., .I ,j',.. • ,VoiuMF. 74 No; 22 WAKE FoREST UNIVERSITY, WINSTON-SALEM, NoRTH CAROLINA Five Men Beat, Rob Student Outside His Apartmen~ · BY .JAY WnoDRUFr' left campus at ahout midnight to re­ Salem Police Department. Officer J,C. courage students to take precautions here to walking home alone at late _NEWS F.DJTOk turn to his apartment in the Brittany McCandlish responded to the call at to protect themselves against crime. hours," Prince said. · Oakes apartmentc(Jmplex on the4200 ah()ut I :20 a.m. "Wake Forest students need to re­ One option is the Safe Rides pro.- · A Wake Forest student was robbed block of Brownsboro Road. Brian Eckert, the director of media alize they are not immune to crime," gram, which provides free rides to or· I • and beaten hy five unidentified as­ When he approached his apartment rcl11tions, said the police are investi­ Prince said. "Crime is a problem ev­ from off-campus locations on week­ sailants at ahout I a.m. March 2 while five young men sprang from some gating the incident. He said university erywhere, and our students should be ends. The program is in its s~Qcl: he was walking alone to his off­ nearby bushes and attacked him. One security was not originally involved aware of that on and off the campus." year. campus apartment. was armed with a hand gun. Prince because the incident happened off­ "Students should immediately stop . Natascha Romeo, the university's The stud~nt, a junior art major, had said the attackers threatened to kill campus, which is out~ide security's running or walking alot\e in the health educator and advisor to the his jaw broken in the attack. Two the student. jurisdicti9n. evening," he said. "Despite warnings, program, said, "Safe Rides gives hun­ · emergency medical technicians The attackers relea~ed the student Eckert said security was notified of I still see students doing this on-cam­ dreds of rides each semester." :' : • : treated his injuries in his apartment. after robbing and beating him. The the incident March 4 by one of the pus and in the area surrounding the Students who need a ride c$¢atl: Robert G. Prince, the director of student returned to his apartment, student's professors. campus." the service at 759-HOME fronl ll . university security, said the student. where he telephoned the Winston- · Prince said this incident should en- "There are plenty of alternatives p.m. to 2 a.m. on week end nights: Alcohol Committee Offers: Confiscated Judicial Reforms Over Break BY MIKE McKINLEY the university to coordinate the work of all EorroR IN CHIEF judicial bodies. He would assist studel)tc~ BY SniPH Mnm. investigators, maintain records, hear autho- --'---- A~SISTANT Ne.ws EorroR The Student Government Legislature will rized civic responsibility cases, act as . · · · vot,e Tuesday on guiding principles to facili- officio member of the Judicial ..._u· w1~;u· 13etween 20 and 50 students face possible tate changes to the judicial system proposed mediate disputes in matters that do not.~·:quire judiCial action because alcoholic beverages by.an ad hoc Judicial Review Committee. formal charges. He would not act as the were·confiscated from their rooms in Bostwick The changes will include new proposals mary investigator in a case, a duty that was Residence Hall by residence life and housing made by the committee and changes resur- endorsed in the last judicial reform. · · · sta{f.during Spring Break, said senior Chris reeled from the judicial reform that was de- Thenewerreportalsosugges:tstlilat:st{lclents Nichol.~. the coordinator of student defenders. feated by a student vote last spring. be allowed to elect an ad~ninistrati1~e hearing I According to the RLH housing contract, Ken Zick, the vice president of student life before the judicial officer. The dec:isic>n(•fttae "Residence hall staff and custodial and and instructional resources, said the requestto officer would have to be endorsed by \ maintenance personnel may enter assigned study the system was made by the board of . cia! conference between the officer two room~ at reasonable ·hours for. purposes of trustees, which asked the Judicial Council to chairmen from the Honor Council and inspection, maintenance or tn repair rooms "undertake the ta~k of improving the judicial Judicial Board. -~ild fumi~liirigs orfor reasons of health. and system under its authority." Finally, the document recommends ~,:···; safeiy .. " ·-· - .-::~:-~"'':·~::~~~-.-,.:·~~-.. -~;:~.:,.; · ·Zick said•John.·Earle; the chairman of th,e students committing felonies be retiei'J'l~ ttp. Dennis E. Gregciry, the director of RLH, "Judicial Council, asked a committee to ex- the vice p.