7HO %HOOV5RDG .LWFKHQ'HVLJQ 6WRUQRZD\+65$ VXSSO\ ,QVWDOODWLRQ ZZZRSXVFDUSHQWU\FRXN (PDLONLWFKHQVRSXVFDUSHQWU\#JPDLOFRP ±-RLQHU\±&RQVWUXFWLRQ± @gjeYff $QJXV&OLQWRQ ?YjY_] :,1'2:6/7' /$0,1$7('3,1( <ggjk 5LJV5RDG6WRUQRZD\,VOHRI/HZLV+65) /$5*(672&. 7HO)D[ 9$5,2866,=(6 (PDLODFOLQWRQ#EWFRQQHFWFRP Thursday October 3rd to Wednesday November 6th F ISSUE 164 R E E 2019 in Lewis and Harris EVENTS www.essenceofharris.com Find our shops in Tarbert, ;ge]Yf\k]]gmj]p[alaf_ Inverness & Aberdeen airports & our stockists throughout the UK f]ojYf_]g^@YjjakLo]]\[dgl` \aj][l^jgel`]K`YoZgklEadd *-Fgjl`:]Y[`Klj]]l$KlgjfgoYq$@K)*IP ooo&`Yjjaklo]]\`]Zja\]k&[ge l2()0-)/(((,.Gh]f)(Ye%-&+(he -ʝʖɚ :ʖɚ 6ʦʠSɛԭ %HOOV5RDG ooo&o]kl]jfakd]kdgll]jq&[g&mc La[c]lDaf](+((+(*(,,, Portmeirion, Sara Miller >gjl`] h]j^][lo]\\af_' and Wrendale in stock Zajl`\Yq_a^l ;9K@HJAR=<J9O =9;@K9LMJ<9Q Climate-change protests in Isles BANGLA SPICE SEE PAGE 6 %98,)28-' ZZZKLFVWRUQRZD\FRP 3/$67(5%2$5' &%2+0%()7,- 6.,3+,5( 5(&<&/,1* 2SHQFORVHGVNLSV 0(7$/ 5(&<&/,1* '9-7-2) ISTANBUL 34)2 KEBABS FISH ‘n’ CHIPS *YJa_kJgY\$KlgjfgoYq$@K)*J>L]d2()0-)/(-)--=eYad2af^g8Yf_mkeY[an]j&[g&mc BURGERS CURRIES PIZZAS 1SRHE]XS8LYVWHE]TQXSTQ RESTAURANT & TAKEAWAY *VMHE] 7EXYVHE]TQXSTQ FAMILY FRIENDLY RESTAURANT ,VODQG5RDG '037)(792(%= WITH,QGLDQ&XLVLQH OVER 30 YEARS SERVING THE ISLAND 6WRUQRZD\+65'6 3L]]DVSOMETHING IUHVKO\PDGH FOR%XUJHUV.HEDEV EVERYONE $8723$576 'LYVGL7XVIIX OPEN 7 DAYS )RUDOO\RXUPRWRULQJQHHGV VDOHV#DSVGLUHFWFRXN 8IP Tues-Thursday 12pm-2.30pm 4.30-10.30pm Friday-Saturday: 12pm-3pm 4pm till late 12:7$.,1*&5(',7'(%,7&$5'6Sunday: 12pm till late (open all day Sunday) 7DNHWKHSDLQRXWRISD\UROO«FDOOXV 24 South Beach Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis Tel: 01851 700299 7HO -DPHV6WUHHW6WRUQRZD\+641 22 Francis Street IRUVDYLQJV Stornoway •,QVXUDQFH%URNHUV Insurance Services DQGORDQVLQWKH RMk Isle of Lewis HS1 2NB •%XVLQHVV 3HUVRQDO Risk Management 2XWHU+HEULGHV ZHEVLWH ZZZKLVFRWFRP t: 01851 704949 ADVICE •([FHOOHQW6HUYLFH Health & Safety YOU CAN HPDLO LQIR#KLVFRWFRP www.rmkgroup.co.uk TRUST WHO EVENTS SECTION ONE - Page 2 www.hebevents.com 03/10/19 - 06/11/19 International day to mark cooperative work of credit unions n Thursday 17th October, the Stornoway-based HI-Scot There are credit unions in 117 different countries all over the communities.” Ocredit union will join credit unions across the world in world, with a global membership in excess of 260 million. Credit But why choose HI-Scot credit union? celebrating International Credit Union Day 2019. unions are set up with a co-operative ethos, owned by their members and committed to providing accessible savings and loans to the Back to David: “HI-Scot – like credit unions across the world – is The day highlights the history and achievements of the credit communities they serve. not run for profi t. There are no sky-high charges or 'fat cat' bonuses. union movement, as well as raising the profi le of the work of credit HI-Scot operates to benefi t its members, whether you're saving for unions in local communities, refl ected in this year's theme: 'Local HI-Scot credit union covers the Highlands and Islands of Scotland special occasion or borrowing with one