Summons to Meeting Thursday 16 February 2017 Development Panel Tuesday 28 February 2017, 1.00 pm Council Chamber, Allerdale House Membership: Councillor Peter Bales (Chair) Councillor Carole Armstrong (Vice-Chair) Councillor Nicky Cockburn Councillor Adrian Davis-Johnston Councillor Janet Farebrother Councillor Malcolm Grainger Councillor Mark Jenkinson Councillor Billy Miskelly Councillor Ron Munby Councillor Jim Osborn Councillor Bill Pegram Councillor David Wilson Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have any questions or queries contact Dean Devine on 01900 702556. Agenda 1. Minutes (Pages 1 - 8) To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 1 November, 29 November and 20 December 2016. 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Declaration of Interests Councillors/Staff to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, other registrable interest or any other interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. 4. Questions To answer questions from Councillors and members of the public – submitted in writing or by electronic mail no later than 5.00pm, 2 working days before the meeting. 5. 2/2016/0668 - Demolition of disused barn and change of use of land to incorporate two holiday lodges (Resubmission of 2/2016/0364) - Ellen Hall, Gilcrux, Wigton (Pages 9 - 18) http://planning.allerdale.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=1 49484 6. 2/2016/0747 - Outline application for residential development including access - Part Field 7800, Newton Arlosh, Wigton (Pages 19 - 32) http://planning.allerdale.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=1 51579 7. 2/2016/0606 - Provide new tourist accommodation, this will be in the form of a touring caravan park and static camping pod area, with associated parking and sanitary facilities - Melbreak Hotel, Winscales Road, Little Clifton (Pages 33 - 46) http://planning.allerdale.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=1 48258 8. 2/2016/0774 - Advertisement consent for a single hoarding sign and stone faced forecourt sign (Resubmission) - Premier Inn, Egremont Road, Cockermouth (Pages 47 - 54) http://planning.allerdale.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=1 52088 Deputy Monitoring Officer Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 21 March 2017, 1.00 pm Council Chamber, Allerdale House Agenda Item 1 At a meeting of the Development Panel held in Council Chamber, Allerdale House on Tuesday 1 November 2016 at 1.00 pm Members P Bales (Chairman) T Annison B Miskelly C M Armstrong R Munby A Davis-Johnston J Osborn J Farebrother B Pegram M Fitzgerald D Wilson M Grainger Apologies for absence were received from Councillor N Cockburn Staff Present B Carlin, D Devine, A Gilbert, K Kerrigan, C Liddle, A Seekings, S Sewell and G Wilson 230 Minutes The minutes of the meetings held on 16 August, 6 September, 27 September and 18 October 2016 were signed as a correct record. 231 Declaration of Interests None declared. 232 Questions None received. 233 CON4/2014/0350 - Compliance with condition 6 as amended under planning approval AM/2014/0350 relating to noise - Dovenby Hall, Dovenby, Cockermouth Representations Peter Nicholson, Bill Carr, Ian Chambers, Michael Fossey (both on his own behalf and on behalf of Michael White) and Eleanor Carr spoke in objection the application. Councillor N Cockburn spoke on the application as Ward Councillor. The agent, Eddie Ward, spoke on the application. Application The Head of Development Services recommended approval. Page 1 The Head of Development Services outlined the application and detailed the main issues within the report as follows: Acceptability of Noise Management Plan: The fundamental principles of the Noise Management Plan were agreed through the grant of planning permission for the M Sport testing and evaluation centre at Dovenby Hall. Condition 6 attached to this permission requires the updated NMP to be based on these principles. The main issues to be agreed through the approval of this updated NMP are the control levels for LAeq 5 minutes and LAmax. The levels now proposed have been arrived at taking into account advice from specialist acoustic consultants appointed by the Council and detailed consideration of the existing noise climate in the vicinity of the site. The basic principles of the noise monitoring methodology i.e. the use of trackside monitoring, are as previously agreed and are considered acceptable. The precise details of the number and location of the monitors have yet to be agreed and it is considered more appropriate that this level of technical detail be agreed as part of the physical testing process and before the operational use of the track commences. It is considered that the proposed noise management plan puts in place a number of complementary control measures that balance the operational requirements of the test facility whilst safeguarding the amenity of local residents, which was the purpose of imposing the planning condition. Members noted the representations received in respect of the application, the