PAGE TWENTY-W O ' THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1972 Manrt;(0ter lEnming l|(raUi Summer The Weather Fair tonight, low in me 60s. Teen Space Saturday warm and partly cloudy with a chance of after­ Clerk Wins Super-75 Page 12 noon showers, high about 80. John Bonraek onDU A F f c — llftiti B3. Smith of Oftrioiii and Mancheater— A City of Village Charm The funeral of John Bonczek of T h f S n u m i f Joday Boynfon Beach, Fla., of formerly VOL. XCI, NO. 266 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1972 (Classified Advertising on Page 17) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS of Manchester, who died Tuesday in the Connecticut State prues include $6,ooo at a Boynton Beach hospital, will Lottery was 24060. earlier weekly draw- be tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. from STRATFORD, Conn. (AP) — _____ the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 The top prlae of $78,000 In the Main St., with a Mass at St. “Super 78" drawing of the Con­ Bay Slate Winner John's Polish National Catholic necticut state lottery today BEVERLY, Mass. (AP) — „A McCartney, Church at 9. Burial will be in St. went to Hilda 'V. LeRoy, 86, of crowd of 800 watched in chilly John's Polish National Catholic New Haven. ' weather this morning as local Wife Post House Rejects Church Cemetery. A department store clerk, ^ate officials drew this m A prayer service will be held Miss LeRoy said she would put week’s state lottery number— tonight at 8:30 at the funeral the money In the bank and dc- 21b628. Drugs Bond home clde later how to use it. The serial number for the Joseph Moscato, 47, of West sixth Million Dollar Oame, ap- aO ’TKBORO, Sweden (AP) — Haven won $20,000 and $10,000 plying to tickets of July 20 and Paul MeCktriney, his American Mrs. Rose M. Foster prizes went to Anna E. Poplck 27 and Aug. 8 and 10, was 067. wife Linda and his drummer Pullout Order Coventry---- Mrs. Rose M. of Warehouse Point, Cruclano Lottery spokesman Dave posted a $2,100 bond wtm me Simmons Foster, 79, of Bellevue DlBclla of Old Saybrook. Mild- Ellis said there was one winner narcotics police early today WASHINGTON (AP) — The R-Ohlo, an author of the direc­ ing to extend the w ar 90 days Dr. and Sebastain, Fla., died red Llllman of New Haven, WU- in the crowd, taking $28.______ after admitting they had im­ House has given President Nix­ tive, said Dec, 31 was simply a to pick up more votes. ported marijuana smoke during on a victory and almost en­ more realistic withdrawal peri­ The previous closest direct yesterday at a Rocky Hill con­ sured a new struggle wim me od and would ease partisan pol­ vote was the 238-163 House re­ valescent home. She was the a Scandinavian tour, police said. Senate by rejecting a directive itics by setting the date well jection last November of a widow of Eiarl Foster. T h e police said me to puli all U.S. forces out of the after the November presiden­ measure to cut off war funds Mrs. Foster was bom on E^st Quang Tri Split McCartneys and drummer Dan­ Indochina war by Oct. 1. tial election. by mis past July 1. Wallingford and had lived in ny Selwell would be fined an Thursday’s 228-178 tally was But Rep. Wayne L. Hays, D- House antiwar forces mus­ Coventry for the past 33 years. amount not exceeding the bond the closest direct House vote Ohio, and Republican Leader tered 175 and 193 votes on She also had a winter home in mey had posted. ever oh ending the war, but the Gerald R. Ford accused the di­ Sebastain. She was a member of ’They could also be expelled margin was far wider man ei­ rective’s backers of being will­ (See Page Twenty) the Women s Social Christian As Allies Fight from the country, but there was ther backers or opponents had Society of Roseland, Fla. no Indication mat this would be predicted. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. done. ”We will go ahead wim After striking out the war di­ Elizabeth J. Cowles of our tour as planned,” said rective, the House passed a Newington. Toward Citadel McCarmey- $2.1-bllilon forelgn-mllitary-ald Police questioned me trio for bill, 221 to 172, and sent it to Funeral services will be Satur­ (Continued from Page One) were not known. nearly four hours Tnursday the Senate. Enemy Batters, day at II a m. at the Rose Hill South Vietnamese in- night after intercepting just Funeral Home, 580 Elm St., demilitarized zone. The planes , ^ There it faces the danger of Paw to King^s Knight Seven dropped 1,500 tons of bombs in over five ounces of cannabis, as getting the same treatment the Rocky Hill. Burial will be in Rose marijuana is known in