'fc'KK* fourPfcge 28 Pgrjes Today Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Sporting News, Page VOL. VlT, NO. 36 CARTERKT, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1929 PRICE THREE CENTfc Local Graduates Juniors Getting Ready Great Debate Here Children Fond of Milk Seek Teaching Positions Slat's Diary For Annual Reception Painting Contract A junior elans meeting wan held The following local girls who will Friday—Ant Emmy was tickelkd 1 On Monday Night P. T. A. Is Told ' graduated in June, have applied at pa tonite when we drove up to the Thursday lor the purpose of pro par or teaching positions in Carteret: city and went Ing for the junior-senior reception. Causey of Dispute Carteret High School Team In Steady Increase In Demand at Dorothy Brown, Catherine Clifford, nrnnind to see 1 It will be held soon in the high school nna Conlan, Loretta Kay, Newark if M.- 'a eristicra- gym. This affair is held anually. The icilman Saya Borough Hall Job Should Have Been Put Out.• Contett To Decide Cham- St. Joseph'* School—Pupil* Itate Normal School. t i c k r 11 7. 7. e n s. date is indefinite but it will bo some pion*hip of Central Section Present Program. Blanche Brown, Anna Lewandow- When sho cum to time in the near future. Miss Armour At. Bidi—United Comtniction Company U Low Bidder oai ky, Jeannette Shapiro, East Strouds- the (lure ahft sed president of t.ho class appointed the Three Street Jobs—More Protert Again»t Sharot Street of State. lurg State Normal School. ii (MI Well what- following general committee includ- The Parent-Teachers Association ing herself: Joe Medwick, Stanley of St. Joseph's school miule plann Doris Lubern, Rider Business Col- ever brunt; you up Trap. The Carteret hiffh school debating li<ri> and pa reply- RichftttlJt, Ike Daniels, Marie Gaydoe for the graduation exercises of the ege. t*>am ha» done exceptionally well in JLllll SO(1 and Al Howling. Other committees Commission' school at a meeting held lant Tuesday Eugenia Carlisle, University of <l inn! soci Well The manner in which the contract I The Public Utilities ijT season this year. The state ia di- 36uth Carolina. Wl> WfW Ollt will be appointed at the next meet- . decorate the inUrior of the Borough , jg' ^^S^ dided into three Bection*—northern, afternoon in the school hall. A prite Ihi' sitos ami wo ing. central ami southern and so theie are of |6 in gold will be awarded to the t.hot. WC(HI drop in Hall Was awarded to Zimmerman ^.^ ^ wmedy the condition. Vonak ;} pupils having the highest average in niv six school* in the state who at- & sec you 1st. Ma Brothers stirred up a flurry of e»-1 said that some of those who have ? tain this goal. The deibate 'between religious subjects. Another prize of wii' prity mnd at |6 In gold, donated by Mrs. M. E. citement in an otherwise placid 1 questioned him have declared thet th« ;| ft,rtw«t and St. Peters U to deter- Juniors Score Hit pa Ihc rest of the Carteret Students of the Borough Council eouncil does not want to do anythin|r. mine the champion of the central Yorkc, will b« awarded to the pupil meeting DU B 01 me ' Another question involvinl g tthh e ututifltllB - Z lion It will be held Monday night. hnvinR the highest general average. S:\teniny -—Ester Monday night. Mayor Mulvihill was'y comnl|S8|on was introduced by The debate will be held at Certer- President Mrs. Alfred Bonner an- In Two-Part Show sluiuc n little party On Honor Roll not present and Vice President Andres woman from East Rahway who told • t in"the*high »ohool auditorium. Mr. nounrcd that there has been a steady down at. her house presided. The Zimmerman incident the council that the fare zones oh the vl • who is in charge of all public I increase in the use of milk by the t 0 n i I; <> and we : 'Junior Revue" and "Woman- came at the very end of the meeting Rahway—Carteret bus line are unfair (i at New York"•-'- . "-Universit' *y" pupils. At present 113 bottles of turnt. nn th<s fono- Some In Each Grade Secure speaking when bills were being paid. I in th&t some zones arc twice as large | I to be the judg* It b to be a one Woodbrook Farms milk are consumed less Wedding" Please Capa- trr.'ifi. and danced to Hie musick, 1 Place On List—Other* At- Councilman William D'Zurilla took a8 others. The woman thought tik- nU decision of an expert judge. We daily. The association will continue exception to a bill presented by Zim-' council could control the situation