MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS Northwestern Local School District August 2018 Monthly Financial Report Table of Contents Cash Reconciliation …………………………………………… 1 Investment Report …………………………………………… 2 Cash Position Statement …………………………………………… 5 Monthly Check Register …………………………………………… 14 Monthly Revenue/Expend Summary …………………………………………… 18 Monthly Revenue/Expenditures …………………………………………… 19 Year to Date Revenue/Expenditures …………………………………………… 20 Month End Cash Balances …………………………………………… 21 NORTHWESTERN LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Cash Reconciliation Report August 31, 2018 Bank Accounts STAR Ohio $ 157,624.33 Scholarship Account 5,536.06 Security - Checking 30,232.60 Security - ICS Sweep 212,476.11 Security ICS Account 5,099,810.22 Security - Insurance 74,559.27 Red Tree Investments 6,690,505.27 Bond Interest 931,609.39 Security ICS - Construction 1,083,322.78 Total Bank Balances $ 14,285,676.03 Adjustments PNC Bank error (auto deduct on account) - Outstanding payroll ded city tax (Urbana) - Outstanding payroll ded OH Def Comp - Outstanding Operating Checks (97,405.34) Net Adjustments (97,405.34) TOTAL ADJUSTED BANK BALANCES $ 14,188,270.69 FUND BALANCE $ 14,188,270.69 Interest Earned STAR Ohio $ 278.92 Scholarship Account 9.80 Security - ICS Sweep 578.17 Security - ICS MMA 7,400.29 Security - Insurance 115.71 Red Tree Investments 10,395.86 Bond Interest Account 1,445.94 Security ICS - Construction 1,901.55 TOTAL INTEREST $ 22,126.24 Monthly Investment Summary Northwestern Local Schools US Bank Custodian Acct Ending x70779 August 31, 2018 Monthly Cash Flow Activity Market Value Summary From 07-31-18 through 08-31-18 Avg Wght Pct. Yield at Avg Beginning Book Value 6,680,938.30 Security Type Market Value Assets Cost Mat Contributions 0.00 Money Market Fund MONEY MARKET FUND 2,852.96 0.0 1.83 0.00 Withdrawals 0.00 Fixed Income U.S. GOVERNMENT 2,525,559.41 38.0 1.44 1.94 Prior Month Management Fees -828.89 AGENCY NOTES U.S. TREASURY BILLS 593,962.72 8.9 2.21 0.46 Realized Gains/Losses 0.00 Accrued Interest 7,756.92 0.1 Gross Interest Earnings 10,395.86 Commercial Paper COMMERCIAL PAPER 2,533,832.95 38.1 2.32 0.20 Ending Book Value 6,690,505.27 Certificate of Deposit CERTIFICATES OF 981,837.54 14.8 1.91 0.74 DEPOSIT Accrued Interest 3,216.12 0.0 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 6,649,018.61 100.0 1.91 0.97 Maturity Distribution Security Type Allocation Distribution by Maturity 2500000 2000000 0.0% 14.8% 38.0% 1500000 38.2% 8.9% 1000000 500000 MONEY MARKET FUND U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY NOTES U.S. TREASURY BILLS COMMERCIAL PAPER CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 0 Under 3 Mths 3 Mths - 6 Mths 6 Mths - 12 Mths 12 Mths - 2 Yrs 2 Yrs - 5 Yrs Disclosures: RedTree’s internal accounting system is used as the source of the market value of this account. Altho ugh obtained from a source believed to be reliable, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. You should review all account statements provided by the custodian and compare with the statements pro v id e d b y R e d T re e . Questions? Call 888.596.2293 or email [email protected] Portfolio Holdings