Member of the Audit Rareftu of Clrculfttlonft ^ Mnnrhp%ter— A City df CillafiP Charm (Claaaifled Advertlaing On Page 1!) MANCHESTER. CONN.. THI RSDAV. NON EMBER fi. 1941 (FOIRTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. LXL, NO. .12 Naxis Making Three-Prongeil Drive in Crimea Wheeler Resumes German Land Forces Attack on Arming Left for Defensive; American Vessels Reach Crimea Coast Tells Democratir Sup- J u n t D S porters of I,epislation M Czcrinano, Hiimaniaiib T o Revise Lax* They Can Be Held ,\ir Force Withdrawing ^ Allaiii r <»n Urges Sfjund Most o f Blanet* fro m Will F are Elerlorale as W illk ie C a m l ill ales Broad Froiil: Slial- M oMcov* and N o rth ern ^oiver Down World Order Raekeil hy ('.oinniiinists turffl KlJ>*^ian Korrp** Frcml; .\rtion Taken \ Mouiton .Spcg Rvoiton III Rflrral: S|irriilalF With Peace A«. Indiration Hope U'aahington. .Nov. 6.— t/P) On Drive Between Sea (If (Capturing Either — S p n a f 0 r WhcHer (1)., For Rrlipvinfc In fin- Of A/.fiv and (iat-pian: M ont.t. a.'^sertPfl to D em o tion Can Bp H pI(I RoofPipU Snyx Anipr- Capital or" Eeningrad cratic supiiortors of adminis­ In \arrou'pr Ronnth. .3 Iroopshipt* .Sunk. iron Ppoplp linvp f.ivrn Ip hy Nazis. tration legislation to revise The German drive Info Crimeashas developed, acer,rdlng to Berlin into three, spearheads: The Mnilp I niiniitpfl (.ton- the nelitralit)' act toda>' that attaik on Seva.stopol. a jiush across the Yalla moiiqtains to the'Black Sea and another thrust to the ni'i'lin. .Nfiv. 6.— (A^i— t'lfr- Lonilon. No\'. 6.— (iP)— In - ( ’hi«ago. Nov. 6 Harold coast at Feodosiya i hlark arrowsi. Ultimate aim lahadea arrowi is the .apture of isolated K'-n h and when they faced the electo­ man and Riirhanian trnnii-i mil nirnt on Frpptiom. G, Mniillon, pre-Ridenl of the forrru'fl .source.* .said t(x lsy rate again, tliey would i>e crossing of the strait ther* into the KrasncKlar oil fields and the Uaiuasus beyond. I Brooklngn Institution. V\'ashington. ! have reached the .southern that tiip (ierman Air Force “ Willkie candidiites. suiiport-j coast of the Crimea on a Washington Nev ft A*- Pie.iu. I said today ’there is still .reason ' wa.s w ithdraw ing m ost o f ita *(| bv the. ( 'nmmiiniata " Hoauming I 'lent I-toscvell dec Ih red tcMiay that ' for believing that the present in­ iiroad front heiween 'I'alta [ilaiie.s from the Moscow and hia attack on a niea.surc permit­ (he Anieiican people hau made "an ting American rnercliant .ship* to flation movement (an t»e held with- Hints Japan and I'eodosiya and .shattered northern fronl.s. leaving the Ships May Sail Alone unlimited <.f)mmitment that there carrv arms anl aaii into the com­ ! m iinn’h narrower hounds than ws.ir Ku-sia'n forie.s are in retreat lanri forces to c a rry on a “ de- .‘<hall be a free world, and < ailed bat zone*. Wheeler aalit In the the rase during World War 1." j on the whole Crimean front, fensive" winter campaign. Mav Attack (/r. all free nations to plan for a .Sen.ite that Weniltll I. Willkie, the (ierman high command the 1S40 Re|iiibllcaii nominee, anl In an addre.ss* firepared for de­ S(jun(i ,‘iocial aivJ e< onorr.u world The reported withdrawal of livery to th^ eighth annual eon- To Foil Sub Attacks toda’,. Axis gams th^^rr* or«ier after the war German air .strenRlh coupled wiltl Secretary of the Navy Knox, al-' ao * R«‘pilblican. would .iiipport \-ention of the Ameri'^-an Kmaner Burma Road ar.'i on Ru-ssian mainland >lir- The < nief executive a..8o a.^.sail- Br:tif,h and P.uaaian report* .that (.'onfe-renee, Moulton said the rur- eii a ‘ mi.'iguitled ' fe'A -both in- the latest German offeniiv# them in their next campaign if ; r»’fi .ffpoi ulslion m G#‘rrnan q lar- rent steady rlsr in' prices had no M. nare .,f Rai.l. Rako. SmUsh lust rialists and leaders of labor again..-t Moacow had been atopped they voted for the hill, a* Demo- 1 ters T.f a mighty dnvr* brtw(-f>n cratic leader* .*aid a majority of compensating advantage-^ from the Speeiilalioii of I iirn- for placing personal advantage wa.s taken a* an indication that Standpoint of the national ef onnmv Organ of Tokyo Ftireign th** A7-OV and 'hr Caspian above the welfare of the t'mted the Germans' had (fiven up hop* them would. ' ' a.s^ a whole , galc'Aav to th#» ital .‘‘O ir('f‘s tl'heeler acrii.-eii Willkie. "M'all tMTire P'orera^ls Over­ alioiit in Slralefcy a- \{ \azi SllillS; Slates and for delaying defen.