday ratal, Member et the Audit wtndy, Uttle ohange in tempera­ >n* KIka Mtbaek toummmant Bureau of OIrculaaoai i '• ture. nigh near TO'. aUrta Sept. 9. Teama atiould be VUlnge Charm regflateredaub. by Sept 8 at the®Jjur GREEN VOL.-LXXVII, NO. 280 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTI >NN., THURSDAY, AU(JUST 28. 1958 (daaairicd Adverttalag on Fago 18) ' PRICE f iv e c e n t s The K of C aetback tournament atarta Sept S. Taama ahould be L. raglatered by Sept b. THURS., AUG. 28 Carnival Mejpi The Mancheater tquadron o( C?vll Air Patrol will hold Ita party and dance tonight at the VTW Home Inatead of the regrular meet­ Forced ^ Jbin ing at the American Legion Home. in scholar - bright new fashions ALL CASH SALES— Je^^ters Union 9 - ^ Richard Tulei, 107 Steep Hol­ low Lane, haa returned from Camp Pioneer In Wlnatod where he waa VV^ington, Aug. 28 {JP)~ a counaelor for the aummer. He An-' Indiana lawyer testified will enter Tale Unlveralty In the Hartftard, Aug. 28 ' today that Harry Karsh, a fall aa a freahman. ■ r Ntitmeggers were adyis^ by- top aide to Teamster bigwig Iflaa Vivien Cole, daughter of the T^velers Weather Serv­ Harold Gibbons, used hunger Mr, and Mra. Gllmoure N. Cole, ice today to keep their fingers and thirst of menagerie- ani­ M Stephen St., will enter Doug- eroaaed until Daisy makes up mals to help force carnival laaa College in Rutgera Univer- | her mind which' way shells workers into the Jewelers' alty, New Bniruiwlck, N. J , Sept ^ \ l i aa a freahmrh, ' ' | going. .. Onion (in 1952. U looked as thotigh the hur-^ I The testimony by Robert L. The Rev. and Mra. Theodore K. | ricane wjpulif pass east of I Hines, Ft-. Wayne, opened the Sen- Join Forces in Fight i ate Rackets Committee's efforts to Palmer and their daughter, Vic­ i Cdl^/Halteras and then curve^ I show how the, Teimsters finally toria, were recently .the gueata of 'a path that would take her . jtooV over the workers, nie-'hom- Mr. and Mra. Albert W. Harriaon. i| , mlttee ts exploring a trail strewn 33 Myrtle St. The Rev. Mr. Palmer out to .sea east of Nantucket^ tomorrow. , " with violence in Teamster Jabor On Little Rock Bias la a former paator of the Kmanuel j| dealings. Lutheran Church and la no\v aerv- ^ Later advisories during the Hines told the committee the Ing St.' Paul'i Church In Chicago SEW RIGHT day should be watched care­ workers didn't w^nt to Join the aa paator. | ZIPPER BINDER C O V E R S ...................... $2.69 Wa.shinirtdn. Aug. 28 (/P)—A Little Rock School Board„at>. fully, the WVathcr Service union. He, said Karsh admitted (oi'ne.v told the Stiffheinc Court toda.v “there would he troops said, since the path of the he never had askid any- of them Membera of the local Ahlerican if they wanted to Join, but used back in l.ittle' Rm-k to mitintain law and order unless pnblic Legion Auxiliary have been In- : PENCIL CASES ........... .. ........... 29e to $1.00 storm will not be established Ithreats -to wreck the caynivai and .school de.segrcgation is delayed.’^ 2 FOR vlted to attend the Joint inatatla- for several hours. hound it from city to-city to get tion of the new officera of the his way Rockville American Legion and BINDER REFILLS ............................. 25e Miami, Fla., Aug* 28 (/P)— Hines said Karsh sprung the Wa.shinKlon, Aug. ‘28 i/P)—The Supreme CmKit opened an Auxiliary at the Legion home on A hurricane watch wa.s or­ ; Cross on map locates the ap- coup -Involving hungrj-, thirsty an*' extraordinary integration sc-'ision today—and found th« Gov­ Weat St.. Rockville, Saturday, • proximate position Of hurrl-' Imals on the night of Sundav, ! ernment ranged (irml.t alongside the NAAGP in urging "Do Sept. 6, a t 7:.30 p.m. Membera COMPOSITION BOOKS . ............. 25e dered today fofe, southea.stein . cane Daisy curren,tly roaring July «, 19.12. wheri. the Cedin -■* i I in the Atlantic 240 miles dola.v'’ in the mingliug of races at Little Rock Central High planning to attend are aaked to Massachusetts and Rhode Is­ Wilson Shows attempted to qnload , School. ’ contact Mra. Eugene FYeemvi or land as a storm with winds of southeast of Wilmington, N.~ at Ft. Wayne, for a weeli's run at Mra. J. r , W allett aa aoon aa poa- ONCE AGAIN, FOR FALL cmd WINTER, BEAUTIFUL BOSTON PENCIL SHARPENER.................... $2.00 k : 12.5 miles, per hour moved al­ C,t (AP Photofax). a county faiqfs The great maroon drape-s lifliind the bench in the marble lible. j ’ ^“7 j’ No Rarguiiiing courtroom parted about noon and to the ancient cry of “(Jyei" most due north in the At­ the watch area can continue their . iniporled pickets, carry- (hear ye) the .In.sitic.es walked to their seats; SCHOOL BALLPOINT PENS .. 