Wellesley College J^euus as Entered .econd-clas. matter November 17, 1916, at the post office at Framingham, Man., under the act of March 3, 1879. VOL. XXVII FRAMINGHAM AM) WELLESLEY, MASS., FEBRUARY 6, 1919 No. 16 Intercollegiate Debate Fifteenth Annual Session of Team Chosen Graduate Council Takes FOUR SENIORS, FOUR JUNIORS, THREE Place SOPHOMORES AND A FRESHMAN TO CONTEST WITH VASSAR MORE THAN FIFTY REPRESENTATIVES AND RADCLIFFE. OF THE ALUMNA ASSOCIATION ATTEND MEETING. The twelve girls who are to work on the In- Never in the of • history graduate c I ha tercollegiate Debate Teams during the next six there been a more rewarding session than ils weeks have been announced. Speakers and alter- fifteenth, held February :i, 1, and .3. nates have not yet been chosen, nor has the sub- At Shakespeare House on Saturday afternoon ject been announced. at two o'clock the first meeting was called to order The following girls have been chosen: by .Mrs. Harriet Hinchliff Coverdale, President of 1919. the Alumnae Association and of the Mary Crane. Graduate Council. The chief features Vera Hemenwav. of the meeting were addresses by Miss .Mabel G. Curtis, '07. and Miss Elizabeth R. King. Emilie Hutchinson. Miss Curtis is Associate Di- Therese W. Strauss. rector of the Appointment Bureau of the Woman's I!).0 Educational and Industrial Union in Boston anil Elizabeth Cox. she had a great deal of valuable information Margaret Gay. to give concerning new opportunities in professions Louise Jenckes. for women. Miss Hutchinson, a lecturer in Eco- Rachel Jones. nomics at Barnard College anil recently Head of 1921. Margaret W. Conant, '19, the Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations in New Elinor Burch. New President of Christian Association. York City, told what it is her belief women's Catherine Gatch. colleges call do for women. After some discus- Constance Whittemore. CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION'S NEW PRESI- sion on these and allied points, the council ad- 1922. DENT. journed to Tower Court where Miss Tufts enter- Emily E. Gordon. tained the representatives at tea. By unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, The Saturday evening meeting heard three very MISS HART SPEAKS AT CHRISTIAN ASSO- Margaret Conant has been elected to fill the interesting talks: one by Miss Grace Bissell, '01, CIATION MEETING. presidency of the Christian Association for the who has recently returned from work with the coming semester. This election took place upon Wellesley L'nit in France, one by Miss Helen P. the resignation of the former president, who was '96, Miss Hart, who returned to Wellesley last Margesson, who reported for the Wellesley obliged to withdraw from college on account of fall after a journey in the Far East, spoke in Bill- Clubs Committee, and one, an outline of the illness. Margaret ing Hall at Christian Association meeting, Wed- Conant has already proved her methods by which the New York Wellesley Club ability to serve the college community effi- nesday evening, January 24, on "Wellesley's Mis- by has doubled its membership in the past year, cient activity in several channels, chief of which sionaries in the Far East." She told how these given by Mrs. Ludington. perhaps, is that of her Associate women were living up to the ideals of their "Alma Editorship on the On Sunday afternoon at the Guest House a Wellesley College News; from this post she lias Mater" and how they were responding to every most enjoyable meeting of the Wellesley Students call. been generously released by her fellow editors Aid Society took place. Several Undergraduates that she may contribute her service to Christian Her trip to China took her first to Canton- told what Student Aid meant in college. Association in this emergency. In addition to her where Fing-Hin-Lew is dean of the Canton Wo- The final meetings at Shakespeare House on executive training on the she is further pre- man's College. Here the girls rose and bowed News Monday, February 3, were chiefly taken up with pared lead in the of Christian Association to Miss Hart, and, she said, "I responded." Here to work reports and other matters strictly of a business in that she has attended two Silver Con- the girls gave speeches in English about their Bay nature. Miss Tufts entertained the Councillors work. ferences, that she has proved herself of great at luncheon. value to a former Religious Meetings Committee, In Shanghai, Ying-Mei-Chun and other Welles- and that in general she has given heartily of her ley Graduates had charge of the Y. W. C. A.