710 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 28, By 1\:Ir. TAYLOR of Ohio: A bill (H. R. 7039) for the relief By Mr. KENDALL: Petition of citizens of Richland and of the heirs of John A.. Turner; to the Committee on Claims. Keota, Iowa, against parcels post; to the Committee on the By l\fr. THISTLEWOOD: A bill (H. R. 7940) granting an Post Office and Post Roads. · increase of pension to Thomas Fish; to the Committee on In­ By Mr. O'SHAUNESSY: Petition of Thomas J. Goodman, of valid Pensions. Providence, and numerous other citizens of Rhode Island, favor­ By l\fr. TURNBULL: A bill (Il. R. 7941) to carry out the ing the department of health; to the Committee on Expendi­ findings of the Court of Claims in the cases herein enumerated; tures in the Interior Department. to the Committee on War Claims. By l\fr. PLUMLEY: Papers to accompany bills for relief of By Mr. WEDEMEYER: A bill (H. R. 7942) granting a pen­ Caleb P. Nash, Wayland A. Strong, David Bolles, Fredrick A. sion to Rosalia A. Butts; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Fish, John F. Abbott, Charles El Shepard, Carl H. Ellis, Oscar By l\fr. WILLIS: A bill (II. R. 7043) granting an increase of L. Pike, Alfred E. Ames, and Charles Carr; to the Committee pension to John M. Williams; to the Committee on lnyalid on Invalid Pensions. Pensions. By l\fr. PRAY: Petition of citizens of Waldheim, Mont., in By Mr. WILSON of Pennsylvania: A bill (H. R. 7944) grant­ favor of parcels post; to the Committee on the Post Office and ing an increase of pen.sion to John H. Cox; to the Committee on Post Roads. Invalid Pensions. Also, petition of City Council of Helena, Mont., and F. J. Also a bill (H. R. 7945) granting an increase of pension to Edwards, mayor, and J. A. Mattson, city clerk, for abrogation John W. French; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of treaty with Russia of 1832; to the Committee on Foreign Also a bill (H. R. 7946) granting an increase of pension to Affairs. Samuei M. Wakely; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, petition of Typographical Union No. 255, Anaconda, Aiso a bill (H. R. 7947) granting an increase of pension to l\font., for reduction of duty on oleomargarine; to the Com­ Lyma~ Toombs; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. mittee on ·Agriculture. Also a bill (H. R. 7948 ) granting an increase of pension to By l\fr. ROBERTS of Massachusetts: Petitions of Carolina Georg~ Marker ; to the Committee on Pensions. Bagging Co., against admitting jute into this country free; New Also a bill (II. R. 7940) granting an increase of pension to England Shoe and Leather Association, protesting against placing Joseph S. Morris; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. leather, boots, and shoes on the free list; and New England Also a bill (H. R. 7950) granting an increase of pension to Shoe 'Vholesalers' Association, Boston, Mass., favoring a per­ Charle~ L. Leonhardt; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. manent, independent tariff commission or board; to the Com­ Also a bill (II. R. 7951) granting an increase of pension to mittee on Ways and Means. Geor"~ F. Baxter; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By l\fr. STEPHENS of California: Petitions of the Spauld­ Al;o a bill (H. R. 7952) granting a pension to Charlotte L, ing Chapter of the American Woman's League, Compton, Cal., Kizer.' to the Committee on InYalid Pensions. numbering 63, favoring a speedy hearing of the Bartholdt indem­ Als~ a bill (H. R. 7953) granting a pension to Amancla nity bill; American Woman's League of Huntington Park, Long Neufe~ · to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Branch, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino, and Los Angeles By Mr. WOODS of Iowa: A bill (H. R. 7054) for the relief Chapter, Los Angeles, all in the State of California, in favor of of Jacob l\f. Cooper; to the Committee on Military Affairs. the Bartholclt indemnity bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, a bill (H. R. 7955) for the relief of John T. Watson; to By Mr. TUTTLE: Resolutions of Sterling Camp, No. 11, Pa­ the Committee on Military Affairs. triotic Order Sons of America, urging passage of illiteracy test; By Mr. FOSTER of Illinois: A bill (II. ll. 7956) to remove to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. the charge of desertion from the record of Brice Prater; to the By Mr. VOLSTEAD: Petition of citizens of the Northwest Committee on Military Affairs. against Canadian reciprocity; to the Committee on Ways and Also, a bill (H. R. 7057) to remove the cha~ge of clesertion Means. from the record of Jubal Grant and to grant him an honorable By l\fr. WOOD of New Jersey: Petition of W. J. McLaughlin discharge; to the Committee on Military Affairs. and F. 0. Lozier, of Trenton, N. J., urging the repeal of the duty on lemons; to the Committee on Ways and Means. PETITIONS, ·ETC. