RAIDERS FALL Graham booters clip Benjamin Logan 3-0. Sports BELLEFONTAINE EXAMINER VOL. 115 - NO. 248 • 50 CENTS THURSDAY OCTOBER 4, 2007 www.examiner.org Honors bestowed at annual chamber meeting Agency in Russells Point, was Family Pharmacy receives top business tribute the recipient of the Richard J. Rupp Award. By MANDY HOCHSTEDLER in Japan, Siemens is based in The Integrity in Business Bellefontaine Examiner Germany and TRC tests equip- Award was presented to Fred “I love Logan County; I Staff Writer ment from around the world.” Burton of Family Pharmacy, intend to stay here and do Chad Ross, who is the which closed its 124 S. Main everything I can for Logan Business owners, local offi- chamber’s new chairman, St. business on Aug. 27. The County,” said Mrs. Hollan- cials and community members replaces Jim Snyder who business only was sold to Rite shead, who was involved in gathered Wednesday evening served 22 months, said he Aid. establishing the Indian Lake at Tree Links Golf Course for wants Logan County to look “I don’t feel like I was Community Church Day Care, a dinner affair marking the regionally and beyond to bought out of business,” he which has served 1,000 chil- 67th annual meeting of the attract new companies to the said when accepting his dren over the past 17 years. Logan County Area Chamber area. award. “We had a niche for so She is past president of the of Commerce. “Automobile manufactur- many years.” Indian Lake Area Chamber of Rebecca Marker-Smith, ing has a strong presence in Family Pharmacy was first Commerce and active in vari- director of marketing and the area, and overall, our local known as Butler Drugs when it ous community endeavors. membership for the chamber, economy has been blessed by opened during the late 1800s. The chamber presented its expanded on the program’s other manufacturing industries It later was known as Powell Ambassador Award to Rhonda theme, The World is Closer as well,” he said. Pharmacy and Insley Pharma- England and recognized retir- EXAMINER PHOTO | MANDY HOCHSTEDLER Than You Think. “However, I want to attract cy before taking its final name ing directors Sandy Musser, Linda Hollanshead, founder of Hollanshead Insurance, left, and “If you walk into area fac- even more diverse businesses, in 1972 when Mr. Burton Bob Robinson and Martha Fred Burton, owner of Family Pharmacy, stand with the awards tories, they have ties to across such as IT companies and became an owner. O’Connor. It also introduced they received at the Logan County Area Chamber of Commerce’s the world,” she said. “Our satellite businesses that dis- Linda Hollanshead, founder new directors Peter Stolly and annual meeting Wednesday at Tree Links Golf Course. local Honda plants are based tribute ethanol — to the area.” of Hollanshead Insurance Tammy Gump. PLENTIFUL PUMPKINS Health district prepares for upcoming flu season By MANDY HOCHSTEDLER 9042 between Oct. 15-24. Bellefontaine Examiner Medicare and Medicaid are Staff Writer accepted. Individuals at risk for Cindy Irick, director of developing complications nursing for the Logan County from influenza include those Health District, presented between the ages of six information about flu vaccina- months and 59 months, preg- tions at the district’s board nant women, adults 50 years meeting Wednesday afternoon. and older and those with The health district will chronic illnesses, according to operate two flu clinics. Ohio Department of Health The first clinic, operated on guidelines. Individuals who a first-come, first-served basis come in contact with infants from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, up to six months old are also Oct. 27, at Riverside High recommended for the vaccine. School, DeGraff, is open to In other action, the board: those at least six months of • accepted a $5,000 two- age. The cost of the cash-only year grant from the Bureau for clinic is $10 per shot. Children with Medical Handi- Ms. Irick said the clinic also caps, which will be used to serves as an emergency pre- serve the Amish community; paredness drill for the health • hired Misti Buckenroth, EXAMINER PHOTO | DOUG LOEHR district. home health billing clerk, to Dan Hurley, left, strains as he attempts to see how many pumpkins he can carry in one load Wednesday with help of “This exercise will help our replace Kim Bolt; his father, Russ Hurley at Hurley Farms, 9279 State Route 117, Huntsville. The produce farmers report a better-than- staff and volunteers get the • approved annual evalua- average yield of pumpkins as they gear up for Saturday’s Fall Festival. feel and layout of the (River- tions for Virginia White, pub- side school) facility in case an lic health nurse; Pam Wood, emergency situation would environmental clerical special- come up in the future,” she ist; Cathy Summers, nursing said. services clerical specialist; Health Commissioner Boyd Jackie Prater, immunizations