AIN T E rV^SCH PLASTIC LEAGUER* VOL. XXXIX AUSTIN, TEXAS, MARCH, 1956 NO. 7 Texas Astronomy 4 New Cage Champs Named Society Formed; U.S. Farm Problem Admits Teachers Buna Retains Class A Title; High school science teachers interested in astronomy have Chosen Debate Topic 2 Tourney Records Broken been invited to participate in the High school debaters in Texas I identical order as the final result. 3. Resolved: that the federal Astronomical Society of the government should remove from The crowds came, listened and Most free throws in one game—17, and the rest of the nation will de­ Wording of t h e general farm Southwest. use sufficient acreage to balance watched part-time on TV while the Frank Portilla, Milby (Houston). bate the U. S. farm problem next topic was: "What agricultural pol­ The group was organized re­ school year. icy will best serve the interests of agricultural production. 36th annual State boys basketball Previous: 13—Carl Mitchell, Phil­ cently to foster astronomical re­ The farm question was chosen as the people of the United States?" As 1956-57 high school debate be­ tournament crowned five high lips, in earlier game. search and improve teaching of the "general problem area" in a na­ gins next fall, national sentiment school champions for 1956—one of 11 New Teams astronomy in Texas and neigh­ Schools to Decide tionwide poll conducted by the Na­ on the farm issue will be expressed them a repeater from last year. boring states. Eleven of the 24 teams in the tional University Extension Assn. The final debate proposition for in the presidential campaign and The champs: Martin (Laredo), Although organized at the col­ tournament were appearing for the committee on discussion and debate. Texas schools will be decided by a November balloting. By contest Conference A AAA; Palo Duro lege level, the society has invited first time in the state meet. Of those, Robert H. Schacht, chairman of preferential ballot to be submitted time in the spring of 1957, the is­ (Amarillo), Conference AAA; high school teachers, particular­ three carried off championship the NUEA committee, reported to League member schools in April. sue will have been temporarily re­ Jacksonville, Conference A A; Buna, ly those active in amateur tele­ awards in their conference. They that labor-management and natur­ They will be asked to choose be­ solved, at least ,in the choice of the Conference A; and Central (Pol- scope making or astronomy club were Central (Pollok), Jackson­ al resources, the other two choices, tween these three debate proposi­ political party to carry out the lok), Conference B. work, to attend future meetings. ville and Palo Duro. ranked second and third, respec­ tions : wishes of the voters as expressed Gregory Gym at The University Buna, back for the third year in Teachers interested in attend­ of Texas had an estimated attend­ tively. 1. Resolved: that the federal at the polls. a row, won its second title in su(? ing meetings of the astronomers Thus the Texas vote represented government should adopt the ance total of 45,000 (same as last cession. Laredo had been to the and receiving proceedings of National Poll Results year) for the three-day tourney majority opinion. The Interscholas- basic principles of the Brannan tourney only once, in 1924, but cel­ meetings should write to the tic League, based on returns from Plan. In the national preferential poll, (Mar. 1-2-3). Magnolia Petroleum ebrated its return with a cham­ group's executive secretary, Co. broadcast the finals on a Texas a representative ballot among Tex­ 2. Resolved: that the federal the farm question was the first pionship. Frank N. Edmonds, Jr., 103 Ben­ as schools in January and Febru­ government should sustain the choice of 18 of the 35 states ex­ radio network, and also televised The entire Conference AA brack­ edict Hall, The University of the Conference AAAA champion­ ary, voted in the national poll for prices of major agricultural pro­ pressing preference before the vote et was made up of teams gaining Texas, Austin 12, Tex. farm, labor-management and na­ ducts at not less than 90 per cent closed Feb. 10. Labor-management ship game via Dallas, Austin, Tem­ the state playoffs for the first time. ple and San Antonio stations. (See tural resources problems, in t h e of parity. was No. 1 choice of nine states (in­ Beside the new champions, first- cluding the National Forensic editorial this issue.) time teams were: Kyle, Pawnee and Championship Games League vote), while eight states Van Horn in Conference B; Phil­ considered natural resources the Buna held onto its 1955 title by lips, Waxahachie and Webster in most important. turning back Troup, 52-42, after Conference AA; Marshall in Con­ Preparation for Ready Writing Second place choices were: Farm beating