tat city Audience at High darned the 1st dance with Jane and tain Place On Honorable f "™ very fortunate to secure'Mr. tn aupply the best grade of milk ob- merman Brothers for $815 as part was informed that the tione HmM»';|| Morris In thli capacity as he is an School. then later on in the evninjj I ast her 1 tiiipabie nn matter how much the Mention List. payment for decorating the interior werc aet t,y the Public Utilities Com*' hit on all branches of public demand increases. cud I have the last, dance with her of the building. It was the third bill i j n. and she rqplyed and sod to me. You m ss O l ritlche the speak- PlanB were made for a card party The class of '30 presented a Junior The following students in Cartexe' for approximately $800 paid to the i j decided to take both matter* ' thai will be "h'eTaTMtfef tlre-rttrecthm •-ia Uu» Ugh w&ctol auditorium have had the last dance with me. t wgs ^on^ach uStTk f Sum times I fMhk mribby SnS tS jJBt .{uuotiuE. concern D'Zurilla voted no |m yj^ |J^ commission although t and explain how he reached of the eighth grade for the beneiit WedneBday night before a full house. .he honor roll, or, falflnjf jusf s of the association on May 31. DoriB The revue was supervised by Miss ting kinda aibsint minded at times. on the bin and explaineS ttffit W ^id not appear V fce much hop cision. 1 May Malloy the clan advisor. The play Or sum thing. of the honor roll, have been give could not approve it because the bringing relief in the case of Sharott; Profewor Reager of Rutgers who Wisely, president e class, is honorable mention. supervises all d*atin«f in the state of me consisted of two parts. The first part Sundlay—Pa was tawking albout contract though for more than 11,000 8t,reeti chairman of the committee on ar- Seniors: Julia Ginda, Sara Mittle 1 ,,f Sew J«r*ey expect* to be present. was the revue which consisted of meating u,p with a old friend yester- had not been put out for competitive | Th(J Fire Department requested rangements. The card party will be man; The question to be used l» the Rut- held in St. Joseph's hall. songs And dances taken from plays day witch he haddent saw him for bidding. $120 to pay for a band to head the , League question: Resolved that presented by the high school during morn 20 years and ma asrt how men- Juniors: Dorothy Venook, Beatnci Councilman Vonah commented that fi the Memorial Day parade. pr The school was closed Tuesday ny children did he have and Pa Bed Roth, Mary Ivan, Mary Diedrick remen m th> five-day labor week should be afternoon on account of the meeting the last four years. The second part the decorating job has been completed Chie{ A, Bonner also asked that in adopted toy all American Industry. the "Womanlesa Wedding" was pre- Well he haa two hoys liveine and one Marie Gaydos. and that the man who did the work i h fire whistle and the entertainment that followed Sophomores: Anna Dasskowska. cas e o{ fim at mght t e tvirtret will uphold the affirmative sented by the junior boys. During the marryed. A durty look enaood. would have to be paid. He said that at the Liebig plant sound five alarms p bt. r"e- the business session was given by Munday—They was a tramp cum Freshmen: Mary Macfarquhar, Lo instead of three. Both requests were and St. the. intermission a mask dance was given the job was a good one. by Josephine Walling, Gladys Yuron- to the dore this morning and when tie Weinstien, Stephen Baksa, Hen- D'ZurillDZurilla replierep d that he wa» not granted. Thee siren aalarl m will Bound tlTS js Day was the theme. Ant Emmy ansered his nock he ast rietta Nadel, Hazel Byrne and John «ir.mi team. ka, Jonanah Kutka and Blanche :riticiaine the work but declared the UBUal tnree blasts. The program was as follows: Smolensky. A banjo solo was played her for sumthinff to eat and he sed he Richey. ' The line-up for the Carteret team "Address to Mothers," Jame Honorable Mention. hat neither he nor Vonah or any. In discuasin^ matters to be taken Ha k by Steven Cowalsky. Flowers were diddent have ll penny to hia name. ther member of the council except 1 p y utilities Commto- • will he: Isadore Rabinowitz, Blanche « PrcsenUtion of hoquet tc presented to Mias Malloy, Miss Prerir Ant Emmy Bed Well I woodent wirry Seniors: Frank Morgan, Anna up with the ub ic nembers of a certain committee knew lglon and ^fic generally Councilman Howling.
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