Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72977-2 - The Papacy since 1500: From Italian Prince to Universal Pastor Edited by James Corkery and Thomas Worcester Index More information Index Note: Papal dates are regnal years absolutism authority, papal 104 papal 90–91, 92, 93, 246 and Augustine 92, 99 royal 90, 93 and tradition 98 abstinence, sexual 211, 211 n. 20 see also absolutism, papal Admonet nos constitution (1567) 75 Avellino, Andrea 60 Adrian VI (Adrian Dedel, Adrian of Utrecht) (1522–23) 29, 32, 37 Baglioni, Giovanipagolo 26 Alcionio, Pietro 42 Baldi, Lazzaro, Pius’s Vision of the Battle of Alexander VI (Roderigo Borgia) (1492–1503) 13, Lepanto 60, 65–66, 68 14, 27, 36 Baltimore, Third Plenary Council (1884) 153 Alexander VII (Fabio Chigi) (1655–67), and Bandinelli, Baccio 38 millenarian prophecies 86, 86 n. 78 Barberini, Antonio iunior (1607–71) 75, 76, Alfonso d’Este, Duke 17 77–78 Alidosi, Francesco, Cardinal 37 n. 19 Barberini, Carlo 73, 79 Allaci, Leone 87 Barberini, Francesco 74, 75, 76, 77, 77 n. 42, Almain, Jacques 20, 21–22 78, 83, 88 Amboise, Georges d’, Cardinal 14, 20 Barberini, Taddeo 75, 83 “Americanist heresy” 150 Barker, Sheila 6 Ancona, Battle of (1860) 130 Basel, Council of (1431–39), renewal of decree anti-clericalism 135 Sacrosancta 93 Antonelli, Giacomo, Cardinal 129 Baumgartner, Frederic 2–3 Aquinas, St. Thomas 144, 145 n. 2 Beaufils, Jean 22 arms race 214, 216, 221 Bembo, Pietro 29 Arnauld, Antoine Benedict XIV (Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini) Apology for M. Jansénius 95 (1740–58) 7 Apology for the Holy Fathers 95 and biblical translation 101 Considerations on the Undertaking encyclical Ubi primum (1740) 144 95 Benedict XV (Giacomo della Chiesa) (1914–22) and doctrinal authority 99–100 9, 161, 167, 202, 247, 248 and laity 101 encyclical Ad beatissimi (1914) 201 On Frequent Communion 93 head by Rodin 172 and papal infallibility 98, 99 World War I and doctrine of absolute and pursuit of truth 100 impartiality Arnauld, Mère Angélique 92 apostolic exhortation Ubi primum (1914) Attolico, Bernardo 192 167 Augustine 91, 103 consistorial address (1915) 172–73 and grace 103 exclusion from Paris Peace Conference and Jansenism 91, 103, 106 (1918–19) 180 and papal authority 92, 99 humanitarian projects 180–81, 181 n. 89 265 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72977-2 - The Papacy since 1500: From Italian Prince to Universal Pastor Edited by James Corkery and Thomas Worcester Index More information 266 Index Benedict XV (cont.) Campeggio, Lorenzo, Cardinal 43 Peace Note (1917) 178–79 Camuccini, Vincenzo 116 proposed libro bianco (White Book) (1918) Canon Law, Code of 9 179 Canova, Antonio 117 response to German atrocities in Belgium Cantalice, Felice da 60 (1914) 167, 179 Caravaggio, Polidoro see Polidoro da Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) (2005–) 243, Caravaggio 39 248, 249–51 cardinals, creation of 45, 76–77 downplays personality cult 249–50 Caroline Islands dispute (1885) 166, 179 encyclicals 250 Carroll, John 117–18 Caritas in veritate (2009) 8, 251 Castelfidardo, Battle of (1860) 130, 233 focus ad intra 250–51 Castro, War of (1641–44) 75, 79, 81–83 and sexual abstinence 211 n. 20 Castro, War of (1649) 83, 83 n. 66 and YouTube 182 catechism, Roman 47 Bentivoglio, Giovanni 16, 17 Catena, Girolamo, Vita of Pius V Beran, Mgr. Josef, Archbishop of Prague 196 n. 78 (1586, revised, 