21.3 Vocal 78S. Abott-Galvany. 2020. Pp 17-57

21.3 Vocal 78S. Abott-Galvany. 2020. Pp 17-57

78 rpm VOCAL RECORDS BESSIE ABOTT [s] 4025. 12” Red ’08 Pats. Vla 88050 RIGOLETTO: Caro nome (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 1352. 12” Red vinyl Vr. 88050. Same as preceding item. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1989. 12” Red ’08 Pats. Vla 88051. MAGIC FLUTE: Gli angui d’inferno (Mozart). Just about 1-2. $10.00 1950. 12” PW Silver Victor IRCC 78. MIGNON: Io son Titania (Thomas) / RIGOLETTO: Tutte le feste (Verdi). Side two with MARIO ANCONA [b]. From orig. 1908 Victor matrices . Just about 1-2. $12.00. LUIGI ABRATE [t] 2398. 10” Purple La Cigale (Columbia) D9394 [70438/70441]. IL PICCOLO MARAT: Ah! se tu m’ami Mariella / CESARE FORMICHI [b]. IL PICCOLO MARAT: Si, l’amante più bella (Mascagni). Excellent surfaces. Just about 1-2. $15.00. GIUSEPPE ACERBI [t]. See: ERNESTO COLLI [t] AÏNO ACKTÉ [s] 1810. 12” Pink SS IRCC 71. OTELLO: Piange cantando (Verdi). RR from 1913 Edison disc. Label signed by Ackté (see label section). Two small PBs and lt. rubs . 2. $10.00. ALBERTO ADAMI [t] 3356. 12” Blk. SS Victor 99160. IL GUARANY: Vanta io pur (Gomez). Lt. rubs, 2. $12.00. BICE ADAMI-CORRADETTI [s] 2220. 11” Brown Odeon 37309/37310 [Xm399/Xm410]. LA BOHÈME: Valser di Musetta / ANGELO PINTUCCI [t]. LA BOHÈME: Io non ho che una povera stanzetta (both Leoncavallo ). Some sort of defect side one causes light “swish” for about an inch . 3. $8.00. AGUSTARELLO AFFRE [t] 2201. 11” Brown Odéon 60323/60324 [XP3332/XP3333]. HÉRODIADE: Grand Air de Jean / LE MAGE: Grand Air (both Massenet). Just about 1-2. $15.00. GIUSEPPE AGOSTINI [t] 2434. 10” Blk. Columbia A-2350 [47360-1/47361-2]. MARIA, MARI / O SOLE MIO (both di Capua). Excellent mid-‘20s laminated pressing. Lightest rubs, cons. 2. $12.00. CHARLOTTE AGUSSOL [s] 2128. 11” Assoc. Phonique des Grands Artistes APGA 1304/1305. MIREILLE: Chanson du Berger (Gounod) / CHANSON DE FLORIAN (Meyer-Helmund?). Just about 1-2. $20.00. CARMELO ALABISO [t] 2559. 10” Green Viva-Tonal Columbia 4152-X [WB2555/WB2556]. ISABEAU: Canzone del falco / ISABEAU: Or solo intorno (Mascagni). Just about 1-2. $20.00. LICIA ALBANESE [s] 1523. 12” late Red VdP DB 5383 [2BA4093-II/2BA4094-II]. ADRIANA LECOUVREUR: Io non l’umile ancella (Cilèa) / MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Un bel di (Puccini). Just about 1-2. $8.00. CARLO ALBANI [t]. See also: FERNANDA CHIESA [s], FERNANDINO DE NERI [t] 1062. 12” Red vinyl Vla mat. C-4898. ANDREA CHENIER: Un di all’azzurro spazio (Giordano). Unpublished except for HRS edition . 1907 Victor master . Fine performance, probably withheld from publication for some differences in tempi near the end between the tenor and the conductor. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1900. 12” Red vinyl Vla 74097 [C-4885]. PAGLIACCI: Vesti la giubba (Leoncavallo). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3379. 12” Red vinyl Vla 74099 [C-4900]. OTELLO: Ora e per sempre addio (Verdi). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 1450. 12” Gold PW Victor HRS 1003. LUCREZIA BORGIA: Di pescatore ignobile (Donizetti) / MARIO ANCONA [b], MARCEL JOURNET [bs]. I PURITANI: Suoni la tromba (Bellini). Wonderful pressing . Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2213. 11” (oversized 10”) White Vla mat. B-4897-1. TOSCA: Recondita armonia (Puccini). 1 Aug. 1907 . Unpublished (except for limited AGS edition: AGSA 13). Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3571. 10” Red vinyl Vla Mat. B-4897. TOSCA: Recondita armonia (Puccini). Same unpublished recording as item above (#2213) 2222. 11” Brown Odeon 110251/110252. LUCREZIA BORGIA: Della Duchessa ai prieghi / LUCREZIA BORGIA: Guai se ti sfugge un detto (Donizetti). Both sides with EMILIA CORSI [s], ENRICO VANNUCCINI [bs]. One harmless mark. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 2886. 10” Mauve HMV AGSA 13[ B-4890/B-4897]. ANDREA CHENIER: Come un bel dì di Maggio (Giordano) / TOSCA: Recondita armonia (Puccini). Both sides first and only editions from 1907 Victor matrices. Just about 1-2. $8.00. TOMMASO ALCAIDE [t] 3772. 10” Green Eng. Col. GQ 7161 [WB4204/WB4210]. MANON: Il sogno / MANON: Ah! dispar vision (Massenet). Just about 1-2. $12.00. FRANCES ALDA [s]. See also: ENRICO CARUSO [t] 3812. 10” vinyl Victor 87066. SI LES FLEURS AVAIENT DES YEUX (Massenet). Two different - 17 - 78 rpm VOCAL RECORDS versions, the first with piano (B-8887-1, 25 Apr. 1910) and the second with orchestra (B-8887-2, 14 Apr. 1911). Neither originally doubled. Both had short catalogue lives. Just about 1-2. $12.00. 3839. 10” Red ’08 Pats. 87066 [B-8887-2]. SI LES FLEURS AVAIENT DES YEUX (Massenet). Rare orig. pressing of take 2 (see the preceding item, #3812). Cons . 2. $12.00. 3970. 10” Red EE Vla 1094. PLEASE KEEP OUT OF MY DREAMS (Bayes-Maxwell) /INDIAN DAWN (Zamecnik). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2930. 10” Red PW Victor (gold print) 1189. MIGHTY LAK’ A ROSE (Stanton-Nevin) / SOMEWHERE A VOICE IS CALLING (Newton-Tate). Top pressing. Just about 1-2. $8.00. 2934. 10” Red Orth. Vla 1474. MANON LESCAUT: In quelle trine morbide / MANON LESCAUT: L’ora, o tirsi (Puccini). Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1285. 12” White lbl. Victor slightly oversized test pressing, C-29493-3. SARI: Love’s Own Sweet Song (Kálmán). Unpublished take . Extra refrain as compared to the issued take 4. 2-3. $75.00. 1838. 12” Red vinyl White lbl. Vla 88248 [C-8886]. SERENATA (Tosti). Piano acc. Only form of issue. Choice pressing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1460. 12” Red Victor 74385. MADELEINE: A Perfect Day (Victor Herbert). Creator performance. Conducted by the composer . Just about 1-2. $8.00. 1457. 12” Red Vla 6038. CARMEN: Je dis que rien m’épouvante (Bizet) / LA BOHÈME: Mi chiamano Mimì (Puccini). Just about 1-2. $7.00. 1596. 12” PW Silver Victor IRCC 111 [C-8883/C-11150]. FALSTAFF: Sul fil d’un soffio (Verdi) / LORELEY: Ah! dunque ei m’amerà (Catalani ). Two of her most outstanding recordings. Label side one signed by Alda. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1458. 12” Mauve HMV AGSB 16 [C-8883/C-14495]. FALSTAFF: Sul fil d’un soffio (Verdi) / IL SE- GRETO DI SUSANNA: Oh gioia la nube leggera (Wolf-Ferrari). Just about 1-2. $7.00. LILIA ALESSANDRINI [s]. See also: GIUSEPPE GARUTTI [t] 2365. 10” PW elec. German Odeon O-25646 [Mo3420/Mo3421]. SEMIRAMIDE: Bel raggio lusinghier (Rossini). Two sides. Orch. dir. Angelo Albergoni. Just about 1-2. $12.00. MARIA ALESSANDROWITCH [s]. See: ANGELO PINTUCCI [t] MARIA DE ALEXANDROWICZ [s]. I believe these two Marias are the same person. 