Choice Coffee the THREE HOUR SERVICE "Blue Package" Coffee WILL BE OBSERVED Corsets Ladies Neckwear Just received a This is the product of the Pan AT ship¬ Dainty Swiss Em¬ American GRACE EPISCOPAL ment of the countries, skilfully CHURCH ON GOOD FRI- famous broidered Collars- roasted by Chase & Sanborn, the Crown Corsets. The newest style; 50c val¬ largest coffee house in the United DAY FROM NOON TO Sale . .25c States. 3 P. M. best front lace on the ues; price market; special, onlv .Ladies Crepe de This "Blue Package" coffee SALE Chine Ties, irridescent has stood the test where others OTHER SERVICES .$1.00 shades; only . .25c failed, per pound.30c AX Morning Service Will Be Held at Did you know that we have 10:30 O'clock and Chil¬ customers who have been drink¬ dren's Service at 4:30 ing this coffee 13 years without changing and still it. drinking In addition to tito morning service Why? Because they get the best at 10:30 o'clock and the children's -value money wiU buy-pure, mild service at 4:30, th« Three Hour Ser¬ RUBENSTEIN'S vice will be conducted in Grace and wholesome in every respect. church on Good Friday. This coffee is washed seven times Thia service stans at 12 noon and are continue» until 3 p. m. The service going to offer you for the next few the before roasting, and in ls in commemoration of the three days greatest bargains in new put up hours of divino WE Spring agony while the dark¬ merchandise. Our stock is new and in sanitary packages. ness covered the earth: "Now from complete every department, and every express do medium the sixth hour there wai darkness is us wonderful values direct Why you buy price over all the land until the ninth bringing from the so it will pay you to take coffee in tin cans? Don't you hour." S. Matt. 27:45. of this sale and on manufacturer's, The service ls divided Into seven advantage be hand to see a wonderful collection of unusual values. know you pay for the tin cans sections, each consisting of hymns, every time you a of prayers, one of the seven Penitential buy pound Psalms, and a meditation upon one of coffee? the seven words from the cross. The following meditations will be It you want a tin can, go to the giveu by the rector during the seven tin shop and one that will sections cf the service: Dress buy The Way of the Cross. Goods Old Cloth Men's Shoes a Glory last a 1. The Cross of Long life time for small sum. Forgiveness- "Father forgive them; for they know Pretty new Cotton Fabrics for your Chamois sells thereby eliminating the cost of a uot what tbey do." finish, everywhere for Men's Gun Metal Oxfords, Button or vin can every time you coffee. 2. The Cross of Rest -"Today Easter dress. A dress for the most $1.00 for 10 Sale ll buy shalt thou be with Mo lu Paradise." yards; price, lace, $2.5o'and $3.00 values; Sale Let us send you one pound ot 3. The Cross of Love-"Woman, fastidious; Satin Finish Foulard 35c yards for.79c behold thy son. Behold thy mother." price.$1.98 coffee; if not satisfactory, we'll 4. The Cross of Spiritual Anguish quality, Sale price, per yd . .25c refund the 30c. -"My God. My God, why hast Thou pr^ice, forsaken me." and Dotted also the C. The Cross of Physical Anguish Figured Crepes, Men's Tan Oxfords, genuine Russian -"I thirst." new and ever floral SPECIALS 6. The Cross of Contentment-"It pretty designs; calf Sale Anderson is finished." welt, $3.50 values; price 15c . Best Sale . Oil 7. Tho Gross of Trust-"Father, values; price, per yd 10c grade Cloth in white and all into Thy hands I commend tay spirit." colors; 25c Sale ..$2.98 Cash Grocery Co. Conclusion-"In the Cross of Christ Silk Finish Poplins in all the new values; price, yd A Good Store. I glory." .15c Grocery Each section of the service com¬ shades, per yd . ... ... .25c Men's Oxfords in white and brown mences and ends with a hymn and those who attend this service can Yard-wide 10c Sale enter and leave the church during Sheeting, quality, canvas, $2.50 values, Sale price the singing of these hymns. Thus a price, yard./.5c N«2lt> person can stay for one or more sec¬ . $1.69 tions, if not for the whole service. de Chine to Crepe Best 10x4 Pearl All Christians who wish devote Sheeting, Bleached a few moments in prayerful medita¬ 36-inch de Chine in 40c . Store Crepe . tion of the aacritice upon tho cross, navy, black, quality; Sale price, yd -.24c For fresh nice and to keep thia day. Good Friday, in sky, pink, white, also navy with the Ladies' fruits, commemoration of tho crucifixion are Best 10x4 Pearl Shoes asked to attend this service or parts new rose flower and Sheeting, unbleach¬ of it. effect, green Girl and Misses candies, cold and ed, Hoc Sale . 