Report Northwestern Local Schools US Bank Custodian Acct Ending x70779 August 31, 2018 Yield Wtd Purchase Quantity Cusip Security Description Moody's S&P Cost Basis Market Value at Cost Maturity Date U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY NOTES 615,000 3133EGBK0 Federal Farm Credit Bank Aaa AA+ 615,000.00 605,006.86 1.30 1.21 06-15-16 1.300% Due 11-25-19 275,000 3136G3J71 Federal Natl Mtg Assoc Aaa AA+ 275,000.00 268,031.77 1.42 1.86 07-27-16 1.420% Due 07-27-20 400,000 3136G35C5 Federal Natl Mtg Assoc Aaa AA+ 400,000.00 389,690.80 1.40 1.95 08-30-16 1.400% Due 08-28-20 405,000 3136G4AL7 Federal Natl Mtg Assoc Aaa AA+ 405,000.00 395,721.85 1.50 2.02 09-30-16 1.500% Due 09-30-20 495,000 3135G0Q97 Federal Natl Mtg Assoc Aaa AA+ 495,000.00 481,851.31 1.50 2.09 10-28-16 1.500% Due 10-28-20 400,000 3136G34Y8 Federal Natl Mtg Assoc Aaa AA+ 400,000.00 385,256.80 1.60 2.88 08-30-16 1.600% Due 08-24-21 Accrued Interest 7,756.92 2,590,000.00 2,533,316.33 1.44 1.94 U.S. TREASURY BILLS 220,000 912796QU6 US Treasury Bill P-1 A-1+ 217,694.97 218,110.42 2.15 0.40 07-31-18 0.000% Due 01-24-19 380,000 912796PT0 US Treasury Bill P-1 A-1+ 375,751.46 375,852.30 2.24 0.50 08-30-18 0.000% Due 02-28-19 593,446.43 593,962.72 2.21 0.46 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 248,000 33767AQV6 Firstbank of Puerto Rico, PR 248,000.00 247,851.20 1.50 0.16 10-29-15 1.500% Due 10-29-18 245,000 02587DA73 American Express Nat'l Bank, UT 245,000.00 244,056.50 2.05 0.88 07-28-15 (formerly AmEx Centurion Bank) 2.050% Due 07-22-19 245,000 05580ACK8 BMW Bank of North America, UT 244,142.50 244,039.11 2.09 0.88 07-27-15 2.000% Due 07-24-19 247,000 14042RAL5 Capital One, National Assoc, 247,000.00 245,890.72 2.00 1.05 09-30-15 Mclean, VA 2.000% Due 09-30-19 Accrued Interest 3,216.12 984,142.50 985,053.65 1.91 0.74 COMMERCIAL PAPER 110,000 36164KJM4 General Electric Capital Corp P-1 A-1 109,163.69 109,894.40 2.32 0.06 05-25-18 Treasury 0.000% Due 09-21-18 200,000 62479MJR5 MUFG Bank P-1 A-1 198,421.50 199,762.00 2.33 0.07 05-25-18 0.000% Due 09-25-18 300,000 63873KJU2 Natixis NY P-1 A-1 297,660.00 299,592.00 2.36 0.08 05-31-18 0.000% Due 09-28-18 325,000 89233HKS2 Toyota Motor Credit P-1 A-1+ 320,185.31 323,982.75 2.02 0.16 01-31-18 0.000% Due 10-26-18 300,000 22533UL50 Credit Agricole NY P-1 A-1 297,559.75 298,839.00 2.29 0.18 06-29-18 0.000% Due 11-05-18 100,000 46640QLD1 JP Morgan P-1 A-1 98,806.67 99,563.00 2.43 0.20 05-18-18 0.000% Due 11-13-18 330,000 09659CLL0 BNP Paribas P-1 A-1 327,418.03 328,412.70 2.31 0.22 07-20-18 0.000% Due 11-20-18 220,000 36960MLT8 General Electric CP P-1 A-1 218,291.33 218,845.00 2.35 0.24 07-30-18 0.000% Due 11-27-18 130,000 62479MLW1 MUFG Bank P-1 A-1 128,982.32 129,292.80 2.33 0.25 07-31-18 0.000% Due 11-30-18 Disclosures: RedTree’s internal accounting system is used as the source of the market value of this account. Although obtained from a source believed to be reliable, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. You should review all account statements provided by the custodian and compare with the statements provided by R edT ree. Questions? Call 888.596.2293 or email [email protected] Portfolio Holdings Report Northwestern Local