6000 MORNING, IOWA CITY! Temperatures will be near 80 in Iowa City today, but skies may be partly cloudy. More of the same forecast for tomorrow. EltabUahed 1868 Vol. 78, . No. 3OS-AP News and Pirepholo Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, Sept. 15, 1945-Five Cents Truman Denies Endorsing Wallace's Speech B, JORN M. BIGBTOWER Intend to indicate that I approved an only cooperate with one secre­ ~rable cUscusslon among dlplo­ "I am neither anti-British nor wllh either Mr. Truman or Clay­ Committee of the ArU. Sciences "added to the ClObfutea" eYer WASHINGTON (.4» - President the speech as constltuting a state'.. tary of state at a time." ~tic authorities here. who spec­ pro-British-neither anti-Russian ton on the Wallace matter. This and Professions. forelp poll )'. Truman yesterday disavowed any ment Of the foreign policy of this Shortly after the Vandenberg ulated thtlt the president still nor proRussian. And just two days was at variance with a report here Rep. Clllftnce Brown (R., Ohio), • • • country. l'ooorsement of the substance of statement, and prior to President might be thinking about som ago, when President Truman read that Clayton had ' communicated campaign director ot the Repub­ "The President's statem fit that Secretary Wallace's controversial "There has been no change in Truman's disavowal, Senator Tom foreign polley modifications. Tbis these words, he said that they with Byrn s Thursday after pro­ lican national committee, was ooe hlJ approval ot th Walla speech foreign policy speech, explaining the established foreign policy of Connally (D.-Tev.), chairman of speculation. without any oUicinl represented the policy of his ad­ t sling to the White House that was ext mpor neaus ms in con­ of the first out with sour ~ac­ in a formal statement that when our government. There will be no the senate foreign relations com­ backing, arose irom his statement ministration." the Truman approvnl of the Wal­ tion. flict with his n t ltal m nt ot full he said he approved the speech significant change in that policy mittee, now attending the peace that there would be "no signiIi­ The Qutsllons sltJllmed from lace speech would embaJrass the approval Thursd y," th Tow sen­ he had meant to say otl1y that without discussion and conference conference, issued a statement in Cat'lt chnnge" without discussion the Issue whether Mr. Truman secretary In Paris. "Frankness abo u t admitting ator said. h. approved Wallace'S right to among the. president, the secretary Paris in which he said: with Secretary of state Byrnes hacJ approved only Ihe denial or " . 'mlstDkes.' " Brown said in a state­ Secret3ry 01 Comm ree Henry deliver it. of state and congressional leaders." "While we are striVing desper­ and congressional leaders. 'avorltlim al between Britain The WILl.. Houae Uself _Id ment, "Is mall consolation to the Wall ce "perform d a great serv­ In effect the president's state­ ately for peace in the world, there The whole con troversy over the and Ru la. Mr. TTuman bad no' been In nation for the tragedy 'of havlnll ice for pe c by throwing the a president who evidently does "There haa* *been * no chanre ment yesterday was that the Amer­ should be no controversy Or bick­ resident's attitude toward the Connally in his .> tot men t con~ad With Byrnes on Ihe searchllsht of scruhny on our Ia lhe established forelrn policy ican policy still is that wrich is ering 01' strife at home. If the Wallace speech began when ad­ prais d th course Byrnes has ' 110101. not know the meaning 01 the foreign policy," S n. CI ud Pep­ 01 oar rovernment," the Presl-' being applied by Secretary of State United States is to speak with a vance copies of the speech were taken and said it had be n "gen­ • • • words he uses or the IdenUty at per (D.-Fla.), m mber of the sen­ unt told a world which had Byrnes at Paris. His clarification persuasive and influential voice distributed to newsmen Wednes­ erally understood that at no time Wallace had been unreachable the public officials with whom he at foreign rl'lation committee. been debatlnr whether his sta­ of that point, however, left in ex­ In the peace conference there day and Thursday and it was nos th re been any disagreement since he spoke Thursday nlllht In talks. With Mr. Truman the ad­ deelar d yesterday. W approval meant draltle re­ istence the fact that he apparentl must be no djvision behind the learned trom one paragraph that with President Truman's polley." Madison Square Garden at a meet­ mission or such lapses Is getting Here to address the Nation:l1 nalon 01 AIIlerlcan polie)' to­ has on his hands a cabinet split lines." Wallace had