'HE DAILY LEADER. •.N•iRECEDENTED Al'iRACTIONI LAND IN THE WEST. Over aMillion Distribetid, . /H. GOODRIC H, GRHEAT PALLS, XONTA?,A. 9 '0 DEALEt IN :I,.L KINDS OF UNCLE SAM'S BIG FARM, WHERE THE i T6AI The Offildl ewspaper of Cascade County. PLOW HAS NOT YET BEEN. Dail' Published every Morning Except Mondays. Now o G.t a Home Out of I -Methd Weekly Issued EveryWednesday. LOUISIANASTATE LOTTERY COMPANY of Obtalales a Title Umler the Varios lncorporated by the Legislatur for Educatot- Land Acts-It Is Comlparatvely Ease to THE Lath, Shingles and Building Material, al and Chrltable upourp sit liMafranchlsem a partof the present tate Consituto, in 189 Get 480 Acresa ACity of Wonderful Surroundings! Doors, Windows, Mouldings, hdishld i the Lear Publishing Co.by an overwhelming popular majority. H. P. OLFE, Manager. Its MAMMO H DRAWINGO take place There are thousands of acres of vacant and 8eml-Annaai1v, (Juneand Decemnber, -nd "(•'1 THWES'T'ER N Finishing Lumber. Its GRAND INGOLE NUMBIER DRAW- land which can be had at almost a nomi- emieat At en am as eri.ammea As u:n'me.en•ss INGS take place in each of the other ten nal price. In rzo: t in ,:::.cc~i it requires months in ihe year, and are all drawn In and cultiv.- publle at the Academy of Music, New Or- only settlement, residence ACity of Unrivaled Attractions! TIOh l OF SUBSCBIPTION, tion for a few years to obtain full and G(UARANTY COAL a n d WOOD. FAMED for TWENTY YEARS complete title to the land. The situation DAILT, Y XVU.Pe SAGo PRAIDn. is much different from what it is In the ................................. I1W For ltegrity of its Drawngs, aid Propi east, where a young farmer must run in LOAN Pament of Prizes, debt to buy a few acres of land and be The Home for the Sons of the Office---Central Avenue, with Barnes &Collett, and Rocky Moun- kept in debt for years. One crop of ten Attested as follows: acres will pay the cost for building and COMPANY 'Wedo herety cndtl4 that we supervlse the Pilgrim Fathers! tain Telegraph Company. forall the Monthly and Semi-An- tools obtaining 10 arH o wel of the Louisiana S snLooter There are several ways of I sllacredbJ Os . Per Weed............: First is Capital $2,000,000. Office and Yards---4th Ave. and Ist St.,---West side R.R. Tracks Dhnwiga thmee aes alnd thathe same ae con- title to agricultural lands. 10 The first ISRANCHi O 1 CE--- CENTRAL AVENUE., OPPOSITE PARK HOTEL. a" "r Month....... duAted with honesty fairn and in god faith under the pre-emption laws. Money to +::,:ion imilrov'l city prolerty and Yeasr............. 10 towrdall parties, and we authorze the company requisite is to make settlement upon the Fosvil ands, or: tlrll nLxmonths to iveyeara tinle. to ethssrtfcaitewthA faelmlies o our ai. The Land of the Free and the II. O. CIiOWEN. Agent. ntures attiched, in ts dvatertlsement land. Settlement connsits of any acts i .flnu opposit' Park hoteL nmayl-tf }I.O. CHOW) N, PRESTON KING, F. I. WILC0 which show the intention of the settles Pi'vsldeLt. Vice-Presidenlt. Se. Treas. WTbhe dfulaam of the DAILYand WialT to claim the land as a pre-emption. It Home of the Brave! lAls> eefhectodt no thsr newspaper publisi- HELENA bi MentinesTIWEIR. may be, for instance, the building of a cellar, or starting the foundation of a ti rsn4a deetltbei LeAmE served at house, or building of a fence. rand Central Hotel Cataract Mill Company ebpleseptI"us at b ee.adnotlcr Having this settlement upon the land, The Home of Health, Wealth and hfl i1 e, es, news. eespon.Ienc., within three months the settler must file statement in the United to a declaratory 'iEEa & RINDA, Proorietors. mrsaetit, ete., mut be asdresse Ceommlstonerms States office and pay a fee of 38. With. Happiness! I xerohant Milldrs. THE L•EADE PUB. CO. We the ndmisned Banks andBank•nrswl-pay in two years and nine months he must ILe Leadulig tt'•el in the Territory. Head al Prsss drawn t the Louisiana State Lotteries Flour: which amaybe preeentedat oaurcounters: get upon the land and reside thereon fo. quarters fir all Traveling Men and Manufacturers of the following Brands of High-Grade TIe Lam•u PI omp&iWn g •.I not ab:~eRX.WALKSLEYPres, LenlalanaNni. Bk. six months. By a decision of the land Leading Business Men. ro and will noipey, deO ac by snyore PIERRE LANAe, Pres. State Nat'l. Bk. office, it is not necessary for a party to save tin uunai• No receitr wll be honored A. BALDWIN, Pren New Orinlleana t BSk. Glory of the Hand Diamond, Cataract, Gold Dust, Silver Leaf and whk dow notbeer t snatre of themans r. live upon the land until lsx months be- The Crowning fore he makes final proof, but he must Fine SIIle froaoms Connected, Golden Fleece. The drenation Cf tbel.ends is doubletbat of GRAND MONTHLY DRAWINGS, live there at least six months and make of Creation! U-hEAT FALLS aduseaslng ediummu be found. At the Aecdemy of Music, New Orleans, final proof before thirty-three months Tuesday, October 18, 1889. from the date of settlement. He must 8atwrday eorala, - October 10. 