Contents R Administrative Support Manual Issue 13 July 1999 A. Explanation. Administrative Support Manual (ASM) 13 is a complete revision containing all changes published in the Postal Bulletin between June 1998 and June 1999 and other changes submitted to the ASM editor through June 24, 1999. The Appendix, Privacy Act Systems of Records, contains changes published in the Federal Register through April 6, 1999. B. Instructions. This issue replaces and obsoletes ASM 12. C. Distribution 1. Initial. The ASM is distributed to all postal facilities. 2. Additional Copies. Order by using Form 7380, MDC Supply Requisition, from your material distribution center. D. Sale to Public. The ASM is available for sale to the public through: TOPEKA MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER 500 SW MONTARA PKWY TOPEKA KS 66624-9995 TELEPHONE: 1-800-332-0317 E. Updates. The ASM is updated periodically via the Postal Bulletin and available online through the Postal Service Intranet at http://blue.usps.gov/cpim. F. Comments and Questions. If you cannot find or understand material, send queries to: ASM EDITOR CORPORATE DIRECTIVES AND FORMS UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 475 L’ENFANT PLAZA SW RM 5540 WASHINGTON DC 20260-1540 G. Effective Date. This revision is effective immediately. Richard D. Weirich Vice President Information Systems 5 Contents Originally Printed on Recycled Paper ii ASM 13, July 1999 Updated With Postal Bulletin Revisions Through April 1, 2004 Contents Update Notice Administrative Support Manual Issue 13 (July 1999) Administrative Support Manual (ASM), Issue 13, was last printed in July 1999. To inform you of changes since that time, we periodically update this online edition of the ASM. We use vertical bars (i.e., revision bars) in the margin to indicate text changed since July 1999. How to Use This Update Notice H Use the table in this update notice to find out about changes published in the Postal Bulletin. H Find the chapter, subchapter, part, section, or system of records in the first column and read across the other columns to find specific information about that revision. This online version of Administrative Support Manual (ASM), Issue 13, published in July 1999 is updated through April 1, 2004, with the following Postal Bulletin articles: in Postal This chapter, sub- Bulletin chapter, part, or issue with an issue section0 titled0 was updated to0 number0 date of0 Chapter 1, Postal Organization 111.652 Headquarters Field Units include reporting relationships 22046 3-22-2001 for mail recovery centers and customer Contact Management 112.4 Use of Signature Devices add new section 22056 8-9-2001 Chapter 2, Audits and Investigations 213.3 Definitions reflect organizational and 22125 4-1-2004 technological changes and to ensure that updated cross references are included. 274.5 Disclosure of Information H add two additional 22073 4-4-2002 Collected From Mail Sent or circumstances when the Received by Customers Postal Service may collect images of live mail for specified purposes. H rewrite the section to make it easier to understand. 274.5 Disclosure of Information reflect organizational and 22125 4-1-2004 Collected From Mail Sent or technological changes and to Received by Customers ensure that updated cross references are included. ASM 13, July 1999 Updated With Postal Bulletin Revisions Through April 1, 2004 Contents in Postal This chapter, sub- Bulletin chapter, part, or issue with an issue section0 titled0 was updated to0 number0 date of0 274.51 Disclosure of Information from add new section to show the 22073 4-4-2002 Contents of Sealed Mail difference between the policies for disclosing information from the contents of mails and disclosing information from the cover of a piece of mail. 277.1 Purpose require that Postal Service 22076 5-16-2002 managers ensure that no part of the employee’s social security number is displayed on the employee’s photo identification card. This requirement applies to all cards issued after May 31, 2002. 277.233 Form 4098-F and Employee require that every postal 22076 5-16-2002 Identification employee; postal contractor; and temporary employee, including casual employees, have a PS Form 4098-F, Employee Identification (face), or an equivalent photo identification card. 277.72 Replacement Fee reflect increased costs to 22052 6-14-2001 replace photo identification cards and increased use of electromechanical access control badges. 278 Mail Security During Collection add a new part that includes the 22080 7-11-2002 and Delivery guidelines for ordering and deploying Arrowt locks and modified Arrow locks. 286.1 Postmaster General add the vice president, area 22075 5-2-2002 operations, eastern area, to the list of persons that succeed the postmaster general and perform the duties of the position in the event of an emergency that incapacitates the postmaster general. Chapter 3, Communications 333.647 Public Affairs and add a new section with a 22082 8-8-2002 Communications, Licensing reference to the Licensing group’s responsibilities. 