£300,000 PLUS THANKSGIVING BISHOP PRAYS in aid from Mass in as priest Scots after honour of leaves parish typhoon. Bishop Devine. amid inquiry. Pages 6-7 Page 2 Page 3 No 5545 YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH Friday November 22 2013 | £1 FAITHFULLY DEVOTED TO SUSAN BOYLE IF SCOTTISH singing sensation Susan Boyle hits the number one slot in the UK singles chart this Christmas, it will be thanks to the help of pupils at St Rose of Lima Primary School in Ruchazie, Glasgow. The Nativity video for Ms Boyle’s version of O Come, All Ye Faithful, a duet with Elvis Presley, was filmed at the Glasgow school during the October holiday. The singer from Blackburn, who per- formed to pilgrims after the Papal Mass in Bellahouston Park in 2010, visited the school again last week to say thank you to pupils and staff for their help and to officially launch the single, proceeds from which will go to the Save the Children charity. Pupils from the primary school have starring roles in the video alongside Ms Boyle and they were delighted to see her again when she visited I Full report, pages 4-5 PIC: PAUL McSHERRY PRIESTS UNDER ATTACK I An arson blaze and robberies show that Scotland’s priests are, once again, being targeted by opportunistic criminals By Ian Dunn with a fire in the garage at Holy Cross and the insurance companies do give and Martin Dunlop parish, was started deliberately in you lots of hoops to jump through.” the early hours of Wednesday Novem- Police want to trace two men who PRIESTS in Scotland are increas- ber 13. were seen leaving the scene of the fire. ingly living in fear after several Parish priest Fr Neil Donnachie and One was wearing a white T-shirt and crimes against clergy came to light curate Fr Paul Brooks were alerted when dark denim jeans. The other was wear- this week. the alarm on Fr Donnachie’s car went off. ing a dark hooded top and light grey A vindictive arson attack on Holy “We went down to see flames coming jogging trousers. Cross parish in Glasgow saw two from the car and garage, and when the Det Insp Joe McKerns of Police Scot- priests’ cars destroyed and severe dam- fire brigade got here it took them an hour land said it was ‘very fortunate’ that the age caused to the parish house. There to bring the fire under control,” Fr Brooks two priests who live in the chapel house has also been a separate robbery at said. “The house was very close to going were not injured. “Two males were seen with a small sum of money. The parish house, stealing alcohol, two holdalls another Glasgow parish and a man in up too. The windows nearest the fire leaving the scene,” he added. “They priest did not want the parish to be iden- and a mobile phone. Perthshire was convicted for robbing an imploded.” headed off on foot in the direction of tified for fear of copycat crime. 80-year-old priest shortly after his Both priests’ cars and the garage Belleisle Street. I would appeal to any- In Perthshire this week a thief has I Continued on page 2 golden jubilee. (right) were entirely destroyed and Fr one who was in the area around 3:15am admitted breaking into the house of a While none of these attacks are thought Brooks said the experience had been and saw these individuals to come for- retired priest of Dunkeld Diocese in the to be sectarian in nature, concerns are ‘pretty terrifying’ not least as the vin- ward. At this time, there is no estimate summer, stealing the clergyman’s valu- growing that priests, who often live alone dictive attack appeared to have come of the cost of damage to the property.” able collection of whisky and cognac. in tied accommodation near parishes, are ‘out of the blue.’ Simon Winks, a prisoner in Perth, has again being seen as ‘easy targets’ for “We were very grateful to the emer- Robberies been warned that he faces a lengthy spell opportunistic thieves and vandals. gency services though, the fire brigade Concerns have also been raised in in prison after robbing 80-year-old Mgr and the police have been excellent,” he another Glasgow parish after it was Hugh McInally at his Perthshire home. Arson attack said. “As, of course, have the people of recently targeted by thieves who gained The attack took place on July 17, Police have said the blaze, that began the parish, but it is a tremendous mess access to the church sacristy and left when Mr Winks broke into the priest’s 2 WHAT’S ON SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 22 2013 What’s On A weekly guide to upcoming Church events SUNDAY NOVEMBER 24 I Feast Day Mass, St I Bishop Joseph Toal cele- Andrew’s HS, Kirkcaldy, brates Mass for the close of the