December 19, 2012 Letters to: 1. H.E. The Prime Minister 2. H.E. Minister of The Prime Minister’s Office, 3. H.E. President of The NAtional Assembly, 4. H.E. Minister of ForeiGn AffAirs, 5. H.E. Minister of Interior, 6. H.E. The Governor of VientiAne Prefecture, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic CC: EmbAssies/consulAtes of AustrAliA, ChinA, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, JapAn, MalAysiA, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Thailand, USA RequestinG urGent investiGAtions into the disAppeArAnce of Mr. SombAth Somphone and actions to ensure his sAfety Excellency, We, the RAmon MAGsAysAy AwArd Foundation (RMAF) trustees, officers and stAff, And the Ramon MaGsAysAy Awardees listed below, are extremely concerned about the safety and well-being of Mr. SombAth Somphone, founder of PADETC And 2005 RAmon MaGsAysAy AwArdee for Community Service, who hAs been missinG since About 17:00 on Saturday, 15 December. There hAve been news reports thAt At 18:00 Saturday, Mr. Sombath was stopped by police on his way home And brouGht to A police stAtion in VientiAne and that later, a man walked out of the stAtion with Mr. Sombath and drove away with him in a white pickup truck. ThAt wAs reported As the lAst known siGhtinG of Mr. SombAth. We urGe the Government of the LAo PDR And All relevAnt Authorities in the LAo PDR to immediately And with urGency investigAte Mr. SombAth Somphone’s disAppeArAnce, And to tAke all steps possible to ensure Mr. Sombath Somphone’s safety and well-being. His fAmily should be informed As soon As possible After his whereAbouts And his situAtion are known. Many of us visited Mr. SombAth and PADETC in Vientiane in November 2005 And were very impressed with Mr. SombAth’s work on youth development. We know Mr. Sombath as a kind and gentle community worker who loves his country and his people. We fervently hope thAt Mr. SombAth Somphone’s whereAbouts will be discovered very soon and thAt he will be found safe and well. We thank the Government of the LAo PDR And All relevAnt authorities for all efforts made to ensure Mr. Sombath’s safety And well-being. Respectfully, RAMON MAGSAYSAY AWARDEES RMAF BOARD OF TRUSTEES, OFFICERS AND STAFF Ramon Magsaysay Awardees Country Award Year 1. Suzie M. benitez for bayanihan Folk Arts Foundation Philippines 1965 2. A. T. AriyArAtne Sri LankA 1969 3. Fazle Hasan Abed bAnGlAdesh 1980 4. PrAwAse WAsi ThAilAnd 1981 5. RichArd W. Timm, CSC bAnGlAdesh 1987 6. JuAn L. MercAdo for Press FoundAtion of AsiA Philippines 1991 7. AnGel AlcAlA Philippines 1992 8. Vo Tong Xuan Vietnam 1993 9. KirAn Bedi IndiA 1994 10. Eduardo JorGe Anzorena JapAn 1994 11. Sima Samar AfGhAnistAn 1994 12. MechAi VirAvAidyA ThAilAnd 1994 13. AsmA JAhAnGir PakistAn 1995 14. Syed Adibul Hasan Rizvi PakistAn 1998 15. Lin Hwai-min TaiwAn 1999 16. ArunA Roy IndiA 2000 17. Jockin ArputhAm IndiA 2000 18. AtmAkusumAh AstrAAtmAdjA IndonesiA 2000 19. OunG ChAnthol CambodiA 2001 20. HilArio G. Davide Philippines 2002 21. Sandeep Pandey IndiA 2002 22. Sheila Coronel Philippines 2003 23. Shantha SinhA IndiA 2003 24. BenjAmin AbAdiAno Philippines 2004 25. Laxminarayan Ramdas IndiA 2004 26. Hye RAn Yoon South KoreA 2005 27. Jon UnGphAkorn ThAilAnd 2005 28. Teten MAsduki IndonesiA 2005 29. Antonio Meloto Philippines 2006 30. MahAbir Pun NepAl 2007 31. PalAGummi SAinath IndiA 2007 32. Jaime Aristotle Alip for CARD-MRI Philippines 2008 33. PrAkash And MAndakini Amte IndiA 2008 34. AnAndA GalAppAtti Sri LankA 2008 35. GrAce PAdAcA Philippines 2008 36. Deep Joshi IndiA 2009 37. Ma Jun ChinA 2009 38. Antonio OposA Jr. Philippines 2009 39. Yu XiAoGAnG ChinA 2009 40. TadAtoshi Akiba JapAn 2010 41. Christopher And MAriA VictoriA bernido Philippines 2010 42. Huo DaishAn ChinA 2010 43. A.H.M. NomAn KhAn PakistAn 2010 44. AlternAtive IndiGenous Development FoundAtion, Inc. Philippines 2011 45. Harish Hande IndiA 2011 46. HasAnAin JuAini IndonesiA 2011 47. NileemA MishrA IndiA 2011 48. Tri Mumpuni IndonesiA 2011 49. Koul PAnhA CambodiA 2011 Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation Trustees – present and past 1. CarmencitA T. AbellA – President 2. MariA CynthiA Rose B. bAutistA – Chair 3. JuAn b. SAntos – Vice-Chair 4. RobinA GokonGwei-Pe – TreAsurer 5. MariAnne G. QuebrAl 6. DeliA D. Albert 7. Fr. Jose Ramon T. Villarin SJ 8. M. S. SwAminAthAn 9. MechAi VirAvAidyA 10. Amb. Bienvenido A. TAn, Jr. 11. CeciliA LazAro 12. Randolf S. David 13. VitAliAno NAnaGAs II Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation Officers and Staff OFFICERS: Zealanda R. Samodio, Director Ma. CArmencitA P. Toledo, Director GeorGe B. Murillo, Director, Business Development Manuel Hizon, CommunicAtions Director EdGAr Geolina, Resource MobilizAtion Officer ElmirA L. EvAngelistA, Finance Director STAFF: AlbA, AnGeli C. Alberto, Shirley O. AlcAntArA, BonifAcio D. Amot, Josephine M. bAhintinG, EstrellA A. bArAl, Yuri S. bArtinA, Daniel A. BeltrAn, Lilli Ann R. BrAnzuelA, Fenny Lynn A. CarAsiG, Richard EmmAnuel M. Cinco, EmelitA F. ConstAntino, MAritess T. CuArom, Josette S. CubiAn, EdrAlin V. Dantes, MAriA RosA T. de lA Cruz, LeticiA T. EspallArdo, DAisy A. EspeletA, Fernando b. Fernandez, Marie Kiel S. Flores, Virgilio E. Fojas, Imelda T. HernAndez, Alfredo b. HontucAn, MonA RissA R. Labayo, Melchor E. Lastrella, Ruben M. Leido, Ofelia P. MacAlAlAd, VirGilio T. MalAGAr, Lily Rose A. ManAlAnG, Roberto C. Manzon, Mary JAne P. MarciAl, ChonA D. NaiG, RowenA G. PelAdor, Philven V. PelAyo, Roberto M. Rances, Romel P. Santos, Noel G. Saquido, Fernando R. Soriano, Maricyn S. Sotelo, Wilfredo R. Sto. Domingo, Ardian C. Suarez, Rodolfo Pocholo A. Suba, Jesus M. Suba, Jose G. TalAna, CArmencitA D. TaliGAtos, Ernesto O. TirA, Reina Mercedes S. UgdAmin, Antonio O. VillAncio, TomAs H. .
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