Parent company of: This Sustainability Report was produced EB Group Foundation | with the collaboration of the teams under Maria Natalia García de Castro the leadership of: VP of Administration | President | Iván Pinzón Sandra Stella Fonseca Arenas VP of Finance | General Secretary | Felipe Castilla Maria Cristina Toro VP of Equity Portfolio and Corporate Internal Audit Directorate | Planning | Sandra Milena Aguillón Álvaro Torres Subsidiaries Directorate | VP of Public Services and Regulation | José Miguel Acosta Javier de Quinto External Relations Directorate | VP of Special Projects | Maria del Pilar Carmona Juan Martín Zuluaga Directorate-General of Subsidiaries | VP of Transmission | Gabriel Ignacio Rojas Ernesto Moreno Editing Design and Layout External Relations Directorate .Puntoaparte Bookvertising Global Responsibility Empresa de Energía de Bogotá S.A ESP Photographs EEB’s Photobank Parent company of: Advisors KPMG Advisory Services Ltda Bogotá, March 2014 www.eeb.com.co We complied with all copyright and intellectual regulations Message to our Our company 2013 stakeholders Sustainability Report Sustainability EEB We are aware of the positive impact We closed 2013 with net profit in ex- generated by our business for the prog- cess of $843,000 million pesos, which ress of the countries in which we op- represented 22% growth on the 2012 erate. We are very proud to be part of figures. We consolidated two new ser- a company and a Group such as ours; vices companies into GEB (EEBIS Peru where energy is life and growth. and EEBIS Guatemala), which repre- sent an additional business line de- It is an honor for us, as the President rived from services associated with of the Board and the President of the infrastructure. We also boosted new Company, to share with you the princi- businesses at both a national and in- pal management results of 2013. ternational level that will be reflected in 2014’s results. In this management year, we have had a great team that has strengthened the We are currently developing five (5) actions taken to progress the growth projects in Colombia awarded by the of our organization. The team seeks to Mining and Energy Planning Unit (Uni- provide a high quality service that con- dad de Planeación Minero Energética, tinues to leverage the growth of our the “UPME”), which form part of the Sandra Stella Fonseca Arenas, Gustavo Petro Urrego, EEB S.A. ESP. President cities, the industrial sector and the im- expansion of the National Transmission EEB S.A. ESP. President of the Board of Directors provement in the quality of life of the System (Sistema de Transmisión Nacio- citizens of our society, impacting the nal, the “STN”). These are key for the economic growth of our country and the electrical interconnection network and regions in which we operate. for the reliability of demand in Bogotá. In 2014, we plan to participate in the Principal Results of 2013 UPME calls aimed at broadening partic- In June 2013, thanks to the approval of ipation in the coverage and reliability of our Board, the organizational structure In 2013, we developed our strategic the country’s energy system. of the company was strengthened tak- ndoubtedly 2013 was a year plan with a vision for the period 2014 ing into account the sustainable growth GRI 1.1 of growth, strengthening and -2018 and we drew up an investment In addition to the UPME projects, our we have had. This organizational struc- important changes that frame plan of more than USD$7,500 million investment plan seeks to develop busi- ture inspires us to work every day to- Uboth the present and the fu- for the years 2013-2017. It is a plan ness in the four links in the energy wards our goals. Thus, in the second ture of the Empresa de Energía de Bo- that will boost economic and social de- chain (generation, transmission distri- half of the year, about 50 employees gotá (“EEB”) as parent of the Grupo velopment given the dynamic activity bution and commercialization) and the joined the company to support differ- Energía de Bogotá (“GEB”), a group that will be generated by the operations transportation and distribution of natu- ent areas. These employees strengthen 4 that is growing and consolidating. to be executed under the plan. ral gas in the American continent. our teams and our operational capacity. 