Hoddinott said the more peo- clerk; Pat Lentz, emergency Children’s bill veto wrong way to regain GOP’s ple who participate in the clin- preparedness coordinator; and ic, the better prepared the Lesley Rowan, information health district would be in the technology manager; rep for fiscal restraint, some Republicans say event of an actual emergency. • approved a new public By CHARLES BABINGTON expand subsidized health Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., “We hope to get a high records policy and designated Associated Press Writer AP NEWS ANALYSIS insurance for children in fami- said in a recent Senate speech: turnout from the community,” Lisa Downing, health district lies earning two or three times “This will be the sixth time he said. administrator, as public WASHINGTON — In sional Republicans say they the federal poverty rate. Most since 1997 that the debt limit Riverside EMS, DeGraff records custodian; backing President Bush’s veto support an expansion of the Republicans opposed it, main- has been raised.” EMS, the Logan County • approved a new drug test- of a children’s health bill, State Children’s Health Insur- ly because of its cost and size. “There is no system of eco- EMA, the Mad River Chapter ing policy for employees; many Republicans feel their ance Program, known as Party leaders say the House nomic controls,” Coburn said. of the American Red Cross, • ordered Joyce Patterson, party has picked the wrong SCHIP. But they want some- will sustain Bush’s veto in two “My own party did a lot to cre- and several other local agen- 300 N. Park St., to remove issue to try to regain its long- thing considerably smaller weeks. ate this mess.” cies also are involved in organ- solid waste behind her house lost reputation as guardian of than the $35 billion, five-year The events have brought a Most Republican lawmak- izing and executing the clinic, within three days; prudent federal spending. increase approved by the long-simmering GOP debate ers have backed Bush in argu- Ms. Irick said. • ordered Ron Stayman, 168 Democrats gleefully concur Democratic-led House and to a full boil. Some Republi- ing that tax cuts and heavy A second clinic for high- N. Sandusky St., Rushsylva- and are pouring money, time Senate and vetoed Wednesday cans feel their party was fool- spending on the Iraq and risk individuals is from 9 a.m. nia, to remove all solid waste and energy into efforts to make by Bush. ish to let spending and deficits Afghanistan wars are more to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 31, and debris from his residence GOP leaders pay dearly for the Five dozen congressional soar while Bush was president important than cutting federal at the health district, 310 S. within seven days; decision. Republicans supported the and Republicans controlled Main St. The price per shot is Bush and most congres- bill, which would significantly Congress for a dozen years. See CHILDREN on Page 3 $20. Register by calling 592- See HEALTH on Page 3 More than 2,000 miners evacuated after elevator damaged in South African gold mine By MICHELLE FAUL bled down a shaft Wednesday, caus- accusations from the government Sonjica said during a visit to the Associated Press Writer ing extensive damage to an elevator that mine owner Harmony Gold Elandsrand mine at Carletonville — and stranding more than 3,000 min- Mining Co. did not bother to inform a town in South Africa’s mining CARLETONVILLE, South ers more than a mile underground. it of the potentially devastating cri- heartland near Johannesburg — that Africa — More than 2,000 trapped The mine owner and South sis. health and safety legislation would gold miners were rescued in a dra- Africa’s minerals and energy minis- Minerals and Energy Minister be “tightened up.” matic all-night operation, and efforts ter vowed to improve safety in one Buyelwa Sonjica complained that Last year, 199 mineworkers died AP PHOTO | THEMBA HADEBE gathered speed today to bring hun- of the country’s most important she found out from the late evening in accidents, mostly rock falls, the A rescued mine worker reacts as dreds more to the surface. industries. news about the accident, which hap- government Mine Health and Safety he emerges today from an There were no casualties when a The accident prompted allega- pened just after 6 a.m. She said Pres- Council reported in September. One unaffected shaft at Harmony pressurized air pipe snapped at the tions of the industry cutting safety ident Thabo Mbeki also found out worker was killed last week in a Gold’s Elandsrand Mine. mine near Johannesburg and tum- corners in the name of profit — and from the news bulletin. mine adjacent to Elandsrand. Comics.........................13 Opinion/Editorial .............6 Sunny weekend expected Friday Saturday ALSO AVAILABLE Examiner 5 9,10,11 CHUCKLE Community Calendar .......
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