1885. have cultivated a portion of the land. Fresh Graham Flour, Choice Seed Wheat, and Oats for Sale. Ground Feed and CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000 In six months afterestablishing residence Chicken Feed Constantly on Hand. 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars eash. upon the land he can prove up. He must GREAT FALLS CITY, Worl s, Halves Bottliqq OF'THE BEHRING SEA BUSINESS. $10; Quarters $; Tenths $8; make application to make final proof at Twentleths $1. the land office, and advertise in some pa- Located at the Great falls of the Missouri At the A!::iaih zaar, Central Avenue. The New York Sun fully discloses the per published near the land, also name which furnish the mightest available 1IPRIZE O $800(01 Ia................$B.01100 witnesses who are neighbors and democratic saimus towards American in- 1 PRIZE OF 1m0,000is•................ 100,00 four Water-power on the American continent if 1 PRIZE 0 0,00 Is.. .......... 80 who are not related to him. He and two ASH PAID FOR if not active al- WHEAT tereste and its dalliance, 1 PRIZE Or 9000 Is ................ 10 witnesses must appear before the proper not on the globe, is the Queen City of the LARGEST WORKS INMONTANA: limce, with Great Britain in its recent SPRIE O re..... 9. officers on the day of making final proof Northwest. comments and criticisms upon the con- PRIZES O F 1:,00 r ..... ........ 9.0: and make proof of his residence, culti She is within ten miles of the Ipost ex- - OaFFIc--at duct of the administration in the matter 20 PRIZESPRIZ OFOF I0 0 arere ...................... 80.....0..00 vation of the land and pay $1.25 per acre tensive Coal fields and Iron district in the Nick Baatz the Mill,foot of Central Avenue,- 800 PRIZES o 00 are ........... of the Behring Se seizures. The Sun .000 in addition to the fees for advertising, West, beyond and almost contiguous to 1las •ustopened the above line of manufacture and will have on hand a full supply of artiole eoncludes that "the proceedings of attorney's fees, etc. which are exhaustless mines of Gold, GREAT FALLS- 100l Prizeedo of8_00800a.....re..............80,08 are .................... 80.000 the Bush are rendering the United States 180 do 0 re.•...............90,000 HomErSEAD. Silver, Copper and Lead. Soda, Singer Mle,Cider, Root Beer, ridiculous in the eyes of the world. Another method of obtaining title to She is in the very heart of a vast Agri "89 do 1) are.................... 80900 land is under the homestead act. By are about the only manifestations 999 do 100ar..................... 9;900 Seltzer, Sarsaparilla They this method the first requisite is the same cultural and Grazing country of unequal- we h$ve had of Mr. Blaine's 'vigorous ed fertility and capacity. Andall favorite summer and ir ld drinks of the FINE SHOES. 818t Prlzes amounting to•.............81,0,800 as under the pre-emption laws. A soldier foreign poliey.' and besides their humill- She is destined by her natural resour- very choicest quality. Nora.-Tlokets drawing Capital Prism ar not can file a soldier's homestead claim upo; ating absurdity they smell of something e'•l" ', t termnal prlzes. the land which he intends fora home- ces and geographical position to become mueh worse. This Behrlng Sea business stead six months previous to making a the leading Manufacturing City between Large Stock, Low Prices! Is manlfeatli•a Job. The term of the 4GENTS WANTED, settlement upon furnishing his discharge, Minneapolis and the Pacific, as well as Lenoir House ' sealing monopoly-never ought to have or other proof of his service; but any the Railroad Center of Montans. --- AND- party can have six months time to make been •ated-Is about to expire, and a She is already the terminus of three ,I noa•wn Ras, or any further informs settlement by going before the register co*$lpey of schemers, including certain lion desired, write legibly to the underegned Railroads, the St Paul, Minneapolis and lear statln youresidence, with State, C•unty, and receiver of the land office; so this S Pacific }otel very active and liberal contributors to eygeeyyaudumMer. More rapid return msal de- right of the soldier amounts to but very Manitoba, the Montana Central and the .Budge & Kenkel, who have. not yet ver wll be assured by om nolosing an mivel Sand Coulee Coal Fields Branch.
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