Europe, The ancient and honorable figrht between dogs and cats may have seiwers of this match said the dalmatian soon resigned and chased the southern panhandle of North Vietnamese troops In a Senate gave Its own military- Hill Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. mat had been mailed from reached a more sophisticated level this summer in response to his opponent up a tree. North Vietnam, Inside the DMZ two-hour fight near Hill 172 assistance bill: approval of a Allied Forces, Friends may call at the funeral itself, on the v^estem flanks of about two miles east of An Britain to me former Beatle’s rider cutting off money for me the popularity of the ongoing world chess championship. Ob- (AP photo) new pop group, the Wings. home tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 Quang Trl City and Hue, and In 60 miles north of Saigon. The war in four months and men to 9 p.m. also recaptured ’The police said me m ree con­ defeat of the whole bill. the Que Son Valley. fessed that mey often had par­ Memorial contributions may be A U.S. Air Force F4 Phantom . 108MM .how- . The fight then would turn to made to the Newington Fury of Agnes attacking North Vietnamese “’.at had been used by cels of marijuana sent to them keeping military aid alive on Cuts Highway from London when on tour. Volunteer Ambulance Service. German Magazin e Ra ided „ . « ^ V .... troop positions about 15 miles ‘he North Vietnamese to shell an interim basis pending offi­ (Continued from Page One) old mortgages of families suf- _n,,thwe«t of Hue wna hit bv An Loc. The only South Vlet- McCartney quit me Beatles in cial revival later. SAJGON (AP)—Communist forces made sapper and 1970 and formed me Wings last BONN (AP) — Coordinated volved. There was speculation said they obtained search war- ferlng heavy losses from namese losses re^^^ The House rejected the Oct. t shelling attacks on a number of South Vietnamese posi­ r and some officials fear it aotioq a u i o m a 11 c weapons lire ___ winter. His wife, who is me raids on a magazine's offices in that state prosecution officials rants after additional evidence ,, j e w Wednesday. The two crewmen two men wounded, pullout directive after Nixon tions toda.v, inflicting more tlian 100 casualties in one may never recover. Romney called Schapp s plan ch,„^ Vietnam News Agen- daughter of New York lawyer backers contended it would dis- Congress three cities led to accusations launchail the raids to expose strengthened suspicions of tax Lee Eastman, is a member of assault, and cut Highway 13 again witli fierce fighting In Ellicott City. Md. .some t’" ’'®’’ demagogic ^ rescue helicopter picked cy claimed that Cambodian Frishee-Ballet and denials today in what was the leak of secret documents evasion, bribery and misuse of me group, and Selwell is an nipt his efforts to negotiate Between Saigon and An Loc. described as the biggest legal published in the past by the official documents. entrepreneurs are giving tours “ e governor was In- jg minutes later. rebels on Monday overran the peace—and his critics argued The targets of the North Viet­ May Quit TrsfciH ooiH „ho..o,ao o o jectlng political Issues into the American who played on gui­ Frisbee throwing fills action against a 'news organ Hamburg-based magazine. Irsfeld said, charges of theft of flood areas at 50 cents a DroMe^m^^rfl^'Lownroblem of flood recoverv clouds curtailed U.S. town of Kompong Trabel^ 85 out a balmy summer that only Congress can make namese and Viet Cong included to storm the North Vietnamese tarist McCarmey's last record him negotiate a prompt pullout. since the Spiegal affair toppled Quick's publication of a con- andnd concealment of stolen prop- . __ ““I o>T .. recovery7.'. f.^htpr bomber strikes mrainst miles west of Saigon and 18 album .. day for Daphnae Ber­ the Lai lUie base camp about but were driven back. Two ar­ the government in 1962. fidential letter of resignation by erty also were being le. '’“th profits going to Shouting to make himself . miles fmm the terder. The No one, including Rep. Lee 30 miles north of Saigon, the Sept. 30 storm victims. The tour in- heard, Romney said, "It's ro- North Vietnam Wednesday, the miles from the border. The .’They were arrested back- ry of Las Cruces, N.M. mored vehicles were knocked Chancellor Willy Brandt's former Economics and Finance vestigated. nation of U.S. Command said. It reported Communist news ^mey Hamilton, D-Ind., chief aumor town of Cam Ranh at Cam out by rocket grenades, and eludes hollow stores on West ing to take a combinationnation OI__ .
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