No doubt Hub will have lot's to tell WEST SHOP MECHANICAL NEWS horsfshoe pitchers championship from when he returns. Harry Royal and John Brewer. The), sure earned !t, Too, in the sunshine Gus Dickcrman, hostler on 2nd shift. .\. H. BISIIOF' and B. \V. BALl)RIDGE, is off on account of being sick. We Reporters where the dust is shoe-mouth deep and hope for his speedy recovery. the mercury playing around the cen- tury mark. Wlllls Wds, hoetler helper, on 3rd Funeral services for the late C. P. shift has returned with his family One day not long ago it was noticed Lum Obalion, machinist, were held thkrt Alfred Lehman, our sand blast from San Franclsco. Califo~mia, where .\ugust 11. Burial was made in man, was not at his trsual place of they have been vlsiklng relatives. Willis Maplewood cemetery. business. Tlle report went out Chat reports a wonderful trip and sights Ollie Fitch. machinist, and family to he was "tree sitting" to avoid the hot never be forgotten. visitrrl.. - .- in.. Fresno and Los An~eles. sunshine. In four or five days he Sam Johnson, night boller washer, is Calif., the latier I,ut of July. showed up on the job and told us he expecllng passes to Alabama-Sam Paul Rice, machinist, with hlrs. Rice had not been guilty of the tree sitting, says he must sec his old home again. spent several days in St. Louis and but was ready t'o break down and con- His mother lives In Birmingham. Detroit during the latter part of July. fess to having been on the Meramec Bill Bailey, night boiler washer helper, Guy Eskridge, machine foreman, has river fishing, hunting frogs and haV- sald he wouldn't figure on a trip this purchased a new Hudson coach. ing a general good time. year as papers state that it is hot .\. E. Godfrey, boilermal~er, wlth Henry Warren, Arthur Stewart and everywhere so ht might as well stay Jlrs. Godfrey and family visited in Fred iNurphy, machinists, vacationed a here. Sirmin~ham. Ma.. during- the recent' few days up on the Gasconade river, sh"t--dGwn. near Hartville, angling. They report WEST SHOP LOCOMOTIVE DEPT. We extend the sympathy of the i)ooi. success in that I~ne,however, but SPRINGFIELD, MO. \Vest shops to John >langan in the ;,le~;ty of amusement ot'herwise, as recent death of his brother. Henry was on the job with his coniical - Frank Neely, machinist, reports a jokes and t\rt with his Will Rogers 21. E. GODFRET, Reporter good time fishing in Mobile and Pen- philosophv. Fred was the attentive sacola during the latter part of July. listener. .\I Jacobs, boilermaker, spent a few A. E. Jlilner, electrician, spent Au- Guy Tummons, of the stationery de- days in Chicago last week of July ~ust10 in Cahool visiting with rela- partment, informs us he mill be off on visiting his wife's follts. tlves. leave of abscnce to attend the State Jesse Wcatherwnx and family spent Chesley "Pud" Powell has been off Fair at Scdalia, August 16 to 23. 3Ir. a few days in Omaha. Neb., visiting for several weeks due to the severe Tummons is much interested in, and home folks. Jesse reports :r nice trip. illness of his small daughter. is very successful in raising rabbits. Mrs. Ben AIiller and children re- otho Godfrey, machinist, visited in He intends to have entries at the fair cently spent a few days at 31t. Grove Kansas City during the last' lay-off. in Xew Zealand Red rabbits and also wlth home folks. Carl Nelson. annrentice, has heen in the pigeon department. He was Frank Bowers, painter apprentice, over to the norih side roundhouse verv successful last year, taking two visited home follts the last week of finishing his time. firsi and one third prize at the hlis- July. Hayden Campbell, who has been soilri State Fair in rahbits. Mr. Tum- Xrs. E. Newherry visited in Kansas working in Tulsa, has returned and is mons li\-es at ]!I26 North Weller City the, past week with Mr. New- working extra at the West shops. berry's slster. Mr. Newberry sur- Every man who makes his livillg- prised his wife and made plumb jelly with the Fr~scoshould see that hls while she was gone. money goes to the merchant who uses NORTH SIDE SIDELIGHTS Ollie FItch and family madc a trip the Vrisco lines. Everybody ark sour to Los Angeles and other parts of merchant how he get's his merchan- ~SllClt\'HAGUEWOOr), Re1)orter California the past two weelts. They dise. all report a wonderful time on their Bernard Hassler, machlnist appren- The roundhouse employes working trip. tice, has returned from Kansas City on the secorrd shift held an all-day