April 2, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E643 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS REMEMBERING FORMER TRENTON promise and opportunity for this and future GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH AND MAYOR TOMMIE GOODWIN generations. DATA MANAGEMENT ACT OF 2003 The spirit of community service is alive and HON. JOHN S. TANNER thriving in Fremont, in some major part due to HON. MARK UDALL OF TENNESSEE the efforts of the members of the Mission San OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jose Rotary Club. I am honored to commend IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, April 2, 2003 the Mission San Jose Rotary Club for its 20 Wednesday, April 2, 2003 years of generous service to the community. Mr. TANNER. Mr. Speaker, today I want to Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, today tell you about Tommie Goodwin, a fine public I am pleased to introduce the Global Change servant who dedicated himself to the people of f Research and Data Management Act of 2003. This bill updates the existing law that formally Tennessee during a distinguished 20-year ten- RECOGNITION TO MR. BILL CLARK ure as mayor of the City of Trenton, Ten- established the U.S. Global Change Research nessee. Program (USGCRP) in 1990. This bill is also Tommie first became mayor of Trenton in similar to the Global Change Research and 1983 and served honorably in that capacity HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Data Management Act that I introduced in the until his passing last year. Under Mayor Good- OF NEW JERSEY 107th Congress. Over the past decade, the USGCRP has win’s leadership, our community made great IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES strides in economic development and improve- significantly advanced our scientific knowledge ments in the quality of life of our citizens. Wednesday, April 2, 2003 of Earth’s atmosphere and climate and has Mayor Goodwin’s service was also bene- provided us with a wealth of new data and in- ficial to our neighbors throughout Gibson Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I would like to formation about the functioning of our planet. County and the state of Tennessee, leading to draw the attention of my colleagues to the ac- However, the program has not produced his recognition as Mayor of the Year in 2000 complishments of Mr. Bill Clark, the executive sufficient information, in terms of both content by the Tennessee Municipal League. producer of the Emmy Award-winning police and format, to be the basis for sound deci- Tommie Goodwin cared deeply about those drama ‘‘NYPD BLUE.’’ Mr. Clark is being hon- sions. The program has focused nearly all of around him, and that was clear in the dedi- ored with the National Police Defense Founda- its resources and efforts on scientific inquiry. cated service he provided to our neighbors in tion’s ‘‘Man of the Year’’ award for his work on Only one broad assessment of the impact of Trenton. While we all miss Tommie, we will NYPD BLUE and his longtime dedication to global change on society has ever been at- never be able to forget all he did for Ten- law enforcement. tempted by the program, and that assessment nessee. was completed nearly seven years after its Bill Clark was born in St. John’s Newfound- Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me in hon- Congressionally mandated deadline. The local, oring a distinguished public servant, an out- land. Later he and his family moved to Brook- state, regional, and national policymakers re- standing citizen and my friend, Mr. Tommie lyn, New York where he spent most of his sponsible for managing resources, fostering Goodwin. childhood. He joined the U.S. Army at age 17 economic development, and responding to and proudly served his country with tours of f natural disasters need information to guide duty in Europe and Vietnam. After serving in their decisions. In my view, it is critical that HONORING MISSION SAN JOSE RO- the Army, Mr. Clark joined the New York City Congress reorient the USGCRP toward a TARY CLUB’S 20TH ANNIVER- Police Department in 1969 and earned his user-driven research endeavor. SARY gold detective shield in 1972. While on the Most people agree that the climate is NYPD, Mr. Clark attended the New York Insti- changing, but there is widespread disagree- HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK tute of Technology on the G.I. Bill and grad- ment about how much is the result of human OF CALIFORNIA uated with a B.A. in Criminal Justice. He also activities. I think this bill deserves the support IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES entered the Army Reserve at the rank of Staff of people on both sides of that argument. We need to move beyond debates about Wednesday, April 2, 2003 Sergeant and retired in 1989 as a major. On December 31, 1994, Mr. Clark retired from the whether global change is occurring and allo- Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Queens Homicide Squad as a first grade de- cating responsibility for the changes. I con- honor the Mission San Jose Rotary Club, tective. tinue to believe fervently that we must do all which is celebrating its 20th anniversary in our we can to soften our impact on the environ- community. This club has distinguished itself Mr. Clark subsequently joined the NYPD ment and to slow the pace of global change. among the elite service clubs in this country. BLUE team as a technical consultant during But we are going to have to deal with climate Mission San Jose Rotary has completed the show’s first season. Later, he was able to change with some mix of mitigation and adap- more than 60 projects benefiting many non- add to the show’s authenticity by drawing on tation. We must acknowledge the interdepend- profit organizations and restoring buildings of his 25 years of experience with New York un- ence of our social, economic and environ- historical significance in our community. The dercover and homicide units. As executive mental systems and learn to anticipate and members of this club have assisted in making producer, Mr. Clark continues to ensure that adjust to changes that will inevitably occur. a college education a possibility for over 80 the series accurately and realistically portrays In its recent review of the Administration’s scholars; have provided over $400,000 for the work of New York City detectives. Mr. draft strategic plan for the USGCRP, the Na- charities; and have made major contributions Clark also coauthored the book True Blue: tional Academy of Sciences acknowledged the to the Rotary International Polio Plus cam- The real stories Behind NYPD Blue. need for research to evaluate strategies to paign, with a goal to eradicate polio from the Currently, Mr. Clark is married to Karen, a mitigate and adapt to the impacts of global face of the earth by 2005. former NYPD lieutenant. Together they enjoy change, and the Academy recommended that The Rotary Club has provided water wells to the plan be revised to enhance efforts to sup- spending time with their daughters Natalie, Central America and built houses in Mexico. port decision-making. The Global Change Re- Jennifer and Kristine. This club has received local acclaim for its search and Data Management Act of 2003 re- chili cooking, and it prepares and serves many On this day I ask that my fellow colleagues orients the program to accomplish these thousands of meals at the Centerville Free join me in commending Mr. Clark for both his goals. Dining Room. The generous and concerned longtime service to the NYPD and his com- The NAS praised the Administration for in- individuals who are members of this club mendable work as executive producer of cluding the development of decision support reach out and make a difference, ensuring NYPD BLUE. tools in the strategic plan, but criticized the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 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