BAN 2019-00452-6 52-111_5197017_open FA 52-111 isn RG/R BAN Box / File number / no. de Title / titre Dates Date 1 Date 2 Boîte dossier 1 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-8-2-11 Beauharnois Canal, Transport Canada (1985-89) - 22129 1985-1989 1985 1989 R1195 2 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-8-2-11 Beauharnois Canal, Transport Canada (1990-97) - 22130 1990-1997 1990 1997 R1195 3 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-1-22-1 Canals, Windbreaks (1962-75) - 20815 1962-1975 1962 1975 R1195 4 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-1-28-1 Canals, Wharf & Dock Facilities (1940-93) - 20816 1940-1993 1940 1993 R1195 5 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-8-1-2 Canals, Effect on Shipping Resulting from Hydro- Quebec Generating Unit Shutdown 1973-1977 1973 1977 R1195 (1973-77) - 22127 6 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-1-30-1 Canals, Dimension & Draught (1967-71) - 20821 1967-1971 1967 1971 R1195 7 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-8-1-1 Beauharnois Canal, Beauharnois Light, Heat & Power Company & Quebec Hydro 1941-1973 1941 1973 R1195 (1914-73) - 22125 8 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-1-3-25 Canals, Electric Maintenance Requirements (1979-1998)- 20793 1979-1998 1979 1998 R1195 9 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-1-3-6/63-15-4 Canals, Study for the Replacement of Electro mechanical Controls by Programmable 1987-1994 1987 1994 R1195 Logic Controllers( 1987-94) - 20321 10 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 C -33-1-2-5 Canals, All Canadian Seaway(1953-92) - 20122 1953-1992 1953 1992 R1195 11 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-1-2-11 Canals, Expansions of Facilities - General (1965-80) - 20151 1965-1980 1965 1980 R1195 12 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-1-2-1 Canals, St. Lawrence Seaway & Power Projects (1963-1986) - 20150 1963-1986 1963 1986 R1195 13 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-1-2-12/63-15-2 Niagara Canal, Construction, Alterations, Feasibility Report, Welland Section - 1967-1973 1967 1973 R1195 General (1967-73) - 48822 14 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-1-3-12 Canals, Lubrification Program - (1971-97) - 20354 1971-1997 1971 1997 R1195 15 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 1 33-1-3-1 Canals , Maintenance, Repairs (1960-90)- 20319 1960-1990 1960 1990 R1195 16 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 2 33-2-9-2 Welland Canal, Stability of Canal Banks, Slope Movements (1932-69) - 21622 1932-1969 1932 1969 R1195 17 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 2 33-2-9-2 Welland Canal, Stability of Canal Banks , Slope Movements (1970-96) - 21623 1970-1996 1970 1996 R1195 18 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 2 33-2-7-10 Welland Canal, Emergency Dams, Guard Gates & Removals (1933-82) - 20630 1933-1982 1933 1982 R1195 19 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 2 33-2-9-18 Welland Canal, Bank Protection, Channel Relocation (1968-74) - 20658 1968-1974 1968 1974 R1195 20 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 2 33-2-9-16 Welland Canal, Slide Correction, Lock 16 & 4 (1968-71) - 20655 1968-1971 1968 1971 R1195 21 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 2 33-2-9-1/63-23-9 Welland Canal, Reaches (1934-93) - 21618 1934-1993 1934 1993 R1195 22 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 2 33-2-9-4 Welland Canal, Banks, Dykes (Reaches) - Turning Basin (1945-1951) -21625 1945-1951 1945 1951 R1195 2019-12-13 Page 1 of 37 BAN 2019-00452-6 52-111_5197017_open FA 52-111 isn RG/R BAN Box / File number / no. de Title / titre Dates Date 1 Date 2 Boîte dossier 23 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 2 33-2-9-3 Welland Canal, Enlargement of Pondage Area, Lock 7 (1973-85) - 20644 1973-1985 1973 1985 R1195 24 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 2 33-2-9-19 Welland Canal, Rip-Rap, Freeze & Thaw Test (1968-78) - 20652 1968-1978 1968 1978 R1195 25 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 2 33-2-26-2 Welland Canal, 2nd Canal, Martindale Pond & Henley Aquatic Association (1930-70) - 1930-1970 1930 1970 R1195 20696 26 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 2 33-2-31-1 Welland Canal, Excavation (1973-94) - 22088 1973-1994 1973 1994 R1195 27 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 2 33-2-31-10 Welland Canal, Excavation & Disposal for Channel Relocation (1968-73) - 20844 1968-1973 1968 1973 R1195 28 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 33-1-29-2 Canals, Demand & Capacity Requirements & Commodity Flow Forecast Study(1978- 1978-1982 1978 1982 R1195 82) - 20498 29 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 33-1-3-8/63-15-5 Canals, Infrastructure Management Support System (IMSS) (1993-98) - 20330 1993-1998 1993 1998 R1195 30 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 33-1-6-5 Canals, Niagara River Remedial Work Construction (1941-44) - 20806 1941-1944 1941 1944 R1195 31 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 33-1-3-28/63-15-4 Canals, Mechanical Maintenance Program, MR Includes Mechanical Shops Study, 1983-1993 1983 1993 R1195 WR, March 1991 (1983-93) - 20799 32 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 33-1-6-1 Canals, Dams, Weirs (1933-55) - 20805 1933-1955 1933 1955 R1195 33 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 33-1-9-1/63-15-9 Canals, Banks, Dykes (Reaches) - General (1959-97) -20811 