Schools US Bank Custodian Acct Ending x70779 August 31, 2018 Yield Wtd Purchase Quantity Cusip Security Description Moody's S&P Cost Basis Market Value at Cost Maturity Date 300,000 13608BMT8 Canadian Imp Holdings P-1 A-1 296,329.67 297,786.00 2.45 0.33 06-28-18 0.000% Due 12-27-18 230,000 46640QNN7 JP Morgan P-1 A-1 227,245.11 227,863.30 2.48 0.40 07-30-18 0.000% Due 01-22-19 2,520,063.38 2,533,832.95 2.32 0.20 MONEY MARKET FUND USBMMF First American Treasury 2,852.96 2,852.96 1.83 Obligations Fund TOTAL PORTFOLIO 6,690,505.27 6,649,018.61 1.91 0.97 Disclosures: RedTree’s internal accounting system is used as the source of the market value of this account. Although obtained from a source believed to be reliable, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. You should review all account statements provided by the custodian and compare with the statements provided by R edT ree. Questions? Call 888.596.2293 or email [email protected] SUNGARD K-12 PAGE NUMBER: 1 DATE: 09/06/2018 NORTHWESTERN LOCAL SD CASHPOSNEOH TIME: 09:59:17 OH CASH POSITION REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/19 FUND SCC DESCRIPTION MTD FYTD MTD FYTD CURRENT CURRENT UNENCUMBERED BEGIN BALANCE RECEIPTS RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE ENCUMBRANCE FUND BALANCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 001 0000 GENERAL FUND 6,909,767.15 1,945,447.45 4,803,566.85 1,357,460.82 2,703,913.98 9,009,420.02 1,993,987.41 7,015,432.61 001 9000 GEN FUND BUDGET RESERVE 201,431.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 201,431.48 0.00 201,431.48 001 9002 RESALE SUPPLIES - ELEM 36,218.11 17,310.37 17,310.37 8,487.64 8,487.64 45,040.84 927.75 44,113.09 001 9004 RESALE SUPPLIES - JR/SR 23,525.89 8,234.00 8,234.00 13,376.21 13,376.21 18,383.68 14,165.15 4,218.53 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- TOTAL FOR Fund 001: 7,170,942.63 1,970,991.82 4,829,111.22 1,379,324.67 2,725,777.83 9,274,276.02 2,009,080.31 7,265,195.71 002 9010 BOND RETIREMENT 1,405,220.85 655,913.00 657,356.65 12,294.73 12,294.73 2,050,282.77 2,588,062.50 -537,779.73 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- TOTAL FOR Fund 002: 1,405,220.85 655,913.00 657,356.65 12,294.73 12,294.73 2,050,282.77 2,588,062.50 -537,779.73 003 0000 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT 164,240.29 37,542.30 81,442.30 1,437.53 1,437.53 244,245.06 587,014.00 -342,768.94 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- TOTAL FOR Fund 003: 164,240.29 37,542.30 81,442.30 1,437.53 1,437.53 244,245.06 587,014.00 -342,768.94 004 9016 LFI - POST CONSTRUCTION 1,996,880.46 1,901.55 4,788.32 561,765.71 1,335,847.71 665,821.07 456,273.05 209,548.02 004 9264 LFI - HB 264 405,020.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 405,020.00 0.00 405,020.00 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- TOTAL FOR Fund 004: 2,401,900.46 1,901.55 4,788.32 561,765.71 1,335,847.71 1,070,841.07 456,273.05 614,568.02 006 0000 FOOD SERVICE 264,685.02 21,875.88 33,080.36 33,623.14 55,924.66 241,840.72 40,073.10 201,767.62 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- TOTAL FOR Fund 006: 264,685.02
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