3582. 10” PW Red Disque Gram. DA 4806 [OG482-II/OW1417-I]. TOSCA: D’art et d’amour / MADA- MA BUTTERFLY: Toi! toi! toi! [Death Scene] (both Puccini). Couple minor rubs side one, cons. 2. Side two just about 1-2. $15.00. ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVICH [t] 3568. 10” Blk. Russian Amour Gram. 4-22602/4-22603 [17359b/17557b]. I AM SAD (Dargomyzh- sky) / NIKOLAI SHEVELEV [b]. TWO SONGS (Arensky). Piano acc. Cons . 2. $40.00. PERCEVAL ALLEN [s] 1670. 12” Dog Gram. Monarch 044112 [2964f]. ELEKTRA: Wer bis denn du (Strauss). With FREDERIC AUSTIN [b]. In German. Just about 1-2. $20.00. NORMAN ALLIN [bs] 2056. 12” Blue acous. Eng. Columbia L1414 [74279/74280]. SONG OF HYBRIAS THE CRETAN (Campbell-Elliott) / ARISE, YE SUBTERRANEAN WINDS (Purcell). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3274. 12” Blue acous. Eng. Columbia L1474 [76865/76866]. BLOW, BLOW, THOU WINTER WIND (Ketelbey) / THE MIDNIGHT REVIEW (Glinka). Orch. dir. Albert W. Ketelbey. Two tiny rim patinas. One rim bump (far from grooves). Just about 1-2. $10.00. 1515. 12” Blue acous. Columbia 7029-M [AX427/AX431]. PARTENOPE: Hark, the Tempest Wildly Raging (Händel) / STABAT MATER: Pro peccatis (Rossini). Just about 1-2. $10.00. PAUL ALTHOUSE [t] 1796. 12” Blue Victor 55058. MADAMA BUTTERFLY: O quanti occhi fisi (Puccini). With OLIVE KLINE [s] / AIDA: Fuggiam gli ardori (Verdi). With LUCY MARSH [s]. Just about 1-2. $8.00. ALBERTO AMADI [t]. See also: LUISA ARDIZZONI-TOSI [s] 2019. 12” Blk. Victor 68300. CARMEN: Romanza del fiore (Bizet) / PAGLIACCI: Vesti la giubba (Leoncavallo). Minor lbl. wear side two. Just about 1-2. $15.00. PASQUALE AMATO [b] 2247. 11” Fonotipia 92501/92502 [XPh3930/XPh3951]. L’AFRICAINE: O grande S. Domenico … All’erta marinar / L’AFRICAINE: Adamastor, re del’acque profonde (Meyerbeer). IMs. Good pressing. Few lt. mks., cons. 2. $12.00. 2279. 11” Fonotipia 92505/92506 [XPh3914/XPh3913]. TANNHÄUSER: Oh tu bell’astro / TANN- HÄUSER: Nel rimirar quest’adunanze (Wagner). Cons. 2. $12.00. 2278. 11” Fonotipia 92565/92566 [XPh4044/XPh4045-2]. LA GIOCONDA: Enzo Grimaldo (Ponchi- elli). Two sides. With RINALDO GRASSI [t]. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1510. 12” Fonotipia 74041/74030 [XXPh2441/XXPh2309]. PAGLIACCI: Prologo (Leoncavallo) / CARLO DANI [t]. FAUST: Salve dimora (Gounod). Piano acc.. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 1851. 12” Red Vla Pats. “B” plate 89057. IL SEGRETO DI SUSANNA: Il dolce idillio (Wolf-Ferrari). With GERALDINE FARRAR [s]. A perfect copy. Just about 1-2. $7.00. 3398. 12” White lbl. red vinyl Vla 88437 [C-13125-1]. GERMANIA: Sono un risorio … Ferito Prigionier (Franchetti). Just about 1-2. $12.00. - 18 - 8 rpm VOCAL RECORDS 4005. 12” PW Orange Victor HRS 1002. AFRICAINE: Adamastor, re dell’onde (Meyerbeer) / RICCARDO MARTIN [t]. LE CID: Ô souverain! Ô juge! Ô père (Massenet). Both sides signed by the respective artists. Just about 1-2. $15.00. MARIO ANCONA [b]. See also: BESSIE ABOTT [s], CARLO ALBANI [t] 3649. 10” Red Milano Dog Gram. Con. 3-32305 [2300l]. CHANSON DE L’ADIEU (Tosti). In French.

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