Deer Park, 55-39. ference AAA; and Odessa in Con­ A speedy group of unsung 11; labor-management, 15; natural ference AAAA. ... Involves Directors, Coaches, Participants resources, 9. "shorties" from Laredo outran their Game Scores taller rivals and clinched the Con­ Tourney game results: By DR. POWELL STEWART than designing and running a the student. In practice, however, Third place selections: Farm, 5; ference AAAA title by beating Conference B: First round—Avo State Director of Ready Writing training program. There will be as most sponsors will find that good labor-management, 10; natural re­ North Dallas, 65-54. Palo Duro de­ ca 55, Pawnee 51; Central (Pol­ Preparation for a ready writers many different programs as there results can be attained by reading sources, 18. feated a shorter team from French lok) 69, Gruver 56; Krum 66, Lane- contest has to be made by three are sponsors, for not two people and discussing only a fraction of Weighted score gave the farm (Beaumont), 59-51, for the AA ville 55; Kyle 65, Van Horn, 37. groups of people: (1) the district ever went about teaching writing the practice writing, so long, of question a final score of 81, labor- championship. Semi-finals—Central 53, Avoca 48; and regional directors, (2) the in exactly the same way; but out­ course, as the students never know management 67 and natural re­ Jacksonville had a fight all the Krum 66, Kyle 64. Third place— sponsors or coaches, and (3) the line of one possible program may be which examples will be chosen for sources 60. way before edging Phillips, 70-68, Avoca 70, Kyle 64. Championship— participants. of service. attention. Other states who ranked the ques­ in the Conference AA final. Central Central 74, Krum 68. With this year's contest drawing Fundamental to any training The most important thing is tions in the same order as Texas (Pollok) outmaneuvered a strong Conference A: Buna 55, Deer near, some suggestions to each program is getting across to stu­ that the student does practice, for and the weighted score were Ala­ Krum aggregation to win, 74-68, in Park 39; Troup 54, Reagan County group may be in order. dents the nature of the contest. it is a truism that one learns to bama, Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Mis­ Conference B. (Big Lake) 49. Third place—Deer They must not only know that it is write by writing. souri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, When tabulations were comple­ Park 70, Big Lake 59. Finals— Directors a contest in expository writing, but As a first step, it is well to give Tennessee, Utah, Virginia and Wis­ ted, they showed 19 conference and Buna 52, Troup 42. Since the routine duties of direc­ they must clearly understand what the student practice in selecting a consin. tournament records broken, two Conference AA: Phillips 84, Web­ tors are laid out in the "Constitu­ exposition is (and how it differs subject suited to his knowledge and tied. Other states which picked the ster 81; Jacksonville 81, Waxaha­ tion and Rules" of the Interscholas- from such other forms as descrip­ ability. Having him explain why he farm problem as No. 1 were: Indi­ New tournament standards are: chie 68. Third place—Webster 76, tic League, only a few points need tion and narration). They must al­ chose one subject rather than an­ ana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nebras­ Total high scores—165 (Phillips 84, Waxahachie 73. Finals—Jackson­ to be made here by way of re-em­ so know and understand the cri­ other will get him into the habit of ka, New York and West Virginia. Webster 81). Previous record: 159 ville 70, Phillips 68. phasis. teria by which the judges will selecting carefully. (Sweeny 92, Sundown 67), in 1954. The most crucial duty of a direc­ Conference AAA: Palo Duro 66, evaluate their papers. Analyze the Subject UT to Build 776-Woman Dorm Marshall 47; French 58, Harlin- tor is the selection of truly com­ The remainder of the program Almost of equal importance is gen 47. Third place—Marshall 54, petent judges, judges who really consists of giving the students prac­ giving him practice in analyzing The University of Texas will have Science Course Harlingen 51. Finals—Palo Duro know what good writing is, who are tice—supervised practice. Ideally, the subject selected to find what it one of the largest women's dormi­ 59, French 51. not likely to be swayed bypietistic all practice writing should be read demands. Writing down the things tories in the country when a 776- Conference AAAA: North Dal­ mumblings or by demagogic mouth- by the sponsor and discussed with (Continued on Page 2, Col. 4) woman dorm is completed in 1958. At Oak Ridge las 81, Odessa 60; Laredo 65, Mil­ ings full of sound and fury, signi­ by 53.
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