5 “We are ready to face the challenges that 2014 brings for the also to our clients, suppliers and, in We understand that we must go be- general, to all communities and stake- yond just the generation of economic EB Group and its affiliate companies. We are convinced that holders with which we interact. value for our partners and sharehold- Our company all of us form part of a great team; we have all the attributes ers. In addition to thinking about mit- 2013 In this sense, 2013 marked a very im- igating our environmental impact and to undertake great projects and to achieve tremendous portant milestone in the strategic focus of improving support for the communities accomplishments, fulfillment and results that will uplift us. “ our GEB Foundation, which redefined its through the social management we un- action framework, its strategy and action dertake during our projects, we seek to — Sandra Fonseca lines, focusing on the fact that energy is connect deeply with the realities where essential for development and for life. we are present, and leverage them. Sustainability Report Sustainability Our subsidiaries also reported satis- ple, providing an efficient natural gas As part of the evolution of our Global One of our major challenges is to con- factory results for 2013 that we set service in the department of Lima and Responsibility, we have understood that tribute, within our means and by the EEB out in this report, from which we the Constitutional Province of Callao. companies must engage in substantial operation of our business, to the im- would like to highlight some represen- For its part, Contugas inaugurated the issues such as the promotion of spac- provement of living conditions of the tative milestones: Chincha Operational Center, which will es for peace. It is for this reason that, communities through energy, which is provide households in the area with in 2013, we signed up to and commit- an essential element of development. The Cundinamarca Energy Company (La cheaper and safer fuel. This operation- ted ourselves to the Business for Peace We want and have the conviction to Empresa de Energía de Cundinamar- al center is one of the most modern in Initiative (B4P) of the Global Compact, continue making a positive impact ca, “EEC”) celebrated its fifty-fifth (55) Peru. It was built with the highest glob- and in 2014 we expect to participate ac- through passionate action. year of uninterrupted distribution and al standards of technology and securi- tively and be leaders in the implemen- sale of electric energy in seventy-seven ty. Similarly we already operate EEBIS tation of the same in Colombia. We hope that you enjoy this report (77) municipalities in the departments of Peru and have great expectations for and learn a little more about us. Cundinamarca, Tolima and Meta, serving its projected growth. In addition, it was with great pride that more than 250,000 regulated clients and EEB was ratified in the Dow Jones Sus- eight (8) non-regulated clients through The Centro-American Energy Transpor- tainability Index in the Emerging Mar- 18,494 kilometers of network. This Group tation Company (La Transportadora de kets category, which demonstrates that EB company is working to meet its Ex- Energía de Centroamérica, “TRECSA”) we are progressing along an important pansion Plan, with the aim of boosting continues its process of consolidating and path in terms of sustainability. Such the creation of value in the same. strengthening, with a clear understanding recognition presents us with enormous that it is the most important transmission challenges on a daily basis. On the other hand, at the close of 2013, project in Guatemala, which will bring a the International Gas Transportation better quality of life to millions of people. EEB was recognized as the first compa- Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego company (Transportadora de Gas In- In 2013, the deadline to start operations ny in Colombia with an energy efficiency ternacional, “TGI”) achieved EBITDA was extended in accordance with the de- certification of ISO50001, providing an President of the Board of Directors growth of more than 28% over the year velopment conditions that arose. example and reference for the country. Empresa de Energía de Bogotá S.A. ESP 2012. Also in 2013, it obtained a 9% in- crease in the volume of gas transported EEBIS Guatemala started to develop We are convinced and certain that, in in the previous three years. This year the South Pacific Ring project and it has order to generate confidence with our the operation was consolidated and several projects in evaluation, with sig- stakeholders, it is necessary to have centralized in Bogotá. With a success- nificant growth potential. a timely and daily relationship with ful relocation plan, eighty (80) people them that is based on dialogue. For (70% of the TGI workforce in Bucara- The non-controlled companies contin- this reason we have been working on manga) were relocated. ue to contribute positively to our eco- the consolidation of our internal and nomic performance. As such, we are a external strategic communications Sandra Stella Fonseca Arenas With regard to our subsidiaries in Peru, Group that is in constant growth, which plan, which will undoubtedly directly through Cálidda, we are bringing de- means that we have a great responsi- contribute to the strengthening of our President 6 velopment to nearly half a million peo- bility, not only to our shareholders but purpose and reputation.
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