main grounds of which were set out in the report. Councillor C Armstrong moved that the application be approved subject to an amendment to paragraph 6.1 of the Noise Management Plan to ensure that in relation to the controlled noise levels “measurements will be undertaken in the worst case position, whether that is free field or façade” and that approval of the amendment be delegated to the Head of Development Services in consultation with the Head of Housing and Health and that where further technical approval is required in accordance with the approved Noise Management Plan, such approval be delegated to the Head of Development Services, in consultation with the Head of Housing and Health. Councillor B Pegram seconded. A vote was taken; 10 in favour of approval, 2 against. The motion in favour of approval was carried. Decision Approved The meeting closed at 3.55 pm Page 2 At a meeting of the Development Panel held in Council Chamber, Allerdale House on Tuesday 29 November 2016 at 1.00 pm Members P Bales (Chairman) A Davis-Johnston B Miskelly J Farebrother R Munby M Fitzgerald J Osborn M Grainger B Pegram M Jenkinson D Wilson F Johnston Apologies for absence were received from Councillors C M Armstrong and N Cockburn Staff Present B Carlin, H Carruthers, C Chambers, D Devine, K Kerrigan and S Sewell 276 Declaration of Interests None declared. 277 Questions None received. 278 2/2016/0606 - Provide new tourist accommodation - Melbreak Hotel, Winscales Road, Little Clifton, Workington - Provide new tourist accommodation, this will be in the form of a touring caravan park and static camping pod area, with associated parking and sanitary facilities Item deferred. 279 2/2016/0668 - Two holiday cottages - Ellen Hall, Gilcrux, Wigton - Demolition of disused barn and change of use of land to incorporate two holiday lodges (resubmission of 2/2016/0364) Representations The agent, Stuart Woodall, spoke on the application. Application The Senior Planning Officer recommended refusal The Senior Planning Officer outlined the application and detailed the main issues within the report as follows: Page 3 Siting Not considered acceptable due to flood risk. Design and materials Design and materials considered acceptable. Residential amenity No significant effects on residential amenity. Access and parking No highway objections subject to conditions. Drainage A suitable scheme can be achieved. Flood Risk Unacceptable development within Flood Zone 3. Sequential test has not been satisfied. Members noted the representations received in respect of the application, the main grounds of which were set out in the report The Senior Planning Officer informed members that additional information in support of the application had been received. Councillor M Fitzgerald moved that members considered that the sequential test had been satisfied and that the application be deferred to enable the Environment Agency to be consulted on the flood risk assessment and exception test. Councillor A Davis-Johnston seconded. A vote was taken; 9 in favour of deferral, 3 against. The motion in favour of deferral was carried. Decision Deferred The meeting closed at 1.37 pm Page 4 At a meeting of the Development Panel held in Council Chamber, Allerdale House on Tuesday 20 December 2016 at 1.00 pm Members P Bales (Chairman) C M Armstrong F Johnston A Davis-Johnston R Munby J Farebrother J Osborn M Fitzgerald B Pegram M Grainger D Wilson M Jenkinson Apologies for absence were received from Councillors N Cockburn and B Miskelly Staff Present H Carruthers, D Devine, J Eaton, C Fleming, K Kerrigan and A Seekings 302 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2016 were signed as a correct record. 303 Declaration of Interests None declared. 304 Questions None received. 305 2/2016/0655 - Variation of condition 2 and 7 on planning approval 2/2014/0089 - Land at Longcroft House, Grayson Green, High Harrington Application withdrawn. 306 2/2016/0686 - Outline application for erection of four dwellings with all matters reserved - Fair View, Winscales Road, Workington Representations The agent, Eric Telford, spoke on the application Application The Planning Officer recommended refusal The Planning Officer outlined the application and detailed the main issues within the report as follows: Page 5 Principle of Development The proposed development of four dwellings is considered unsustainable at this open countryside location and would undermine the Council's housing strategy and settlement hierarchy. The proposed development would not satisfy any of the housing exceptions within Policy S3 that considers residential development in the open countryside. Reserved matters The application has been submitted and validated as an outline application with all matters reserved. Site access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping are the reserved matters and are not subject of this application. The layout provided by the applicant is illustrative only and not a material consideration at this outline stage.
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