June 2, 2019 Parish Grouping #109: Greenfield, Hazelwood & Oakland Seventh Sunday of Easter St. Paul Cathedral, St. Regis, St. Rosalia & St. Stephen Four Parishes: One Faith Community Remember, Celebrate, Believe SAINT PAUL CATHEDRAL SAINT REGIS SAINT ROSALIA SAINT STEPHEN MAILING ADDRESS CHURCH ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS 108 N. Dithridge Street 3235 Parkview Avenue 411 Greenfield Avenue 5115 Second Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Pittsburgh, PA 15207 Pittsburgh, PA 15207 DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY DIRECTORY Parish Office: (412) 6819365 Parish Office: (412) 4215766 Parish Office: (412) 4219210 Parish Office: (412) 6214951 Fax: (412) 6211079 Fax: (412) 4214529 Fax: (412) 4216421 Fax: (412) 6211079 Email: Email: Email: Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Website: Website: Website: Website: facebook.com/stregischurchpgh www.strosaliaparish.org www.ststephenhazelwood.org www.stpaulpgh.org MASSES MASSES MASSES Follow us on: Sunday…………………10am, Saturday Anticipated……4pm Sunday…………………9:30am MASSES 12noon (Spanish Mass) Sunday……………………11am Weekdays (Monday & Wednesday): Saturday Anticipated……6pm Weekdays (Thursday)…10am Weekdays (Tuesday & Friday): 10am Sunday…………6:30am, 10am, 10am 12noon & 6pm CONFESSIONS CONFESSIONS CONFESSIONS Weekdays (Monday−Saturday): Sundays………………9:30am Saturdays………………3:15pm Sundays………………8:45am 8:15am & 12:05pm Televised Masses CLERGY TEAM (Comcast Cable channel 95) Very Reverend Kris D. Stubna, S.T.D.………………………………………Administrator and Rector Weekdays………………8:15am Reverend Adam C. Potter, S.T.L.………………………………………………………Parochial Vicar Sundays…………………10am Reverend Daniel L. Walsh, C.S.Sp..……………………………………………….…..Parochial Vicar Reverend Mark A. Thomas……………………………………….Institutional Chaplain, In Residence NOVENA TO OUR MOTHER Deacon Thomas J. Berna, Ph.D.………………………………………………………………...Deacon OF PERPETUAL HELP Wednesdays 7pm…Exposition & Confessions STATEMENT OF MISSION 7:30pm………Novena Prayers As we journey together On Mission for the Church Alive, the Catholic Community of Greenfield, CONFESSIONS Hazelwood and Oakland seeks to proclaim, witness and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with Wednesdays……7pm7:30pm everyone. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Eucharist, our parish communities Fridays………………12:45pm welcome all to come and to join us on our mission to deepen our faith and holiness, grow in our love Saturdays……12:45pm & 7pm for God and others, and extend charity to all, especially the poor and those in need. SdžǗdžǏǕlj SǖǏDžǂǚ ǐLJ EǂǔǕdžǓ • JǖǏdž 2, 2019 PǂLjdž 2 ON MISSION CORNER WITH SCRIPTURE REFLECTION FATHER STUBNA The Easter season is fast coming to its conclu- sion. Today’s Gospel account comes from what is We are blessed in our parish grouping to be known in Saint John’s Gospel as Jesus’ farewell celebrating this month two ordinations. discourse. The Lord himself prays for those who MATTHEW HAWKINS, a member of Saint Paul are left behind, not only his friends and disciples, Cathedral, will be ordained to the diaconate on but each of us who make up the Body of Christ in Saturday, June 8 at Mary, Mother of the Church in every generation of the Church. “Holy Father, I New Castle, PA. A bus will take a number of us this pray not only for them, but also for those who will Saturday to be present for this important celebration. believe in me through their word.” It is this prayer Matt Hawkins will serve as deacon at the Cathedral on of Jesus Christ, our Eternal High Priest and Inter- Sunday, June 16 at 10:00 am Mass and a reception cessor before the throne of this Father that pro- will follow in the Cathedral social hall. vides the grace we need to remain faithful to God TIMOTHY DEELY, a member of Saint Paul Cathedral, and his way. We hear as well in this beautiful will be ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, prayer the high hopes and expectation that the June 29 at 10:00 am at Saint Paul Cathedral. Tim will Lord has for us: “I wish that where I am, they also celebrate his First Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, may be with me, that they may see my glory that June 30 at 12:00 Noon with a reception to follow in the you gave me.” It is Jesus who has come to reveal Cathedral social hall. Please pray for both of these and make known the fullness of his Father’s love men and their families. We are so proud of them. Their and to lead those who hear his word to fullness of ordinations are a true blessing to the Cathedral and to life in the Truth and Love of God. our parish grouping. It is so important for us to pray for vocations and to foster vocations among the young