29e lantic. normal routines but are advised to |ng sign.s fa.stened to heavy clubs, M ill Florence and Mlaa Father t , keep in toucli witli advisories and bio.-ijpy mg unloading of the train, , It wa's the. third crucial ses.sion on school segregation with­ Johnaon, 51 Clinton St., have re­ “BAULINGS” WOOLEHS At noon today, hiirricahe Daisy waa 110 miles aoutheasL of Cape be read.v to take precautions if land Karsh served notlCe"he had in half a decade, and .specifically at issue wit.s: . Should in­ turned to town after apendlng p e n s their vacation at Weat Dennla, ^ PAPERMATE ........................ 98c and $1.69 Hattefas, N. C; netessary. i the owner exactlv-where he want- tegration at Centi'al High resunte forthwith or be postponed In pMck, twnndi and plain eolort. Tbe Weather Bureau calls a hur- Gale warnings were raised at'11 ancLwmild do no h'argaln-1 Cape Cod. | 2' ■> years. That was the narrow iksue but the decision cbuld rii^'ane watch when a aform con- Ing.( n o - » Vi ' For drMSM, »klm, suit*, coats and jaeknU. ESTERBROOK PEN S ........................................ $3.00 tinuea a poaaible threat. Persona in (Continued on Page Fifteen) Hines, said he was called in to have iii'otound effect on the whole, farflung desegregation The Rev. Edward Clapp, mln- reprekeni the carnival and found .struggle. later of the Congregational Church this situation; The High Trilnmal in 1954 had outlawed school segrega­ In Portland, Conn , will exchange "BAULINGS” "BAULINGS" DE LUXE DESK »tf in pastel colors*........... .. $1.50 Karsh refusing to meet with Ihe tion, and, in 1955Ordered it wiped out with “all deliberate with the Rev, Arnold Tor.er of the. SOLID COLOR erhplp.ves or th* owners, but de­ Second Congregational CTiurrh at AUTHENTIC SCOTCH manding a contract tliat would speed." Now the big question waa: .“What is deliberate the aervlce Sunday, at lb * m. WOOLENS AMERICAN COLLEGE DICTIONARY .... S6.00 U.S. Planes in Drills give all the workers except union­ Sliced ?” * --------- PLAIDS ised mu.slcians and actors 30 days A Wnshlngton-to-Seatiro Northwest Orient Airlines plane bums fletSeely after crashing on a farm The Little Rock School Board, : to Join the Jewelry Workers' Cnr- shortly after takeoff from the Twin Citiea Airport, .Minneapolis. <AP Photofaxi. Ihrough Its attorneys, fovqfhl hard Teachers Assihiie Y«rd n.98 60" Wide WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY..................... $2.45 ’ nival Local -or be fired. He said for the 2 'j year delay granted by | Senate Passes V »rd 5 1 . 9 8 60" Wide To Defend Formosa 'Karsh was threatening to wreck • ' 1 ' ' a federal district Judge. The Na-' ,150', WCKII, 4,1''! rayon Mi,\ or i the carnival if it tried to move to 50 (set Hospital Cai’o t lionni Association for the Ad-; S t u d io O h li e n diip ,%5ef. wool. 4,*irr rayon Six p alteini inatcfi with the plalda O.nford EVERYDAY DICTIONARY ................. $1.00 ' the fair grounds ■ without signing eSMS Official vancemenl of Colored I’eople hotly Faubus’ Curbs gray, bankei'a gray, red. hrown, , tbe contract. opposed any delay crying It in all the wanted color comhlna- Taipei, Formosa, Aug. 28 lAI—> ’ The fact that the Reds, have ex­ Miee Beverly Bolllno and I.ae tiona green and ropen. The carnival's animals needed to would be a rcireal before the kind Nationalist and U.S. planes con­ pended more than 100,000 rounds be fed and watered, he said, and Indicates Pact of violence that led President On Integration Burton, who have been aaaoclal- ducted Joint air defense exercisea of shells addgd weight to the belief a humane officer wa.s Ihreatenint Eisenhower to dispatch federal ed with the Rolda C.lhaon School j ’BAULINGS" WASHABLE today, over the coast of Formosa that\ an -invasion attempt is Im­ 60 Escape Death "BAULINGS" to arrest the owners for criieltv if troops to Little Rock last year. Little Rock, Ark., Aug, 28 (/P)— as Red Chinese batteries contin­ minent. this wasn't cjone at once. The I With CMS Near ' of ‘Dancing, will aaaiime owner ! BEAUTIFUL WOOLENS ReaV Adm. Liu Hoh-tu, spokes­ Kepresents Ike in Oouii The Arkansas Slate Senate today Fashions ued to pound the Natlonalisl-heid police refused to let, Ihf carnival --------- And to the s\irprtae of some— ■hip of the C.lbaon Danre Studio || MARINE FLANNEL islands Just off, tli4‘ coast of main­ man foV the .Defense Ministry, said.
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