Saint John the Baptist Orthodox Church A Parish of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese, Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople Reverend Dave Urban, Pastor 2688 California Avenue Very Reverend John Brancho, Pastor Emeritus Pittsburgh, Pa 15212 Timothy Martin, Reader 412-748-0148, Talk or Text Matthew Peifer, Stephen Brancho, & John Radick, Cantors [email protected] Matthew Peifer, Church Council President www.OrthodoxPittsburgh.com www.facebook.com/pg/St-John-the-Baptist-Orthodox-Church-of-Northside-Pittsburgh-169297619784149 9:30 am – Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great Tone 7 Liturgical Color: Red Procession of the Holy Cross prior to the Divine Liturgy / Responses sung by Tsar Lazar Male Choir 3pm - Pittsburgh Deanery Lenten Missions at St John’s (211 Cable Ave., East Pittsburgh, PA 15112) SERVICES, SAINTS, AND READINGS FOR THE WEEK Wednesday, March 14 – 9:30am Paraklis to the Theotokos / 7pm – Presanctified Liturgy at the Hampton Inn (2622 Wexford Bayne Rd, Sewickley, PA 15143) Friday, March 16 – 9:30am Moleben to the Holy Cross Saturday, March 17 – 9:30am All Soul Saturday (Zadušna Subota) Panachida (IV) 9a-5p Diocesan Lenten Retreat at St. Nicholas in Homestead with our Bishop (details further below) The Holy Mystery of Confession is available following every service. ** Mon. Venerable Procopius the Confessor (~750) Isaiah 14:24–32 Genesis 8:21–9:7 Proverbs 11:19–12:6 ** Tue. Venerable Basil the Confessor (747) Isaiah 25:1–9 Genesis 9:8–17 Proverbs 12:8–22 ** Wed. Martyr Eudocia of Heliopolis (152) Isaiah 26:21–27:9 Genesis 9:18–10:1 Proverbs 12:23–13:9 ** Thu. St. Arsenius, bishop of Tver (1409) Isaiah 28:14–22 Gen. 10:32–11:9 Proverbs 13:20–14:6 ** Fri. Martyr Eutropius of Amasea (308) Isaiah 29:13–23 Genesis 12:1–7 Proverbs 14:15–26 ** Sat. Martyr Juliana in Syria (273) Hebrews 6:9–12 Mark 7:31–37 ** The Great Fast (Lent) - Let us imitate Christ and the Saints and fast as they did! 9:30 am – Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great Tone 8 Liturgical Color: Purple YOUTH Sunday / Panachida for +His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas Smisko (3/13/11) 3pm - Pittsburgh Deanery Lenten Missions at St Michael’s (146 3rd Ave., Rankin, PA 15104) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + A Warm Welcome To Our Visitors! This Bulletin Is Offered: Glory Be To Jesus Christ! (Glory Be Forever!) In memory of the Slava Isusu Christu! (Slava na v’iki!) former members of We are happy that you have joined us today! Please join us downstairs for coffee Tsar Lazar who have and a bite to eat. It is our pleasure to have you in our presence this morning and we passed away. wish God’s Blessings to all who visit with us today and hope you stop in again soon! If you have any questions in regards to our worship or Orthodoxy, please see Fr. May their memory be Dave and he will gladly answer any of your questions to the best of his ability. He eternal! looks forward to meeting you! + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + LOOKING AHEAD LOCALLY Wednesday, March 21 – 9:30am Selections from the Great Canon of Repentance of St Andrew / 7pm – Presanctified Liturgy at the Hampton Inn (2622 Wexford Bayne Rd, Sewickley, PA 15143) Friday, March 23 – 9:30am Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos Saturday, March 24 – 8:30am Parish Spring Clean Up / 11a-1p Mystery of Holy Confession Sunday, March 25 – Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt / Additional Collection for our Community Outreach 3pm – Pittsburgh Deanery Lenten Missions here at St John’s on the North Side Wednesday, March 28 – 9:30am Lenten Sixth Hour with the reading of the Kathisma (Book of Psalms) 7pm – Presanctified Liturgy at the Hampton Inn (2622 Wexford Bayne Rd, Sewickley, PA 15143) Friday, March 30 – 9:30am Moleben to the Holy Cross Saturday, March 31 – 9:30am Lazarus Saturday Divine Liturgy followed by Palm Cross making / 11a-1p Mystery of Holy Confession Sunday, April 1 – Feast of Palm (flowery) Sunday with blessing of Palms and Pussy Willows + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + BULLETIN BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS (Please have submissions for this section to Father by Wednesday.) Weekly Candle Intentions/Memorials were Our Stewardship Gift To God offered last week by Tim Martin; Viola Peifer; Stewardship/Dues: $ 433 Barbara Kirish; Olga Radick; Eleanor Sanger; Candles/Small C./Eternal Lamp/C. box: $ 120 Jane Barrett; Julie Potoski; Theresa Sharpless; Envelopes: Sunday/Feast Day/Special: $ 494 Cindy Pavilonis; Patty Watson Wednesday Presanctified: $ 125 “I am the light of the world; he who follows Me Total Collections: $ 1172 will not walk in darkness, but will have the Collection for the Saints: “On the first day of the light of life.” - John 8:12 week let each one of you lay something aside, The Eternal Lamp was offered last week by John storing up as he may prosper.” 