Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 10-29-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 29, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1992 Volume 78, Issue 52 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 29, 1992." (Oct 1992). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southe rn Illino is Universit y at Carbondale Thursday. October 29. 1992. Vol. 7!!. No. 52. 111 Pages Report: Bosnian Muslims face extermination Los Angeles TImes His report also indud~d tht.' Investigator tells U.N. outsiders must act before winter results of an invcstif,a lion by Dr. UNITED NATIONS - In a Clyde Snow, an American forensit' report clchcxJ with dispiriting detail minister of Poland, reponed to the out of Serb-held areas by military completed his second l'J ur of expen. into chilling evidence of ~I of c ru cl atroci ti es. Tadcusz Human Rights Commission in force. Bosnia and other a reas of the massacre of wounded Croalian Mazowiecki. an official human Geneva, concluding that " Ethnic clednsing does not fonner Yugoslp.via. said that as a prisoners by the Semian-dominaled rights investi gator. warned the "widespread and serious human appear to be the consequc:-.ce of .. te result of the intensification of Yugoslav National Army in 1991. Uniled Nations Wednesday thai the righls violation !<. ·· not only continue war but rather its goal," he said. ethnic cleansing. 'lltere is less and U.N. peacekeepers led Snow 10 Muslims of Bosni a arc "vinuaHy in Bosnia but have even wor.;ened. "This goal. to a large exle.,t, has less resistance on the pan of the the Silo! of what seemed 19 be i: threatened wi th extermination" He orrered a scathing already been achieved through non-Semian population. ;ncreasing mass grave in the Vukovar area of unless out siders .Iet 10 save them condemnation of "ethnic cleansing" killings. beatings. rape. destruction numbers of whom are ready to Croatia. The skeletal remains there. before wi nler sets in. - the anempt. chieOy by Serbs. to of hou<es and threats:' abandon ev~rything a nd to nee M<lzowiccki. fo rmer prime clear Croats and Slavic Musli ms The U.N. official. who has just their homeland:' _ MUSlIMS, page 7 New service lets students renew books by phone By Angpla l. Hyland General ASSignment W riter ,.\ 1l L" \ ... en it' ,,"" .11 ~h l rrl ' L,hrar\ "III l..' llahk \ludenl ' 10 r(, IlL'\\ hon" .. (ncr the ph(llh..· . " T hL' rn .IJor hl.' lll' fi t or Ih" , e n ic(' i, ... lUd l' Il" ;..mJ faruh, '\on', 11 ;'0\.. ' In G lrT\ lour (Ir Ii\ l' hrlof l"' !o lo ",hl..' l,hr.J f"\. I..;I1t.'" Ihell' :l nd carn Ihl.'111 h ~ll.: k homc· :Il.! :J in: · said .. "-'l·t.' , ... .Ci t· p jet.' Li h rari:ln- Tho ma\, Kllp:lln l"J., Tn U"l' rh l' rl l'\\ \' ~n ' icc. individua l ... " ullpl.\ r hnr1t.' rht.' libr:JJ"Y ,HXCS\, ... en 'lce ... num ha ,mil g ive: rhc (':111 n umber of rh e hoo /" Ih~) \\ ,\,h ro rcn ~\\. Ki:pat rid .. ",aid. Thil\ sc r\l icc w \\\ hc gin HO\l. 2 and .l ddilion a\ ~ cr\licc ~ wi\\ b e p h a ~ cd in gr.1duaHy. he. ~aid . A voice mail answering w~!c m wi ll enanlc: ... tud ~ nl ~ to choo~ from ~; number of ... cr.·icc .... induding obtaining II1 fo rmal io l1 o n lihrary h o u r~ . O\'Cfduc nO li Ct~ .... fcc: ... ~nd bill~ . The pho"e rCl1 c\\ al idea wa~ s u g~c ~tej by t h~ Lih r a r~ Affair... Ad v i ~ul)' C nl11l11l11~ e . Kilpatrick .. "id. "Th i ~ i ~ ;" group madc up of studcnt~ and faculty that gc n cra l c ~ idc;.l s and makes recommendatinns to the dean: ' he said. "A Touch-up lOp priority of the advisnry ('ouncil lasl year wa \, th is new phone ~rvi ce . " Mike Abraham, a senior in biology from Naperville, fraternity, was one of many students helping their SU S,11l FOld. dlairwoman of Ih e 1991 paints the face of Lacey Hampton Tuesday afternoon at Greek organizations with booths and games for area CO llllll illce. said ~ h c was surprbcd tile the Student Center. Abraham, a member 01 Theta XI children. '\Crvicc W'IS sHlrted so soon. "Thb sho uld be a n:al aid fo r library use,,:' Ford .,aid. '"We fell lhey nceded In e;lsier l11echi.lni sm to re new boo k ~ . ·· In the past. the onl y opti on available to GPSC to organize committee for response "lUdents W'IS to renew bo ks in person. By Christy G:Jtowski GPSC also will hold a