THE LIBERTARIAN REVIEW January 1979 $1.25 There are half a million men and women in ~~ prisons around the world for the simple crime of ....... disagreeing with their governments. From South Africa to the Soviet Union, canIieIp&ee........ from Brazil to Korea, authoritarian regimes persist ~ in the barbarian practice of jailing, often torturing, ofconsc:lence·aU their citizens not for anything they've done, but for what they believe. Ihe..-W. These prisoners of conscience have only one hope - that someone outside will care about what is happening to them. Amnesty International has helped free over 14,000 political prisoners by marshaling world public.opinion through international letter-writing campaIgns. Your pen can become a {Jower:ful weapon against repression, injustice and Inhumanity. Join with us today in this important effort. Because if we do not help today's victims, who will help us if we become tomorrow's? Amnesty International 3618 Sacramento San Francisco, 94118 (415) 563-3733 2112 Broadway New Yo'rk, N. Y. 10023 (212) 787-8906 o I would like to join A mnesty International in helping to free prisoners ofconscience. Enclosed are my dues offifteen dollars. o Please send me more information. o Enclosed is my contribution of$ _ to help you in your efforts. name Prepared by Public Media Center. San Francrsco. address city state .zip (Dues and donationS are tax-deductible) TDE LIBERTARIAN FEATURES REVIEW China: The Annihilation of Hutnan Rights 26 JanuarII979 by David Hart Volume ~ No. 12 "Why has it taken so long to expose the gross violations of human rights-the massacres, torture and imprisonment-that have occured since the Communist Chinese Party came to power in 1949?" Playing the Mont Pelerin 1947-1978: China Card The Road to LibertarianisIn 16 by Leonard E Liggio by Roy A. Childs, Jr. The thirty-first annual meeting of the Mont Pelerin "This is 'balance of power' Society included a special session on the growth ofthe politics played with a ven­ libertarian movement worldwide-and featured a number geance: with neither 'nation­ of speakers who described themselves as libertarians. al security' nor crusading anticommunism any longer cloaking the reality ofAmer­ Jones as Jesus: Madness as ican meddling in the interna­ a Posthutnous Diagnosis 34 tional arena:' by Thomas S. Szasz Page ... 20 Why the Reverend Jim Jones wasn't "discovered" to be "mentally ill" until after it was too late. Affirtnative Action: Quota to End All Quotas? 36 Editor, Roy A. Childs, Jr. by Milton Mueller Senior Editor, JeffRiggenbach Associate Editors, "If affirmative action can survive the current onslaught Walter E. Grinder, of reverse discrimination cases, then the ruling elite will Leonard P. Liggio, have ostentatiously put a band-aid over a gaping Joan Kennedy Taylor wound-and gotten away with it:' Contributing Editors, Murray N. Rothbard, Tom G. Palmer, Bruce Bartlett, Bill Birmingham Milton Mueller Editorial Assistants, DEPARTMENTS Justin Raimondo, Victoria Varga Administrative Assistant, Pat Pope The Libertarian Editorials 4 Assistant Art Director, The Shah Revisited; Uncle Sam: Accomplice in Crime; Marianne Ackerman Art Director, Andy Saunders Oil, Iran, and American Foreign Policy; Where the Yellow Went; The Press Victorious? Libertarian Review is published monthly by Libertarian Review, Opening Shots 8 Inc. Editorial and business offices, by Bill Birmingham 1620 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111. ©1978 by Libertarian Review, Inc. All rights Letters to the Editor 10 reserved. Opinions expressed in bylined articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor or The Public Trough 12 publisher. Libertarians in Government Subscriptions: Single copy, $1.25; by Bruce Bartlett 12 issues (one year), $15; two years,. $25; three. years, $35. Address Change: Write new ad­ The Plutnb Line 14 dress, city, state and zip code on Statism, Left, Right and Center sheet ofplainpaper, attach mailing by Murray N. Rothbard label from recent issue of LR, and send to Circulation Department, Libertarian Review, 1620 Mont­ Books and the Arts 41 gomery Street, San Francisco, CA Walter Block on Nancy C. Baker's Baby Selling 94111. Second class postage paid at San Francisco and additional Joan Kennedy Taylor on Raoul Berger's offices. Government by Judiciary enjoy.ThePresident's behav­ ior in the matter of Iran has been a nationaldisgrace, and THE the sooner it is widely ac­ knowledged as such, and something is done to change such sorry policies, the bet­ LIBERTARIAN ter. -JR Uncle Satn: accotnplice. EDITORIALS In crltne THEPEOPLEANDMEDIA of the United States have re­ acted strangelytotheIranian revolution. Many seem to phasized and reemphasized toms?" Are torture and im­ view the political eruption that the Shah's despotic re­ prisonment what the Presi­ there as a causeless misfor­ The shah gime has been brought into dentis talkingaboutwhenhe tune, like an earthquake or