14c Baby Dolls; $2.00 drinks, with the floral effect; sale price, per quality; price, yd. "Seven times He spake, seven words values; Sale good cigars, call and see of love; ..50c Pajamas, checks, 10c Sale price. .$1.50 And all three hours Hts silence yard quality, us at 203 E. Whitner cried price, yd.. .8c For mercy on the souls of men; Striped Wash Silk, the thing for the Misses' Baby Dolls; $2.50 values; street, also let us send Jesus, our Lord, is crucified." new Silk finish 15c waist; Sale price, per yd . .25c Chambray, quality; Sale price.$1.98 and get your soiled linen BELTON NEWS. Sale price, yard.10c Kiss Mary Elisabeth Smith ls Dead. Best 15c and 20C Sale and have it launderied at Special to Th« IntolUgcottr. Galatea, grade, Ladies Colonial Pumps; $4.00 values, BELTON, April 1.-Miss Bessie Brassieres price, best steam Smith is dead! A feeling of deepest yard.12£-c Sale ttye laundry sorrow swept ove* Belton Wednes¬ price.$2.98 day afternoon when thia sad an¬ One lot all over embroidered and in the State. nouncement was. made. She had been ill tor months and had been so brave plain Brassieres, 25c and 39c value; and patient through all of her Buf¬ Sale WAISTS B.LtMitchell ferings and had looked forward to the price.19c One lot Men's Pants, nice Phone 364 time when ahe should pass on into our patterns, the Groat Beyond with so little dread, One lot Brassieres, well made, espec Everybody says ¿1.00 Special odd and Corner Whitner and in fact with so much Joy, that it waist are wonders. One lot sizes; $2.00 $2.50 quali¬ McDuffy Ste] really seems wrong to grieve over ially good for stout the kind white her going. But how can a town fail figures; ty; while they last ........ .$1.00 wash silk waist for ..... to mourn the loss of a noble woman you pay 50c for; Sale each 39c .$1.00 SERS. J. M. POWERS like Misa Smith? She waa noble in price, every roapect. She waa a mest devot¬ Just received ten dozen waist, $1.00 IHti Yesterday at Her Home la ed Christisn from her childhood days, Macea, Georgia. having united with the Methodist values, while they last, each . 50c church in her early girlhood and she One lot A telegram was received in the has lived her life for the Lord in her Our 5c Turkish Bath towels, first every walk in life. Specials city yesterday announcing the death of Mr«. J. AI. Powers, of Macon. For aeveral years before, hor Ill¬ 30-inch quality, extra large size, 50c values; Qa. This came aa a severe shock to ness caused her to give up work, she Madras, yard. .5c Sale . eves her nearest was a deaconess in the cities of Phil- each ... relatives and 36-inch ... SKIRTS price, ; 5c .19c friends, as it was not known she adelphla and St. Louis, holding a Percale, yard was seriously m. mission in the latter city supported Good Dress Shepherd plaid skirts in newest flare «firs. Powers was a native ot South by tho biggest church in the city, Gingham..5c Carolina, bat lived most ot her life Her health failed and they gave her Calico....5c model, with pockets; Sale in florida. Until this present session a yearns leave of absence, but before, price sha had been connected with Bessie the year has ended she has passed Yard-wide ............... Titi Bleaching, soft finish, yard $1.9fi Curtain College, at Forsyth, for the away. Scrim Qa., past seven yeera. She graduated from Winthrop Col¬ .5c Besides a larne number of friends lege and after teaching there several Same style in All-wool Shepherd plaid Beautiful patterns floral also td BAburn her ttaath she years attended Scarrltt Bible. and borders, leaves her Yard-wide Sea . afta mother. Mrs. A. Davis Training school of Missouri. She Island, yard \5c $5.00 values, Sale . .$3,98 filet lace Mary price . and three sisters. Miases Lissie and took a wonderful stand in her classes, inserting; only, yard .9c Ktfdle Davis and Mrs. CO. Bürrigs, showing .her Christian conscientious - ot (Anderson, Rev. John Davis, of ness In her school work as she al¬ Hannibal, Mo., and her four grand¬ ways did in her life work. Her men¬ children with whom abe made her tal capacity was shown by the suc¬ heine in Macon.
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