meeting inv:ting Education to schedule a downstate hearing so K iJp:urick ~ai d . OW :I number of avenues Administration Writer grnduate depanments and programs th~! are Ihal those in the slue community can make 2.fC open. experiencing polential cub or reductions an public commenl on the bo~rd ' s Priorities "r ~ op l e who have ; IC C C~~ 10 the The G raduate and Professional Student opportunil. to present oral and writte n Quality and Productivity process. mainfmmc can get inio LINKS. which gives Council decided Wednesday it will organize testimony. mHE staff plan to hold a public hearing 01 an extended executive committee to The meeting is scheduled for early Monday, Nov. 23 in Chica ~o to invite oro! see BOOKS, page 7 form ulatc a response to the first repon on Decemlter and testimony presented will Ite and written testimony concerning the PQI Gus Bode long·,erm planning for SIUC compiled by a incl Llded in tt.e council 's response, she said initiative. 12-mcmber comminee. The council also will ask President John C. Susan Hall. presidcni of the council. said Guyon 10 request the Illinois BoanI of Higher _ ·GPSC, page 7 , (( , " ' _~ 1- { r ,. Clinton turns tables, attacks trust of Bush Los Angeles TImes appeal to the worst in us:' trustworthiness al the hands of callers to thi As part of his "ewly sharpened anack. "Today" show, where Clinton was a guest. I _ ' LOUISVILLE. Ky. - Nervous about Clinton edged close 10 siding with Several pressed Clinton about his lack .1 1 maintaining hi s advantage in the polls as independent candidate Ross Perol in hi; feud service in Vietnam and another resurrec.:ICl e lectio n day nears. A rk ansas Gov. Bill wi th (he president a nd said he would unproven allegations of an affai r. Clinto, Clinton opened" new assault on President welcome f"e rot' s " in\'olveme nl" in his respond ed 10 the questions by s t r ikin ~ a Gus says SO where do you pay your Bu,h Wednesday by contending that Bush is administration. Bush and defending himself. a ' trJlegy he late fines, G'rE? not wonhy of America's trust and should be BUI the Democratic president ial nominee run oul or office because "a ll he does is came under renewed criticism of his own see CUNTON, page 7 " \ ' , ;'-J~' ''' \) "JIi..;..... ~ .... ~ ,__ \ ~1' '.;: .. ~ ) , ImpropP.r equipment, ! Opinion Cardinals flyaway ~'m.n mu.;c boo' -See page 4·5 I -.:-" 1 Band 'Mercy' plays scheduled to play training can cause Entertainment jazz every Sunday . with win over slue Mugsy McGuire's injuries to runners -See page 9 night spikers Classified IIWSunny -See page t1 I - Story on page 6 -Story on page 8 P.igh 70s - Story on page 9 - Story on page 16 October 29. 1992 Sports Il ltll l "':lpl1 '" .... "IIIhllll I II111"', 1 1111,1'111 It I .utiundlll Women's hoops pressured by national rankings By Andy Graham tremendous amount of pressure on Street and Smith mnked them 23 rd that they' re ranked that they can go out of their three years on the team. 3portsWriter this team. but I think they ' re in its preseason poll and the NCAA out hen: and do .an)1hing half way The seniors i!1c1ude Anita SCOIt excited about having that pressure. has ranked them 30th. The Salu kis or anything Jcs ~ than maximum from Sl. Loui s, who is rated the Energy and enthusiasm was in They've earned the right to have are expected to place fin;t in their cffon and win. They will not win. seventh best point guard in the the air as wom"en ' s bas lo. e tba ll that pressure:' Scott said. ". think conference this season. for any other reason than. the fact nation by th e NCAA basketball coach Cindy SCOIl introduced her they're up to that task." ". think lhese young ladies that they work extrelllely hand." preview: center Ke ll y Finh from 1992-93 lady Cager. at the Saluki Nalionally. the Salukis arc deserve the right to be ranked." An abundance of experience is Springfield. who averaged 12.5 women's basketball media day highly ranked going into the ScOIl said. " I will not allow them. returning to the squad this season, points a game and 9.7 rebounds a Wednesday. season. College Spons magazine nor will (h eir assislanl coaches including four sC' niors who havc " I think that there is a ranked them seventh in the nalion.
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