submitted \lis manu­ A memb I' of the Paris delega­ ing sponsored by the National Cit­ to be a weekly habit, and the con­ (Se WALLA E, page 5) ward .....Ia and Britain. between his secretary of commerce Mr. Truman's disavowal was script to Mr. Truman. That para­ tion said the secretary of state Izens Politics I Action committee dition of the nation and the ~orld and his secretary of state over re­ immediately subjected to consid- graph said : had not b en in communication and the Independent Citizens Is too cri Ucal for slich errors." * * * day Mr. Truman Issued yesterday's lations with Russia. Senator Taft (R., Ohio) took a brief comment* *through * the un­ • • • sharp tone, commentinll that Mr. usual procedure of summoning Yesterday's statement was Is­ Truman's statement was not "con­ reporters to his White Hous of­ sued after l\lr. Truman had con­ sistent with the facs." fice at 2 p.m. COT. He read the tered with Undersecrelr.ry of "The president," Taft told a re­ statement and said "That's all." State Will Clayton, tHe dlreclinr Shipping Strike· Near Settlement porter, "doesn't explain his pr vl­ There were no questions. her.d ot the state department In OUB statement approving Wallace', The statement said: the absence of Byrnes. Clayton views. If what Mr. Truman now "There has been a natural mis­ subsequently had no comment on says Is true, why should he ap­ It but presumably concurred in BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS f1cials said they w r Informed that bcr~, said the strike had the sup­ th employers' negotiating com­ understandIng regarding the an­ A confer nee of CIO National the CIO ul1ions w re asking fOr port of 200,000 m mb rs of the mittee, announced the new devel­ prove the right of the secretary of swer I made to a question asked the President's handllnr of the commerce to make a lpeech In matter since he had been fully Maritime union leaders and ship­ the same wage scu les gl'anted AFT. six CIO and one independent un­ opment as the strike closed 770 at the press conference on Thurs­ owners in New York City adJour­ men but flnal settlement was de­ ion in the committee for maritime chain-operated food stores in this which he ..t out for Ign policies consulted on It. day, Sept. 12, with reference to ned last night without r~achlng a layed by an attempt by Vincent unity. area. in confUct with those of Secretary the speech of the secretary of • • • wage-work agreement, but a J. Malone or th£' West Coast Fire­ ot State Byrnes? In Paris, Byrnes kept his silence Lat yesterday the NMU soid the The negotiators met tor an hour commerce delivered in New York spokesman for the owners said men's union (independent) to re­ CIO unions would remain on strike and a halt lost night oiter dinner "I am wondering how many for­ later that day. The question was althougll the American peace con­ "some progress has been made" duce the spread between east and until the mal'ine firemen and the recess and then adjourned until eign policies you can have within answered extemporaneously and ference delegation which he heads and maritime circles indicated the west coast scales. The Firemen's marine cooks and stewards re­ 9 a.m .• Iowa lime, tomorrow with an administration and stili pre ent my answer did not conve}" the issued a statement by Senator nation's vast shipping strike was union is associated with six CIO ceive shipowners' guarant e of the announct'ment (rom Adellnl any sort 01 common front to th thought that I intended it to con­ Vandenberg (Rep. Mich.) calling nearing an end. unions in the committee tOI' mari­ wag incr ases Qual to those gran­ thllt the new union demands world." vey. for unity in American foreign The spokesman was Frank J . time unity. tl'd the SJU and the SUP. Th wou ld serve as a basis for further • • • "It was my intention to express policy and saying that "rightly or Taylor, head of the American Mer­ About 30 AFL longshoremen statement said this posiUon had negotiations. the thought that I approvl!d the wrongly. Paris is doubtful of this the approval of CIO Presld nt Sen a ~ or Hklkenlooper (R.. chant Marine institute. who led the walked through n Cl picket line The store c1oslogs Involved the Iowa) IIld he thollrbt Prell1uDt ri,ht of the secretary of commerce unl ty this morning." owners' negoUaling committee. The at a New YOl'k ity pier to unload Philip Murray. to deliver the speech. I did not Senator Vandenberg said "we A & P , with 500 stores and 8.000 Truman's la~e. atatemen' had conference was scheduled to re­ passenger hand luggage (rom the employees, and the Safeway with sume at 8 a.
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