ECONOMIC SURVEY 2011 - 12 Government of Goa Directorate of Planning, Statistics & Evaluation Panaji - Goa C O N T E N T S SI. No. Chapter Page No 1 Overview i 2 State Income 1 3 Public Finance 4 4 Institutional Finance 14 5 Infrastructure 23 6 Agriculture and Allied Activities 48 7 Industries 61 8 Rural Development and Panchayats 68 9 Tourism 73 10 Science, Technology & Environment 76 11 Other Sectors 82 ANNEXURES Page No Title No 1 Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of 101 Origin from 2004-05 to 2010-11 (A) at Current Prices. 2 Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of 103 Origin from 2004-05 to 2010-11 (A) at Constant Prices (2004-05 Prices). 3 Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of 105 Origin from 2004-05 to 2010-11 (A) at Current Prices. 4 Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of 107 Origin from 2004-05 to 2010-11 (A) at Constant Prices (2004-05 Prices). 5 Gross State Domestic Product by Broad Sectors at Current 109 Prices. 6 Gross State Domestic Product by Broad Sectors at Constant 109 Prices. 7 Net State Domestic Product by Broad Sectors at Current 110 prices. 8 Net State Domestic Product by Broad Sectors at Constant 110 prices. 9 Sector wise percentage distribution of Gross State Domestic 111 Product at Factor cost by Industry of Origin from 2004-05 to 2010-11 (A) at Current prices. 10 Sector wise percentage distribution of Gross State Domestic 113 Product at Factor cost by Industry of Origin from 2004-05 to 2010-11 (A) at Constant prices (2004-05 Prices). 11 Sector wise percentage distribution of Net State Domestic 115 Product at Factor cost by Industry of Origin from 2004-05 to 2010-11 (A) at Current prices. 12 Sector wise percentage distribution of Net State Domestic 117 Product at Factor cost by Industry of Origin from 2004-05 to 2010-11 (A) at Constant prices (2004-05 Prices). Page No Title No 13 Percentage Growth over previous year of Gross State 119 Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin from 2005-06 to 2010-11 (A) at Current Prices. 14 Percentage Growth over previous year of Gross State 121 Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin from Period 2005-06 to 2010-11 (A) at Constant Prices (2004-05 Prices). 15 Percentage Growth over previous year of Net State 123 Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin from 2005-06 to 2010-11 (A) at Current Prices. 16 Percentage Growth over previous year of Net State 125 Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin from 2005-06 to 2010-11 (A) at Constant Prices (2004-05 Prices). 17 Approved Outlays And Actual Expenditure from Third Five 127 Year Plan 18 Distribution of Vehicles by type for the years 2008-09, 2009- 128 10, 2010-11 & 2011-12 (upto Oct 2011) 19 Number of Vehicles Registered from 1999-00 to 2011-12 129 (upto Oct 2011) 20 Number of Driving Licenses issued as on 31/10/2011 129 (cumulative) 21 Number of Vehicles on Live Register as on 31st March 2011 130 22 Distribution of vehicles under Non-Transport category by 130 approximate value of the vehicle 23 State wise Road Density per 1000 Km2 131 24 Per Capita Consumption of Electricity (kWh) 133 25 Distribution of Operational Holding and Area according to the 134 Size Classes during 2005-06 26 Distribution of Number and Area of Operational Holdings by 134 Five Major Classes of Holdings in 2000-01 and 2005-06 Page No Title No 27 Distribution of Number and Area of Operational Holding 135 according to Individual, Joint and Institutional Holding during 2005-06 28 Taluka wise Distribution of Operational Holdings by Classes 136 in 2005-06 29 Distribution of Co-operative Societies 138 30 Important Characteristics of Cooperative Societies 138 31 Nationality wise Foreign Tourist Arrival during the year 2011 139 (P) 32 Year wise Number of Ration Card Holders 140 33 Allotment and Off take of Food grains for AAY, BPL 140 (Excluding AAY) and APL 34 State wise Sex Ratio (Female per 1000 Males) in India ( As 141 per 1951 to 2011cesus) 35 Important Variety wise Quantity of Inland Fish Catch (in M 142 Tones) 36 Important Variety wise Quantity of Marine Fish catch (in M 143 Tones) 37 Block wise matching grants released to Panchayats 144 38 Block-wise grants for infrastructure Development released to 144 Panchayats 39 Block-wise Income of Panchayats by Broad Heads 2010-11 145 40 Block-wise Expenditure of Panchayats by Broad Heads 145 2010-11 41 Block-wise Total Income and Expenditure of Panchayats 146 42 Revenue Receipts of Commercial Tax 147 43 Head-wise Excise Revenue Receipts collected 148 Page No Title No 44 Net Value Added by Major Industry Division 149 45 Index of Industrial Production 1994-95 to 