of our competitively-priced Service, Global Reach.' and membership is open to anyone living or working within this area. loans. We won't try to 'upsell' our products and don't have any Joining is easy, either by visiting one of the network of local Access hidden extras.” Points across the Highlands and Islands or using the secure online system at www.hi-scot.com. HI-Scot credit union operates under the Financial Services )ULHQGVRI7KH1LFROVRQ Compensation Scheme, which means that members' accounts are $VXVWDLQDEOHFRPPXQLW\IXQGHG7UXVWWRDVVLVWSXSLOV “HI-Scot has been working across the Highlands and Islands for protected in the same way as at any High sStreet bank. RI7KH1LFROVRQ,QVWLWXWHZLWKPDLQODQGWUDYHOH[SHQVHV 13 years and, in 2019, we have over 3,000 members,” says HI-Scot General Manager, David Mackay, “In that time we have approved On this year's International Credit Union Day, why not see what )LQGRXWKRZ\RXFDQKHOSDGYDQFHWKHQH[W over 4,000 loans. That's a lot of money benefi ting people in our your local credit union can do for you? JHQHUDWLRQRI1LFROVRQSXSLOVDWZZZIRWQRUJXN Alasdair Allan MSP/BPA Public survey on councillor numbers Surgery Notice n online public Aconsultation has been launched as the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland considers changes to ward boundaries in the Western Isles. The Review of Electoral Arrangements for the na h-Eileanan an Iar council area will recommend to Scottish Alasdair Allan, Member of the Scottish Parliament Ministers the number of for Na h-Eileanan an Iar, will be holding the following advice councillors and ward boundaries VXUJHULHVLQKLVFRQVWLWXHQF\RI¿FHDW.HQQHWK6WUHHW for Western Isles council. Stornoway should any constituent wish to meet with him: At present they are proposing Monday 7 October – 12pm a council of 28 representatives, three less than the current total. with migration into or out of areas as well as within the same Friday 25 October – 1pm area. As a result of these changes, some councillors may represent A public consultation on the proposal, launched on 10th considerably more or fewer electors than other councillors in the If any constituent is unable to make the surgery, or would like a home September, is set to run until 2nd December at https://consult.lgbc- same council area. YLVLWZLWK$ODVGDLUSOHDVHFDOOWKHFRQVWLWXHQF\RI¿FHRQ scotland.gov.uk/reviews/na-h-eileanan-an-iar-electoral-review/ or email [email protected] “The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 introduced the use of one- or Proposals being put forward for consultation take into account two-member wards where a ward contains an inhabited island, in www.alasdairallan.scot minor amendments proposed by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar during addition to the current multi-member ward system. The Act requires an earlier stage of the consultation. us to review the six Councils containing inhabited islands, including The LGBCS said in its introduction to the survey: “One of the main Na h-Eileanan an Iar, as soon as possible. reasons we undertake reviews is that the population, and therefore “We expect our recommendations, if accepted, to be in place for HOW TO CONTACT US the