The Book of Revelation holds out the promise of men in our parishes. God has richly blessed us with eternal life for all who have faith and have been two vocations and we take great delight in their washed clean in baptism, in good deeds, and in journey of formation that has brought them to this the blood of sacrifice. “The Spirit says Come! Let point in their lives. Each of us must commit ourselves the one who thirsts come forward, and the one to encourage our children and other young men to who wants it receive the gift of lifegiving water.” consider the priesthood and to support them as There is in every human heart the inner desire for they discern God’s call for their life’s vocation. God, for the answer to the deepest questions of Congratulations to both Tim and Matt and may they our human life, and to fulfillment and happiness. always know our prayers, our support and our love as “Let the one who thirsts come forward!” the Lamb they are ordained for the service of the Church and all says. This is the invitation to prayer, to intimacy the faithful. with the one who has loved us first, to complete and total union in faith with the Blessed Trinity. “This is the greatest of all the commandments, to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.” A SPECIAL MASS IN HONOR OF SAINT We know how difficult that can be for us. We all ANTHONY OF PADUA will be celebrated on too often thirst for what does not satisfy but leads Thursday, June 13 at Saint Regis Church at us to sin. And when difficulties and trials come, 6:30 pm. The Mass will be celebrated for all four we can grow faint in our commitment to the Lord. parishes in our parish grouping and everyone is St. Stephen, whose martyrdom is recounted for invited to participate. Father Kris Stubna will celebrate us in the first reading today, serves as our the Mass in Italian and English, a special procession inspiration and hope. “Behold I see the heavens with the statue of Saint Anthony will take place, and opened and the Son of Man standing at the right refreshments will be served in the parish social hall hand of God…Lord Jesus receive my spirit.” immediately following the Mass. We are looking for Offering ourselves completely to the Lord, looking some people to bake cookies for that evening as well to Him to be our strength in time of need, trusting as help with the logistics. Please contact the Cathedral completely that God’s Spirit will guide us in the rectory (4126214951) if you are able to help. path of righteousness and life M this is the call that Please consider joining us in this special tribute to beckons us each day and to which we must Saint Anthony and to pray for our parish grouping and respond with the assent of our hearts and wills. our efforts to form one parish community. All are As the Psalmist sings in today’s liturgy: “The Lord welcome. San Antonio, pregha per noi! is king, the most high over all the earth. Let us rejoice. Alleluia.” PǂLjdž 3 PǂǓNJǔlj GǓǐǖǑNJǏLj #109: GǓdždžǏLJNJdžǍDž, HǂǛdžǍǘǐǐDž ʧ OǂnjǍǂǏDž THE PATRON SAINTS OF OUR GROUPING. We LADIES OF CHARITY FROM SAINT STEPHEN are blessed to have a number of patron saints in our AND SAINT ROSALIA are sponsoring a morning of parish grouping and each week will highlight one of reflection centered on sharing our stories of Faith, them. This week we look at SAINT ROSALIA. Humility and Service. The retreat will take place at St. Rosalia, daughter of Sinibald, Lord of Roses and Saint Rosalia School on June 22 from 8:30 am M Quisquina, was a descendant of the great 1:00 pm. ALL women of our grouping are invited! The Charlemagne. She was born at Palermo in Sicily. In morning begins with breakfast, followed by sharing and her youth, her heart turned from earthly vanities to time for reflection. A potluck lunch will be served. You God. She left her home of privilege and wealth and are welcome to bring something to share, or just bring took up her abode in a cave, on the walls of which she yourself! Come and join us for this time of fellowship wrote these words: "I, Rosalia, daughter of Sinibald, and faithsharing. Please consider joining us. Lord of Roses and Quisquina, have taken the For questions or to RSVP, call Janet Berna at resolution to live in this cave for the love of my Lord, 4124141969. Jesus Christ." She remained there entirely hidden from the world. She practiced great mortifications and lived in constant communion with God. Afterward she SAINT OF THE WEEK. On June 3, we celebrate the transferred her abode to Mount Pellegrino, about three feast of SAINT CHARLES LWANGA AND HIS miles from Palermo, in order to triumph entirely over COMPANIONS.
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