Department for Environment and Water Draft Fire Management Plan Draft Dudley Peninsula Incorporating Baudin, Cape Willoughby, Dudley, Lashmar, Lesueur, Pelican Lagoon, & Simpson Conservation Parks. 2019 DOCUMENT CONTROL Creator.CorporateName DEW FMB Creator.PersonalName Aidan Galpin Date.Created 28 March 2019 Date.Released 6 May 2019 Date.Reviewed Version 2.1 Description DRAFT for PUBLIC CONSULTATION Title Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan Availability Public File.Path File.Name Dudley_Pen_FMP_PublicConsultation_v2.0 Coverage FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION For further information please contact: Department for Environment and Water Phone Information Line (08) 8204 1910, or see SA White Pages for your local Department for Environment and Water office. This Fire Management Plan is also available from: https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/fire- management/bushfire-risk-and-recovery Front Cover: [Insert photograph description] by [Insert Name] Disclaimer The Department for Environment and Water and its employees do not warrant or make any representation regarding the use, or results of the use, of the information contained herein as regards to its correctness, accuracy, reliability, currency or otherwise. The Department for Environment and Water and its employees expressly disclaims all liability or responsibility to any person using the information or advice. Information contained in this document is correct at the time of writing. Permissive Licence This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Reference to any company, product or service in this publication should not be taken as a Departmental endorsement of the company, product or service. © Crown in right of the State of South Australia, through the Department for Environment and Water 2019 ISBN Preferred way to cite this publication DEW 2019, Draft Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan. Government of South Australia, through Department for Environment and Water, Adelaide Acronyms AAR Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation GBC Glossy Black-cockatoo AFAC Australasian Fire & Emergency Services HA Heritage Agreement Authorities Council ha Hectares AMLR Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges IMT Incident Management Team A-zone Asset Protection Zone KI Kangaroo Island BMAP Bushfire Management Area Plan KI NRM Kangaroo Island Natural Resources BMC Bushfire Management Committee Management B-zone Bushfire Buffer Zone KI BMAP Kangaroo Island Bushfire Management CFS SA Country Fire Service Area Plan CP Conservation Park KI BMC Kangaroo Island Bushfire Management CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Committee Research Organisation MEW SA Minister for Environment Cwlth Commonwealth and Water C-zone Conservation-Land Management Zone MVG Major Vegetation Group DEH The (former) SA Dept. for Environment and MVS Major Vegetation Sub-group DENR The (former) SA Dept. for Environment and NPW Act National Parks & Wildlife Act Natural Resources NVC Native Vegetation Council DEW The Dept. for Environment and Water NVIS National Vegetation Information System DEWNR The (former) SA Dept. of Environment, Water SA South Australia and Natural Resources sp. Species (singular) EA Environmental Assessment spp. Species (plural) EFMG Ecological Fire Management Guidelines ssp. Subspecies EFMS Ecological Fire Management Strategy SWER Single Wire Earth Return EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity TOMM Tourism Optimisation Management Model Conservation Act 1999 TPC Threshold of Potential Concern FES Act Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 TSSC Threatened Species Scientific Committee GAFLC The (former) Government Agencies Fire Liaison Committee GAFMWG Government Agencies Fire Management Working Group Invitation to Contribute It is Department for Environment and Water policy to consult with stakeholders and the public during the development of fire management plans. This is your opportunity to convey your comment on the draft Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan. This fire management plan has been prepared by the Department for Environment and Water to provide direction for fire management actions and to identify objectives and strategies for fire management across the planning area. You are welcome to make a written or e-mail submission to the address provided below. How to Make an Effective Submission State the plan to which you are referring, as several may be on public exhibition. Make your text concise and clear. Refer to the page, section number, paragraph and / or objective or strategy upon which you are commenting. If you disagree with an objective or strategy, state your reasons and say what you would prefer in its place, and why. If you are commenting on the accuracy of background information, provide references for your information sources. It is also important to say with which sections of the plan you agree. Submissions Close: 3 June 2019 Written submissions addressed to: Chair Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan Planning Team Department for Environment & Water GPO Box 1047 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Method of Analysing Public Submissions After the closing date for public submissions, the points made in each submission will be collated according to the section of the draft plan they address. Each point made will be assessed and the draft fire management plan amended using the following criteria. 1. The draft fire management plan will be amended if the point: a) provides additional information of direct relevance to management b) indicates or clarifies a change in Government legislation, management commitment or management policy c) proposes strategies that would better achieve or assist with management objectives d) prompts a re-consideration of the objective and / or strategy and results in an alternative objective and / or strategy for the park e) is an alternate viewpoint received on the topic and is considered a better option than that proposed in the draft plan f) indicates omissions, inaccuracies or a lack of clarity. 2. The draft fire management plan will not be amended if the point: a) addresses issues beyond the scope of the plan b) was already in the plan c) offers an open statement, or no change is sought d) clearly supports the draft proposals e) is an alternate viewpoint received on the topic and the recommendation of the draft plan is still considered the best option f) is based on incorrect information Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan – Public Consultation Draft 2019 i g) contributes options that are not possible (generally due to some aspect of existing legislation or Government policy) h) involves details that are not appropriate or necessary for inclusion in a document aimed at providing management direction over the long term. What Will Happen to Your Submission At the close of the public exhibition period, the draft plan and public submissions will be referred to the relevant planning project team for consideration and comment. After considering all submissions, advice and recommendations the Director may adopt a fire management plan with or without alteration. The final plan will be made available to the public and on the Department’s website: http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/fire- management/bushfire-risk-and-recovery/fire-management-plans Closing Date for Submissions The closing date for public submissions is at least four weeks from the time the plan is released for comment. A notice of release is placed on the YourSAy.sa.gov.au website, the Islander Kangaroo Island paper, and on the Department’s website. Submissions Close: 3 June 2019 Written submissions addressed to: Manager, Fire Planning Fire and Flood Management Unit Department for Environment and Water GPO Box 1047 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Email submissions to: [email protected] ii Dudley Peninsula Fire Management Plan – Public Consultation Draft 2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Fire Management Plan for the Dudley Peninsula covers Cape Willoughby, Dudley, Lesueur, Pelican Lagoon, Baudin, Lashmar, and Simpson Conservation Park and selected Crown land and participating Heritage Agreements. This plan has been prepared to provide direction for fire management in the planning area, through the inclusion of strategies for bushfire risk modification and suppression on the identified land. The plan emphasises the protection of life and property and provides direction for land managers in the protection and enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage of the area. It is important to note that there will be a transitional stage where the management strategies and actions proposed in the plan are undertaken and implementation depends upon fire management priorities and the allocation of regional resources. The planning area was identified as a priority for fire management planning within the Department for Environment and Water Kangaroo Island Region to: enhance the protection of life, property and environmental values reduce the potential for a bushfire to impact upon the township of Penneshaw adjacent to Baudin Conservation Park, and the communities of Island Beach, Brown Beach and Baudin Beach adjacent to Dudley Conservation Park provide for the landscape protection of Baudin, Dudley, Simpson, Lashmar and Lesueur Conservation Parks, and to reduce the likelihood of the whole reserve, multiple reserves and adjacent private lands burning in a single fire event minimise the risk of fire threatening the community and significant infrastructure, such as power facilities
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