E-1 655 SOLOMON ISLANDS RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Public Disclosure Authorized DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized p y Prepared under the leadership of the Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination Public Disclosure Authorized CoP LAY Figure 1: LOCATION MAP OF SOLOMON ISLANDS SA rn, Bl . ,,'. .. .,. .... .. ................. .... SOURCE: Google Earth. Corn: Produced by Andrew Prakash; Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This document has been a collaborative effort with considerable support from the environmental NGOs, SIG government officers, Donor agencies and project staff, fellow team members, particularly, Alice, Marion and Louisa, and the people of the Solomon Islands. Special thanks to my counterpart A. Prakash and all the people at the Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination (MDPAC) and to Moses Biliki, former Director ECD and Joe Korokou, current Director, ECD. Tom Diwai Vigus June 2007 Cover photos: Gardening amongst the stones, East Rennell Preparing "gnali nuts" for cooking. ACRONYMS ACRONYMS/abbreviations used Area Administrative unit of varying size, determined by language group, geographic location, access etc. This may correlate with ward boundaries in some locations. ABS Access Benefit Sharing AMNH American Museum of Natural History ANU Australian National University APACE Appropriate Technology for Community and Environment AusAID Australian Agency for International Development BD Biological Diversity BPOA Barbados Programme of Action BSSE Bismarck Solomon Seas Ecoregion CBD Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBO Community Based Organisations CCA Community Conservation Agreement CCOSI Conservation Council of Solomon Islands CCU Central Coordination Unit CI Conservation International CITES Convention on Illegal Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna COLP Code of Logging Practice Community A group of villages which associate together periodically for common purposes such as support to health, education, church activities. COP Conference of the Parties CROP Council of Regional Organisations of the Pacific CSO Community Service Organization CSP Community Sector Programme DAL Department of Agriculture and Livestock DFEC Department of Forestry, Environment and Conservation DFMR Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources DNPAC Department of National Planning and Aid Coordination DSE Development Services Exchange EAC Environment Advisory Committee ECANSI Environmental Concerns Action Network of Solomon Islands ECD Environment and Conservation Division EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ESAP Environmental and Social Awareness Program ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework EU European Union FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation FD Forestry Division FRTUA Forest Resources and Timber Utilisation Act FSC Forest Stewardship Certification FSPI Foundation for Peoples of the South Pacific GCCG Grand Coalition for Change Government GCRMN Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network GEF Global Environment Facility GMO Genetically Modified Organism HRD Human Resource Development ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Management IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature (World Nature Conservation Union) JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency KGA Kastom Gaden Association LLCTC Lauru Land Conference of Tribal Community LMO Living Modified Organism MAL Ministry of Agriculture MCCF Makira Community Conservation Foundation MDG Millennium Development Goal MDPAC Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination MEA Multilateral Environmental Agreement MNR Ministry of Natural Resources MOU Memorandum of Understanding MPA Marine Protected Area NAP National Action Plan NAPA National Adaptation Plan of Action NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan NCSA National Capacity Self Assessment NEMS National Environmental Management Strategy NERRDP National Economic Recovery, Reform and Development Plan 2003-2006 NGO Non-Governmental Organization NIS National Implementation Strategy NRDF Natural Resources Development Foundation NRM Natural Resource Management NRRC Natural Resources and Rights Coalition NSDS National Sustainable Development Strategy PAG Provincial Advisory Group PGA Provincial Government Act PG Provincial Government PMU Provincial Management Unit PPBC Provincial Prioritisation and Budget Committee RAMSI Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands RDP Rural Development Project RMO Resource Management Ordinance ROC Republic of China RVRMIDP Roviana and Vonavona Resource Management and Development Program SBD Solomon Islands Dollar SD Sustainable Development SI Solomon Islands SIAQS Solomon Islands Agriculture and Quarantine Service SIBC Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation SICHE Solomon Islands College of Higher Education SIDS Small Island Developing States SIDT Solomon Islands Development Trust SIG Solomon Islands Govemment SILMMA Solomon Islands Locally Managed Marine Area network SIS Small Island States SISDAC Solomon Islands Sustainable Development Advisory Council SOLFRIS Solomon Islands Forests Inventory System SOPAC South Pacific Applied Geosciences Commission SPBCP South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation Project SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Communities SPREP South Pacific Regional Environment Programme TCF Tiola Conservation Foundation TDA Tetepare Descendants' Association TK Traditional knowledge TNC The Nature Conservancy UNCBD United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification UNFCCC United Nations Framework on Climate Change Convention UNDP United Nations Development Program UNESCO United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organisation UPNG University of Papua New Guinea UQ University of Queensland USP University of the South Pacific VDC Village Development Committee Village A number of Households physically located in close proximity, identified locally as a village. May range from 10 hh. to 300 hh. WHC World Heritage Convention WVSI World Vision - Solomon Islands WWF World Wide Fund for Nature - Solomon Islands TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Chapter 2: Project Description 12 Chapter 3: Solomon Islands Legislation, Institutional Capacity, International Agreements, Policies 17 Chapter 4: Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation initiatives 24 Chapter 5: Potential Environmental Impacts both Positive and Negative of Project Activities 32 Chapter 6: Environmental and Social Management Framework 45 Chapter 7: Project Implementation and Monitoring Requirements 68 Chapter 8: Main References 72 Appendix I Prescribed developments under the SI Environment Act 1998 73 Appendix 2 Data Bases Available on Gazetteer 2003 74 Appendix 3A ESMF Checklists Examples 75 Appendix 3B EIA checklist for the AusAID funded Community Sector Program 78 Appendix 4 Distance Learning Centres Project 82 Appendix 5 Examples of Subprojects and Mitigation Measures 85 Appendix 6 Example of EMP Requirements - AusAID Community Sector Programme 90 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This draft Environmental Assessment/Environmental and Social Management Framework (EA/ESMF) has been prepared to guide the implementation of the Solomon Islands Rural Development Program (RDP). The EA/ESMF has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Solomon Islands Government and donor agencies (AusAID, EC and World Bank) funding the project. The development objective of the proposed RDP is to raise the living standards of rural households by establishing improved mechanisms for the delivery of priority economic and social infrastructure and services by the public and the private sector. This would contribute to improved level and security of rural livelihoods. This will be achieved through (a) increased, cost-effective and sustained provision of local services and basic infrastructure determined through participatory planning, (b) increased capacity of agriculture institutions to provide demand-driven farmn services at local level, and, (c) support for rural business development. The RDP has been prepared as the first phase of a long-term program to support the Solomon Islands' national rural development goals. The overall program purpose is to achieve improved, secure and sustainable livelihoods for all rural households. The RDP includes four components: (i) local infrastructure and service delivery; (ii) improved agricultural services; (iii) rural business development; and (iv) program management. The RDP would initially start in four provinces of the Solomon Islands: Choiseul, Malaita, Temotu and Western provinces. The program would progressively expand to the other 5 provinces from program year 3 based on agreed benchmarks. Choiseul and Temotu are small provinces (with a population of approximately 20,000 each) remote from the capital city, Honiara; while Malaita is the most populated province of the Solomon Islands (population approximately 120,000) and centrally located, and Western province has a population of approximately 60,000. In larger provinces, the project would initially start in a region before being scaled-up. The 4 initial provinces cover the broad range of conditions in the Solomon Islands. The RDP will be implemented under the following legislative requirements: (a) SI Environment Act 1998; (b) SI Wildlife Protection and Management Act 1998; (c) AusAID's environmental guidelines and policies (these are in
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