revisited its current state of world­ insists that the Shah is trying some "act ofGod:'The Iran­ wide disrepute, with out­ to change his country in a ian people must find this bit­ right revolution on the part "constructive" way, moving terly ironic. For if anyone is AS WE GO TO ofits victims at home, by the toward "democracy" and responsible for "destabiliz­ press, it is uncertain sheer unmitigated barbarity "social progress"? ing" Iran, it is Uncle Sam. howlongthe Shah of ofits conductofgovernment. The President has repeat­ Why shouldAmericans be Early in December, a New edly emphasized that his ad­ surprised about the Shah's Iran willremaineven York Times reporter asked ministration supports the total lack of support among officially in power in the Shah what percentage of Shah, whom Amnesty Inter­ the people ofIran? The Shah his country. A new the Iranian people he be­ national has described as was never elected-our own lieved still supported him. having the worst human governmentinstalled himin­ Premier-aPremier­ "Logically," the Shah said, rights record of any ruler in to power through a coup. In designate, tobemore "all ofthem should, because the world. That description 1953, $100,000 in CIA everyone has benefited from was first published a year funds and several agents exact-hasbegunthe my reign:' ago, but it remains true to­ ousted elected Prime minis­ process of establish­ Really? Everyone? Try tel­ day. Shortly beforetheendof ter Mohammed Mossadegh ing a parliamentary ling that to the 56 year old 1978, Amnesty Internation­ and reinstalled the Shah's man Amnesty International al revisited Iran to check on throne. Since then, we have government, and interviewed recently who the Shah's claims that he had built up the Shah's regime as there is much open had been burned all over his ended the practice oftorture a military power-not be­ talk ofthe imminent body with cigarettes by the and loosened his restrictions cause people in Iran wanted Shah's secret police after he onfreedom ofspeech andthe or needed billions of dollars departure of the was found with a printed press. The human rights in arms, but because the Shah. Hehas spoken statement by one of the group concluded that no­ Shah was our man in the himself of taking a Shah's opponents. Try tel­ thing has changed in Iran Middle East, providing in­ ling that to anyone of the and publicly accused the fluence in OPEC and a. mili­ "vacation" once or­ 300-thousand Iranians who Shah of"gross hypocrisy': tary ally on Russia's border. derhasbeenrestored have been imprisoned and The Shah's hypocrisy, We should notbe surprised tortured in the past twenty however, is mild beside that when Iranian crowds, pur­ to Iran-and there years for holding the wrong ofJimmy Carter, who prates sued by gun and club­ are indications that political views. Are torture of human rights from one wielding Iranian police, such order may stay and imprisonment among side of his mouth while storm the U.S.embassy. We, the benefits the Shah feels pledging his full support to the United States taxpayers, restored only if the everyone has derived from the IJi Amin of the Middle have armed those police and Shah never returns his reign? Are torture and East out of the other; who paidfor their training. As the from his "vacation': imprisonment what Presi­ pretends to believe the lie insurrectionin Iranmounted dent Carter has in mind that the Shah's opponents in intensity, the U.S. provid­ Whatevermayhave when he sanctimoniously are communists and reli­ ed anti-riot gear, tear gas, come to pass by the explains to us thatthe Shah is gious fanatics, while know­ and training in "crowd con­ time you read this in in trouble with his people for ing all along that they are trol" to the Shah's minions. "moving too forcefully and actually freedom-loving We shouldnotbe surprised the last days ofJan­ agressively to change some people in pursuit ofthe same atthe massive starvation and 4 uary,itshould be em- oftheir ancient religious cus- civil liberties all Americans poverty in Iran; we helped to THE LIBERTARIAN REVIEW create it. Our foreign policy Shah's military gluttony has concerns the American gov­ tedly obtains only about five saw to it that all of Iran's oil truly gutted the country. ernment is best expressed in percent of its oil from Iran, money would be controlled The crisis in Iran is not a New York Times article of but also for America's "al­ by the government, and thus somebodyelse'sproblem. As December14,1978,byJona­ lies;' including Israel, South spent on arms and military U.S. citizens, it is our pro­ than Kandell: "Iran's Exile Africa, Japan and Western services instead ofconsumer blem. Itis ourtaxmoneyand Leader Warns West on Oil:' Europe. Moreover, this is goods. The economy ofIran our government's foreign The article begins by saying only part ofa wider rational­ is staggeringlymilitarized.
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