Package ‘DescTools’ May 14, 2015 Type Package Title Tools for Descriptive Statistics Version 0.99.11 Date 2015-05-14 Author Andri Signorell. Includes R source code and/or documentation previously published by (in al- phabetical order): Ken Aho, Nanina Anderegg, Tomas Aragon, Antti Arppe, Adrian Badde- ley, Ben Bolker, Frederico Caeiro, Stephane Champely, Daniel Ches- sel, Leanne Chhay, Clint Cummins, Michael Dewey, Harold C. Do- ran, Stephane Dray, Charles Dupont, Jeff Enos, Claus Ekstrom, Martin Elff, Richard W. Fare- brother, John Fox, Michael Friendly, Tal Galili, Matthias Gamer, Joseph L. Gastwirth, Yu- lia R. Gel, Juergen Gross, Gabor Grothendieck, Frank E. Harrell Jr, Michael Hoehle, Chris- tian W. Hoffmann, Torsten Hothorn, Markus Huerzeler, Wallace W. Hui, Rob J. Hynd- man, Pablo J. Villacorta Iglesias, Matthias Kohl, Mikko Kor- pela, Max Kuhn, Detlew Labes, Friederich Leisch, Jim Lemon, Dong Li, Martin Maech- ler, Arni Magnusson, Daniel Mal- ter, George Marsaglia, John Marsaglia, Alina Matei, David Meyer, Weiwen Miao, Gio- vanni Millo, Yongyi Min, David Mitchell, Markus Naepflin, Daniel Navarro, Klaus Nord- hausen, Derek Ogle, Hong Ooi, Nick Parsons, Sandrine Pavoine, Roland Rapold, William Rev- elle, Tyler Rinker, Brian D. Ripley, Caroline Rodriguez, Venkatraman E. Se- shan, Greg Snow, Michael Smithson, Werner A. Stahel, Mark Steven- son, Yves Tille, Adrian Trapletti, Kevin Ushey, Jeremy VanDerWal, Bill Ven- ables, John Verzani, Gregory R. Warnes, Stefan Wellek, Rand R. Wilcox, Pe- ter Wolf, Daniel Wollschlaeger, Thomas Yee, Achim Zeileis Maintainer Andri Signorell <[email protected]> Description A collection of basic statistic functions and convenience wrappers for efficiently describ- ing data. The author's intention was to create a toolbox, which facilitates the (notori- ously time consuming) first descriptive tasks in data analysis, consisting of calculating descrip- tive statistics, drawing graphical summaries and reporting the results. The package contains fur- thermore functions to produce documents using MS Word (or PowerPoint) and functions to im- port data from Excel. Many of the included functions can be found scattered in other pack- ages and other sources written partly by Titans of R. The reason for collect- ing them here, was primarily to have them consolidated in ONE instead of dozens of pack- ages (which themselves might depend on other packages which are not needed at all), and to pro- vide a common and consistent interface as far as function and arguments naming, NA han- dling, recycling rules etc. are concerned. Google style guides were used as naming rules (in ab- sence of convincing alternatives). The 'camel style' was consequently applied to functions bor- rowed from contributed R packages as well. Suggests RDCOMClient, tcltk 1 2 R topics documented: Depends base, stats, manipulate, R (>= 3.1.0) Imports boot, mvtnorm, foreign License GPL (>= 2) LazyLoad yes LazyData yes ByteCompile yes NeedsCompilation yes Additional_repositories http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/RWin/ R topics documented: DescTools-package . .8 AddMonths . 16 Agree . 17 AllDuplicated . 18 AndersonDarlingTest . 20 as.matrix.xtabs . 21 AscToChar . 22 Association measures . 22 Assocs . 25 Atkinson . 26 AUC............................................. 27 AxisBreak . 28 BartelsRankTest . 29 Benford . 31 Between, Outside . 33 BinomCI . 35 BinomDiffCI . 37 BinomRatioCI . 38 BinToDec . 40 BoxCox . 41 BoxCoxLambda . 43 BoxedText . 44 BreslowDayTest . 45 BubbleLegend . 47 Canvas............................................ 48 CartToPol . 49 CatTable . 50 CCC............................................. 51 ChooseColorDlg . 53 ClipToVect . 54 Clockwise . 54 Closest . 55 Coalesce . 56 CochranArmitageTest . 57 CochranQTest . 58 CoefVar . 60 CohenD . 61 CohenKappa . 63 R topics documented: 3 CollapseTable . 65 ColorLegend . 67 ColToGrey . 69 ColToHex . 70 ColToHsv . 71 ColToRgb . 72 ConDisPairs . 73 Conf............................................. 74 ConnLines . 76 Contrasts . 78 CorPolychor . 78 CramerVonMisesTest . 80 CronbachAlpha . 81 CutQ............................................. 83 d.countries . 84 d.diamonds . 85 d.periodic . 86 d.pizza . 87 Date............................................. 88 Date Functions . 89 day.name . 91 DegToRad . 91 DenseRank . 92 Desc............................................. 93 Desc.data.frame . 95 Desc.Date . 96 Desc.factor . 97 Desc.flags . 99 Desc.formula . 100 Desc.integer . 101 Desc.logical . 103 Desc.numeric . 104 Desc.table . 105 DescTools Palettes . 107 DescWrd . 108 DivCoef . 110 DivCoefMax . 111 DrawAnnulus . 113 DrawAnnulusSector . 114 DrawArc . 115 DrawBand . 116 DrawBezier . 117 DrawCircle ..
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