electorate, of any local authority area is constantly changing, the next local government elections in May 2022.” Editor: Fred Silver [email protected] Design and layout: Andrew Jeffries [email protected] Advertising: Caroline Henderson [email protected] Offi ce Manager: Marie Anne Macdonald [email protected] Social Media & Distribution: Judi Hayes [email protected] Writers: Katie Macleod, Annie Delin, Roz Macaskill, Melissa Silver Additional design: Keith Stringer NEXT EDITION: The deadline for information and advertising is Tuesday Tel: 01851 705743 October 29th. The newspaper will appear on Wednesday November 6th EVENTS is published by Intermedia Services (Stornoway) Church House, 16 James Street, Stornoway HS1 2QN Tel: 01851 705743 03/10/19 - 06/11/19 www.hebevents.com EVENTS SECTION ONE - Page 3 Furniture and Interior World DESIGN PRINT PUBLISH Logo design, van livery and stationery Brochure Design and Print 6WRFNLVWVRIWKHEHVWIXUQLWXUHDQG LQWHULRUGHVLJQIRURYHU\HDUV 'LYDQVDQGEHGVWHDGVIXOOUDQJHRITXDOLW\PDWWUHVVHVLQFOXGLQJPHPRU\IRDP ELJJHVWUDQJHDYDLODEOHORFDOO\6XLWHVEHGURRPDQGOLYLQJURRPUDQJHVDYDLODEOH Pop Up %LJUDQJHRIVRIWIXUQLVKLQJV«PDGHWRPHDVXUHFXUWDLQVFXUWDLQUDLOV Banner External WRZHOVFXVKLRQVDQGFXVKLRQFRYHUVSLOORZVGXYHWVDQGUHDG\PDGHEOLQGV Signs £99+vat ,QDFOHWH5RDG6WRUQRZD\ POSTERS//SIGNS//PHOTOCOPYING//DESIGN//+MUCH MORE GET IN TOUCH FOR A BESPOKE QUOTE 7HO E: [email protected] 2SHQDPSP0RQGD\WR6DWXUGD\ )5(('(/,9(5<,1/(:,6$1'+$55,6 T: 01851 705743 Church House, 16 James Street, Stornoway HS1 2QN ZZZIXUQLWXUHZRUOGRUJXN 2SHQ 7KH:RRGODQGV IRRWSDWKRQO\ DOOGD\« &HQWUH IRRGDQG $BTUMF(SPVOET FRIIHHZLWK RUZLWKRXW 2SHQ0RQGD\WR6DWXUGD\DPWRSP $6WRUQRZD\7UXVW(QWHUSULVH DZDON ;gflYafkGj\fYf[]Kmjn]q\YlY;jgof[ghqja_`l*(). 14 North Street, Sandwick, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis HS2 0AD Professional Grade Tel:Tel: 01851 705798 www.mayburygardens.co.uk available from LOCALLY GROWN HUGE RANGE OF SPRING BULBS Fresh hand-tied Autumn is here: WINTER VIOLAS AND REMEMBER OUR 15th October PANSYS IN STOCK Bouquets for any FEATHERED FRIENDS occasion available Huge Selection - Top Quality Monday to Saturday £3.50 or 3 for £10 bird foods, bird tables, bird baths all in stock 9am to 6pm Great prices on all your pets needs: food, toys, treats, leads and much much more EVENTS SECTION ONE - Page 4 www.hebevents.com 03/10/19 - 06/11/19 '$" ( %" %"$ '!" & $ #$ $ $ $ ! #! # &" ($ ( $ $&# %$ #$ 01851 706 911 %$# Essential Cleaning and Laundry Solutions 3L^PZ:WVY[Z*LU[YL ERIC CARRICK ;LS! ,QWHUQDO H[WHUQDO Chinese Take Away GHFRUDWRUV /HYYPZ:WVY[Z*LU[YL Always happy to quote ;LS! 28 years experience and counting ;OLYLHYLHSZVZWVY[ZJLU[YLZPU<PZ[3PUPJSH[L:WVY[Z*LU[YL 6 Grinnivat Road, Shawbost HUK)HYYH*HZ[SLIH`:WVY[Z*LU[YL 28 South Beach, Stornoway HS1 2BN [email protected] tel: 07990 855870 Fhg&Lng3*+ghhg**if?kb&LZm3hi^gngmbe+Zf 8AKDkhgjl -DPHV6W 7KH9HJJLH%R[ 6WRUQRZD\ 7KHIUHVKHVWIUXLWDQGYHJHWDEOHV«IURPQHDUDQG IDU +641 Ɣ:LQGRZ&OHDQLQJ 3HUFHYDO6TXDUH&DU3DUN6WRUQRZD\ Ɣ3RZHU:DVKLQJ )5,'$<6DPSP IRUVDYLQJVDQGORDQV Ɣ*XWWHU&OHDQLQJ 0DNH\RXU9HJJLH%R[RUGHUDW Ɣ+DUULV7ZHHG&ORFNV WKHYHJJLHER[#KRWPDLOFRXN LQWKH2XWHU+HEULGHV RUWHO
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