-c of ' apturinp either Moacow or Shifts ln<‘<4fne«i of Groups ■if .s (■'.!. fiutpiit by i.s.ng their 'e« onomic Leningrad thia winter atreet hanker*" and ('iirnir.um.st.*, ■ TMinng the war period, he .\iiMwer lo ^ olf Pack. * I^ningrad .\tteriipt SriiMsh^-d pow er" to for' e a; e[itan( e i.f their of "trying to take thi* countiv in­ land Expedition to (ail (iernian Oefense* Pierced .«<aid. "It re.Kiilts in pr(<found shifts to u.ar. Kx‘ ept f'-r the ( ’rimean front The Tass coi reaj>ondent on the r.hina .Supply Route. Wa.sli injfton. Not. 6.— ’/I’. Lose 8 Planes and a re[K>rt that another K i.'-- (Continued On Page Two) • Few .senuior* IJitenIng (Continued On Tage Right) .Moscow front rep<irted today that —The menace of Ccrmati .'»ian att« rni>t lo break through the the (Jerman defenses there had "You are going to he Willkie Tokyo. Nov 6 .C- The ,Ia[ian .siiliniai ine rauia in tiie North I>*mngrad siege ring ha*l been been pierced and that the Ger­ candidate*." Wheeler shouted to Times and Advertiser organ of t h>- One of (serniaii \ snvi.*5he(i. the war bullet.n frorn the few senator* listening at the A tlan tic rai.sed .speculation in mans had retreated at several Fiireign Offue, hinted strongly to­ Adolf Hillers hradquarterx cen­ Stalin Wants {siints with heavy losses. time. "I hope he goes into the Bark to Jobs .Naval circles today that a .Seen Ahluzr: (!onti- tered on air hlow.s, night that .Ii.[)an'a next niilitar. This di-spati h of the Russian of- states of every one of you Demo­ move might he an overland expedi- complete tuCnahout in strate­ neiital ('.lianiicl Pori** A.« German ground for* es broke filial news apency, followed re- crats after you vote for thi? hill Second Front lion to cut off the Burma road and gy, suliordinating the use of Russian resistance in the moun­ porLs of a German retreat in a "I hn;>e that the f'omniunist* Effort (xains Tarpi'ls: MiiiPM Sown. tains east (*f *SevRttopnl. the Red support you. I want to aee you ex­ . fnrre the United .utatea In stem it.' convoys, might prove the corpse-.sfrewn zone of the Doneta flow of supplies to China fleet s be.'it remaining Bla( k S» a plain that tn your people ' ba.sin. Cutting the Burma route, it as- evejirual answer to the I>)ndon, N'tv. 6 V Srna.Hhing base, the communique- said, Ger­ To Beat Na^is The Montana senator said that (J)|i another Import front the Favor Today - .sertod might force AmCiua to U-,boat wolf p.T k teihniqiie. The man planes sank, three lioopshijis the administration h.od been able • at German shipping last night on Briti.-h said the Russian* might aliandon what is tantamount to .central theory in the varimis totaling 1.3,'nXi tons and damaged be to obtain endor.aement of its for­ a broad sea front, the R A F was iiirert military ojierations againM-''^nicthods being explored was that four other merchantineh in '.cat­ able to hold .Seva.*topol indefinite­ eign policies "from a few farm Dr<*larc*. .V^i^iMtanre of I .lapan at the expense of the .\mer- - '-----------..», i,- .. „..ia k« reported officially to have bombed ers around the Grimea and off the ly apairat the German invasion of leader* ' from some banker* from rlilcr* at I>o* .AiiferlcMi rr.a; a siilimanne attai ka would he lendered largely ineffective if arm­ north coast of the Black Sea the (I'nmea. some labor leader* and from many II an jieople. " several ships In a welT-defended Britain, .\merira of .Arccjil PropoMal: Kail- Leningrad, it said, was pounded Before 'Moscow, the Taa* corre­ Communist organization* The Times and Adverti?>er a.ii<l ed merchantmen traveled singly convoy (»ff the Frisian islands and both b\'a;r and b> heavy batter­ (*reat Importance and spondent wrote. "But they can't take the mrdh- there ia always the iKia.-ihilitv in.slead of being hum he<l jn con- one was seen ablar.e The raids Rusaiaa troopa. roailh (loiiliiiiie to ies which were credited w ith s< r»r- supported by atronp artillery fire ers of this country along.' he even the (irohalulity of a diieet VOVS cost the British eieht planes ac- ing blows on two warships and a (*roH in^ (.onliniially. and trench mortars, attacked in thundered. "They can't reach into Fart* .Strike Threat. man h on the Hurrna roau and Two Freah l>e\eliipinenis vording In the Air Ministry. even hinted by whrft the route at- The rllaeii.s.sions accompanied Aircraft of the (oastal command frtighler in the Gulf of Finland.
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