1587) 52, 62 Bergen, Diego von, German ambassador at anonymous frontispiece 53–55, 65 Vatican 187, 192, 194 and Battle of Lepanto 67 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 6, 87 Catherine of Aragon 44 effigy of Urban VIII 71 Catherine of Bologna 60 memorial to Carlo Barberini 79 Catholic Information Service 185 portrait statue of Carlo Barberini 79 Cellini, Benvenuto 39, 40 statue of Urban VIII 70–71, 79 cope morse (button or clasp) for Clement Bertone, Cardinal Tarcisio 250 VII 40 bishops, appointment of 6, 137 Center for International Documentation Bishops’ Program of Social Reconstruction on the Contemporary Church 210 (United States, 1919) 160 Cesarini, Ferdinando 70, 71 Bismarck, Otto von 132–33, 166 The Challenge of Peace, United States bishops’ Boleyn, Anne 44 pastoral letter (1983) 220 Bologna 13, 16–17, 19 Charles V 29–30, 33, 34, 35, 41 Bologna, Concordat of (1516) 35, 93–94 crowned Holy Roman Emperor 35 Bombace, Paolo 42 Châteaubriand, François-René de 122–23 Borgia, Cesare 16, 36 Chesterton, G.K. 162–63, 181 Bouchet, Jean 23 Chiaramonte, Luigi Barnabà (later Pius VII) Boulogne, Valentin de 87 Christmas homily (1797) 109–10 Bourbon, Charles de 34 Spanish and English version (1817) 118 Bourges, Pragmatic Sanction of (1438) 93–94 Christina of Sweden 86 Bourne, Francis 175, 176 cinema see film Bramante 23–25 Clement VII (Giulio de’ Medici) (1523–34) 3–4, breviary, Roman 47, 101 29–46, 245 Britain assessment 30–31, 45 anti-Catholicism 162 and Charles V 34 “Liquid Protestantism” 162 and church reform 44–45 British Catholics 162–64 and conflict between France and Spain 33 and “Gerlach affair” (1917) 177–78 coronation 38 and papal centralization 164 dynastic politics 35 and papal neutrality (1914–23) 162–81 early achievements 29, 32 and re-establishment of English hierarchy 134 as pastor and reformer 31, 43 as patron of literature 42–43 Cajetan, Thomas 22 as patron of music 41 Calvin, John 28 as patron of the arts 30, 31, 32, 38 Calvinism 120 portraits 40, 40 n. 28 Camara, Dom Helder 217 as prince 33 Cambrai, League of (1508) 17, 21, 35 Clement VIII (Ippolito Aldobrandini) Campanella, Tommaso 84, 86, 88 (1592–1605) 72 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72977-2 - The Papacy since 1500: From Italian Prince to Universal Pastor Edited by James Corkery and Thomas Worcester Index More information Index 267 Clement IX (Giulio Rospigliosi) (1667–69) 96 disarmament 220 Clement XI (Giovanni Francesco Albani) du Quesnoy, François 87 (1700–21) 56–57, 245 Duffy, Eamon 2, 7, 108 bull Unigenitus (1713) 92, 97, 99, 102–03, 107 and canonization of Pius V 47, 55, 56–68 Ecclesiastical Titles Bill (England, 1851) 134 political context 57–58 encyclicals 7, 8, 143–44, 144 n. 1, 201, 246, 247 as patron of the arts 57 n. 18 see also under individual popes and War of the Spanish Succession 57–58 Enlightenment 108 Clement XIV (Giovanni Ganganelli) episcopal collegiality 99–100 (1769–74), and suppression of Jesuits Erasmus 18, 20, 27 108 “Clementine style” 39 Farnese, Duke Odoardo 81 Coffey, J.E. 190 Farusi, Francesco 197 Cognac, League of (1526) 30, 33–34, 36, 37, 45 Ferdinand of Aragon 19 Colocci, Angelo 42 Ferrara, Duke of 19 Colonna, Ascanio 38 Ferrara, Peace of (1644) 81, 82 Colonna, Cardinal Girolamo 70–71 film 9, 197–200, 202 Colonna, Marcantonio 49, 50, 60 see also Pius XII Colonna, Pompeo 34, 36–37, 42 Finetti, Francesco 112–13 conciliarism 7, 93–94, 