1959-1997 1959 1997 R1195 34 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 33-4-3-1/63-17-3-1 Cornwall Canal, Maintenance, Repairs (1958-72) - 22106 1958-1972 1958 1972 R1195 35 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 33-4-3-2/63-17-3 Canals, Cornwall Canal, Maintenance, Repairs (1989-90) - 22108 1989-1990 1989 1990 R1195 36 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 33-4-1-5 Cornwall Canal, City of Cornwall Waterfront Development Committee (1986-96) - 1986-1996 1986 1996 R1195 54705 37 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 33-4-1-1 Cornwall Canals, General (1941-93) - 22100 1941-1993 1941 1993 R1195 38 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 33-4-9-2 Cornwall Canals, Banks, Dykes (Reaches) Stability of Canal Banks (1941-62) - 1941-1962 1941 1962 R1195 22117 39 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 33-4-6-1 Cornwall Canal, Regulation Works & Equipment (Dams, Weirs) (1926-90) - 22115 1926-1990 1926 1990 R1195 40 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 3 C-15-527770-1 Cornwall Canal, Fly Creek Drainage, Blackadder Creek, Cottonmill Headrace (1925- 1925-1976 1925 1976 R1195 76) - 22111 41 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-2-9 Welland Canal, Channel Relocation Studies (1967-73) - 20887 1967-1973 1967 1973 R1195 42 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-2-9 Welland Canal, Channel Relocation Studies (1973-77) - 20892 1973-1977 1973 1977 R1195 43 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-2-9 Welland Canal, Channel Relocation Studies (1965-67) - 20884 1965-1967 1965 1967 R1195 44 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-2-18 Welland Canal, Study of Lake Ontario Entrance, Third Canal (1967-73) - 20583 1967-1973 1967 1973 R1195 2019-12-13 Page 2 of 37 BAN 2019-00452-6 52-111_5197017_open FA 52-111 isn RG/R BAN Box / File number / no. de Title / titre Dates Date 1 Date 2 Boîte dossier 45 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-3-2 Welland Canal, Futur Rehabilitation & Maintenance Programs/Studies (1964-88) - 1964-1988 1964 1988 R1195 20906 46 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-2-9 Welland Canal, Channel Relocation Studies (1967-71) - 20885 1967-1971 1967 1971 R1195 47 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-2-19 Welland Canal, Sub Surface Investigations, Channel Relocation (1966-69) - 17938 1966-1969 1966 1969 R1195 48 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-2-10/63-23-2 Welland Canal, Inquiries by Business Firms (1964-72) - 20899 1964-1972 1964 1972 R1195 49 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-3-20 Welland Canal, Civil Inspection & Assessment Program (1967-97) - 20935 1967-1997 1967 1997 R1195 50 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-3-13/ 63-23-3-13 Welland Canal, Rehabilitation Program, Planning Meetings (1987-91) - 20931 1987-1991 1987 1991 R1195 51 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-3-11 Welland Canal, Rehabilitation Program, Financial Funding (1986-94) - 20918 1986-1994 1986 1994 R1195 52 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-3-12/ 63-23-3-12 Welland Canal, Rehabilitation Program, Reports to Treasury Board (1987-93) - 20925 1987-1993 1987 1993 R1195 53 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 4 33-2-3-15 Welland Canal, Rehabilitation Program, Media Coverage (1986-92) - 20210 1986-1992 1986 1992 R1195 54 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 5 33-12-1-1 Iroquois Canal, General (1955-98) - 22595 1955-1998 1955 1998 R1195 55 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 5 33-8-2-10 Beauharnois Canal, Study of Mooring Facilities Between Beauharnois Locks (1942- 1942-1988 1942 1988 R1195 88) - 21054 56 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 5 33-2-3-1/63-23-3 Welland Canal, Maintenance, Repairs (1948-82) - 20902 1948-1990 1948 1990 R1195 57 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 5 63-23 Welland Canal, 2ND Canal Clean up (1960-62) - 20840 1960-1962 1960 1962 R1195 58 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 5 33-2-1-2 Welland Canal, Dredging (1936-59) - 20850 1936-1959 1936 1959 R1195 59 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 5 63-23-2 Welland Canal, Survey and Construction (1883-1907) - 68947 1883-1907 1883 1907 R1195 60 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 5 63-23-2 Canals, Passing Areas, Bridge 10 to Port Robinson Area (1962-80) - 20860 1962-1980 1962 1980 R1195 61 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 5 33-2-3-1/63-23-3 Welland Canal, Maintenance, Repairs (1991-98) - 20904 1991-1998 1991 1998 R1195 62 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 5 33-2-1-1/63-23 Welland Canal, V General (1948-92) - 20832 1948-1992 1948 1992 R1195 63 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 6 C-33-4-32-1 Cornwall Canal, Abandonment, Closing (1964-71) - 20979 1964-1971 1964 1971 R1195 64 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 6 C-33-4-32-1 Cornwall Canal, Abandonment, Closing (1971-80) - 20981 1971-1980 1971 1980 R1195 65 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 6 33-9-28-2 South Shore Canal, Côte Ste Catherine Dock (1958-98) - 22183 1958-1998 1958 1998 R1195 66 RG52 / 2019-00452-6 6 33-9-9-10 South Shore Canal, Regulation Channel Dyke, Côte Ste Catherine (1968-75) - 22166 1968-1975 1968 1975 R1195 2019-12-13 Page 3 of 37 BAN 2019-00452-6 52-111_5197017_open FA 52-111 isn RG/R BAN Box / File number / no.
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