-esidentforstudent life aria it'ls1r1Lii:­ said no change in room checking policy dur­ aminethe differences ofopinion and determine tion resources, who would decide whether ing bre<tks occurred this year. what problems there were with the last draft. hold the case pending civil trail, to refer : "Routine checks for health and safety are Each of the seven commitee members works case to an appropriate hearing body or made every year for long breaks such as within the judicial system on some level. the case administratively. :Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break, The principles of the newest committee's Assuming a positive. vote from the as they have been done for the five years since report include a bifurcated jurisdiction, a ju- Legislature, Earle said• the next step I've been here," he suid. · dicial officer, the abolitiol) pfthecasereferral fortheJudicialCouncil to iron out the ~,..,.;fii,., : Rooms are checked during each break to be panel, the election of an a,dministrative hear- details ofthe ·proposal. If the guidelines I· :'sure appliances are unplugged and there are .ing and new regulatipns regarding 'felonieS. rejected· by the legislature, Eai:le said .no illegal substances present. he said. · The bifurcated jurisdiction principle would coun.cil wouid go back to the drawing . A freshman Bostwick resident who re­ maintain the tradition of two hearing bodies, The· proposal has received the t.•nltllti'~" :ques_tcd anonymity said she had an unopened the Judicial Board and the Honor .Council. suppc)rtofstudentc:lefendercoc.·>rd:jna.tor ·bottle of champagne that was a gift to her on Charges would be reviewed by the judicial Nichols. :pJed~c Night confiscated from her room while Sun Worshippers officer and referred to the appropriate bodies In a statement concerning .the r.ef(>rm she was away. in consultation with the chairs of the two package, ~ichols wrote: "Even though Sl!c said she believed the search was unfair Five freshmen soak up the sun on the third floor balcony of Davis House. hearing bodies. reform eliminates many of the · becai•se students did not know safety checks The judicial officer would be appointed by See Reform, Page 4 . · WO!Jid he made since no notices were posted :or di:stributed in the residence hall. · : Gregory said notices are not necessary and are just done as a convenience to students. Harold R. Holmes, the dean of student Alpha Phi Alpha Sponsors Stepshow Competition services, said as of mid-afternoon Thursday 1., no students in Bostwick had heen written up Ow GOLD AND BLACK STAR' REPoRT scholarship fund for minority stu­ eastern region. The kids should re­ Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., for alcnhol violations. dents in the Piedmont who pursue a ally enjoy tl:leevent," Hawkins said. has one of the ~trongestt~ on the He snid RLH has complete jurisdiction for TheWakeForestchapterofAlpha post-secondary education. The North ,Carolina Agricultural East Coast. Several other teams will deciding whetherornot students will be written Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and Big "(Alpha Phi Alpha) and Big and Technical State University .also be competing. up. Brothers/Big Sisters of Forsyth Brothers/Big Sisters are really chapterofPhi BetaSigmaFratemity, The NSA is a student-run non­ "I tmst the judgement of the hall director to County will co-host the National working hard to coordinate an ex­ Inc., is the number one-ranked profitorganization founded by black ,nake the decision of what course to take," he Stepshow Association's 1991 citing event," said senior Kevin chapter ;;~nd defending champion. Greeks at the University of Noith said. Championships. The event will be Hawkins, the president of Alpha The Hampton University chapter of Carolina 8Ild Duke University .that : There are two possible courses of action: held 7 p.m. Saturday at Reynolds Phi Alpha. Omega Psi Phi won its fraternity's has since spread to campuses across .RLH staff can write up the students and put Auditorium on the campus of The fmternity will be inviting n<ttional competitionlastsummerin the state. · .· them through the judicial proccss·orsituational · Reynolds High School. Little Brothers and Little Sisters to Detroit. The University of Virginia The organization seeks to end the reports can be filed against the students, which The second annual championships the stepshow as part of its Go to chapter of Alpha ·Phi Alpha is the exploitation of students that has would go on the studenfs record, but the will bring several of the top-~ked High School, Go to Collegeprogmm Alpha Eastern region champions. developed with the increasing student would not go through the judicial fraternity and sorority chapter aimed at black youth. Although there is not a number popularity ()f stepping. Originally process. stcpteams to Winston-Salem. "We are fortunate that the top­ one-ranked sOrority chapter, the performed by pledges or new ini­ See Charges, Page 4 The proceeds will benefit a ranked chapters are in the South- Virginia State University chapter of tiates in the 1940s, this African- Students Win Sch.olarsbips To Study German Abroad -Karsten. Oan Go1.o ANO BLACK ReroRmR Wilmer D. Sanders, a professor in the department of German and Russian for 29 Two students have been awarded uni­ years; established the W.D.
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