out- J. A. Cooper and family made a drive and is now working steady. ing and picnic at Doling park August to Eureka Springs, taking in the Gene Wall has been working extra 1. They report a great time with sights. during July and August. plenty of eats and lots of merriment. Beverly W. Baldridge, machinist ap- Edgar Surles has returned to work Leo Dieboltl, machinist on dead prentice, and Helen J. Dowdy, of M't. after visiting points in Texas. work, is on the job again after several Vernon. were married July 21. We are During the lay-off Guy Barnes and days spent with his sick father at sure getting tired waiting for cigars. family visited in Nebraska and in Benton, Mo. We are glad to say the John IWltz, machinist, spent the last Jlontier, 310. elder Xr. Dlebold is greatly improved week of July on rhe river fishing. Eray Francc spent several days at this time. Sim Riggin, boilermaker, Ton?: Hart, visiting relatives in Kentucky. W. H. Schxller, foreman of air work. machinist, and Dick Slcelton, machin- Emmet Skelton n-as down in Mans- has returned from a very enjoyable ist, are some of the lucky fishermen fiield, No., looking over hls railroad vacation which he spent in the lake who spent a few days on White river which runs from Mansfield to Ava. region of 3l'innesota. He has pictures the week of July 28. The boys say Leonard Huxhes and Z. D. Butler, of a number of fine Ash which he they brought them in. brother-in-laws, spent several dgys caught. Harvey Mack, boilermaker, has the the latter part of July visiting rela- Arthur Dummit, laborer, is the sympathy of the boys at the West tives down the Current River ,branch. proud daddy of a 10-pound boy, a re- shops In the death of his brother-in- Johnny J1:rngan's nephew 1s now cent arrival at his home. The young law, which occurred July 26. second in tree sitting honors in man has been named Charles Allen. ?dr. and Nrs. Oscar Lee have moved Springfield. A. E. Boles, dead worlc foreman, is into town off the farm. Farm life -rot at present on a 60-day !cave, and is Go slow for Oscar. making a tril, to the Pac~ficcoast and Mr. and Nrs. C. E. Milner and RECLAMATION PLANT will also visit points of interest in daughter, Kathleen, visited in Olcla- Alabama before returning. homa City and Tulsa a few days the SPRINGFIELD, MO. Billie, the 9-year-old son of Ernest week of Jnly 28. They stated the Jackson, boilermaker on the third weather was somewhat warm along T. 0. CHAPXI'AN, Reporter shift, s~~ffereda broken arm in a fall the prairie countly. from :r tree at his home several days - James Rurt is vacationing this sum- ago. LOCAL NO. 30-PITTSBURG, KAN. mer on White river. Homer Bromley, roundhouse fore- Wm. Frost hss recovered from his man, Jesse Russ, machinist, and Adol- injury and returned to work. phus Deck, mechanical laborer, are on John Kellogg is still a believer in a three weelts leave and are visiting \Ye are sorry to learn that Mrs. Henry Ford, having purchaserl a in California. William Chaney is confined in the hos- Model A touring car. Elza Gott, machinist, is back from oital. We all hope for a speedy re- Homer Kerr is so infatuated wlth New Yorlc State, where he visited rela- covery. hasehall that he drives to Joplin to tives near Niagara Falls. IIr. and Mrs. Claude Steelev are the see the night' games played there. Lois Taylor, machinist, is at pres- proud parents of an 8-pound baby girl, James Manary is nursing an injured ent in the employes hospital. where born to them July 28. finrer which is keeping him away from he underwent an operation for appen- Mr. and Mrs. Charlev Cuthbertson work at present. dicitis. We hope to see him out again have moved to California. XTrs. Cuth- Hugh Doran was on White river soon. bertson fell and hroke her arm and \vith relations who were visiting him Fred Tiller, estra man, has the syln- delayed their leaving for about two from Illinois lately. pathp of the roundhouse emplov~sin weeks. Ira .Tones has been off from work the death of his father, which occurred Our iocal shop craft's bcast of a 100 on account of lumbago the past two durin'g the past month. per cent organization at Pittsburg. months, but is again at worlc on the' Edward Goswick, boilermaker, has Harold Clark was off duty for three nirht shift in the forge shon. returned from Grand Junction, Colo- days. He was fishing on the h'eosho 311-s. Iva Webb. wife of Felix Webb, rado, where he visited relatives for rlver.
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