333.7 Participation in Community add a new section to clarify 22014 1-11-2001 Service Activities what the organization can and cannot do to be a responsible and contributing member of the community. ASM 13, July 1999 Updated With Postal Bulletin Revisions Through April 1, 2004 Contents in Postal This chapter, sub- Bulletin chapter, part, or issue with an issue section0 titled0 was updated to0 number0 date of0 35 Records and Release of Parts of subchapter 35 are 22110 9-4-2003 Information removed to Handbook AS–353, Guide to Privacy and the Freedom of Information Act, and the remaining parts are renumbered as shown below. 351.1 Retention renumber; previously was 351.2 22110 9-4-2003 351.2 Information Caveats renumber; previously was 22110 9-4-2003 351.33 351.3 Transfer renumber; previously was 351.5 22110 9-4-2003 351.4 Disposal renumber; previously was 351.6 22110 9-4-2003 352 Micrographics renumber; previously was 354 22110 9-4-2003 353 Automated Information renumber; previously was 355; 22110 9-4-2003 Processing Security except that 355.5, Ownership, was removed 374.2 Ordering Cards include new business card 22106 7-10-2003 design and new address for ordering cards. Chapter 4, Relations With Other Organizations 43 Postal Service Band Equity update the procedures for using 22099 4-3-2003 the Postal Service brand identity. 474.22 Correspondence include reference to Veterans 22052 6-14-2001 Administration Form 2008, Application for United States Flag for Burial Purposes. Chapter 5, Facilities and Equipment 519.222 Inscription update plaque inscription for 22052 6-14-2001 postmaster general. 531.24 Maintenance Operating Plan include policy and procedures 22086 10-3-2002 for establishing, updating, and using the maintenance operating plan. Chapter 6, Support Services 645 Semipostal Stamps simplify the provisions of part 22066 12-27-2001 645, which apply to all semipostal stamps the Postal Service issues. 645.5 Policy to Offset Costs for clarify procedures for 22121 2-5-2004 Semipostal Stamps determining offsets for the U.S. Postal Service’s reasonable costs from semipostal stamp differential revenue. 645.52 Policy delete the word 22121 2-5-2004 commemorative. ASM 13, July 1999 Updated With Postal Bulletin Revisions Through April 1, 2004 Contents in Postal This chapter, sub- Bulletin chapter, part, or issue with an issue section0 titled0 was updated to0 number0 date of0 645.53 Procedure revise text of items a and b(1). 22121 2-5-2004 645.55 Other Costs revise text of introductory 22121 2-5-2004 paragraph and items a through h. Add item c (6). 66 Licensing add a new subchapter to 22082 8-8-2002 include the Postal Service’s licensing policy and information about the licensing program. Chapter 7, Supply Management 7 Purchasing and Materials change the chapter name to 22105 6-26-2003 reflect the transition of Purchasing and Materials to Supply Management and the revision of Handbook AS-709. 71 General reflect the transition of 22105 6-26-2003 Purchasing and Materials to Supply Management and the revision of Handbook AS-709. 72 Purchasing reflect the transition of 22105 6-26-2003 Purchasing and Materials to Supply Management and the revision of Handbook AS-709. 722.31 Prohibited Purchases add two new categories to the 22061 10-18-2001 list of purchases that you can’t make using local buying procedures Chapter 8, Information Resources 87 Information Security H change the title from Security 22071 3-7-2002 Program to Information Security. H include the new security policies and organizational responsibilities covering protection of Postal Service information resources. Appendix, Privacy Act System of Records Appendix Privacy Act System of Records remove entire appendix to 22110 9-4-2003 Handbook AS-353, Guide to Privacy and the Freedom of Information Act. ASM 13, July 1999 Updated With Postal Bulletin Revisions Through April 1, 2004 Administrative Support Manual — Contents ASM Issue 13, July 1999 Updated With Postal Bulletin Revisions Through April 1, 2004 UPDATE NOTICE 4. RELATIONS WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS TRANSMITTAL LETTER 5. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT SUMMARY OF CHANGES 6. SUPPORT SERVICES CONTENTS 7. SUPPLY MANAGEMENT 1. POSTAL ORGANIZATION 8. INFORMATION RESOURCES 2. AUDITS AND INVESTIGATIONS DIRECTIVES AND FORMS INDEX 3. COMMUNICATIONS INDEX Contents Contents Contents 1 Postal Organization. 1 11 Authority and Responsibilities. 1 111 General Organization. 1 111.1 The United States Postal Service. 1 111.2 Board of Governors. 1 111.21 Composition. 1 111.22 Responsibilities. 1 111.3 Office of Inspector General. 1 111.31 Responsibilities. 2 111.32 Inspector General. 2 111.321 Appointment. 2 111.322 Responsibilities. 2 111.323 Extent of Powers. 2 111.4 Corporate Officers. 3 111.5 Headquarters Organization. 3 111.51 Postmaster General. 3 111.511 Appointment. 3 111.512 Responsibilities.
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