1 Cor 16:2 Gaydos, Jr., in Memory of Mother, Catherine. Lenten Coin Boxes – “Go therefore and May Her Memory Be Eternal! Vičnaya Pamjat! make disciples of all nations, baptizing + + + + + + + + + them in the name of the Father and of Congratulations! to Fr William and Pańi Ileana the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Mt Bennett and their families on the birth of Helen 28:19) Coin boxes are available in the Marie born the morning of March 5th (6 lb 9 oz). Church Hall to collect your spare change “Preserve her and this child which she has borne. Cover her with the shelter of thy wings from this day throughout the Great Fast for our Community until her final end, through the prayers of the most Outreach next month (OCMC). More information Holy Theotokos and of all the saints. Amen” – from is available at www.ocmc.org. “Let them do good, Prayers for a Woman on the First Day after Childbirth that they may be rich in good works, ready to + + + + + + + + + give, willing to share” (1 Tim 6:18) 31 Books of March Sale – The Ancient Faith + + + + + + + + + Store is offering a different book for 50% off each Donors wanted for Orthodox Study Bibles – day of the month of March! Visit the site daily or An initiative has been started to have a dozen sign up for their emails and keep an eye out for a Orthodox Study Bibles available for use around book that will help you along your Spiritual the Church. We are asking that donors offer a Journey! Visit: www.store.ancientfaith.com bible anonymously, in memory of someone, or on + + + + + + + + + behalf of a group. A minimum $30 stewardship Pittsburgh Deanery Lenten Mission: donation to the Church is requested. Confession, Service, & Fellowship - Each + + + + + + + + + Sunday Vespers begin at 3pm with Confessions Mystery of Confession will be heard following heard beginning around 2:30pm. A light every service and on Saturdays during meal is offered after the service. the Great Fast from 11am-1pm. The March 11 – East Pittsburgh side gate and side door will be open. March 18 – Rankin Other times are available by March 25 – North Side appointment. Please contact Fr Dave to (The Homilists will be 3 of our seminarians.) arrange this. Confessions will only be heard All are encourage to attend our Lenten Missions through Holy Wednesday. throughout the Great Fast! Pray with our + + + + + + + + + Pittsburgh Deanery and see our sister parishes! Palms & Pussywillows – We are collecting in + + + + + + + + + the Church Hall our Palms and Pussywillows Church & Grounds Spring Maintenance will be from prior years. These will not be simply thrown Saturday, March 24th beginning at 8:30am (with away, but they will respectfully be taken care of. breakfast). Please sign up in the church hall, as we Please bring yours in so that your house will be want to have enough food available, if you are able to ready for the new ones in a few weeks! share your time and talent on this day as we clean up + + + + + + + + + what God has shared with us. Contact Kathy Camp Nazareth Summer Camp 2018 – Let’s get Schrmack ([email protected]) if you have any all of our youth 8 to 18 to Camp Nazareth this questions. "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, summer! The Pittsburgh Deanery camping week as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from is July 29 thru August 4 (Week 3). Scholarships the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. are available! Register Online starting March 1st It is the Lord Christ whom you serve." – Col. 3:23-24 at www.campnazareth.org. *** There is a $20 + + + + + + + + + Early Bird Discount Per Child when you register & Palm Crosses – On Saturday, March pay by May 15th (one-time only, not per week). 31st, we will be making crosses out of the Online Registration MUST be complete AND palms. This activity is geared towards the payment must be submitted by May 15th in order youth, but all are welcome to come! to qualify for the Early Bird Discount. + + + + + + + + + (Registrations after June 15 will incur an additional Paschal Commemorations – We offer you the $20 late fee.) Please see Fr Dave with any opportunity to sponsor items to be used during questions about camping or the scholarships. Holy Week and Pascha as commemorations: Parish Stewardship Opportunities… anonymously, in memory of departed loves ones, As you wish that men would do to you, do so to them. (Lk. 6:31) OR for the health of loved ones. If you are interested - Donate towards a Study Bible in making any of these commemorations, please sign - Sponsor a Coffee Social / Presanctified Meal up on the sheet in the Vestibule and give an - Attend additional services additional free-will stewardship offering to the Church. - Help with the Spring Clean Up + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ORTHODOXY AROUND DA ‘BURGH Support Orthodox Church “Fish Fry’s” – This time of year many churches have fish fries on Coffee Social Steward Schedule Friday’s to help support their missions.
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