— HOW AMERICANS STAY ON THE JOB. enthusiasm and interest to the work of the As- which is the center of all activities there. Physi- sociation throughout her college course. cal education is taught. Chinese girls are trained The "Victorious Fifth" Loax Will Prove that as teachers The retiring President takes this opportunity to be sent forth into the heart of We Carry Oct a Task, However Great. to express her gratitude to the of the China. Cooking, serving, and general sanitation members are chiefly emphasied. college for the priceless experience that has been Miss Hart said that the The Fifth Liberty Loan will give the army of greatest work, necessity hers in the work of the Christian Association. and demand is for the patriotic buyers the chance which all good Amer- establishment of many Bcause of the qualifications of the new President such schools. icans welcome. Miss Hart also visited and because of the splendid support which lias Peking, where .Miss It will let the millions of buyers of bonds prove Severin has her Wellesley thus far been given by way of work, money and Y. W. C. A. head- that they are stayers. They will show that they quarters. interest, to the Association, it is scarcely neces- are determined to finish a job to the very end, At. Nanking— the ruined sary to ask the loyal co-operation of the college city of the Taiping even so great a job as a world war. rebellion—Miss Hart visited in its activities for the rest of the year. At a the Presbyterian .Mis- In April or May of this year the time comes for sion where Miss Wang is time like this, one cannot but be confident that principal. "One the last chapter. The Government cannot for a has to understand human the influence of such an organization as the nature and be able to moment drop the great task upon which we en- meet any problem to do such Wellesley College Christian Association will grow work"—said Miss tered in April, 1917, until a firm and lasting peace Hart. At this mission Miss ever more powerful as its success is measured Wang has seen the is secured throughout the world. necessity for a brick walk and not so much by number of routine tasks accom- finding what ma- It cannot stop until the Annies of Occupation terials were available in the plished, as by the quality of life which its ideals vicinity laid a walk are brought home. Until then the Treasury De- all by herself. must engender. partment must borrow from the people to finance From Tien-Tsing, where there (Signed) Eleanor Linton. is a large hos- the expense of the war establishment. After that pital, comes the call for voluntary workers. "In from taxes. There is still an opportunity for every one in- our expense will come no work," said Miss Hart, "has a woman so great whose dollars have -terested in the educational life of needier nations The reserves at home a rhance to enter into her husband's life must mobilize now and to contribute to the World Fellowship fund which fought with the men in the field work as the Wellesley women have done in these of the troops. They have stood is going to lift it up to higher standards. Con- for demobilization foreign fields." of stress. The critical period tributions may be brought to the C. \. oilier any by the nation in time (Continued on page 8, column 2) time this week. (Continued on page 7. column 3) THE WELLESLEY COLLEGE NEWS ours exists, so in a more completely democratic Boarb of lEbitors Wellesley will mediocrity be avoided, and superior power seek its place among the stars. Editor-in-Chief. Assistant Editors. Therese W. Strauss, 1919, I. B., '19. Mack, 1919. Emily Tyler Holmes, 1920. Margaret W. Conant, 1919, Associate Editor. Jeanette Emily Thompson, 1919. MarcarET Johnson, 1920 II. 1921. Eleanor Skerry, 1920, Business Manager. Mary Boomer, 1920. Mary Dooly, Margaret Metzcer, 1921. Needless Quarantine. Assistant Business Manager. Muriel Fritz, 1920 Marion Robinson, 1919, Elizabeth Sayre, 1921. Last Fall when the influenza epidemic in Bos- Subscr pnons one the college year by a 'board of students of Wellesley College. PUBLISHEDUBUbUtu weeklyweeKiy during(iu, should be in the ton was serious the loyalty of Wellesley students in advance. Single copies five cents each. All contributions d0ll annum All Alumn* latest and should be addressed to Miss Therese W. Strauss. insisted upon the scrupulous observations of quar- M. officeffi^ byL 9 A.M.A M on Monday Ma ^ne^t"the office News sley College, Wellesley, Mass. Offices of publication at d e WeUe D e S and'at Weflesley College, Wellesley, Mass., to either of which antine regulations. Now we are again in quaran- frying St , FrTiifgham^Mass., f rak eview Pre ss o and subscriptions should be sent. officesOIllCCS all businessU communications tine, and, as every one admits, the regulations "" , M ASS LAKEVIEW PRESS PBINTttRI . FRAM1NOH AM are not being observed. What are the reasons for PRESS.
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