2009-10 150 46 Industrial and Estatewise detail Regarding Location, Units 151 Functioning and Employment Generated 47 State Union Territories-wise per Capita Deposits and per 152 Capita Credit of Commercial Bank as on March, 2010 48 Review of Performance under Annual Credit Plan 2011-12 153 as on 30.09.2011 49 Comparative Position of Achievement under ACP 2010-11 153 and 2011-12 50 Year wise Number of Children under five years of age who 154 were administered Polio Vaccine from 2004 to 2011 in the various rounds, date wise 51 Number of Beneficiaries under Mediclaim Scheme and 154 amount spent during the last 5 years 52 Pattern of Land Utilization for the year 2010-11 155 53 State wise Estimated Birth rate, Death rate, Natural growth 156 rate and Infant mortality rate, 2009 54 State wise Distribution of Deposits and Credit of Schedule 158 Commercial Bank in India 2009 and 2010 55 Taluka wise growth of Small Scale Industrial Units in Goa as 160 on March, 2011 56 Number of Entrepreneurs who have filed Entrepreneur 162 Memorandum Part-II 57 Year wise and Disease wise claims settled under Mediclaim 163 Scheme Contributors Anand Sherkhane : Director Vijay B. Saxena : Joint Director Jose Veliath : Statistical Officer Mahesh Haldankar : Research Assistant Asha Sambhary : Statistical Assistant Gail Azavedo : Statistical Assistant Shivanand Alornecar : Investigator OVERVIEW CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW oa has impressive socio-economic with 38.20% and primary sector with indicators, some of which are 11.30%. G comparable with many of the developed countries of the sub-continent. Institutional Finance However in order to ensure sustainable and rapid growth which is also more The State can boast of a well knit banking inclusive, large investments would be network, with as many as 586 banking required in the Twelfth Plan for the State to offices as on 30st September 2011. There grow faster. is one bank branch for approximately every 2,500 people. The aggregate deposits of Macroeconomic Perspective Rs. 40617 crore as on September, 2011, has registered an annual growth of 16% The growth rate over previous year in over the previous year. The Credit-Deposit respect of Gross State Domestic Product (CD) ratio of the State as on March 2011 is (GSDP) at constant (2004-05) prices 32% which is much below the desired level depicts that the economy which grew at of 40%. Steps have been taken by the 10.02% in the beginning of the Eleventh State Level Bankers Committee, other Plan i.e. in 2006-07, dropped to a growth banks and the Government to improve the rate of 5.54 % in 2007-08, and in the CD ratio of the State. subsequent two years, the growth of the State’s economy, stabilized at around 10 Agriculture and Allied Services %. However, as per the Advance Estimates for 2010-11, the growth rate has Increased Plan allocation for agriculture dropped down to 8.30 %. and allied services has helped in reversing the downward trend experienced in As per the Advance estimates of GSDP for agriculture sector during the past years. 2010-11, at constant prices, Primary sector registered a growth rate of (-) 1.46%. This Increased spending under Agriculture is attributed to the steep fall in the growth sector has made the State eligible for rate of Mining and Quarrying, which is one availing central grants under the central of the sub-sectors under Primary Sector. scheme of “Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana.” Secondary Sector registered an increase in its growth rate from 5.70% in 2008-09 to The conducive environment created in this 8.77% in 2009-10. However, in 2010-11 its sector has motivated many a farmers to growth rate dropped to 6.80%. Tertiary take up agriculture seriously. The Sector which had a growth rate of 15.26% contribution of agriculture to GSDP at in 2008-09, witnessed a downward trend constant (2004-05) prices, in 2010-11 is with a growth rate of 11.13 % in 2009-10 3.15%. The negative growth of -10.38% and stood at 11.98% in 2010-11. under Agriculture sector in 2008-09, increased to 5.37% in 2009-10(Q). Sector-wise composition of GSDP at However in 2010-11, the growth rate constant (2004-05) prices show that dropped down to 1.54%. Teritary Sector accounted for 50.51 % of the GSDP followed by secondary sector The Goa State Horticulture Corporation through its network of 427 outlets and 14 Economic Survey 2011-12 Page i OVERVIEW CHAPTER 1 mobile vans caters to over 27,000 people Power per day supplying approximately 100 tonnes of vegetables per day to the The State does not have power generation common man at subsidized prices.
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