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's clesk and referred as follows: By Mr. ALLEN: Resolutions of Stereotypers' Union No. 5, SENATE. of Cincinnati, Ohio, favoring Canadian reciprocity; to the Com­ mittee on Ways and Means. FRIDAY, April 28, 1911. · By Mr. DRAPER: Petition of the New England Shoe & . Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. Leather Association, against putting leather, boots, and shoes The Journal of yesterclay's proceedings was reacl and approved. on the free list; to the Committee on Ways and l\feans. By l\fr. FORNES : Petition of Carolina Bagging Co., against MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. jute being admitted free on farmers' free list; to the Com­ A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. South, mittee on Ways and Means. its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed the fol­ Also, petition of New England Shoe & Leather Co., protesting lowing bill and joint resolutions, in which it requested the con­ against placing leather, boots, and shoes on free list; to the currence of the Senate: Committee on Ways and Means. H. R. 2983. An act for the apportionment of Representatives in By Mr. FULLER: Papers to accompany a bi11 for the relief Congress among the seyeral States under the Thirteenth Census. of John H. Kohr; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. R. J. Res. 1. Joint resolution to correct errors in the enroll­ Also, petition of the New England Shoe & Leather Association, ment of certain appropriation acts approYcd Marcll 4, 1911; opposing the placing of leather, boots, and shoes on the free R. J. Res. 2. Joint resolution making appropriations for the list; to the Committee on Ways and Means. payment of certain expenses incident to the first session of the By Mr. GARDNER of .Massachusetts: Resolutions of Central Sixty-second Congress; Council, Irish County Clubs, of Boston, Mass., against any II. J. Res. 3. Joint resolution making irnmecliately available arbitration treaty with Great Britain; to the Committee on the appropriations for mileage of Senators ancl of Members of Foreign Affairs. the House of Representatives; and Also, petition of Cape Ann Branch, The Granite Cutters' In­ . R. J. Res. 38. Joint resolution to grant authority to the Amer­ ternational Association of America, of Rockport, Mass., favoring ican Red Cross to erect temporary structures in Potomac Park, a repeal of the 10-cent tax on oleomargarine; to the Committee Washington, D. C. on Agriculture. Also, resolutions of New England Shoe Wholesalers' Associa­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. tion, favoring nonpartisan tariff board or commission; to the The VICE PRESIDENT presented a petition of the president Committee on Ways and Means. of the Woman's IIome Missionary Auxiliary of the Methodist By Mr. HANNA: Petitions of citizens of North Dakota, favor­ Episcopal Church of Bristol, Ind., praying for the enactment of ing the Hanna bill provicling for additional compensation to the legislation to restrict the sale and traffic in opium, which was rural free-delivery carriers; J. B. Sessions, Fargo, N. Dak., referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. against parcels post; and citizens of Brooklyn Township, He also presented a memorial of :Minisink Grange, No. 907, Williams County, N. Dak., favoring parcels post; to the Com­ Patrons of Husbandry, of Unionville, N. Y., remonstrating mittee on the Post Office and Post Roads. against the ratification of the proposed reciprocal trade agree­ Also, petition of numerous citizens of North Dakota, against ment between the United States and Canada, which was re­ Canadian reciprocity; to the Committee on Ways and 1\feans. ferred to the Committee on Finance. 1911. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 711 l\:Ir. KENYON presented petitions of sundry citizens of Des meeting of Local Union No. 25, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Moines and Polk County, in the State of Iowa, praying that held at 'Ballston Spa, N. Y., and · the memorial of Patrick J. Italian lemons be placed on the free list, which were referred. to McCarthy, district secretary treasurer, Order of Knights of the Committee on Finance. · LalJor, of Boston, l\fass., remonstrating against the ratification Ile also presented a petition of the Lyon Township .Agricul- of the proposed reciprocal trade agreement between the United turn.I Club, of Inwood, Iowa, praying for the passage of the so- States and Canada, which were referred to tlle Committee on called parcels-post ~ill, which was referred to the Committee Finance. on Post Offices and Post Iloads. Mr. WETMORE presented a petition of the Federation of Mr. BR.ANDEGEE presented memorials of sundry citizens of Churches_and Christian Worl,rnrs in the State of Rhode Island, \.Vaterl.mry, Naugatuck, New Britain, Union City, and Torring- praying for the passage of the so-called parcels-post bill, which ton, all in the State of Connecticut, remonstrating against the was referred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post Ilonds.
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