Mass, 10.15am, with Arch- Year of Faith, Castlebay, Barra. bishop Leo Cushley. I Eucharistic Adoration with I Fr Robert Barron’s Catholi- young people on Solemnity of cism DVD series. What do Christ the King, St Teresa’s Catholics believe? World Church, Craigmillar, Edin- Without End: The Last burgh, following Mass at Things, 7pm-8.30pm, St Gre- 10.30am. gory’s Church hall, Glasgow. I Paisley Diocesan Youth I Glasgow Newman Associa- Mass, St Ninian’s Church, tion, Julie Clague, lecturer in Gourock. An afternoon filled Christian theology and ethics with prayer, music, fun, dinner at Glasgow University will and Mass at 6pm. A bus will speak on The Magisterium and leave St John’s, Barrhead at Moral Change, 7.30pm, 3pm, call at St Mirin’s Cathe- Ogilvie Centre, St Aloysius’ dral, Paisley, 3.15pm and Church, Rose Street, Glasgow. Coronation Park, Port Glas- Admission is free to Newman Motherwell Diocese marks Bishop Emeritus Devine’s 30 years gow, 3.35pm. members and £3 to non- (Above) Pupils from schools members. A MASS of Thanksgiving MONDAY NOVEMBER 25-FRI- I throughout Motherwell Diocese Miraculous Medal evening, was celebrated at Mother- join Bishop Emeritus Joseph DAY NOVEMBER 29 Immaculate Conception well’s Our Lady of Good I Devine. (Left) Frank Cassidy, Open retreat for Aberdeen Church, Maryhill, Glasgow. Aid Cathedral last Thursday diocesan chancellor, receiving the Diocese, St Dorstan’s Lodge, A Novena will be held in the in recognition of Bishop Papal Medal Tarfside, Brechin. church followed by a short Emeritus Joseph Devine’s PICS: TOM EADIE More info: http://www. film and tea/coffee in the 30 years of service as dioceseofaberdeen.org church hall. The event begins Bishop of Motherwell. at 7pm and offers a chance to Bishop Joseph Toal of Argyll diocesan Lourdes Hospitalite, MONDAY NOVEMBER 25 hear about the origins and mir- and the Isles, who was presented Bishop Devine with I Mass for all those who have acles of the medal from Sr appointed Apostolic adminis- a gift on behalf of all parishes been abused—physically, Teresa Matthews DC. trator of Motherwell Diocese in Motherwell Diocese. mentally or sexually—by following Bishop Devine’s The bishop then surprised those in positions of trust in FRIDAY NOVEMBER 29 retirement earlier this year, con- everybody—not least the recip- the Catholic Church, 7pm, St I Feast Day Mass, St celebrated the Mass with a ient himself—when he called Ninian’s Church, Edinburgh. Andrew’s PS, Falkirk, Mass, large number of priests from forward Frank Cassidy, chan- All welcome to attend to ‘pray 9.30am, Archbishop Cushley. the diocese. cellor of Motherwell Diocese, for those who have been I Coffee morning in aid of Many representatives of to present him with the Papal abused; to ask God to Hope Centre (helping people Motherwell Diocese’s Catholic present at the Mass. to those who were present, Bene Merenti Award. empower us with His spirit living with autism) at St Aloy- schools, which had been served Bishop Devine spoke of his stated: “Thank you for being He said Mr Cassidy had been that we may go forward in sol- sius’ Church, Garnethill, Glas- faithfully by Bishop Devine fond memories of serving the you.” a ‘tremendous help’ to him dur- idarity with all those who have gow, 11am-2pm. throughout his three decades in Faithful of Motherwell Dio- At the end of Mass, Mairi- ing his years of service in been abused, seeking truth, I St Andrew’s Night Celebra- charge of the diocese, were also cese, and in a simple message Fiona McKay, leader of the Motherwell Diocese. justice and reconciliation. tion, Lauriston Hall, Edin- I Mass for Vocations, Little burgh, 6.30pm-9.30pm. All Sisters of the Poor, St Joseph’s welcome to attend, tickets Scottish priests, a House, Robroyston, Glasgow, priced at £6, which includes PICTURE OF THE WEEK 7.45pm. supper of mince and tatties target of criminals and tea/coffee. There will be TUESDAY NOVEMBER 26 ceilidh dancing for all and a I Continued from page 1 I Galloway Diocesan Mass display of Highland dancing. for deceased priests, St Mar- For more information, contact The break in at Mgr McI- garet’s Cathedral, Ayr, Anne on: 0131 337 3890. nally’s residence occurred 7.30pm. I Scottish Night Concert, shortly after the priest had cel- I Café Camino Gospel Northcote Lodge Care Home, ebrated his 80th birthday and Series: Pope Francis and Igna- Aberdeen, 7pm. Tickets £5, the golden jubilee of his ordi- tian Spirituality, 7pm-9pm, refreshments and raffle. nation to the priesthood. The Café Camino, St Mary’s majority of the alcohol stolen Cathedral, Edinburgh.
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