104, 105, 107, 121, 246 Fiorentino, Rosso 39 see also Four Articles First Vatican Council see Vatican I Confraternity of Charity 44 Florence Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 240 church of San Lorenzo: new sacristy and declaration Persona humana (1975) 207 library 40–41 Instruction on Respect for Human Life in and the Medici 32, 34, 35, 36 its Origin and on the Dignity of Florentine Synod (1517) 32 Procreation (1987) 208 Fontana, Domenico, tomb monument to Pope Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Pius V 49–52 Theologian (1990) 238 Four Articles (1682) 99, 107, 120, 121, 246 Letter … on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Foxe, John 28 Persons (1986) 208 Francesco da Milano 41 Congregation for the Propagation of Francis I of France 29, 33, 35, 93 the Faith 5, 70, 137, 137 n. 8 Frederick, Elector of Saxony 43 Consalvi, Ercole 110, 114, 116, 165, 166–67, 170 French expulsion from Italy (1512) 17–19 conscience 209, 217 Fribourg Union 154 conscientious objection 217 Frundsberg, Georg von 34 Conseil, Jean 41 Constance, Council of, Sacrosancta canon (1415) Galileo 96 105 condemnation 88–89 contraception, artificial 207, 210 and Urban VIII 88, 88 n. 82 Cordara, Giulio 108 Gallagher, Charles 9 Corkery, James 11, 243 Gallican Catholic Church of France (1883) 105 Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille [cover image] 1 Gallicanism 93, 94, 96, 104, 105, 120–25 Cortona, Pietro da 87 George, Henry 154 Allegory of Divine Providence fresco 84 Gerlach, Rudolph 177–78 Cullen, Paul 137, 139, 140 Gianfranceschi, Fr. Giuseppe, Director- General of Vatican Radio 183, 184, De duplici capite ecclesiae decree (1647) 93 186, 191 Decree of Gelasius 98 Gibbons, James 153–54 della Chiesa, Giacomo (later Benedict XV) 166 Gigli, Giacinto 70, 71, 72, 75, 82 della Rovere, Francesco Maria 34, 36 Giles of Viterbo 21–22 and Clement VII 37–38 Goritz, Johann 42 ‘Diplomaticus’, No Small Stir: What the Pope Gouwens, Kenneth 3–4 Really Said about the Great War (1917) grace, relationship with free will 92, 95, 103 177–78 Grassi, Joseph 116 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72977-2 - The Papacy since 1500: From Italian Prince to Universal Pastor Edited by James Corkery and Thomas Worcester Index More information 268 Index Grégoire, Henri 110 Innocent X (Giovanni Battista Pamphili) Gregorovius, Ferdinand 83 (1644–55) 75, 86 Gregory VII (Hildebrand) (1073–85), conflict bull Cum occasione (1653) 95 with Emperor Henry IV 123 Innocent XI (Benedetto Odescalchi) (1676–89) Gregory XIII (Buoncompagni) (1572–85) 48, 67 56, 76 Gregory XV (Alessandro Ludovisi) (1621–23) 5 Innocent XII (Antonio Pignatelli) (1691–1700), Gregory XVI (Mauro Capellari) (1831–46) and Pius V 57 124, 182 internet Gringore, Pierre 23 and Benedict XVI 182 Grotius, Hugo 168–69 and John Paul II 231 De jure belli et pacis (1625) 168, 170 Vatican website 231, 233, 235, 240 Guicciardini, Francesco 18, 26, 29, 31, 34, 45–46 Ippolito, Antonio Menniti 76 Guidacerio, Agazio 42 Ireland Gustavus Adolphus II of Sweden, war against church under Pius IX 7, 136–42 72, 83–84, 86 administration of sacraments 139 Catholic Defence Association of Great Hague Convention 171 Britain and Ireland 136 Hague Peace Conference (1899) 170 church attendance 140 Hague Peace Conference (1907) 171 church building program 136, 137, 139 Headlam, A.C.
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